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Jace's Trial

Page 13

by J M Wolf

  “Now you listen here, you little shit. You’re going to stop putting up a fuss, and you will do as I say and bring your ass back home,” Brett growled.

  “Go to Hell,” I growled through gritted teeth.

  Brett’s free hand clutched into a fist, and he pulled it back ready to punch me. I squeezed my eyes shut preparing for the blow to come, a blow I had become accustomed to for so long; but it never came. I opened my eyes to see a hand gripping Brett’s arm stopping his fist from connecting with my face. Brett turned to see who dared stopped him, and right as he did he was met with a fist connecting with his face. He flung back and dropped to the ground, releasing my wrist as he did.

  The crowd backed away in shock. I looked up to see who my hero was, and I gasped in surprise. Gerard stood tall, fists clenched at his sides and staring down Brett with murderous eyes.


  Every cell in my body told me to kill the bastard on the ground. I didn’t know who he was or what the fuck was going on, but how dare he put his hands on Jace! If this sleazebag thought he was going to punch my Jace, he had another think coming. I was going to make this man regret the day he ever decided to approach Jace.

  As I watched him cover his face after knowing full well that I broke his nose, I began walking toward him ready to beat some sense into him. I was stopped by Jace reaching toward me and gently pushing me back. His eyes were pleading for me to stop.

  “Gerard, don’t. He’s not worth it,” Jace begged.

  With Jace so close to me and the worried expression plastered on his face, my homicidal tendencies lessened some. My focus was on Jace at that moment. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him tighter to me. Jace seemed to relax some as he gripped my white t-shirt sighing in relief.

  “Are you alright?” I mumbled softly into his hair.

  Jace nodded, but stayed quiet.

  As long as he was safe and in my arms, I was okay too.

  “What the fuck, dude?” I heard the piece of shit man on the ground complain as he tried standing up while covering his nose to stop the blood flow.

  I held Jace close to me as I glared daggers at the man. “If you so much as lay a hand on this man again, a broken nose will be the least of your problems. Am I making myself clear?”

  “Jace,” the man growled, staring at the blond angel in my protection.

  Jace turned to face him with a stern expression and shook his head. “Get out of here while you still can.”

  The crowd roared in agreement, telling the guy to get the fuck out. I was starting to like this little town.

  The bloodied man studied me for a moment and took notice of how I kept Jace close by me. “You really are a worthless slut,” he said looking at Jace. “You’ll regret your decision.”

  “I regret a lot of things, Brett. But this isn’t one of them,” Jace responded with iron.

  The man just smirked, blood already painting his teeth and dripping down his button-down shirt. He pushed past the crowd and ran off. I felt the urge to go after him to make sure he wouldn’t be a problem again, but the young man in my arms kept me in place. When the asshole was nowhere to be seen, I pulled Jace back some to look him over, making sure that there weren’t any injuries. When he seemed to be unmarred, I was finally able to relax.

  “Are you okay, Bluejay?” I asked.

  Jace nodded, but refused to look me in the eyes. “I’m fine,” he said softly.

  The crowd began to disperse, talking amongst themselves wondering who that guy was that decided to try to pick a fight with Jace. Some came to clap me on my shoulders and shake my hand, thanking me for coming to Jace’s rescue. An older woman with short curly red hair pushed through everyone and took Jace in her arms.

  “Thank God, Jace. Honey, are you alright?” she asked sounding like a panicked mother.

  “I’m fine, Patricia,” Jace responded.

  “Good, now who was that guy, and why did he decide to get hostile with you?”

  “You already know he was someone I knew back in college, and as for the hostility, he was pissed because I wouldn’t go back with him.”

  My brow furrowed at that, and it looked like Patricia was just as confused. So many questions popped into my mind. My first thought was the man looked to be about my age, so he didn’t strike me as a student. I knew there could have been older students, but something about the way he looked told me otherwise. So, who was he exactly? Secondly, why did he decide to get aggressive just because Jace decided not to go back? What was his relationship with Jace? Because clearly there was some history between them. From the looks of it, he might’ve been the reason Jace dropped out.

