Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1)

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Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1) Page 6

by Cassie Hargrove

  “Thanks Dad.”

  “I have to go, but I need to say something that I should have said a long time ago. I’m proud of you. I have always been proud of you, but I have never shown it and for that, I’m sorry.” He gives my shoulder one last squeeze before we say our goodbyes. I take a deep breath before turning and going back into my room.

  Harleigh is fast asleep on the couch. I cover her with a blanket and take a seat in the chair dad was sitting in, and just watch her sleep while my mind goes over everything that just happened and everything we’ve learned. When she wakes up, I know she’s going to have questions, I just hope to hell I can answer them.



  When I wake up, I panic. I am surrounded by darkness and am most definitely not in my bed. I lay frozen in fear for a moment, listening to the sounds around me while the memories of today flood my mind.

  I’m in Brian’s room and I can hear the subtle sounds of his breathing not too far away.

  I slowly sit myself up and reach for my phone on the table. Checking the time, I also turn the flashlight on to get my bearings about me. It’s two in the morning and Bry is sleeping on the chair across from me. The one his father had sat in earlier today.

  Was that real? It had to be, because if it had just been a dream, I wouldn’t be in Bry’s room in the middle of the night wearing yesterdays’ clothes. I debate for a moment on whether or not to leave Bry asleep where he is and make my way back to my room, but I decide against it.

  I make my way over to him and lightly shake his shoulder. “Bry, Bry wake up.” I say softly.

  The last thing I want to do is freak him out. He slowly starts to shift around, moaning and still somewhat asleep so I repeat it over again a couple times until he opens his eyes to look at me.

  Shock is there for just a moment before he gives me a soft, loving smile.

  “Hey beautiful” his voice is a bit slurred with sleep. “What time is it?”

  “Two.” He groans and I can’t help but chuckle. “Do you want me to head back to my room? I didn’t want to leave you sleeping on an uncomfortable chair all night.”

  “No, stay. I can sleep on the couch and you can have the bed.”

  I contemplate this for a moment, but honestly after the day I’ve had, I just want to be close to him. He’s the one thing that is constant right now. I can’t share any of this with my parents or Addy, and he promised to be here for me. So I decide to take a chance.

  “Actually, do you think you could lay with me? I’m confused and emotional and not exactly sure how I feel, but right now I know that you’re here with me and you told me you loved me.” He looks unsure for a moment which leads me to my next words. “Please Bry?”

  “Yeah, of course Harleigh, but you don’t have to if it’s too much with everything that you’ve learned. I just don’t want to put any more pressure on you than you’re already feeling, or confuse you farther.” I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.

  “Bry, of all the things going on in my brain and my world right now, you are the only thing I’m not confused about. I need you close.” His smile lights up his face as he stands up to embrace me in a tight hug.

  “Okay beautiful, let’s get some sleep. I’m glad you trust me. I was so scared you would hate me after today.” I don’t think there is a world where I could ever hate Brian. Not in the true sense of the word.

  He means too much to me.

  I take off my jeans and maneuver out of my bra without taking my t-shirt off, before climbing under the covers and into his arms and letting him spoon me. I feel safe and cocooned and can feel myself already falling back asleep when he whispers, “I love you Harleigh Roe.” Into my ear.

  I sigh contently.

  “Love you too Bry.” And fall asleep to the sounds of his breathing.

  *Beep Beep Beep Beep*

  I groan at the sound of the alarm going off. I feel like I haven’t slept at all and I would rather throw my phone at the wall than get up and go to class.

  In the end, I decide that makeup and looking put together just isn’t worth losing sleep over, and I reset the alarm for an hour from now.

  Setting my phone back on the nightstand, I roll over and see Bry still fast asleep on his pillow looking like a perfect angel.

  Shit, Bry is an angel! Holy hell!!

