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Sonata by Moonlight

Page 11

by A. E. Easterlin

  Damn. This was just what she’d hoped to avoid. She wasn’t committed to either of these men, and yet she felt like a cheat. More than ever, she regretted telling Brodie he could bring dinner tomorrow night. Her resolve to stay away from them both had gone out the window when she saw him the other day. She should have her head examined. It was a lousy situation, and she didn’t like herself very much. Something had to give, and soon, for all their sakes.

  She needed a cocktail. A nice, strong drink to erase the tension and help her relax. She’d never been much of a drinker, but the appeal was becoming apparent. There was a little bar on the edge of the campus, Iron City Grille, where the faculty gathered—a grownup establishment, few if any students.

  It would be crowded this time of night. She’d heard the drinks were perfection and the food even better. Allison parked next to a big black Hummer and checked her makeup in the mirror. She added a touch of blush, sprinkled a light dusting of powder, darkened the tips of her lashes with mascara, and dotted her lips with balm. She was ready to go. There wasn’t much she could do with her hair, so after she crawled out of her car she bent over and shook the long layers, to add a little volume and freshness.

  The bar was all dark mahogany and brass, comforting and cave-like. Soft jazz played in the background, and the hum of voices enjoying themselves added to the atmosphere. She was surprised to see four of her patients sitting in a booth at the back of the room. They spied her at about the same time she spotted them, and they motioned for her to join them. By this time, she and the guys knew each other well, and it might be nice just to sit and talk away from the hospital setting.

  Jon Huertas, Shep Booth, Gabriel Cahill, and Joe B. Jackson were the best of the best. All four men had responded well to therapy and would soon be exiting the program. It was great to see them out doing normal things again. Longnecks dotted their table, but she was pleased to notice no one seemed to have drunk too much. Jon moved over to make room for her, and the fearless four grinned and wagged their brows. Gabe whistled under his breath.

  “Wow! Ms. C.—lookin’ good.”

  She laughed. “Cut it out, guys. You’re going to make me blush.”

  Jon elbowed her arm and gave her the once-over. “You ought to blush. You look like a million bucks. Out trolling?”

  Shep leaned across the table. “Yeah, you look great. But what’s with the solo appearance? We thought you and Miller were a thing…you know, like really into each other.”

  She was surprised. “Why would you think that?”

  Joe huffed and scrunched up his face. “Why? The way he looks at you when you’re around? The way you try not to look at him when he comes to the therapy wing? Come on, you guys are hot for each other. Looks like everyone knows it but the two of you.”

  “He looks at me? Exactly how does he look at me?” she asked, feeling her cheeks heat at their observations.

  Joe shook his head. “Like he was the cat and you were the mouse.”

  Shep snorted and shook his head. “Nah. More like he was the mouse, and she was the cheese.” They all burst out laughing.

  “No disrespect, but Miller went through a lot of shit. He’s a hero in our book—he’s due for something good. And you’ve become more than our therapist. You probably know more about us than our mothers. You’re a friend. We’d like to see both of you happy.”

  “Thanks, guys.” She thought a minute. “Brodie and I go way back. We’re friends. We’ll always be friends. He and my brother and I grew up together. He’s special. But sometimes life gets complicated. Do I care for him? I won’t lie, it’s obvious, I do. Where it goes from here, we’ll have to see.”

  Shep narrowed his gaze. “We’ve seen the ‘complication’ hanging around the hospital, meeting you after work. Hell, I know it’s none of our business, and I’d be the last guy to think I could get into the head of a woman. But, you gotta know, Brodie is ten times the man the other guy is.”

  She knew they meant well, but she had come here to forget the confusion of her relationships with Brodie and Jess, not discuss it. Eyes closed, she sat back against the booth and sighed. Guilt hung heavy on her heart; she hated the thought of hurting anyone. Gloom descended as she realized it was probably unavoidable. Depressing. She decided to give it up and go home and sleep away her troubles. She reached for her purse.

