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Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1)

Page 16

by Cassie Hargrove

  “Calm down beautiful. It’s okay. You’re safe, I’ve got you. We’ve got you.”

  I start to feel his calming energy run through me and I take a deep breath sinking into him while Colten grabs my hand.

  “What the hell was that?!” Darren snaps bringing our attention back to him.

  “That,” Colt seethes at him. “was Harleigh getting upset because you threatened her.” He snaps and Darren looks at me dumbfounded.

  “I wasn’t threatening you.” He says, trying to be calm. “But someone is.” He adds.

  “What are you talking about Darren?” Brian is the one to speak this time, but he never moves his hands off me to keep me from losing my shit again.

  “This is going to sound fucking stupid coming from me, but she’s in danger.” He waves a hand at me and I find myself irritated.

  “I have a name you know asshole!” I snap at him and he glares at me.

  “For fucks sake, that’s not the important thing to focus on right now.” He sighs in frustration.

  “Babe, let us deal with this.” Colt looks at me and squeezes my hand and I glare at him.

  “I don’t need you to stick up for me Colten!” I wince realizing I shouldn’t be snapping at him for caring about me.

  “We know beautiful, but we want to so let us okay?” Bry asks. “Besides, it’s actually my job to protect you, remember?” I sigh and nod and lean farther back into him.


  “Thank you.” Colt and Bry say in unison before Brian turns his attention to Darren.


  “My father has a thing for Harleigh.” He states and gives me a look that says see I know your name so chill the fuck out.

  “Why would your dad have a thing for her? What the hell does that even mean?” Colt pulls me away from Brian and into his arms to keep himself from punching Darren. I can feel the anger coming off him in waves.

  His dad has a thing for me? Gross.

  “It means he has a hard-on for her. He wants her and is determined to get a hold of her.” None of this is making sense, but again…gross. I shiver at his words.

  “He wants her? For what?” Bry asks and even he looks pissed off.

  “I don’t know everything. I just overheard him talking about getting his hands on her. Something to do with her mother.” He sighs and looks at me.

  “How does he even know about her?” Colt snaps like its Darren’s fault. I mean, it could be. But why?

  “I don’t know. I never mentioned anything about her, but you need to keep her safe. He was talking about your unparalleled beauty and how you look just like your mother.”

  “I don’t even know who my mother was.” I tell him and he stares at me for a minute before something clicks in my mind. “Oh my God.” I gasp and Colt turns me around to look at him.

  “What babe? What’s wrong?” He looks worried. He probably should be.

  “The guy from yesterday. He looks familiar because he’s an older version of Darren with hair.” I state simply.

  What the hell could his father want with me? And how is it related to my mother? I don’t understand any of this.

  “You saw him?” Darren asks, looking between all of us.

  “We more than saw him.” Colt growls and pulls me against his chest, and I feel Bry running his hand over my shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

  “He threatened her yesterday. Told her a beautiful girl like her should never be alone because you never know what people are capable of.” Bry explains and Darren growls.

  “FUCK!” He looks angry. “He hasn’t been himself in a while. I swear to fuck he’s lost his damn mind and I have no idea why. We aren’t really close. He’s psychotic, but more than normal lately.”

  “That would mean both sides are watching him. If he’s unstable, he’s a wild card.” Bry states and I look at him.

  “Usually yes, but not with him. He’s mortal.” We all look at him, so he explains. “We come from a long line of shifters but for some reason he was born without powers.”

  “What the actual fuck. How does that even happen?” Colten really isn’t happy right now. The grouchy asshole cares about me a lot more than he ever wanted to, and he’s not used to it.

  “So, you’re saying I’m not safe?” I ask him, pulling away from Colten, and Darren looks at me with sympathy.

  “I don’t think so. Not if you’re alone.” He looks from me to the guys. “That’s why I came here to warn you. I heard him talking to someone this morning. He may not have powers but he’s devious and has zero morals so be careful.”

  I just nod at him. I don’t really know how to process all of this before I’ve even had coffee.

  Some psycho wants me for some unknown reason because he had an obsession with my birth mother.


  “Thank you.”

  He nods and then leaves. He’s really not a chatty person.

  “What the hell are we supposed to do with that information?” Colten looks to Bry and him and I answer at the same time.

  “Call David.”

  “Call Dad.”



  Do you know how hard it is to sleep when you know there’s a psycho after you?

  It’s impossible until your body is so exhausted you just crash and that’s exactly how we’ve been functioning the past few weeks and it’s wearing us down.

  Logically we know I’m safe at the school, but it doesn’t ease the panic we feel about my life being in danger.

  My parents and Addy are left unprotected and that doesn’t sit well with me.

  David made a trip to my parents to tell them to be careful, but the chances of this guy going after them are slim according to David. He thinks he will wait until he can get to me because even though he’s mortal, he still has to answer to our world and harming innocents is a no go for both sides.

  I never realized how complicated the supernatural politics would be and it’s definitely something that I’m going to constantly be learning.

