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Giving It to the Biker

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “I know you’ll go and get him for me if I’m crying. If I show you I don’t care, then you don’t care.”

  Penny was so angry at her sister. “The tears are lies?”

  “Yes. Come on, Penny, I was always able to cry when I wanted to.”

  Melissa was her older sister, and right now, Penny was so mad, she wanted to hit her own sister.

  Chapter Two

  Rage listened as the sisters argued about Pea’s infidelity. He heard the pain in Penny’s voice when she spoke. She clearly felt betrayed by her sister’s manipulation. It was another thing that made them different. Melissa fit into the dynamic of the club, but Penny did not.

  “Did you know this?” he asked, looking toward Pea.

  “Yeah. Mel knows what life is like. She understands the club. It’s one of the reasons I married her.”

  “From now on you want Pea, go and get him yourself.” Penny walked into the dining room, carrying a large bowl of salad. She took a seat opposite Rage, and wouldn’t look at any of them. He waited for her to say more, but what happened was Penny withdrew into herself like always.

  She was the younger sister, and the fiery woman only came out when she thought Melissa was upset. Just once he’d love to have Penny talk to him, loosen up around him. She was so uptight and held together. He wanted to dirty her up, cover her with his body, and pound his cum into her pussy.

  Melissa took a seat at the other end of the table, and he saw she was a little upset. He wasn’t about to get dragged into the argument between the two sisters. His instinct was all about protecting Penny. This was what he’d been fighting for a few years now. She had always been on his radar, but it had gotten worse the last few months. He’d not touched another woman in six months, his need for Penny was so strong. One day he’d overheard her talking to Susan, one of the old ladies, and Penny had said that when she found a guy, she wanted him to be faithful.

  What Pea had shown Penny was that at least one biker couldn’t be faithful. Rage doubted she trusted anyone anymore. All she ever did was date. He’d made sure to be at most of the places where she was dating, and it pissed him off. If she’d been part of the club in any way, he wouldn’t have held back. Penny would belong to him, and no one would ever get close enough to touch her. Instead, he was forced to watch from the sidelines, and he was growing tired of it. All the women apart from old ladies were fair game. Penny wasn’t part of the club. She wasn’t related in any way, so unless she stuck around, showing an interest, she was to be left alone.

  The whole dinner Melissa and Pea tried to talk to Penny, and for their trouble they got one word answers, or a glare. He found her glare sexy as hell. Rage would gladly take a glare over her indifference any day of the week. By the end of the meal, Penny turned down dessert, and made her excuses to leave. He followed her out and sat beside her, staring.

  “Will you stop doing that?” she asked.


  “Staring. You do it all the time. It’s scary, and creepy.”

  “At least you’ve noticed.”

  She frowned, turning toward him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “You know I’m staring at you.”

  “Only when you make it so obvious that I have no choice but to notice. It’s creepy.” She started up the car and made her way toward the clubhouse. “You could have gotten Pea or Melissa to take you back to the clubhouse.”

  “One, I don’t have a fucking clue how Melissa passed her test. She drives like a crazy person. Two, do you really want Pea taking me back to the clubhouse with all the pussy on offer?”

  Her nose wrinkled, and he found it to be the cutest thing.

  “You’re vulgar.”

  “Answer the question.”

  “It’s none of my business.”

  Her hands squeezed the steering wheel, and he wondered what she’d do if he reached out and stroked a finger down her cheek. Who was he kidding? He didn’t want to stroke her cheek, he wanted her naked. Rage wondered if she’d be able to handle a man like him. He wondered if she’d be able to take what he liked. Rage had a reputation for being a hard fuck, not just in fights, but in the bedroom.

  Pushing a woman down onto the bed, he’d fuck them hard, raw, and some women couldn’t walk normally for a few days when he was finished.