  “Uh-oh.” Jon’s voice stopped her as she rose. “Too late, Ms. Chandler. Look who just walked in the door.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Totally unprepared to see Allison sitting with the guys, Brodie stopped dead in his tracks. His four buddies had a deer-in-the-headlights look that was almost comical, while Allison looked ready to jump out of her skin, and more than a little annoyed that he’d shown up.

  His heart doing double-time, he walked to their table. “Hey,” he said, allowing her a chance to recover.

  Gabe and Joe cast an uncertain glance at Ally. The flush on her cheeks made him suspect they’d been talking about him. Good. He wanted her thinking of him, talking about him, doing anything to remind her of him and keep Harper off the radar.

  This pussyfooting around was driving him nuts. That hair, those gorgeous eyes, her full moist lips. From his vantage point, he could see the full swell of her breasts beneath the thin silk of her pretty, ruffled blouse. Damn. He wanted to drag her out back, press up against that luscious body, and brand her as his and his alone. And from the sympathetic looks on the guys’ faces, they could guess everything that had just been running through his mind.

  Damn, but he was hot for her. His mouth twitched in a slight grin as he scooted in and helped himself to a sip of her drink. Her beautiful eyes focused on his mouth, and the color in her cheeks darkened. Yeah. She was feeling it, too.

  Jon and Joe nudged the other two, and they exchanged silent signals of mutual understanding. “Time to call it a night. Brodie, Ms. Chandler… See you at the hospital. Shep, Gabe… Catch you later.”

  The other two soon followed suit and left them alone at the table.

  Deserters. They left him here with his heart slamming into his chest, his fists clenched in his lap, and his jeans getting tight. If he touched her now, he’d never stop. He was that far gone. He wanted to wait until tomorrow night to make his move, to push the boundaries of the easy camaraderie that had grown up between them. But he was here. And she was here. And the lights were dim, the music sultry, and the heat when their gazes met set him on fire.

  Her body vibrated against him. In his peripheral vision, he noticed her glass clutched tightly in her hand. He curled his fingers around her wrist and guided her hand to the table. “You’re going to spill that if you aren’t careful,” he said softly.

  “What made you come here, Brodie?” Her voice shook.

  “I didn’t follow you here, if that’s what you’re thinking. But I’m not sorry I came. You look pretty tonight, Ally. I like your hair down.” He reached a finger to tuck a strand behind her ear, and the silk caught on a callous and tugged. She hissed in a breath, and lowered her lashes. As if he needed confirmation of her hunger—it was pouring out of her, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. Suddenly, he’d had his fill.

  She watched in mute surprise as he grabbed her purse from the bench, and wrapped his hand around hers. He slapped a few bills on the table and stood.

  “After you.”

  His hand rested on the hollow of her back. Just touching her through the material of her blouse sent lightning bolts of need straight to his groin. Out in the parking lot, he gave a quick recon of the perimeter. They were alone. He pushed her against the side of his truck.

  Rubbing his hands up her arms, he glided them over her shoulders and neck, and buried them in the silky strands of her hair. Her breath was hot and bathed his face in tiny, short bursts that he smothered when he claimed her lips with his. Resistance melted.

  He pulled the lush, full softness of her upper lip between his teeth and gently bit, then peppered so
ft kisses along the outline of her mouth. She tasted so good, so damn good, and he deepened the kiss. Tasting her like this was heaven, and he didn’t want to stop.

  Ally’s face lifted, her mouth opening under his, and a groan escaped from deep in her throat. Brodie adjusted his stance, plastering his body against her pelvis. He was hard against her softness, and he pressed, enjoying the sensation, the womanly feel of her belly and the give of her pliable flesh under his throbbing manhood. Damn. He wanted this woman. He wanted to strip her naked and pull her under him and have her in a thousand different ways.

  “Ally…” Her name broke from his lips. A plea. He needed her…more than he’d ever needed anything.

  He pulled her into his chest. She had big breasts, full and round. Compelled to touch them, he reached down to cup their heaviness. She was firm and warm. All woman. Every nerve ending in his body flared with need.

