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Jace's Trial

Page 20

by J M Wolf

  “I have. She’s a loving woman with a kind heart,” I said. “I haven’t met your father yet though.”

  “Gerard,” Jace shot me a warning.

  Adam raised a hand up to stop Jace from saying any more. Did I miss something?

  “It’s okay, hon,” Adam said to Jace before turning back to me. “Honestly hon, if you met my dad I would’ve been completely freaked out.”


  Adam gave me a weak smile. “He passed away when I was younger. Heart failure.”

  A wave of sadness for the red-headed man washed over me. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  Adam smiled at me, but even I could tell it was forced. My heart broke knowing both Adam and Jace now experienced the same pain of losing their fathers. Jace had someone to lean on who understood his pain all too well because Adam lived through it once upon a time.

  “So,” Adam said perking up and changing the subject. “You guys are together, huh? Like, officially?”

  Jace and I both nodded.

  Adam looked to Jace. “So does this mean he finally plowed your ass like a field with his king-sized dick you told me about?”

  What? I stole a glance at Jace whose face was bright red, unable to meet my eyes. His jaw clenched as he tried to look menacing at his best friend who in return looked back with innocent curiosity.

  “I cannot believe you just blurted that out loud, you asshole!” Jace hissed out.

  I couldn’t help but grin in amusement at Jace’s flustered face.

  “What?” Adam said batting his eyelashes. “All I did was ask a simple question. You were the one who texted me last week talking about Gerard having a big dick, and how he hadn’t put it in yet.”

  “I’m going to kill you!” Jace shouted as his body shook with embarrassment and anger.

  I leaned toward Jace’s ear and whispered, “If you want my big dick that badly, just wait until we get back to the hotel.”

  The anger left Jace instantly, and he stood there completely paralyzed, face as red as a tomato and eyes full of lust. He was so cute when he was embarrassed and horny.

  “Can we go back now?” Jace muttered under his breath so only I could hear.

  I scooted closer to Jace and began running my hand along his jeans-covered ass.

  “Not yet. Good things happen to those who wait,” I whispered.

  Jace’s breath picked up, and he was chewing on his lower lip.

  Oh yeah, his little ass is mine tonight.

  “Will you guys stop mentally fucking in my dressing room?” Adam said in amusement. “As sexy as you both are, and I wouldn’t mind watching where this could lead, I do have a show tonight. And Jace, it’ll be a night you won’t forget.”

  “What do you mean?” Jace asked in confusion.

  Adam had a wicked gleam in his eyes. “Oh, you’ll see.”

  Adam’s dressing room door opened and in walked an attractive African woman with jet-black hair as smooth as silk and wearing tight black jeans that hugged her form and a black corset. She observed us before turning to Adam who nodded in confirmation to something.

  When the tension in her body relaxed, she said, “You’re on in two minutes, superstar.”

  Adam beamed with excitement then gestured to Jace and me. “Tara, this is Gerard Ramhart, and my brother from another mother, Jace Garrison. He’s the one who wrote my song Renegade. Guys, this is my bodyguard Tara Hall.”

  “Nice to meet you both. Mr. Garrison, you have a gift for writing a hit song.”

  “It’s Jace, please. And thank you so much. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope you’ll be keeping this nutjob safe,” Jace replied.

  I arched an eyebrow stunned. “You’re his bodyguard?”

  Tara calmly walked forward until she was inches from me. Maybe I should’ve worded that differently.

  “What are you trying to say, Mr. Ramhart? A woman can’t be a bodyguard? Only men can pull off my job?”

  Yep, I definitely should’ve worded that differently. Now I looked like an ass.

  “Um, no ma’am, that’s not what I meant. I mean…um…w-what I meant was…” I was so scared to put another foot in my mouth that I was blabbering like a fool. I turned to Adam who looked to be enjoying the show. I then looked to Jace hoping like hell he’d come to my rescue, but he had his mouth covered with his hand, and seemed to be having fun watching my ass get into trouble.