  Penny was a full woman. She had large tits, full legs and hips, and a body that wasn’t exactly fashionable within the club. Rage liked her, and he found her body hot as fuck. Some of the sweet-butts were just too damn skinny for his dick. Nothing turned him off more than a woman screaming out in pain, and being drier than a fucking banana skin.

  He liked his woman soaking wet, hot, dirty, and prepared to get messy when they had sex.

  “You’re okay with Pea cheating.”

  “He’s not my guy, and I really thought Mel had a problem with it. Clearly, she doesn’t. Damn, I can’t believe she fake cried on my ass to do shit for her. She has made me so fucking mad. You know what? I’m not going to the next picnic feast. She can do the cook off herself. I’m pissed at her, and at Pea. I’m not part of the club. I’m surprised Saint hasn’t kicked my ass out, or demanded something from me for charging into his club.” She continued to rant, and Rage wasn’t about to tell her that Saint was doing a favor for him. Also, the guys adored Penny. She didn’t judge the club even though she didn’t date or fuck any of them.

  She was the only outsider that he knew the boys actually liked. It made no sense to him, but it worked.

  What Rage didn’t like was the way Pea kept looking at Penny. He’d noticed it even if the glances were subtle. Pea wanted to fuck Penny. The next time Rage was pulled into the fighting ring at the club, he was taking Pea with him. He wanted a piece of that fucker.

  No, he wanted a piece of the sweet woman next to him.

  Why was he holding himself back? It no longer made any sense to him. If he left Penny any longer, she was going to end up with someone else. He loved beating the shit out of guys, but he didn’t want to risk his shot with her by hurting someone she might care about.

  “Do you have a thing for Pea?”

  “What?” she asked, scrunching up her face. “Ew, no. He’s my brother-in-law.”

  “That doesn’t make you related.”

  “I don’t care. He’s the brother I never wanted. No, I don’t want to date him. I don’t even have a crush on him, and I can’t be sure if I even like him half the time. He’s a total ass, and he cheats. There’s no way I’d ever fall for a guy who cheated on me.”

  “You want someone to love you?”

  “Yeah. I want a guy who will love and respect me, for me. No one at the club will ever be capable of that.”

  Rage gritted his teeth. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “It means I’m not like my sister. I’m never going to marry a club member.”

  He was just getting pissed off more and more. “You’re going to treat us like we’re all Pea.”

  “Come on, Rage, I’ve seen the way you all are. None of you have any respect for women. You screw around on your wives, and don’t care if you hurt them.”

  “You’re fucking wrong.”

  She pulled up outside of the club, but Rage wasn’t ready to leave just yet.

  “I’m not going to argue with you about this.”

  “Too late. We’re already arguing. I don’t have a woman so I can fuck whoever I want to fuck, and so do most of the men. Pea, he’s different, but as you heard, he’s got a thing going with Melissa that neither of us will understand.”

  “I don’t believe for a second you could be monogamous, and I don’t care. You’ve got club people, and I’m not part of that.” She pulled up the hand brake and waited. “You can leave now.”

  He didn’t want to leave. He wanted her to drive right back to her nice little apartment above Dirty Deeds, and show her exactly how wrong she was. Penny didn’t have a clue what he’d done for her. She was a spoilt little bitch. The apartment sh
e’d gotten a good price on was in fact his apartment. He’d moved out, taken all of his shit, and put it up for rent. Sarah and Elena, who ran Dirty Deeds, had been told what to do with the apartment. He’d made sure Penny knew all about the place.

  Rage was done with holding back from Penny. He was talking to Saint, and he was going to put an end to this shit. Penny was club property. She was his property, and he was going to take her whether she fucking liked it or not.


  One week later

  Penny canceled Melissa’s call for the fourth time that day. It had been a week since her sister had revealed she fake cried to get her to do stuff. Penny hadn’t visited the club, nor had she visited her sister. She hadn’t left her apartment either, and she was more than happy about that. Penny expected half of the town to be laughing at her right now. She was the dumb sister who didn’t realize she was being played.

