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Daddy's Little Angela

Page 6

by Alex Reynolds

  Charlie grabbed a washcloth, then knelt down next to Angela, rinsing the cloth in the warm bathwater. He then reached over and grabbed Angela’s face wash, which was resting on the edge of the tub. He squirted a little bit of it onto the cloth and rubbed it until it foamed.

  “Time to wash your face, little girl,” he said. “Close your eyes and mouth tight!”

  Angela couldn’t believe how every simple part of her morning routine could be made into something so humiliating and punishing. She didn’t feel like arguing again, though, so she shut her eyes and mouth as tightly as she could. It felt strange to have someone else washing her face, especially when he cleaned behind her ears.

  When he had finished, she cupped her hands to splash water on her face, but once again, her daddy stopped her.

  “Let daddy do it,” Charlie chided. He rinsed the washcloth out in the bathwater, then used it to sponge away all the cleanser from her face. He then repeated the action, to make sure she was really clean.

  Angela had a feeling she knew what was coming next, and her suspicions were confirmed when Charlie reached for the body wash and began to do the same thing, working some into a thick foam on the washcloth. He then started to scrub her, washing her chest, stomach, and back before instructing her to raise one arm, which he then scrubbed. He washed her armpit, too, and then told her to switch arms. He repeated this with the other arm. Then he told her to sit back and put her legs out of the water so he could wash those.

  Once her legs were washed, Charlie ordered Angela to get up on all fours. The water was not too deep, and she did this with ease. Charlie then began to wash her between her legs, which made her blush deeply. It was a strange thing, she thought, how she could find no embarrassment in being touched there for pleasure, but his clinical, parental touch made her ears burn. It was even worse when he began to wash her between her bottom cheeks in the same way.

  When Charlie had finished cleaning every part of his little girl, he instructed her to rinse off in the water, then to lean back and get her hair wet. He washed her hair, rinsed it for her, and then did her conditioner and rinsed that as well.

  By the time bath time was finished, Angela didn’t even try to dry herself; she had realized that she was going to have to just stand still and wait for her daddy to do it for her. He toweled her off with the same kind of distanced touch: it wasn’t a sensual caress, it was just a towel being used to dry her, even when he ordered her to spread her legs.

  Certain parts of the bathroom proceedings almost felt nice, like when Charlie blow-dried her hair for her and did a surprisingly alright job at it, or when he gently applied her moisturizer to her face, but she never forgot that he wasn’t doing it to pamper her, but instead to make her feel helpless and embarrassed.

  “I need to do my own makeup,” Angela insisted when this was done, “and flat-iron my hair.”

  Charlie shook his head. “No, no, no. Do you know any little girls who are allowed to wear big grownup makeup? That’s far too grown up for you today.”

  Angela wanted to stamp her foot. It was so unfair. She tried her best to contain her emotions, though.

  “Besides, I want you to think about something else today. I want you to think about the fact that you’re beautiful without makeup.” Charlie directed Angela’s eyes to the mirror. “See your bare face? It’s still gorgeous. Every part of you is gorgeous.”

  Angela felt a warm, glowing feeling inside, and the sudden shyness that came over her was not caused by embarrassment.

  Chapter Eight

  “Go stand in the corner and think about what you did to earn this punishment. Think about being courteous to others, about not taking your problems out on them, and about being a nice and polite little girl. I’m going to go pick out your clothes for the day, and then before I dress you, I’m going to give you your first spanking of the day,” Charlie told his temporarily much littler little girl.

  Angela looked back at him with very wide eyes. Obviously it hadn’t occurred to her just how many spankings she should expect for the day.

  Charlie figured that Angela would protest at this announcement, but was pleased to see her compliantly turn to face the corner. She posed herself with her hands on top of her head, exactly the way that he had taught her to stand when she was being punished.

  “Good girl,” he praised, then added, “Don’t move.”