  David hasn’t been able to find out much about the reasons this creep wants me and that freaks me out, but they can’t do anything about him without proof and Darren overhearing a conversation is just hearsay.

  So, we do what we can to hone my skills and powers almost every night after school and that helps drain us to sleep. Colt is even teaching me some self defense moves in case the creep gets close.

  Apparently, it’s unethical to use my powers on a mortal unless my life is in actual danger and I’m not allowed to kill them without serious consequences.

  “Come on babe, you can do better than that. Channel your energy and push me over!” Colt has decided that I need to work on my telekinesis to move humans instead of just smaller objects, but it takes way more energy to move a body.

  They aren’t light and I’m too fucking tired to focus.

  I take a deep breath and focus on the power building inside me and try to channel it through a hard push with my hands to move him, but he still barely flinches.

  “I’m tired Colt. We need to call it a night.”

  He looks thoughtful for a minute, looking over me before he agrees.

  “Okay. Let’s go get something to eat and then relax.”

  Bry is waiting in my room when we get back and I give him a hug.

  “How did training go?” He asks me while he kisses the top of my head and I just sigh.

  “She’s getting better at moving me, but I think we need to find a way for all of us to get some sleep. She isn’t at full physical strength, none of us are and that’s not going to help anyone. Not to mention the mental and emotional effort that goes into telekinesis.”

  Brian and I both turn and gape at him.

  “What?” He looks at us both.

  “Since when is Colten Connerton the voice of reason?” Bry asks and I chuckle when Colt flips us off and heads to the couch.

  Bry has food set out that he grabbed from the cafeteria for us, so we
dig in and call it an early night.

  It’s the first night we actually get a decent sleep in a while.

  Sitting on the bed in a t-shirt and panties, I can’t help but think that the school year is almost over and I’m not sure how to feel about that. Brian will be going back to Europe I’m sure. Colten, who the fuck knows where he will end up, and me? Well, I will be back home with my parents and Addy.

  I have no idea where everything is going with our relationships or what will happen with this threat towards me. At this point I’m barely sleeping, and I haven’t told the guys how worried I am, but I know they have noticed a difference in me. It’s only a matter of time before they confront me about it, and I don’t know what I will say.

  Oh you know, I figured I am just a school fling and I’m going to lose you guys once the school year is over.

  I know for a fact they wouldn’t take it well, but what am I supposed to think?

  Fuck, I can’t even fathom the heartbreak of being away from them for two months. I just wish I knew what they were thinking.

  Just then they come bursting through the door like I summoned them, and they are most definitely not happy.


  “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing thinking depressing shit like that?!” Colt snaps at me and I’m beyond confused as I look between him and Brian and Brian looks hurt.

  Fuck me.

  “You heard me?” I look at him pointedly.

  “Yeah beautiful, I heard you and you’re dead wrong.” He comes to sit beside me on the bed and looks me in the eyes. “This isn’t some fling. You are a part of my soul Harleigh Roe. I’m not fucking going anywhere.”

  “Neither am I. You’re the first chick I’ve ever loved babe and you’re the only one. Like Brian said, our souls are connected, and you aren’t getting rid of me. Where you go, I go.” Colt wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me up off the bed into a punishing kiss that makes me stupid and I moan into his mouth making him smirk. “You seriously think I would leave this sexy ass for two months? Hell, even if you weren’t being threatened by a psychotic fuck, that ass isn’t leaving my sight babe. You.Are.Mine.” He growls.

  “Ours.” Brian stands behind me and grips my hips. “I’m not going anywhere either so get that shit out of your head.” He kisses my neck and he rubs his hardening dick against my ass making me mewl.

  Colten gives me a lustful stare before he steps closer so my body is sandwiched between them and kisses me like he can’t get enough. The feel of their bodies surrounding me is enough to send me into overdrive and lose all sanity.

  “I want you. Both of you.” I moan out on a whisper.

  “What do you want babe?” Colt kisses the other side of my neck and I groan and rock my hips back and forth between them making them both hiss from the contact.

  “I want to be with you. Please, I need you.”

  “You’re sure?” Bry, always the voice of reason asks, and I nod.

  “I am.”

  Colten growls before he picks me up and throws me on the bed and towers over me.

  “I told you I was going to have fun corrupting you babe and being balls deep in you? That’s going to be a fucking dream come true.” I whimper as his mouth clashes against mine with an intensity that has me wet and ready for them in seconds.

  “Please.” I whimper into his mouth as I lift my hips up to get friction against him making him groan in my mouth.

  “Patience baby. We will get there, but I think you and the angel need to go first.” He says against my lips but doesn’t stop his hips from thrusting into my core.

  I’m not sure why he thinks that, I need him just as much as I need Bry, but I’m nowhere near ready to take both of them at once.


  “You feel so fucking good baby.” He purrs as he kisses up my neck and comes back to my mouth for a hard and punishing kiss before rolling onto his side.

  Bry joins us on the bed beside me and turns my head to face him, cupping my cheek in that loving way only he knows how.

  “You sure beautiful?” He swallows hard at my nod and I can see the nervousness flit across his features.