  “So you didn’t want to go back to New York, and he decides to manhandle you? That makes no sense, Jace.” Patricia sounded agitated.

  Jace sighed. “It’s a long story.”

  “Then explain it.”

  I stepped in. “Look, ma’am, if I may? Jace just had himself a complicated day so would it be alright if I took him home so he can rest, and maybe afterward I can get him to tell me what that whole commotion was about?”

  Patricia looked at me with a raised eyebrow, giving me a once-over like Desiree did when I first stepped into Abington. “And who are you?”

  I bowed my head in respect. “Gerard Ramhart, ma’am.”

  Patricia’s eyes widened in recognition. “Gerard Ramhart. As in Riley’s Gerard?”

  “Yes, ma’am. That would be me.”

  “Oh, my word! Well, it’s nice to finally meet you, Gerard, though I wish it were under better circumstances. I’m Patricia Walker. I was one of Riley’s dearest friends and Jace’s godmother. And please, call me Patricia. Calling me ma’am makes me feel old.”

  “You are old,” Jace grumbled softly.

  I snorted, and the look Patricia gave him told me that she heard his remark.

  “Watch it, young man,” she said. “Don’t think just because all this happened that I won’t smack you for that.”

  I chuckled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Patricia. It’s nice to see Riley had someone like you in his life and that you’re there for Jace as well.”

  “Likewise. Riley spoke highly of you. I must say you’re even more handsome than he described you.”

  “You flatter me,” I said blushing slightly.

  Jace groaned and rolled his eyes. When he focused on Patricia, his tone was serious. “Patricia, please don’t tell Desiree about this. She’s still a little frazzled about my breakdown, and I don’t want her panicking more.”

  “She should know, Jace. I mean, you almost got attacked, and there’s obviously more to this story that you’re not telling,” Patricia responded with her hands on her hips.

  “There is and I promise I’ll explain later, but right now I just want some peace. Please?” Jace pleaded.

  Patricia looked to be torn as she huffed out a breath. She looked at me as if mentally asking what my opinion was. I shrugged because I honestly didn’t know what the right answer was. Technically, I was on her side. The man had dangerous written all over him, and I wanted to know what went down between them. But right now my main priority was to get Jace home and maybe I could get him to at least talk to me about it. He was already starting to warm up to me if our constant dry humping and fooling around earlier that morning was anything to go by.

  It looked as if Jace was going to get his way when Mrs. Walker huffed out an agitated breath and nodded. “Okay, dear. This completely goes against my better judgment, but I’m agreeing because I love you and because you’ve got someone like Gerard watching over you.” She turned her gaze to me as if confirming that I would keep him safe in case the asshole returned.

  I gave the red-headed woman a reassuring nod, and she relaxed at that. Jace did too. I knew she would still want to know what happened. She was Jace’s family after all. But, it was his call, and I could only hope it wouldn’t come back to bite him in the ass later for it.

  “Come on, Jace. Let’s go home,” I said and
stilled at my words. Home, as in our home. It sounded off at first, but there was also a sense of rightness to it.

  Jace looked up at me, obviously having the same thought as I had about his and Desiree’s home being our home; at least for now. If I were honest, I loved the idea of having a home with Jace. Our connection and desire for one another that morning showed me how much I loved and missed sharing that connection with someone. I wasn’t sharing it with just anybody though; I was sharing it with Jace. Something I never thought would happen.

  Jace and I may have gotten past a lot of obstacles to get to where we were, but there were still a lot of complications we still needed to figure out. There was also the fact that the day after the memorial, I’d be leaving. I’d be going back to trying to figure out how to have a life without Riley in it. I wasn’t liking the idea of going back to Florida, but not because of Riley. No, I was dreading going back to my old life for a completely new reason. Jace, wouldn’t be in it.

