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Jace's Trial

Page 16

by J M Wolf

  Gerard licked the swollen head, and my body tightened at the sensation coursing through me. My dick felt sensitive, so I knew it wouldn’t take much to unload. He patted my hips telling me to raise them up. I did as he requested and lifted myself up so he could grab my jeans and briefs and pull them off me. My throbbing erection sprang out and stood up like a pole, a clear stream of precum dripping down the sides and leaving spots on my heated skin.

  I looked to see Gerard staring hard at me in all my nakedness. Lust and affection blazed in those chocolate brown eyes of his as they scrolled up and down my body like I was a work of art. That would be ridiculous since he was the one who looked to be made by the gods themselves. My dick twitched as I remembered touching every inch of that godlike body with my hands, lips, and tongue. I remembered having my lips around that thick length of his and my mouth watered at the prospect of tasting it again.

  Gerard got off the bed, but before I could complain about his absence, he began undoing his pants shucking them off together with his shirt and climbing back on top of me. He leaned his hips down, rubbing his stiff erection against my own. My hands gripped the sheets as shivers swam through me like an ocean current; wave after wave of pleasure consuming me.

  Gerard wrapped his arms around my waist lifting my ass up as he licked a trail down my stomach until he reached my length, then licked the trail of precum up and around the head. I was making incoherent sounds just as Gerard wrapped his mouth around my dick sucked me down until the head tickled the back of his throat. He worked my cock like a professional, never missing a beat and sent sensations through my body that I’d never felt before.

  My body twitched and shook, and my head was constantly rocking from side to side while Gerard went up and down my spit-covered dick with his mouth. One hand went to the lower half of my cock gently squeezing it while twirling his grip from left to right, and the other began to massage my ballsack.

  “Gerard,” I gasped in between pants. “I’m going to cum if you keep this up.”

  Gerard pulled off my dick as his hands continued working my dick and balls. “Cum for me, baby. I want you to shoot your load.”

  His mouth went back to my dick sucking down what his palm didn’t cover. My back arched as jolts of electricity sparked around my crotch and trailed up my dick. I was about to blow. I cried out Gerard’s name in warning, but he never stopped. I couldn’t hold it in any longer as streams of hot semen shot out of me and Gerard swallowed every last drop I gave him. I cried in relief as I felt my body going limp when the last few drops of cum left me.

  My lower body crashed on the bed in exhaustion. I was gasping for air like a fish out of water. Gerard sat up straddling my hips, his cock still stiff with arousal. He began stroking himself using his precum as lube. My eyes never left his as he worked himself to sensual bliss. Within a few seconds, he groaned my name as he painted my belly with his semen. The white liquid spilled in all directions, some going as far as my collarbone.

  When Gerard emptied himself, he leaned forward, but held himself up with one hand. The other hand went to my stomach and began smearing his release into my skin. Never in my life had I seen or heard of someone doing that. He was marking me as his. He was claiming me, and it was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

  “Mine,” Gerard growled possessively.

  I nodded without hesitating. “Yours. I’m all yours.”

  He kissed me after that, slow but sweetly; showing that he may have had a dominant side, but he also had a gentle side. He then got up and retrieved his boxers before putting them on and walking out of the room toward the bathroom. He came back with a warm washcloth and began cleaning my body. Once he finished, he tossed the cloth aside, removed his boxers and climbed back into bed pulling me to his body. I wrapped an arm and leg around him in a tight embrace as if I was afraid he’d walk away from me. I knew he wouldn’t, at least not yet.

  I didn’t want to think about him leaving to go back to Florida in a week, but the thought was still there. We couldn’t avoid the important topics any longer. After work tomorrow, I’d talk to Gerard and figure out where we stood. For now, I wanted to bask in the feel of his heat enveloping me. As Gerard stroked my hair, I felt my eyes grow heavy as sleep crept up on me and sent me into the darkness.

  “Jace!” Malcolm cried out the moment I stepped through the door of the shop.