  He left the bedroom to go downstairs and get a bag that he had picked up this morning when he had gone shopping. Wendy, the other girl who Angela often babysat for, was a particularly young little. She age played at about four years old. She also happened to be about the same size as Angela. Charlie had called her husband last night and explained the situation and he had been more than happy to let Charlie borrow a bag of Wendy’s clothes.

  Charlie came upstairs and spread out the clothing on the bed. Today, Angela would be wearing a pale purple romper suit with legs that puffed out like bloomers before cinching in just above the knees, a big bow on the front, and a sailor collar. Charlie found a pair of Angela’s own tights for her to wear when she went outside later, in order to keep her legs warm in the bitter Midwestern winter, and set those aside. For now, he completed her outfit with a pair of Hello Kitty panties and a pair of ruffly, pink ankle socks, along with Angela’s plainest white tennis shoes. Above those items, he set a big, oversized bow on a headband, which he had also borrowed from Wendy.

  “Alright, Angie,” he called after he had finished assembling the outfit for her. “It’s time to get your spanking before I dress you for the day.”

  Angela came out of the corner, looking very sheepish indeed. “Daddy?” she asked.

  “Yes, my darling?” Charlie responded.

  “Do I really have to get a lot of spankings today?” she wanted to know, nervously wringing her hands.

  “Oh, yes, sweetie. You’re going to spend more time over my lap today than you usually do in a month, I suspect. You are going to have a sore, stinging bottom every moment of the day today and tomorrow. And you’ll be getting other punishments this weekend, too.”

  Angela’s face fell, and she bit her lip nervously.

  “I meant it when I said that I would punish you severely if you did this again. You had every chance to avoid this. But instead of talking to me about how you felt, you chose to use your emotions to be mean and hurtful, so now you’re going to get a serious punishment,” Charlie explained.

  He beckoned the nervous girl over to his side, and she slowly walked to meet him. He then gripped her by the arm, pulled her over his lap, and took a moment to inspect her bottom. Although she had been spanked only a couple of days ago, her bottom was in perfect condition: it didn’t even have the slightest pinkness left to it. Time to change that, he thought with a slight smile.

  Charlie raised his hand high and then applied it strongly to Angela’s pert little bottom. She let out a yelp. He followed it with another swat, keeping his pace slow but his hand heavy. Angela bucked forward on his lap a little after each swat. Once her bottom was glowing a very pale pink color, he began to spank her more quickly, finding a rhythm that worked for him. Angela kicked her feet just slightly as the spanking got faster.

  “I hope that when all this is said and done, you’ve truly learned a lesson, Angie,” Charlie scolded. “I expect this to be the final stop for this behavior, do I make myself clear?”

  “Yessssss, daddddyyyyyy!” Angela wailed, her feet starting to kick more vigorously.

  “Good,” Charlie said, and then continued to spank at the exact same pace, without giving Angela a moment of respite. Her bottom was turning a bright pink color, but that wasn’t enough for Angela’s daddy. He was waiting on a strawberry red. He wanted the sting to last at least a little while.

  “You’re only getting my hand right now, but if my little girl acts up today or tries to do any big girl things at all without daddy’s help, I won’t hesitate to get the hairbrush, or a paddle, or to take my belt off.”

  Angela nod
ded that she understood. Charlie could feel her chest rising and falling and hear the sound of gentle sniffling; she was already starting to cry.

  “I know I’m not spanking you hard enough to make you cry. Are you crying because you’re a humiliated little girl? Or because you let me down so badly and you regret your behavior?” Charlie asked her.

  “Both!” was Angela’s sniffly answer.

  She sounded so pathetic and cute when she said that that Charlie couldn’t help but smile. He continued to spank her for a few minutes anyway, just to drive the lesson home. Then he continued to spank her for a few minutes more, just because he was enjoying the lovely red color of her bottom.

  By the time Charlie finished, Angela was crying hard. “There, there,” he said gently to her. “I know my little girl is learning, aren’t you?” he asked.