  Jace said his goodbyes to Patricia Walker and some other people who stuck around to make sure he truly was okay before he followed me to my rental car. Once we got in and I started driving us back to the house, I decided to try my hand in getting him to talk to me about who that douchebag was and why was he so aggressive with him.

  “Jace,” I began.

  Jace shook his head. “Don’t, please.”

  Of course, he wouldn’t make this easy. “Please don’t start keeping things to yourself again. You need to talk to someone about this. Why can’t you talk to me about it at least? You already started divulging your feelings to me earlier, remember?”

  I saw him trying to fight back a smile, obviously remembering the events that took place before he left for the farmers’ market. “I know I did, but I just need a moment to process everything. Remember, I’m not that good at expressing myself without my music.”

  “I remember,” I muttered.

  Jace went silent after that. We finally made it to the house and got in when Jace’s phone rang the moment I shut the front door behind.

  Jace looked at the caller ID before saying, “It’s Desiree. Fuck, I hope nobody told her.”

  I reached out and grabbed his shoulder, offering my support. He seemed to appreciate that and relaxed before answering the call.

  “Hey, Desiree. You okay?” Jace asked putting the phone to his ear. He was silent for a moment, but then nodded his head at something she must’ve said. “Yeah, sure. I’m on my way. Love you, bye.”

  “Everything okay?” I asked when he hung up his cell.

  “Yeah. Aunt Desiree’s car won’t start, so she asked if I would pick her up from work and make a stop at the grocery store on the way back.”

  Jace was about to search for his car keys, but I said, “I’ll go get her. You should stay and rest. You’ve had a long day.”

  Jace’s eyes pinned me with a hard glance. “Gerard, I’m not fucking fragile. I’m perfectly fine with picking up my aunt and going to the store.”

  “Hey,” I stepped closer to cup his face in my hands, “I didn’t mean it like that. I know you’re not fragile. In fact, you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. I’m sorry if you felt I was belittling you.”

  I felt Jace relax to my touch and I could see the guilt coming off of him in waves.

  “No, I’m sorry,” he said sighing.

  I tilted his chin up to face me then leaned forward to capture his lips in mine. The kiss was as blissfully sweet as our first one that morning. I would never get tired of kissing this young man in my hands.

  I pulled back some and said, “I’m only concerned about you. You’ve had a rough day, and you should relax. Please, let me pick up your aunt and help her run her errands.”

  I could see that Jace still wanted to argue that he was capable of driving down to get Desiree, but reluctantly he nodded.

  “See you when you get back,” Jace said softly

  I smiled then gave him another smooth kiss. “I promise I won’t be too long, Bluejay.”

  Jace nodded grinning ear to ear. I knew the kiss would make him feel better.

  With that in mind, I opened the door behind me and stepped back outside, leaving Jace alone.


  Seeing Brett again after all that time was starting to fuck with my head. I was proud of how I handled myself. I knew he was abusive, I mean I’d lived through it long enough, but I never thought he would act that way in public. What the fuck was his problem?

  Brett Summers was a man whom, even to this day, I have yet to figure out completely. When he was my professor, I fell in love with his expression toward music and loved it, even more, when he acknowledged my talent. Like everyone else, Professor Summers saw me as a musical prodigy and began paying very close attention to me. I was already crushing on him, so I enjoyed the extra time he had his eyes on me. He was handsome, intelligent, and just as passionate about music as I was.

  As I made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom, I began replaying all the time I spent with Brett while attending Julliard. It was three months into my freshmen year when Professor Summers asked if I would like to go to his place to practice on his piano for a music competition I was participating in. I had nothing planned that day, so I said yes. That evening we were creating sweet serenading melodies on the piano, and I found myself having a great time.

  Things began to feel uncomfortable after we spent two hours on the piano and he leaned in closer and started kissing my neck. Goosebumps began forming along my arms, and I felt shivers running up my spine. I pictured moments like that with him, but I also knew that being with my professor wasn’t a good idea. I didn’t want to risk his job or my schooling. I lightly shoved him off hoping that would be enough, but then he began doing it again along with running a hand along my thigh. It had been a while since I was intimate with someone so my body was welcoming the touches, but my brain was screaming red alert.