  He sounded like he was in a panic, and I briefly wondered if it had anything to do with his son? Did he find Damian? Was he dead? Was he alive? Whatever it was, it left me uneasy.

  “Um, yeah?” I asked cautiously.

  “In my office. Now,” Malcolm demanded.

  Uh oh, that didn’t sound good. I wondered what I did wrong. I made my way to his office and hesitantly entered the small space.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked.

  Malcolm looked tired as fuck. His hair was a mess, his skin was pale, and he had bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept a wink, or that he was dying. I wasn’t sure which, but I was going with the lack of sleep.

  He stared at me like I was an idiot for asking what was wrong as if I should’ve already known. Of course, I didn’t, so I waited.

  “What’s wrong?” he mimicked. “What’s wrong? I get a call from Patricia Walker about the incident that occurred at the farmers’ market yesterday with strict orders to not inform your aunt, and you’re wondering what’s wrong?”

  Dammit Patricia! Though, even if she hadn’t told Malcolm personally, the man would’ve heard about it in town. It was no secret that it was the gossip of the day and people were wondering who the fuck that guy was who put his hands on me. I wore a wristband on my right wrist to cover the bruised handprint that Brett left on my skin. No sense in wearing his bruises and sparking the conversation up even more.

  “Malcolm, please don’t start with me on that too. I just sent over a dozen text messages to pretty much everyone last night who was asking about what happened and who that guy was,” I said, hoping like hell he’d let the subject drop.

  He didn’t let the subject drop. “Good, then you can talk to me about it.” He got up from his chair and stood inches from me. “What the hell happened?”

  I groaned. “Someone from my old life wanted me to go back with him; I said no, and he didn’t want to take no for an answer. Happy now?”

  “No, I’m not! There’s more to it than that. I can tell.”

  Without saying a word, I turned and walked out of Malcolm’s office. I wasn’t going to have this conversation with him. It was nerve-wracking enough telling Gerard everything. Nobody else needed to know my business. I was having a good morning, and I wasn’t going to let Malcolm ruin it for me.

  “Don’t you walk away from me, young man!” Malcolm barked as he followed me to the time clock for me to punch in, then I began taking inventory of our stock. It was easy to tell Malcolm was getting irritated. “Jace Evan Garrison you answer me when I’m talking to you! Now what the fuck was up with that guy?”

  I couldn’t say what came over me at the very second. All I knew was I slammed the box I was carrying to the ground then whirled around shooting daggers at Malcolm with my eyes. My face was a deep red as I felt like an active volcano ready to blow. Malcolm stilled with wide eyes.

  “You listen to me,” I hissed at him. “You’re my boss at this shop. You’re not my fucking dad, and you damn sure are not going to talk to me like you’re him. I’m not Damian. I’m not your fucking child. As for what happened, it’s none of your goddamn business, and since it has nothing to do with work, it’s not your place to demand me to talk to you about my private life. So, back the fuck off!”

  Once I was finally able to cage the rage, I was panting heated breaths. Malcolm hadn’t said a word and looked as if he wouldn’t. I may have gone a little overboard with the way I talked to him, but nothing I said wasn’t true. He wasn’t my father, and I wasn’t his son. I refused to be Damian’s replacement.

  Malcolm didn’t move or
speak as he remained in place staring at me in shock at my outburst. I could see the hurt in his eyes, but he never said a word. Throwing my hands up in surrender and shaking my head, I turned my back on him and picked up the box, prepared to restock the shelves. I started walking when I felt Malcolm reach a hand out to grab my arm. I was about to shake his grip off of me when I felt his hand shaking.

  My brow furrowed at the shivered grip then let him turn me back around, so we faced one another. It wasn’t just his hand that was shaking. His whole body shook.

  “Malcolm?” I asked.

  The pain etched on his face as he whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  I said nothing.