  Angela nodded pathetically, using the back of her hand to wipe at her face.

  Her gestures seemed younger than she usually would behave after a spanking, which made Charlie smile. He pulled Angela up onto his lap and cradled her in his arms, reminding her how much he loved her and that this was the reason why he had to punish his little girl. Then it was time to show her what she was going to be dressed in for the day.

  Chapter Nine

  After her spanking, Charlie led Angela to the bed, where he had laid out her clothes for the day. Angela took one look at the outfit and began to cry again.

  “You can’t be serious, daddy!” she wailed. “I don’t want to wear this!”

  “No protesting,” Charlie said sternly, “or you’ll go right back over my knee. I mean that.”

  Angela bit her lip and pouted hard.

  “Come here,” Charlie instructed. “Let me get you into your panties.”

  The tights and Hello Kitty panties that Charlie was holding up for her were the only clothes on the bed that belonged to her. The rest, she wasn’t sure where they had come from. He held them open by the waistband for her and helped her to step in one foot at a time. Then he pulled them up her legs and onto her now red bottom.

  “If your bottom stops feeling sore, let me know,” Charlie said. “If I check and your bottom isn’t at least a little pink, you’ll be getting a much harder spanking.”

  The idea of having to have a freshly spanked bottom all day was overwhelming to Angela, just like the humiliation that she felt when Charlie instructed her to sit on the bed so he could put her tights on her because they were going to go out of the house on an errand first thing.

  “I can’t go out of the house like this, daddy,” she moaned. “People will see me!”

  “That’s the point, my little one. A humiliation punishment isn’t complete if no one sees you in your humiliating condition, now is it?” Charlie knelt down in front of Angela and bunched up one leg of her white tights to help her get into them. Angela knew that it would be much easier for her to just put them on herself, but she also knew that Charlie wasn’t going to permit that.

  Eventually, Charlie got Angela into her tights and then he helped her step into the purple jumpsuit. It looked like it was designed for a toddler, with the bloomer-shaped legs giving it an extremely babyish effect. Angela hadn’t noticed the bow that Charlie had set on the bed before, though, so when he pulled it out she gasped.

  “That’s huge!” she complained.

  “Yep. And you’re gonna wear it,” Charlie said matter-of-factly, popping the headband onto her head. “Let’s go look in the mirror.”

  Angela had trouble looking at herself at first. It was horrible how easily she had been transformed into a tiny little girl. Her teenage middle persona seemed incredibly mature compared to what she was being forced into.

  Upon closer inspection, though, Angela did notice that her makeup-free face wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. In fact, aside from a few stray zits and the dark circles under her eyes, she felt like she looked pretty cute without makeup. It was an interesting revelation for her, since she usually avoided leaving the house without makeup for any reason, and only even really looked at herself this way when she was in the process of applying it.

  “We’re going out, little one,” Charlie told Angela. “Of course, you can wear your big girl coat since I couldn’t get you a little girl one and I would never want you to be cold, but as soon as we get indoors you are to take it off and hand it to me, do you understand?”

  Angela nodded glumly. She had been hoping that she would be allowed to leave her coat on. Although it didn’t cover the puffy legs of her jumpsuit, which were arguably the most embarrassing part, it at least covered the sailor collar and the big bow on the front.

  Charlie led Angela to the car, but instead of getting in the driver’s side like he usually did, he kept holding her hand and walked her to the back door. “Little girls aren’t allowed to sit in the front seat,” he explained. “You’re lucky that we don’t have a booster seat for you,” he said as he buckled her seatbelt for her.

  Each little humiliation was starting to pile up for Angela, and she was realizing that she couldn’t exactly fight the feelings that were overtaking her. She was going to have to just give up and let whatever happened next happen, she thought, as Charlie got in the front seat and started to drive.

  “Where are we going?” Angela asked, more out of curiosity than anything else.