  “Don’t look at me. I want to see how you get yourself out of this mess. Personally, I think she makes a phenomenal bodyguard,” Jace said shaking his head.

  The traitor.

  Tara turned to Jace and smiled. “Aww, thanks honey. I like you.” She then turned her gaze to me and said, “I’ll let you off the hook since your boyfriend is a sweetheart.”

  “Thank you,” was all I could say.

  Tara turned back to Adam who was snorting uncontrollably. “Alright, superstar. You ready to sexify this place?”

  Adam cocked his hip to the left, left hand on his hip and his right hand was brought up as he snapped his finger. “Honey, I was born to sexify the world. You know this.”

  “Fair enough, let’s get you moving.”

  Adam gave Jace and me both a hug before saying, “Your seats are waiting for you in the front row. Hope you guys enjoy.”

  “Knock them dead, Adam Love,” Jace said proudly.

  “Break a leg,” I added.

  We all walked out of the dressing room with Adam making his way backstage and Jace and I heading toward the front to take our seats. I was dying to see what kind of performance this little firecracker of a man would give. Jace sat next to me, excitement blossoming in his chest. I was glad that Adam invited us to see his performance because it meant that Jace could tear down another wall and enjoy himself the way he should’ve been doing all along.

  The house lights, and rainbows began dancing along the stage. The music erupted with glitter shimmering in the background with Adam’s name in the center. Adam appeared on the stage and began singing with what I assumed were his backup dancers wearing black leather jackets with the word Renegade sewed on the backs crowded around him from the sides. Jace shouted close to my ear that he was singing a cover version of We R Who We R by Kesha.

  Adam was giving an amazing performance that was getting the crowd pumped up. I looked at Jace and noticed he was mouthing the words to the song while Adam performed; the rapping, the chorus. Jace began dancing in his seat having the best time. I could see why; Adam had the crowd in the palms of his hands. When the chorus came, fireworks ignited, shooting from the ground, and the crowd roared. His singing, his dancing, his stage presence, he dominated it all, and even I found myself dancing to the beat in my seat.

  When the song was over, he walked to the front of the stage, already sweaty and panting, but he was alive.

  “What’s up, New York? Are you all having a great time?” Adam shouted through the mic, and the crowd cheered in response.

  “That’s what I like to hear!” Adam shouted, then the music to the next song began, and Adam continued his performance.

  The concert continued on with Adam performing songs from his CD as well as covers. I recognized one that I heard on the radio. Jace said it was called Lovesick Criminal. With each song the young red-head performed, I found myself having a great time. I stole glances at Jace to see him singing along with every single one of them. His eyes lit up watching the concert, but I could also see what I could only assume was envy.

  Jace wanted so badly to do the same thing one day; to perform for a crowd and make music. From what I heard when I walked in on him singing his song Puppet and from the video Desiree showed me last week, I knew for a fact that he had the talent to be a performer like his best friend. I’d have given anything for Jace to have that chance to live out his dream. God must’ve been listening to my prayer because once Adam ended his debut song Renegade, he walked toward the front of the stage again to address the audience.

  “Thank you all so much,
” Adam said through the mic. “I’m proud that my debut single received as much love as it did. Not only because it was the start of my career, but also because it was written by someone who inspired me to live out my dreams.”

  The crowd cheered, and so did Jace.

  “I have one more special song for you all, but I have a little surprise for you.” Adam turned his eyes to Jace before looking back to the crowd and announced, “I’m not going to be the one singing it tonight.”

  Jace’s mouth dropped and his forehead creased in confusion. The crowd began murmuring, wondering what Adam was up to. My heart tightened, and I had a hunch exactly what Adam was planning.

  “The song Renegade was written by a special man whom I consider family. Someone who’s also recorded many videos of him singing on YouTube. He’s also performed in over a dozen music competitions. Now I’m going to have him perform tonight.”

  I gasped and saw Jace’s body tighten, and his eyes widened. Oh shit, Adam is going to make Jace perform. I didn’t know whether to tell the man off or kiss him. Adam was giving Jace a chance to live out his dream for one night.