  Letting out a sigh, she ran fingers through her hair and stared at the blank screen. She’d been writing an MC romance, taking everything she knew about the club Saints and Sinners MC, and using it within her story. She was changing it up a little, well, a lot. There was a lot more fun going on in her club, a lot more sex, and adventure. There wasn’t a lot of adventure in Saint’s club. He didn’t exactly broadcast what he did behind closed doors, but Penny couldn’t imagine the men on drug and gun runs.

  I could be wrong.

  The main character was being a little brutish, a little too alpha for her tastes, and it was just blah.

  Closing her laptop, she headed downstairs to go see Sarah and Elena. They were the shop owners who’d given her a good rent deal on the apartment, and she was friends with them. Entering the shop, she saw it was actually closed, and both women were going through boxes of merchandise.

  “Hey,” she said.

  Both women had told her she could visit the shop at any time when they were there. Penny didn’t have the key to the shop, so she didn’t sneak down at night. She did have a life, and it wasn’t about crime.

  “Hey, Penny, you okay?” Sarah asked. She was a nice woman with long, purple hair, which was pulled back into a ponytail. Her arms were covered in beautiful ink, and she was currently dating the local deputy in town, known as Ralf.

  “I’m good. What about you?” Penny folded her arms underneath her breasts, and couldn’t help the feeling of loneliness that surrounded her.

  “There has been a rumor at the club that you’ve not been around all that much,” Elena said.

  Elena was the perfect blonde with blue eyes and an hourglass figure. She was always on a diet, and so damn sweet, which was a contradiction because she worked in a sex shop.

  “No, I haven’t. I’m not going back there either. Mel’s made her bed, and I’m tired of being dragged into her marital mess.” Penny ran her hands over her thighs.

  “Is that the only reason you went to the club, ‘cause of Mel and Pea?” Elena asked.

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t go there otherwise. I’m not one of their women, and I’m not an old lady.”

  “Their women? Is that a polite way of saying you’re not a club whore?” Sarah asked.

  “Yes. I couldn’t sleep with that many men. It’s just not who I am.” Penny shrugged, feeling uncomfortable with their scrutiny. “Also, I want a man who’ll stay faithful to me. I don’t want to be worried about him screwing around with another person.”

  “You don’t think anyone at the club will do that for you?” Elena asked.

  “No. They’re all hound dogs.”

  “Actually, I’ve only ever seen Pea cheating on his woman, and she accepts it.”

  Penny spun around to see Rage standing behind her. She hadn’t heard him come in, and from the look of anger on his face, he wasn’t in the best of moods.

  “You may be part of the local biker club, but you can’t just go running into places believing you own them,” Penny said, placing her hands on her hips and glaring at him.

  “He is one of the owners.” Sarah spoke up first, and Penny saw the smile on Rage’s lips.

  “You own this place?”

  “The club owns this place, as it owns many business ventures.”

  “Ugh, I’m sorry.” She turned back to the two women. “I’m sorry. I’m going back home.”

  She brushed past him, leaving the shop as fast as she could.

  “Don’t even think of storming off.” Rage moved up behind her. She ignored him, and kept on walking upstairs toward her apartment. Opening her door, she didn’t get a chance to slam her door shut as Rage stopped her.

  He didn’t let her close the door, so she stormed into her place, turned, and glared at him. Why wasn’t he getting the message?

  “What do you want?”

  “Where the hell have you been all week?”

  “I told you, I’m not getting caught up between my sister and Pea anymore. I’ve got no need to be there, so I’ve stayed away.” Rage flicked the lock on the door, and Penny couldn’t help the beat of arousal that rushed over her at the simple action. It meant nothing. Rage was just a biker who didn’t want to be disturbed.

  “You don’t just have to come around because of Pea. You can visit whenever you want.”

  “I don’t want to. We talked about this when I dropped you off the last time I saw you. I don’t want anything to do with the club.”

  “Are you too good for us? Is that it? Are you a stuck-up little bitch?” Rage took a step forward, spitting vile words at her.

