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Giving It to the Biker

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “She’ll be happy for a little get-together here if you want,” Melissa said.

  “It’s not what I want. I want to marry her in a church, the proper way.”

  “Why?” Melissa asked with hands on her hips.

  “I can’t give her an ordinary life. I’m not an ordinary type of guy. This I can give her.”

  Melissa’s smile brightened. “I always knew you were going to do right by Penny. She’s a damn lucky woman.”

  “You’re not jealous of her?” Rage asked.

  “Honey, you’re not my kind of man.”

  “I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about Pea.”

  Melissa sighed. “No one is ever going to believe me when I saw that I’m actually happy with my life. I care about Pea in my own way, and I know he cares about me.”

  “You know he’s not in love with you, right?”

  “I don’t care. We’ve got what works for us. Pea is loyal, and he’ll never hurt me. He’ll also take care of my sister. I love my sister, Rage. I will do anything to protect my sister.”

  Melissa looked happy, and slapped him on the arm.

  Rage watched her walk toward Pea, kiss his cheek, and Pea wrapped his arm around her. In a messed up way, it made some kind of sense. Leaving the club, Rage walked to his own woman, handing her the helmet, and climbing on his bike. He waited for her to climb on behind him, and they took off toward their apartment.


  Two months later

  Penny couldn’t believe she was standing in the church in a pristine white dress that molded to every single curve she possessed. She held a bouquet of red roses, and her heart was pounding.

  A simple affair had turned into a proper church wedding, not one she actually anticipated. Rage had told her this was what he wanted, so she was going through with it.

  “You look beautiful,” Melissa said, coming toward her.

  Her sister was smiling and had tears in her eyes.

  “I feel silly.”


  “I’m in white. I wasn’t a virgin when I went to Rage’s bed.”

  “I’m sure there are plenty of women who don’t go to their husband’s beds a virgin. This is what Rage wanted you to have. He doesn’t want you to go without. This is a rite of passage for every woman.”

  “What if I fall down?”

  “Saint’s going to be there to take you down the aisle, and he’s going to make sure you don’t trip.”

  Biting her lip, Penny hadn’t told anyone the news the doctor had given her this morning. It was good news, or at least, she thought it was good news.

  “Okay, I can do this.”

  “Rage is waiting for you, sweetie,” Susan said, coming into the room. “It’s almost time.”

  “Oh my, I’m about to get married. I’m about to get married.”

  She ran fingers through her hair, and her stomach twisted.

  “It’s not the time to get cold feet.”

  “I’m not getting cold feet, Mel. It’s just huge. I’m ready.” She wasn’t just talking about the wedding. When they were alone she was going to tell Rage the good news. If they were ever alone on their wedding day.

  “Hey, bride-to-be,” Elena said, walking into the room.

  Susan, Sarah, and Elena were all her bridesmaids, and her sister was of course her matron of honor.

  Placing a hand to her stomach, she tried to calm her nerves. Penny had never been good with all the attention focused on her.

  “Are you all right?” Elena asked, hugging her.

  “Nervous. I’m the kind of woman who’ll fall over.”

  “My brother will make sure you don’t fall.” Elena gave her a reassuring smile.

  There was a sudden knock, and Saint’s voice came through the door. “It’s time. He’s waiting for you, Penny. Do you want to run?”

  Rolling her eyes, she made her way to the door. “I’m not running. I’m here, and I’m ready.”

  Saint was dressed in a tuxedo, as were all the men of the Saints and Sinners MC. Rage had arranged it all with the help of her sister, and even though it wasn’t what she thought she wanted, she was touched by what he’d done.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “We’ll see you out there,” Melissa said.

  She watched them walk on ahead, and took a breath, turning to Saint. “I’ve got a favor to ask you,” she said.


  “Make sure I don’t fall. I’m not good with heels, and well, I’m terrified I’m going to look stupid.”

  Saint presented his arm to her. “Take hold of me, my lady, and I promise I will not let you fall.”

  Taking a deep breath, which she seemed to be doing a lot lately, they started walking to the back of the church. The whole of the club was present, even some from different chapters, and Penny started to panic. Then she saw Rage, and everything just fell into place for her.

  They started walking, and Saint held her tightly as they were led down the aisle toward her man.

  One moment she stumbled, but Saint had a firm hold on her so that she didn’t fall flat on her face.

  Once she was beside Rage, he took her hand, and they faced the priest together. Throughout the whole of the ceremony she stared into Rage’s eyes, and when it was time for her to speak, she said her vows with conviction. Rage’s vows were sweet. He promised to honor, love, cherish, and remain faithful to her, which meant everything to her.