  I tried warning Brett that we shouldn’t do this. But he ignored me and scooted closer to me and began running his hands all over my body, I didn’t push him away. Instead, my mouth found his and I surrendered myself to the man I soon learned was the fucking devil.

  When I awoke the next day naked and in bed with my professor, naturally I freaked the hell out. He tried to calm me and reassure me that what happened was natural and that he liked me. I couldn’t deny the sex we had, but to say I was disappointed in myself was a stretch. I was horrified that I let myself get sucked in by his seduction. Was I that desperate for a connection?

  Brett, Professor Summers, asked me out and in the beginning, I said no. Unfortunately, he didn’t take no for an answer. Shocker, right? However, I wasn’t as strong then as I’d become. With him pushing the subject every time we were alone, and a couple more times I ended up in his bed, I relented. I gave him what he wanted; me.

  It was the second worst fucking mistake I’d ever made in my entire life. I should never have said yes to Brett. I should’ve gone to the Dean about him. I should’ve requested to be put in another class. Anything to get him away from me. But I didn’t. That’s when the abuse took place, after realizing that he had me, my education, and my dreams in his hands.

  Of course, our relationship had to be kept secret since he was my professor, which weighed heavily on my shoulders since day one. I wasn’t allowed to acknowledge him as mine, I wasn’t allowed to be seen publicly with him, we couldn’t go on dates, and I had to keep lying to my friends whenever he demanded, not asked, me to come over to his place.

  It was tough, but ever since I said yes to him, he wasn’t as pushy. In fact whenever we met, he was a perfect gentlemen. I began thinking that maybe we could make it work. I fooled myself into thinking that I could love him. That if we were going to be serious, then he’d understand that our relationship shouldn’t be hidden.

  The moment I decided to tell him my frustrations was when the beatings began. The first time he hit me was in the middle of an argument, and he screamed at me to shut the fu
ck up followed by a punch to the face. He apologized for it and swore to the heavens that it would never happen again. Why did I believe him? I haven’t the slightest idea.

  When they became more frequent, I threatened not only to inform the Dean, but I would also call the police. He fired back with making sure the whole school knew I whored myself to my professor to get ahead and would inform my dad of my indecent affairs. I never brought it up again. How could I? Brett had me, and he knew it.

  It was a year later when I pretended to be sick and Brett left me at home to teach his classes. Once he was gone, that was when I took my leave. I needed to be somewhere I felt safe, and away from him. I needed to go home. The rest was history.

  As soon as I entered my bedroom, I toed my shoes off and plopped on the bed exhausted and frustrated. Why did Brett have to show up in Abingdon? Why couldn’t he just leave me alone?

  Before I could ponder some more about the topic, my phone rapidly buzzed with multiple texts coming in. When I checked them, I noticed they were all from the townsfolk who knew me best; asking about what happened, if I was okay, who was the guy who tried to attack me and if the sexy man who came to my rescue was my infamous Gerard Ramhart who once belonged to my dad. I groaned. It would seem that Mrs. Walker was living up to her reputation as the town’s number one gossip, and decided to tell every Tom, Dick, and Harry about what happened. Oh, fucking joy.

  I spent half an hour informing everybody that yes, I was okay, that the guy was someone I knew from New York. No, I didn’t know what his problem was. Yes, the guy who saved me was Gerard, and yes, Gerard was sex on a stick. Nosey bastards. I sent the last text message and was about to put my phone away when Adam’s ringtone sounded. Of course, he would also know about what happened.

  “I’m fine, Adam,” I said through the receiver right when I answered the phone.

  “How’d you know what I was calling for?” Adam asked me.

  “Because your mother doesn’t know how to keep her mouth closed, and I just had half of the town texting me for the same reason.


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