  “I shouldn’t have jumped down your throat like that. I was wrong. But Jace, while you may be correct about me not being your father, you and Adam were around Damian every day since you were all in diapers. You and Adam have both been my boys in all but blood, and you know that.”

  I sighed feeling the guilt flooding my insides. I didn’t bother arguing with Malcolm because he was right. Malcolm Hew was practically a second father to me. When my dad was overseas, Malcolm was the one who bonded with me. My dad was the one who taught me how to ride a bike, taught me to shave, and helped me open my bank account. Malcolm was the one who taught me to drive and to help pick out my tuxedo for both my junior and senior prom. He deserved more respect than what I gave him.

  I let out a long breath. “I’m sorry for lashing out.”

  Malcolm reached out and clasped my shoulder. I looked up into his green eyes and saw that he was smiling at me. He still wore the hurt expression, but it was not as heavy as earlier.

  “I’m sorry too,” Malcolm mumbled. “I was just scared.”

  I arched an eyebrow in confusion. “Scared? About what?”

  “Jace, I’ve already lost Damian, and I’m not even sure if he’s still alive. When Patricia told me about that asshole who was about to hurt you, I was afraid of something happening to you, and I wouldn’t be there to protect you. I don’t want to lose another of my boys. You and Adam are all I have left.”

  My heart went out to the older man who I considered my second father. I knew he still carried the pain of losing Damian, and I wished there was something I could do for him. I wished we knew where he was, or what happened to him. Malcolm deserved to know.

  We hugged for about two minutes before we separated from one another.

  “What happened yesterday, Bluejay?”

  “All you need to know is that I’m fine, Malcolm. I’m not going anywhere, I promise. As for the guy, Gerard stopped him, and I doubt he’ll show his face around here again.”

  As soon as I mentioned Gerard’s name, Malcolm jaw tilted up in a grin, and I knew what was coming.

  “Gerard, huh?”

  “Here it comes,” I muttered under my breath, but even I smiled at the sudden topic of Gerard.

  Malcolm, of course, took notice of me smiling. “What’s this? You went deathly silent on all of us for a few days, and I suddenly hear about Mr. Big Shot coming to your rescue, and now you’re smiling at the sound of his name?”

  “Shut up.” I chuckled shaking my head.

  Malcolm gasped. “Oh, my God you’re blushing!”

  “I am not!” I retorted probably blushing harder than I already was.



  “Is there something you want to tell me about the handsome older man?”

  “I never want to tell you anything, so why would I change my mind now?”



  Malcolm came closer whispering so only I could hear. I didn’t know why since we were the only ones in the building, but this was Malcolm, and he was weird for an old guy.

  “Are you and Gerard…you know…?” Malcolm asked.

  My breath caught in my throat, and I’m pretty sure my face was the color of a firetruck at this point, but I tried my best not to show how embarrassed I was. I wasn’t sure how well I was pulling it off, but I was praying to anybody who would listen to let me pull it off.

  “I-I don’t know what you mean,” I stuttered. Damn it; I was screwed.

  I half expected Malcolm to continue picking on me, but instead his expression grew serious. “You guys are together, aren’t you?”

  “I—” I stopped myself because I wasn’t sure how to answer that. I wasn’t sure what to call this whatever Gerard and I were doing, and I have yet to talk to the man, so I didn’t know what his opinion was on the matter. Were we dating? Was Gerard my boyfriend? I wanted him to be, but would he feel the same?

  Yes, the chemistry between us was electrifying, and yes, we’d fooled around despite not having gone all the way yet, but could Gerard see me as boyfriend material? It certainly felt like a relationship, and to be honest, I was already considering him my boyfriend.

  “I’m not sure,” I finally said. “Gerard and I are going to have a lot to talk about after work today.”

  “Do you want to be with him? To be boyfriends?” Malcolm asked.

  I hesitated, but then remembered that both Aunt Desiree and Mrs. Walker said that it was okay for me to want something with Gerard. I nodded my head yes.