  Bry murmurs in his sleep before rolling over and pulling the covers under his chin, all the while leaving his back completely open for me to stare at. He’s not overly muscular, but he can hold his own in the sexy as fuck department. He’s toned and tight everywhere it counts without being overly bulky.

  Licking my lips, I slowly move closer to him, unable to resist the temptation to run my fingers along his spine making him shiver.

  “Beautiful, what are you doing?” He asks and rolls over, bringing us face to face, our noses touching. The moment I lift my eyes to meet his and I exhale, his mouth captures mine in a punishing kiss.

  This isn’t tentative like it was in my room a few weeks ago and it’s definitely not the sweet kisses we’ve shared since then. This kiss is filled with a primal need to prove our love and devotion.

  Logic goes completely out the window the second his tongue seeks entrance to my mouth and our tongues violently glide against one another in a fight to get even closer. It feels like he’s trying to devour me, and I am all the way here for it.

  Bry’s hands wander down to my ass and squeeze and I let out a moan that sounds nothing like me. I want him and badly.

  This may be new to me, but I feel a heat building in my core that needs to be satisfied. I can feel my folds getting wetter with every touch, every sound and every movement. I moan into his mouth again as he rolls me over to hover above me without moving his mouth from mine.

  Settling between my thighs, I feel like this is where he was always meant to be.

  Laying with him, experiencing everything for the first time with him is everything in this moment. He’s been my rock since I got here, and to find out he’s been looking out for me all this time, sets off a burning need in my body and my mind.

  On instinct, seeking a friction to appease the undeniable hunger I’m feeling, I lift my hips and thrust against him and he groans at the sensations, pulling my hips closer to him so he’s grinding against my hot wet core.

  I can feel the hard length of him rubbing against me and I stifle a scream. I twist my fingers in his messy hair the same time he wraps my legs around his waist to get closer, building a steady rhythm of rocking against me, the sound of our moans filling the room along with our heavy breathing.

  The feeling of his hard dick so close to my entrance is making me feel lightheaded. I never imagined I could want someone like this. Like I would die if they didn’t touch me.

  This feeling, this trust, it’s everything. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want him.

  “Touch me Bry” I beg, and he pulls my hair to force my chin higher so he can deepen the kiss. The rhythm of his tongue matching the way our hips move against one another, creating a delicious friction that sends my body into overdrive.

  Seeking the explosion that lies within reach, our hips move more frantically, Bry pulls away to look into my eyes and his hips move faster.

  His breathing is heavy as he looks down at me with love and lust. Desire evident in his eyes, making me scream as I am pushed over the edge into a blissful orgasm. My entire body shatters apart in an explosion so intense I can’t breathe.

  Behind my closed eyes, I see sparks of brilliant bright light, but he doesn’t let up. Instead, he continues rubbing against me, his boxers now soaked with my release making it easier to glide against me. My clit is throbbing with an undeniable need to continue, to feel the heat again. I can’t get enough of Bry and decide I need to witness his release.

  I want to make him feel as good as he’s making me feel.

  The moment he closes his eyes against the waves our bodies are making, I hook my leg around his and roll
us over so I’m on top. The surprise doesn’t last long as my soaked panties sit down on his thighs and I reach my hand up the leg of boxers to run my palm along the length of him, making him shudder and thrust his hips into my hand.

  It’s the hottest thing I have ever seen in my life and I crave to make him shatter the way he did me. I don’t want to disappoint him.

  “Tell me what you like Bry.” I say a bit shyly. My voice a husky mixture I’ve never heard.

  He knows this is all new to me and on some level, however unrealistic it may be, my mind hopes this is new for him to. I want a lot of our firsts to be together. I just feel free and happy when I am with him.

  “Shit. Fuck!” He keeps thrusting his hips running his velvety thick erection into my hand.

  “Just keep….you feel so good…shit, I’m coming Harleigh, fuuuuucccckkkkkk.” He lets out a loud groan as hot warm liquid shoots into my hand and all over his boxers.