  “There are two things we need to buy for this weekend that I couldn’t get in the big store, so we are going to the Little Haven Shop,” Charlie explained. “I called Mr. Larson last night to see if they had the things we need and he said that they do.”

  Mr. Larson was a man in his early fifties who ran the store in Little Haven. He was one of the only people in the community who wasn’t married, but he was a kind and gentle man who all the littles loved. He often gave the girls treats when they came into the shop to get supplies. Angela particularly liked Mr. Larson, and felt similarly toward him as a middle-schooler might feel toward a teacher who they had a crush on. She always wanted his praise and grew shy around him.

  “I don’t want Mr. Larson to see me in this outfit!” Angela insisted, sounding a little panicked. “What will he think of me?!”

  Charlie smiled. “Relax, little girl. I already explained the situation. Mr. Larson agreed with me that this was a most effective punishment for naughty girls, and even gave me a few suggestions on how to make it more effective. He’s looking forward to seeing what a cute little, little girl you make.”

  Angela looked out the window with a serious pout. For once, she was grateful for the falling snow; at least she got to have her coat and tights for now. She couldn’t imagine what it would have been like if she had undergone this treatment in the summer and had been marched right down the street dressed like this, with nothing to cover up with.

  When they arrived at the Little Haven Shop, Charlie warned Angela not to unbuckle her seatbelt until he told her that she could. Angela sat compliantly until her daddy came around and opened the door and undid her seatbelt, then helped her out of the car. They walked into the store, making the bell on the door ring cheerfully.

  “Coat off,” Charlie instructed.

  Angela sighed and pulled her jacket off, handing it to her daddy. She looked around the store anxiously, hoping that no one she knew was around. She shrank back behind a counter full of sweets in hopes of camouflaging her bright colors there.

  “Tom?” Charlie called as they walked in. Mr. Larson wasn’t at the front counter like he usually was.

  “Hi, Charlie,” Mr. Larson called from the back of the store. “I’m just back here unboxing some stuff that came in yesterday. I’ll be right up.”

  Mr. Larson appeared from beyond the displays of basic food and household supplies on the far aisle of the store. Besides everyday convenience items, the store also sold things that would be especially important for an age play community, like toys and accessories for littles and a wide variety of spanking implements. There was a rack of hairbrushes near the front of the store with a small bench n
ext to it, much like what one would see in a shoe store, only instead of sitting on the bench to try on shoes, one was invited to sit there and pull your little across your lap to try out a hairbrush before you bought it. Angela felt quite certain that whatever they were there for today was from that part of the store, not from the sweets and treats area where she was currently hiding.

  Mr. Larson strode over to Charlie and shook his hand. The older man was about the same height as Angela’s daddy but not as strongly built, and his once dark hair was primarily salt and pepper. Although Angela often thought of her daddy as looking distinguished, he looked young and fresh-faced next to Mr. Larson.

  “Hi, Charlie,” Mr. Larson said again. “Where’s your little?”

  “Angela?” Charlie called, looking around the store himself.

  Angela slowly peeked out from behind the candy display, hoping that the other two people shopping in the store wouldn’t notice her if she didn’t move too quickly.

  Mr. Larson smiled as he saw her poking her head out from behind the stand. “Don’t you look cute today, Angela,” he said. His voice wasn’t teasing. He seemed to really think so.

  Angela blushed furiously anyway. She wondered if there were any medical side effects caused by spending so much of one’s day embarrassed. Could it be bad for her circulation if all her blood was constantly rushing to her face?

  “Let Mr. Larson see you up close,” Charlie suggested.

  Angela came forward and stood by Charlie’s side. To her surprise, she found herself wanting to hide behind her daddy, just like she had made fun of Claire for doing the night before. She felt a sudden rush of shame as she thought about her behavior then, and she reminded herself that she really did deserve this punishment.

  “Do a turn so that we can see your full look,” Charlie instructed.

  Angela awkwardly spun around, twirling on the toe of her tennis shoe.

  “Slower,” Charlie ordered.


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