  “Brodie,” she protested against his mouth. “Not here. Not like this.”

  Of course. Someone could see them. It was a popular place with the hospital crowd, and she had to work with these people. He wouldn’t embarrass her, but he wasn’t going to let her go. And he wasn’t going to stop.

  “Come on,” he growled, and it took every bit of resolve he had to pull away.

  Black curtains of lash hooded her sexy eyes. Enormous dark pupils captured his attention as her gaze locked with his. She leaned back, her breath coming in shallow pants. God! She was so damn beautiful she took his breath away. He needed to get her home where they could be alone.

  “Your place or mine, doesn’t matter. You can follow me, or we’ll leave your car here and get it later. No more running away from this. No more excuses, no more denials.” He wasn’t going to take no for an answer this time.

  She managed a nod. “I’ll follow you. I’ll put on a pot of coffee, and we can talk.”

  “Talking is the last thing on my agenda, Ally. And with the way you’re looking at me, you’re lying to yourself if you think that’s what’s on your mind.”


  Brodie put Allison in her car and waited until she pulled out of the lot. Even in the throes of passion, he was such a gentleman. Ah, Brodie, what are we doing? She dropped her right hand from the wheel and clutched her belly. He had been so hot and hard pushed up against her. She’d wanted him to take her right there in the parking lot, and if he’d pushed it, she’d have let him. And wouldn’t that have been a sight? Thank God he had more self-control than she.

  He was behind her all the way up the mountain and into her driveway. His truck hemmed in her little sports car, and she laughed. Did he think that would stop her if she wanted to escape? He wasn’t going to back down and, this time, he wasn’t running away. God, she hoped this wasn’t a mistake. How many years had she wanted this man? And now that he saw her as a woman, and wanted her as a woman, she was having doubts? She’d been chasing him since they were kids. Tonight he was finally going to let himself be caught.

  She was first to the door, her hand shaking so hard she couldn’t get her key in the lock. He took the key, brushing her hand, sending desire zinging up her spine. Brodie. Her mind called out his name. Over and over and over again. She trembled with her need for him.

  Rational thought was impossible when he was so near. Her breath came in shallow pants. She should slow things down. Allison glanced at the determined line of his jaw. Talking or going slow wasn’t on his agenda.

  He herded her through the door. Halfway into the living room, she turned to him.

  “Brodie…I don’t want to make a mistake,” she breathed. “Maybe…”

  He smiled and moved in. His big body backed her against the wall. “This is no mistake, baby. This is you and me. The way it was meant to be.”

  They were only four short steps from her sofa, and he had her flat against the wall. Warm hands cupped her chin, and hot, firm lips branded her with a searing kiss.

  “Ah, Ally, you taste so good.” His breath fanned her face. “This thing between us…we both know it’s right. All you have to do is let it happen and trust me. Hell, you and I both know we’ve been headed in this direction for years. The timing was just off. And now? We’re here, together, just you and me and the moonlight. Never been a big believer in fate, but whatever brought us to this place and time, I’m not going to question it. And I’m not waiting another minute to love you.”

  He covered her mouth in a long, hot, open-mouthed kiss. Not sweet or tender, just raw hunger, raw need. It touched her deep down in the center of her soul, and she trembled.

  Time stopped. Allison lost awareness of everything but him. There was nothing but the hard body and ferocious mouth of Brodie. Nothing but the touch of his hands roving her body. Nothing but the citrusy smell of his aftershave and what that scent did to the blood rushing through her veins. Nothing but the animal, guttural, all-male sounds he made as he kissed her and explored her body. She’d dreamed of him forever, but he was way better than a dream.

  He broke from her lips to scatter kisses down her throat, his tongue rasping against her skin, leaving a trail of wet heat that left her shivering when he moved farther down. His teeth nipped while his lips soothed. Erotic. Exciting. Enticing. She wanted more.