  The look on his eyes is beyond intoxicating as he meets my gaze and I pull my hand out to examine the sticky liquid. Still sitting on his thighs, I rub the cum onto his boxers before giving him another heated kiss and flopping down beside him.

  We lay there, vibrating and breathing hard for a moment before awareness dawns on us. That definitely just happened, and it was hot as hell. I blush like a mad woman and look away shyly.

  I can’t believe I got so brazen. What if he thinks I’m a slut now? I need to make him understand.

  “Brian, uh….I’ve never done anything like that before. I….I wanted you to know that. You just seem to bring something out in me. Please believe me.” I look at him, feeling the tears of fear trying to leak from my eyes and he reaches over to me and runs his knuckles along my cheeks.

  “I believe you. I haven’t either beautiful. I’m sorry I made a mess, it just felt so good. I didn’t know it could feel like that…you know…when it’s not my hand. Actually it felt way better with your hand.” He looks embarrassed as he turns his eyes away and it’s so adorable, I can’t help but laugh.

  “We are definitely a mess.” I grab his hand and make sure he’s looking at me before I continue. “I love how you make me feel Bry. It’s everything…but we need to be careful. I’m not ready for, you know…yet.” He nods, understanding exactly where my brain is at.

  “Contrary to popular belief of male teens, we aren’t all looking for it. I’ve never desired someone before beautiful. It’s only you.” I take a sharp inhale as he smiles at me.

  “So…” I want to ask without coming off as an idiot, but I feel there is no way around it, and I am a nosy bitch. I need to know. “You’re a virgin?” He flashes me a smile that brightens his face before nodding and leaning in to kiss me again, a kiss that lasts only a second before the alarm goes off again, reminding us both that we have classes in half an hour.

  He groans as he pulls back.

  “I am. It may sound dumb, but I have always believed in destiny and true love. Soulmates. I wanted to wait until I found someone I could imagine my life with, the way my parents did when they were young. Us angels are sentimental like that.” He winks at me before standing up. “Uh, I hate to kiss and run, but I need a shower, and I doubt you want to wear the same clothes as yesterday.” He cringes at the mention of yesterday.

  He knows we have a lot of things to discuss but it’s going to have to wait.

  “Yeah, no. The less questions the better, but we definitely need to talk. I have a lot of questions that I need answers to.” He nods and kisses my cheek, agreeing to meet me at my room in 20 minutes.

  Yeah, I was definitely not going to look put together today. Oh well.

  I barely just throw my clothes on and walk out the door before I’m accosted by none other than the one person I feel extreme anger towards at this moment. Colten Connerton. I am way too tired to deal with his level of bullshit today.

  “Hey baby” he purrs leaning into my space.

  All I want to do is deck the son of a bitch. How dare he try to possess me?! Thank God he can’t because seriously, I think he would have made my life a living hell if that were the case.

  I walk away from him, doing my best to ignore his presence. Bry should be here any minute and we are already late for class. I should have taken a sick day.

  Fuck…I doubt I will be able to concentrate on anything the teachers are saying when my brain is full of everything I have learned in the last 24hours.

  Not to mention all the questions I have. An entire new world was just opened up to me. Who wouldn’t have questions?

  “Don’t you dare walk away from me again baby.” Colten seethes as he pushes me against the wall and blocking me in with his arms. I try to duck under one, but he pins my body to the wall with his.


  “Get. Off. Me!” I sneer at him. He just laughs and leans in closer.

  “Why would I want to do that babe? I kind of like you in this position. Scared, vulnerable. I could make you feel good.” I gag before I even have a chance to reign it in.

  This guy is so full of himself, and maybe that shit works on others, but I am way too pissed to feel anything else.

  Mentally anyways.

  My body however seems to be ignoring the memo. Every nerve in my body is on fire as his chest rubs up against mine. I can feel his breath on my face and for a moment I’m lost in the feelings. I hate this guy. Even more so now that I know what he was trying to do to me…so why is my body responding like this?