  “No, of course not. I never said that.”

  “Right, you want a man who doesn’t fucking exist. Get your fucking brain screwed on, princess. Men want to have sex. They want their women to be dirty as fuck in the bedroom, and keep their legs shut for everyone else. We cheat ‘cause we’re not getting what we fucking want.”

  “How dare you? You’re a damn pig. Women bend over backwards for men, and what do we get? Spread ‘em for us, or else. It’s a double standard. You’re not the best thing that happened to women. I bet you don’t have a clue how to turn a woman on.”

  “What’s the matter, Penny? No one pushed the right button for you, is that it?”

  “It’s none of your business.” Her cheeks heated as he smirked.

  “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “Shut up!” Spinning on her heel, she started toward her phone. She would call the sheriff, and get him to come down, and get Rage out of her apartment.

  “Stop storming away from me. I’m not going to disappear just because you don’t like what I’ve got to say.” He grabbed her arm, pushing her against the wall.

  “I hate you.”

  “No, what you don’t like is that I’m right. You ever had a man fuck you until you can’t walk properly for days? Where your voice is hoarse from screaming from orgasm?”

  “Get off me. That stuff doesn’t exist.”

  She tried to push him off her, and they fought until Rage had her hands pressed against the wall.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  Before she got the chance to stop him, his lips descended on hers, slamming against them. She gasped at the impact, opening her lips, and Rage took full advantage, pressing his tongue inside. Penny stopped fighting him as heat spilled between her legs. Closing her eyes, she tried to press close to him.

  Rage deepened the kiss, releasing her hands to sink one into her hair, and with the other he cupped her hip.

  Penny didn’t push him away though. She grabbed his hair and held him tightly to her as she kissed him with same kind of passion that he was her. She’d never had a crush on Rage, never really liked him, but in that moment, she didn’t want to let him go. No other man had aroused her from one single kiss.

  When Rage finally pulled away, they were both panting. His lips were red, and she imagined hers were as well.

  “Where’s the bedroom?”

  “You’re not going to ask me if I want this first?”

  “I don’t ask. Where’s the bedroom?”

  Penny did
n’t even get to answer as he led the way straight to her bedroom, kicking open the door. He removed his hands from her body, and started to remove her clothing.

  Stop him.

  I don’t want to.

  The look in Rage’s eyes startled her. He was filled with lust and need, and she didn’t want to stop what was about to happen. Never before had she been with a man who’d almost made her come just by a single, ravishing kiss. Both of her boyfriends required nighttime to have sex. They were the kind of men who liked to give her a peck on the cheek as a goodbye kiss.

  This was the kind of passion she wrote about, craved in the darkest of night when no one was around. She wanted what Rage promised, begging for it every time a guy got close.

  Rage grabbed either side of her shirt and tugged. Buttons flew in either direction, and he didn’t stop there. He didn’t ask for permission. He took what he wanted, and she was more than happy for him to take.

  He’d just become her living, breathing, fantasy come true.

  Chapter Three

  Rage’s cock thickened at the sight of Penny’s large tits pressing against the fabric of her lace bra. He’d told Saint when she dropped him off a week ago that he was done waiting, and was going to take her.

  “It’s up to Penny. If she wants you, then sure, go for it.”

  He wasn’t asking for permission but giving his Prez time to understand that he was going to be pursuing her.

  “Fuck me, baby, I’ve dreamt about your body, and you don’t disappoint.” Taking out his pocket knife, he slipped the blade beneath her bra and sliced the straps until they fell down. He tugged the rest of her bra away, pocketing his blade.

  “I liked that bra.”

  “I’ll buy you a new one from downstairs along with some special panties with no crotch.”

  “No. I’ll never wear them.”

  Shoving her to the bed, he followed her down so that he was the one kneeling on the floor. “You’ll wear them for me, and you’ll be at the club, soaking wet, begging for my cock.”

  “You’re insane.”


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