  “If you’re going to make me stop, now is the time. But you’ll only be postponing the inevitable. You’re mine, Allison. I’m not going away, and I’m never going to stop.” His admission sent a shudder straight through to her core. Her body ignited; her sex throbbed and grew wet. She was hot; he was hot, and the onslaught of hands and lips, muscle and bone, sight and smell, touch and feel went on and on and on.

  God help her, there was no retreat from this, and no half-measure. He demanded her complete and total surrender. And wasn’t this what she’d always wanted…Brodie with his arms around her? Brodie with his mouth consuming her?

  He thrust his tongue between her parted lips, forcing her to open to him. As if he needed force—she was way past the point of no return, way past rational thought.

  In a surprise move, he rotated their bodies, and he was against the wall, his back braced, his hips tilted forward. Running his hands down her ass to her thighs, he lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, his big body supporting her. His mouth devoured her as he ground against her softness. The press of his erection seared a hole through her clothes, through his, and she could feel it, long and thick, a heat-seeking missile programmed to the very core of her body.

  And it felt so good, so very good. “Brodie,” she whispered.

  His calloused fingers bracketed her wrists, while one strong arm braced her hips and the other slid her arms up above her head. ”Leave them,” he ordered with a growl.

  Her chest heaved in an effort to draw air into her lungs. Resting his forehead against hers, he paused. Staring into his sex-drugged eyes was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen. His face hardened with desire, wearing a fine sheen of sweat. He closed those beautiful, half-lidded windows into his being, and when he opened them again and let her in, she was amazed. She could see clear through to the heart of him; he held nothing back. Mesmerizing.

  “How is it possible that I want you so bad? I hear you at night, and it takes everything I’ve got not to barrel across the street and bury myself in your sweetness. I see you doing your job, moving through the halls of the hospital, and I want to steal you away and kiss you until you’re as wild for me as I am for you. I look out my window first thing every morning and again before I hit the bed at night, and imagine you…what you’re doing, where you’re going. You’re consuming me. You’re driving me crazy wanting you. And for a man like me, crazy is not a good thing.”

  That’s when she realized how much he needed her.

  That’s when she knew she would surrender everything to him.

  That’s when his mouth changed from frenzy to fire.

  She was going to combust. The thin material of her pants and the ridge of his zipper stretching tight over his erection were the only things separa
ting them. She squirmed, hunching her hips forward, seeking the satisfaction his body promised. They ground together, and he learned her rhythm, taking her closer and closer to the edge of satisfaction.

  He gave an impatient growl and popped the buttons of her frilly silk blouse, tossing it in a heap on the floor. The sudden exposure cooled her skin and made tiny bumps appear on her heated flesh. In a moment, he had her naked except for her lacy bra and panties. “Beautiful.” He murmured, leaving her no time to get embarrassed.

  She fumbled with the buttons on his shirt until he ground out, “Rip ’em.” And so she did. They scattered and pinged as they hit the hard floor. He helped her jerk the shirt from his shoulders and let it join her blouse in the growing pile of clothes at their feet.

  His jeans presented a challenge. He unzipped with one hand while holding her weight with the other. Then he tugged them down a hand at a time until they lay crumpled around his ankles. It was no good. She had to giggle.

  “Are you laughing at me, Ms. Chandler?”

  “Wouldn’t this be easier in bed?” she teased with a tiny shrug.

  “Didn’t think we’d make it that far, but now that you suggest it…”

  Her hands gripped his shoulders; his hands cupped her bottom. He stepped out of his jeans and leaned in to kiss her as she giggled yet again.

  “Don’t laugh,” he commanded with a tip of his lips.

  “Can’t help it,” she replied, trying hard to swallow her giggles.

  Carrying her to her bedroom, he deposited her in the middle of her bed. “Better?”

  “Better.” And she reached for him and pulled him down to her.

  At the contact, he sucked in a breath and slowly let it go before reaching back to unhook her bra and dispensing with the scrap of lace posing as her panties.

  “Now you,” she whispered.

  He pulled down his briefs in one smooth motion. Skin to skin, belly to belly, heart to heart. She bowed into him, rubbing against the furring across his pecs.


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