  “I trust you Bry, both of you.” I moan as Colten pulls a breast out of my bra and starts sucking on my nipple while Bry kisses me softly at first, the heat and passion growing to dizzying heights making us both breath hard.

  We don’t talk anymore for a while. Just give into the wants and desires we have for each other, their hands and mouths bringing me to the edge over and over again without allowing me to go over. I swear it’s some form of special punishment from hell that Colt is putting me through.

  Just when I think I can’t take it anymore Colt slides my panties down my legs and throws them to the floor as Bry follows suit with my bra.

  I blush and turn my face away at the stares they are giving me. I’m not used to being on display and I’m the only one naked.

  “You have far too many clothes on.” I look at them both and they chuckle at me before standing up and fulfilling my own male strip tease fantasy. Okay it probably wasn’t meant to be so hot but they are too attractive for their own good.

  Shit, this is really happening.

  More than that, I know I am perfectly ready for it to happen.

  “Shit.” I squeak out when I see their dicks both poking at me, hard and thick.

  “Don’t worry babe. I’m going to get you close to cumming first so you’re more than ready and it won’t be nearly as painful.” He winks at me.

  He actually fucking winks at me.

  I don’t even want to know how many virgins he’s been with to know how to make it less painful for me, so I do what I do best. Glare at him.

  Fucking hell, I don’t even want to know how he knows this shit.

  Brian laughs and I realize he heard me.

  Commonish knowledge if you do your research, but don’t worry about it. We love you and you’re the only one we will be thinking about.

  I blush and look at him lovingly.

  “Of fucking course you’re having a private conversation about me right now.” Colt huffs from the side of the bed as he sits down. “You okay?” he looks at me so seriously that I sit up and kiss him on the mouth with all the love and passion I feel for him.

  “I’m good.”

  That’s all the confirmation they need before Colten kisses my neck and lays me back down on the bed, his hand travelling down to play with my slick heat making my hips arch. I can feel him smile against my neck as Brian kisses me softly and palms my breast, being so gentle and loving.

  I already know the way they take me will be drastically different. They are different people.

  Light and dark.

  Night and day.

  Two pieces forever a part of my heart.

  I scream in pleasure when Colt thrusts two fingers into me and starts pumping hard and fast.

  “That’s it baby. So fucking wet and tight.” He groans against my head and I can feel his hot breath on my ear. “You like my fingers fucking your pussy senseless baby?” I nod and moan again as his thumb passes over my clit.

  “Give me your words baby.” He bites me earlobe.

  “Yes!” I scream as much from pleasure as frustration.

  “Condoms?” Bry asks. He can sense I’m getting close. This isn’t even close to the first time he’s seen me come undone.

  “Drawer.” I point to the nightstand beside the bed on his side and he takes two out and throws one to Colten before opening one and placing it on him.

  He fumbles for a second before he gets it right and that makes me feel better. It reminds me this isn’t just my first time, it’s his too.

  Colt pulls his fingers from me and I whimper at the loss making him chuckle.

  “Don’t worry baby, angel boy here is going to fill you up and when you’re done, it’s my turn.” His voice is husky and dark, a shiver of anticipation runs through me as Brian places himself between my legs.

bsp; “I love you Harleigh.” He tells me and I melt and know this will all be okay.

  “I love you too Bry.” He leans down and kisses me and I can feel his erection against me, and I lift my hips up to meet him, the tip of his hard dick entering me and stretching me.

  “Shit. Fuck.” Brian curses and closes his eyes as he slowly pushes father into me.

  The pain isn’t unbearable like I imagined it would be and I realize Colt was right. I’m so on edge, so wet and horny that this is the perfect time.

  I feel a pinch of pain as he meets resistance and pulls back just enough to thrust back in, his lips on mine as he swallows my scream and a few tears escape.

  “You okay?” He looks down at me once he’s fully inside me and I nod.

  “Don’t move for a minute Brian.” Colten tells him and then puts his hand between us to play with my clit at a leisurely pace until he has me moaning and wiggling making Bry hiss above me.

  “Fuck beautiful, I need to move. Can I move?” He asks me and I nod before throwing my head back as he triggers every nerve inside me when he pulls out and slowly slides back in.

  Between him moving in and out of me, slowly picking up the pace and Colt’s hand on my clit, I know I’m not far off.

  “I’m close Bry. Harder.” I beg. I think it’s what I need. “I need you to move the way Colt’s fingers were earlier.” I explain and he starts thrusting in and out of me harder and faster, sweat beading on his eyebrows.

  “You feel inexplicable. I can’t hold on.” He lets out a guttural moan and I can feel him pulsing inside me, knowing he’s cumming and Colt pinches my clit to send me over the edge with a loud scream, not letting up and dragging my pleasure out until I’m coming down from it all.

  “That was…”

  “Whoa.” I finish for Bry and he collapses on the bed beside me. The loss of him inside me makes me feel empty and I sigh and kiss him lovingly before he gets up and heads to the bathroom to, I assume, dispose of the condom.


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