  By the time it came for them to kiss, and seal their fate, Penny was more than ready. Even though they were in the church, Rage put so much passion that he had her gasping, and ready to fuck him.

  The priest smiled, and he looked a little red from seeing Rage’s kiss. They held hands, and were the first to make their way out of the church.

  “I want to tell you something,” Penny said, grabbing Rage’s hand. “I want to tell you before we take pictures, and before everything goes a little crazy.”

  “What, baby?”

  She looked down at where she held his hands, and her nerves were back.

  “We’ve not really talked about our future. I know you made a joke out of it about who would get there first, and you won.”

  “You’re not making any sense, baby.”

  Just do it, Penny. If it ruins the day, then it ruins the day.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  She spoke the words loud just as the rest of their guests were coming out of the church, everyone stopped, and Penny’s face heated under their scrutiny.

  “I didn’t win the challenge, baby. There was no challenge to be had.” He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her bottom lip. “I won you, and you were the best thing that has ever happened to me. We’re going to have a baby?”

  “I found out this morning. The doctor called. I went to him asking for a test, and he confirmed it. It was a blood test so there’s no way it can be wrong. Blood never lies.”

  Rage held her close, turned to their audience, and told them the news. “We’re going to have a baby. Do you hear that? I’m going to be a daddy.”

  Penny laughed, and before the pictures could be taken, she was embraced by the whole of the club. Men shook Rage’s hands, while women embraced her. It was the best way to end the day as far as Penny was concerned.

  When they’d accepted the club’s congratulations, Rage took her hand, and they went to have their photographs took. He didn’t let her go, keeping her tight to his body. Rage made sure to take a photograph with his arms wrapped around her, and one of his hands resting on her stomach where their child rested within her, growing.

  Eight months later, Leonardo was born screaming while his mother and father looked on. Rage and Penny were bound together by far more than a child. They were bound together by love, and that was never going to change.


  Elena took a seat at a bar far away from Sinners’ Corner. With the whole town knowing she was Saint’s sister, it made it hard for her to have a simple drink witho
ut everyone looking on. The moment she sat down in a bar, there would be a call, and within minutes bikers from the club would be there.

  She understood why her mother had left and taken Elena with her.

  “I’ll have whatever you’ve got that’s strong,” she said to the barman.

  “Coming right up.”

  If her mother hadn’t died, Elena wouldn’t have come back to Sinners’ Corner. She’d have stayed away, but on her mother’s deathbed, Elena had agreed to go back to Saint.

  A glass with dark amber liquid was placed in front of her. She paid for her drink, and sat staring at it for a long time, running fingers through her hair. Elena had waited for the whole club to be busy before she’d made her escape from the wedding.

  It was a sweet wedding, and she was so happy for Penny and Rage. They were a beautiful couple, and deserved every happiness that was coming to them.

  “Hello sweet thing,” a man said, taking a seat beside her.

  She saw he was covered in tats, and his whole aura reminded her of her brother. Elena knew who he was.

  “Go away, Pipe.” Saint had taken the time to tell her who Pipe was, and of course had shown her a picture of him.

  The one thing she wasn’t allowed to do was fraternize with the enemy. She wasn’t about to cause trouble for Saint by being here with Pipe. Turning her back she swallowed her drink in one gulp, about to leave.

  Pipe grabbed her arm, making her stay in her chair. “You don’t have to run away on my account.”

  “I’m here for some peace and quiet. I have nothing to do with my brother’s club, and I’m not about to start being questioned because of you.”

  “Ah, so you are Saint’s sister. The mystery sister that was taken from him years ago.”

  Elena gritted her teeth, angry with herself for telling him more than she ever should. “Leave me alone.”

  He wouldn’t release her arm, and she was starting to get angry. No one knew she had a short temper that could easily turn deadly. Her mother, when Elena was younger, had been called to the school for many of the fights that Elena got into. It was a side of herself she hated, but she refused to be bullied, or allow others to bully. There was nothing she hated more than bullies.

  “I’m not here to ruin your peace. I’m not wearing my cut, and no one knows who we are here. We’re just two people in the bar, having a drink. Why don’t you have a drink with me?” he asked.

  “You’re not going to hold this against me.”

  “If you know who I am, you know how I got my name. I’m not known for blackmailing, baby. If I wanted to, I’d have bashed your head in right now. You’re still alive.”

  “Just a drink?” she asked. Her mouth had gone dry. There was something hypnotic about Pipe, but she wasn’t about to let something happen between them.

  He was the enemy, and there was no way she was falling for the enemy.

  At least, she hoped not.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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