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Jace's Trial

Page 26

by J M Wolf

  As the song came to a close, Jace reached up and began unwinding until he was standing right-side up and the fabric slowly brought him back down. Once Jace and the rest of his dancers were safely on the ground and bowing to the crowd, I couldn’t stop myself from jogging my way toward him. Jace saw me approach and ran to meet me halfway until he jumped on me. I held him close as his legs wrapped themselves around my waist.

  “Thank you for the song,” I said in his ear.

  “Thank you for not giving up on me,” Jace replied.

  “I’d never give up on you. You’re stuck with me, now and forever.”

  Jace leaned back until we met each other’s eyes and then locked lips as the screaming crowd grew louder. It was this moment that I knew Jace’s Trial was over. He and I both overcame every obstacle that stood in the way of our happiness. I couldn’t wait to see what the future held for me and my soon-to-be husband.

  The End

  Dear Readers,

  I hope you all enjoyed the beginning of what I hope will be an exciting series for everyone’s enjoyment. This was a very tough story to write, because I went deep into my personal struggles and looked back at a few moments in my life to create a tale that’s full of love, emotions, and life lessons worth listening to. I’ll always put my whole self into my work for you all.

  If there’s one thing I hope you guys take from this story, it’s to never feel afraid to speak up. Stand up for yourself and find people who you can talk to about anything. I promise there’s at least one person in the world who will listen to you. Also, live your life to the fullest. Never be afraid to reach for the stars. The road may not be easy, but the destination will be worth it.

  If you loved Jace and Gerard’s story then I hope to see you all again in book 2 where Adam begins his trial after meeting Gerard’s younger brother Jerrick. Can a struggling chef in training tame the sassiest man in Abingdon? You’ll have to wait and see, but I promise it’ll be an exciting journey.

  To keep up with all my releases, be sure to follow me on Amazon, and look me up on facebook for all my updates and excerpts. You can also join the rebellion and become one of my renegades by joining my facebook group, JM’s Renegades.

  If you would please leave a review on Amazon I would greatly appreciate it. It would really help with getting my book on Amazon’s search.

  A few honorable mentions.

  I want to thank EM Dennings and Nicole Prado-Carr for being my exciting betas for this project. You ladies rock and I’m grateful for your help. EM, I look forward to more of your books.

  Thank you Ann Attwood for pointing out all my spelling errors and helping me clean up the final story. You rock!

  Thank you Leslie Copeland for all your advice and suggestions. The original storyline was a hot mess, and you helped to make it better. I look forward to working with you again on my future projects.

  I also want to thank Lucy Lennox for granting me permission to mention her character Jude Marian and his band Jude and the Saints. Readers, if you’re looking for an MM series full of hot men, steamy sex, tons of humor, and very dirty grannies, be sure to check out Ms. Lennox’s Made Marian series. I guarantee that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.

  Lastly, I want to thank my current Renegades for believing in me and my writing since the start of my career. I’ll never tell you guys enough how much your support means to me.

  Happy Reading!


  JM Wolf never thought he would one day say that he's a published M/M romance author. Having a poet for a mother and a sister who once ran a blog, it was only a matter of time before JM discovered his writing genes. In the beginning, his sole purpose in life was to be a singer/songwriter. Writing lyrics was the first step putting his thoughts onto paper. Even while singing, JM always found time to dabble with writing little short stories but never thought too much about it.

  Once he reached adulthood, his music dreams left him, but not the feeling for writing down what was in his mind. However, that didn't mean music no longer played a part in JM's life. His debut book The Black Feather was inspired by one of his favorite songs. Whether lyrics or love stories, you will always find JM's heart and soul in every word on paper.

  JM Wolf lives in Chesapeake, VA with his husband and in-laws. When he's not writing, you can always find him reading a good book, spending time with the love of his life, or jamming out to music. He didn't pick the world of literature, the literary world picked him.

  Connect with JM on social Media





  Also by JM Wolf:

  The Angels and Demons of Babylon series:

  Black Feather




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