  “Performing the song Move Your Body by Sia, ladies and gentlemen please help me bring to the stage, the amazing Bluejay!” Adam announced, and the crowd roared so loud I couldn’t even hear myself think.

  I tried ushering Jace to the stage, but he just sat there frozen like a statue. He was shaking his head, probably wishing he could be anywhere but where he was right now. Adam and his dancers leaned forward where we were and stretched out their hands waiting for Jace to take it. Jace tried backing up, but even the audience around him started pushing him forward.

  “Go on, Jace. I’ll be right here,” I tried assuring him.

  Hesitantly, Jace took Adam’s hand and was brought up to the stage by Adam and his dancers. Jace stood there like a newborn animal, afraid to make a move and stumble on his feet before they had the chance to work properly. Jace turned to his best friend with intense eyes. Adam only giggled and said through the mic. “Jace, Bluejay, you are the one who showed me how amazing music truly is and inspired me to follow your lead to become who I am now. I’m living my dream because of you. Now, I’m returning the favor.”

  The crowd awed, and the intensity in Jace’s blue gaze softened.

  “My dancers and I rehearsed the song using your choreography. They know the steps and will be performing with you. Show these people what Bluejay can do,” Adam said then held the mic out for Jace to take.

  Jace hesitated, but slowly nodded and grabbed the mic as the audience roared with excitement and showing support for Jace. He still looked scared shitless, but was planning on performing the song anyway. He looked at me, and I nodded at him, mouthing at him to relax and breathe.

  The music for the song Move Your Body started playing, and Jace looked to the audience and softly began to sing. I could hear the nervousness in his voice, and I physically showed him to take a deep breath and relax. Jace nodded to me as his voice started growing with confidence and his body relaxed. His smile grew more, and when the chorus came, he leaned back roaring to the sky as what I guessed was a rain prop began pouring in the background, and blue lights began flashing.

  The crowd roared even louder as Jace was finally able to sing with his full strength and passion. When the beat of the music picked up, Adam’s dancers appeared. One of them tapped Jace’s shoulder and helped him out of his leather jacket. Jace twirled around tossing the jacket aside as he began bouncing on his knees with the dancers behind while moving forward. The crowd clapped and cheered for Bluejay, and my jaw ached with how happy I was to see Jace getting a taste of his dream. Jace did a belly roll arching his back and swayed his hips as he slowly twirled around. The crowd whistled and screamed when Jace’s ass came into view swerving side to side.

  When the dance number came, Jace jumped up, and his feet and body began moving at a rapid pace from his choreography. The dancers followed behind as if they’d been rehearsing with Jace instead of Adam this whole time. Not only was Jace an amazing singer and songwriter, he was a hell of a dancer. The crowd stood on their feet moving to the beat, screaming out Bluejay’s name and cheering at the top of their lungs. I followed suit cheering louder than I’d ever done.

  Jace commanded the crowd just as Adam had, but his eyes were on me more than the crowd. My heart burned with pride and love when I realized he was singing the words to me. He was singing for me. As the song reached the chorus a second time, Jace began walking back while continuing to sing. The dancers continued their moves, but Jace stepped up to where the rain fell moments ago.

  When the chorus came, Jace dropped to his knees and tilted his head up along with the microphone continuing to sing as the stadium's rain prop started up again, encasing him in a curtain of water. The crowd cheered louder as the music softened and all I could hear was Jace’s enchanted voice. Jace turned to the side then dropped on his back facing the sky like he was singing to the heavens. His free hand reached up, twirled his wrist clockwise then slowly brought his hand close to his heart as if he pulled an angel down with him. He turned his head to face the crowd as his voice continued to caress the audience. With the rain and the blue light silhouetting his body, Jace looked more angelic than I'd ever seen him before. He was born to sing.