  Why is his nearness causing my breathing to spike and my body to flush with heat? This is so not good.

  Lifting my eyes to meet his, I can see the darkness lingering there. I can feel the heat and anger coming off him in waves.

  We hate each other, but below the hate and anger is something else. Something I don’t even want to think about or unpack. There is desire and lust as he stares into my soul.

  That’s something that is definitely best left alone.

  He’s the only one who has ever looked at me with such hatred and anger. The only person who can reach the darkness I have always felt inside of me. It’s like he calls to that part of me, but that shit isn’t happening.

  This shit isn’t happening.

  He leans into me like he’s going to kiss me, and my breath picks up even more as my eyes close of their own volition before my brain catches up to the rest of me.

  Drawing my knee up, I ram it as hard as I can into his crotch.

  “Get fucked Colten!” I snarl at him, getting extreme pleasure to see him falling to the ground as the pain takes over.


  I know I got him good too because he instantly cups himself when he lands on the floor in pain. “You bitch!” He doesn’t get to say anything else because Bry shows up, assessing the scene in front of him before reaching out for me.

  “You okay beautiful?” The concern in his face is almost masked over by the extreme anger he’s trying to keep under control. “Did he hurt you?” He’s looking me up and down like he’s afraid I’m going to break.

  If anything, these past 24 hours has made me feel stronger and surer of myself than ever before.

  “Nope, I’m good.” I wave my arm in the direction of Colten’s curled body. “He however, is not.” I snicker.

  “We’re late. Let’s just get out of here. I don’t need to deal with his shit today.” He nods, grabbing my hand and pulling me in the direction of the school. This day needs to be over and I need a good sleep. We can unpack everything else when I don’t feel like I will fall asleep sitting up.



  Every day I come to school, I behave in an acceptable way to please my parents, and I try and do my own thing. The thing about being a Legacy at Connerton though? I have to be the best.

  I have to make friends with the most popular crowds, be quarterback of the football team and blah blah blah.

  Want to know the truth about me? I don’t give a flying fuck about any of that shit!

  I hate being aro
und most people unless I am getting something out of them being near me. Everyone I am surrounded by this year is my friend because I’m rich.

  Let’s not forget the demon aspect. I’m our worlds version of the bad guy every girl wants to have fun with.

  Look, I’m not trying to be cocky, but it’s true and I love women. I love sex and feeling curves against me, I enjoy the feeling of a hot wet pussy wrapped around my dick like a glove. Sex is good, and I can say with confidence that I’m good at it.

  It’s part of being a demon. I’m sinful in everything I do.

  Anyways, back to my life here at Connerton. I am surrounded by people I dislike. I’m playing a sport I hate, and I am leading a life that I can’t wait to get the hell away from. I just want to do me for a change. Play guitar, travel and just stay the fuck away from people who just want to use me for different shit.

  You know, my father asks me all the time why I love to possess people just to fuck with them when I should be doing it out of necessity.

  Why? Because if people are going to use me for personal gain, I’m going to have some fucking fun while I’m at it.

  At least, I was having fun with it until she came along.

  I’ve been possessing people for most of my life. It was the first ability I came into, so this isn’t a new thing for me. I have mastered the ability to possess and the ability for mind control, but she shows up and isn’t in the least bit intimidated by me, running her mouth and going head to head with me without even fighting, and she pisses me off.

  I want to teach her a lesson she won’t soon forget, but whatever she is, she seems to be immune to my powers and I fucking hate it.

  I need to figure out what and who she is because I am drawn to her and that’s just fucked up. I don’t get drawn to people, I don’t connect and I sure as hell don’t care about anyone but myself.

  But seeing her with angel boy all happy and content like she’s a perfectly normal human being and this world of ours isn’t fucked? I want to be in that light. Her light. I want to have her smiling at me and sharing the light with me too. I’m sick of always being cloaked in misery and darkness.


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