  “I figured as much. Patricia told me about you daydreaming about the man, but also that he protected you from that bastard who put his hands on you.” Malcolm paused for a moment before saying, “I’ll admit that when she first told me you liked Gerard, I was surprised and worried. I’m not entirely sure if you guys should get involved with each other like that.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  Malcolm hesitated, but ended up saying, “Well, this was someone who recently dated your old man. My concern was that he’d only want you because you’d be the closest thing he has to your father. I don’t want you being Riley’s replacement.”

  Malcolm made a valid point. Part of me was also concerned that I’d be a rebound or a replacement of my dad, but I’d seen the way Gerard looked at me; the way he held me. He saw me for me, not for who my father was. I still had my fears, but they were things I’d address with Gerard when we finally had our talk.

  “Do you really think he’s only using me as a replacement for my dad?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure, Bluejay. I’m hoping that’s not the case. When Patricia mentioned how she saw how Gerard protected you, and how he held you close, she sensed that his feelings for you were genuine. So maybe I’m wrong. But these are things you need to figure out for yourself.”

  “He’s good to me,” I said smoothly.

  “Good, because you deserve someone who worships the ground you walk on.” His face darkened when he looked at me. “You terrified me when Desiree told me about your breakdown. I don’t want you getting your hopes up, and then you fall apart again. I love seeing you getting back to your old self.”

  “I appreciate your concern, Malcolm. I’m glad to have someone like you care about me.”

  “I’m always going to look out for you, just I like I did for your father. No offense, but I was happy for him when your mother left.” Malcolm looked down as pain surrounded him. “She was…let’s just say she was really good at hurting and manipulating people.”

  I stared at Malcolm in bewilderment, wondering what he meant about that. Did my mother do something to hurt him too? I wanted to ask, but thought against it. It was his business, and my mother was gone so there was nothing she could do to him now if she had.

  I reached for him and gave the man another brief hug. “I know she was, and I’m glad she’s gone too. As for Gerard and me, I’ll figure out where we stand.”

  “Good, because I want your father to rest in peace knowing you’re in good hands,” he said hugging me back.

  Customers began walking in, and Malcolm and I decided that it was time to get to work. The rest of the morning and early afternooon came and went without any difficulties. It was still summertime, so all the tourists who stopped by were eager to explore the tr
ails. I couldn’t blame them. I loved it myself. I used to walk along the trails in the early mornings as a kid whenever I needed some alone time or to ponder some song lyrics. Something about nature and the wind bristling and the trees billowing made me feel at ease like I could relax. I made a mental note to start doing that again soon.

  I still had about three hours left on my shift, so I was surprised when I heard the door open, and I turned to see Gerard stepping inside. I smiled widely and ran to embrace him in a hug. Gerard already had his hands out to me as if expecting the move. Once I was against him, his big arms embraced me, and he chuckled while rocking me side to side and kissing the top of my head.

  “Not that I’m not glad to see you, but what are you doing here so early?” I asked.

  Before Gerard could respond, I heard Malcolm from the back saying, “I called him in here.”

  I turned around to face my second father/boss in confusion and saw him stride over to the front to see us.

  “Why?” I asked. “And how did you even get his number?”

  “I called your aunt who gave me his number since he was already out and about. As for why it’s because you have the rest of the day off.”

  I gaped at him. “What?”

  “Jace, all you do is work your ass off. Your aunt and I had a quick conversation. She told me you started back up on your music and that Gerard was leaving the day after the memorial.” Malcolm pointed to Gerard who never released me from his hold. “Since his time is short, as your boss, I’m ordering you to take the rest of the day off to spend it with him.”

  I turned to Gerard who nodded in confirmation that he and Malcolm planned this without my knowledge. I turned back to Malcolm.

  “You sure you can handle the shop without me?” I asked with a grin.

  “Probably not. I don’t know what I’ll do without you,” Malcolm retorted sarcastically. “Get out of here, crazy kid.”


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