  His free hand trailed down his soaking chest as he arched his back before swerving down his side, then back up to run his fingers through his damp hair. I stared at my amazingly sexy boyfriend as his performance spiked my arousal up tenfold, and stole my breath away. The dance number picked up again, and Jace side-flipped back to his feet and danced his heart out. As the song came to a close, the dancers began marching in place, and Jace strode forward marching along with them until he got to the front.

  The song ended with them standing strong and proud, and the crowd who came for Adam gave Jace a standing ovation; shouting to the rooftop, clapping and chanting Bluejay. I was no better. I got up on my feet clapping and cheering and shouting to anyone who could hear me that he was my man. This was the Bluejay the audience needed to see, and now they had.


  I stood in front of the cheering crowd soaked to the bone and pumped on adrenaline. I couldn’t believe Adam had me come up on stage to sing during his concert. I couldn’t believe I actually did it, and it felt so fucking good too.

  Once the energy in me simmered, I looked around the crowd and heard them all chanting my name. I looked to Gerard who wore the biggest smile ever and gave me two thumbs up. It was all so overwhelming. I’d performed in front of thousands of people like I’d been doing it my whole life and everyone was cheering for me. This was a moment I’d always dreamed of, but felt it wasn’t within my grasp. I covered my mouth with both hands as tears began filling my eyes with all the love and cheering from the audience. This was a moment I’d remember for the rest of my life.

  The crowd got louder as Adam walked up to me. Once he held his arms out, I ran into his embrace and hugged him tightly. He didn’t even care that I was drenched. He just held me close rocking me side to side.

  “You were amazing, Bluejay,” Adam said in my ear.

  “You’re an asshole,” I choked out and he laughed. “Thank you, Adam. Thank you so much.”

  Adam nodded to the dancers who ran to the front, ushering Gerard backstage.

  Adam took the microphone from me, and through it, he said, “I hope you all had a great night, and I hope you all enjoyed Bluejay’s performance. How do you think he did?”

  The crowd roared their response and chanted my name again. I buried my face in the crook of Adam’s neck as he still had one arm around me.

  “Thank you all for coming, and I hope to see you all again. Goodnight everybody!” Adam shouted then took my hands and ran backstage pulling me along with him.

  Once we were secluded away from the crowd who all began to leave for the night, everybody backstage wooed and cheered for me. One of the dancers handed me a towel which I draped over my shoulders.

  “Jace, you totally killed it out there! You were electrifying. Everybody loved you,” Adam shouted with excitement.

  I thanked Adam and began hugging the dancers who were up on stage with me. They all embraced me and congratulated me on an amazing performance. When I felt an arm coming around my hips, I turned and smiled at Gerard who took me in his grasp and gave me a soul-wrenching kiss for everybody to see. Everybody catcalled and whistled, and I felt my insides flutter.

  “Baby, that was fucking amazing! You were incredible,” Gerard shouted, and I heard the love and sense of pride in every word.

  I jumped on him, wrapping my arms and legs around him. His arms held me tight as he spun us around. We were both laughing and smiling, and I felt like I was on top of the world.

  “I’m so proud of you, Jace,” Gerard said before taking my mouth in his again. “Your father would’ve been proud of you too.”

  My heart ached with the satisfaction of knowing that the man I loved was proud of me. I wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed him again, hoping it told him what I had yet to say out loud.

  “That song was for you,” I croaked out through all the emotions running through me.

  Gerard nodded as he cupped my face, his thumbs running up and down my cheeks. “I know, baby, and I’m so touched, honored, and proud to have you at my side. Thank you.”

  Just as I was about to tell this man that I loved him, I heard someone coming for us. Adam saw who it was, gasping and tapping my shoulder to get my attention. I looked ahead to see a well-dressed man in a black suit heading for me. He looked to be in his mid to late thirties at best with short dark hair and blue eyes that were a lighter shade than my own.

  The man held out his hand to me and introduced himself. “Jace Garrison, my name is Vincent King, and I’m the head of Kaleidoscope Records. The same label that hired your friend Adam over there.”


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