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Classic (Adrenaline Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Xavier Neal

  Tyler asks again, “Dance?”

  Standing, I deny him, “Obviously hearing is not your strong suit, so I'll repeat myself. My dances are saved for someone else.”

  “Someone better than the mayor's son?”

  “Tyler, there are waiters here that are better than the mayor's son,” my remark causes him to smirk crookedly and shake his head playfully.

  Worst thing about Tyler? The harder you push him away, the harder he comes after you. He's one of those. Get the hose.

  Before I make it across the bottom level of the ballroom, an arm is slung around my waist, spinning me around. Merrick's grinning face and bright blue eyes are shimmering.

  Wow he's hot. Like bad boy meets Hollywood Hunk. Dark features. Strong looks. Entrancing smile. I think my knees are weak.

  “My hard earned dance,” Merrick charmingly says, folding his hand with mine, pulling me closer into him, not giving me a minute to deny his declaration.

  Not that I was going to.

  Draping an arm around his neck I playfully ask. “Hard earned?”

  “Hey, did I or did I not show you something amazing?”

  “True.” I hum in return. “That was amazing...”

  “Thank you.” He nods and continues swaying with me.

  “Tell me, why aren't you here with a date?” The gnawing insecurity inside of me seeps out. “No girlfriend?”

  So kill me. I dare you to tell me you're not wondering the same thing. A guy this hot, here, without a date? Going after me? Fate doesn't love me that much.

  His smile spreads. “Nope.”

  “Why not?”

  “I...” his voice trails off, clearly trying to find the correct wording.

  Or maybe safe wording? He's probably in between girlfriends.

  “I...I had a girl that I was interested in.”


  “She was pretty.”

  “Of course.”

  “But she only wanted me for the wrong reasons.”

  “Your artwork? Cause that makes two of us.” My joke makes him let out a hearty laugh. The sound is full of love and affection, that if I hadn't just met him, I would swear it was one that he only shared with me.

  That sounds crazy. Ignore that. I didn't say that.

  “No. In fact, not many people know about that,” he explains. “Anyway, I was pretty bummed about the whole thing, so my cousin brought me here to try to cheer me up. I must say...” His eyes fall into mine. “It worked.” My cheeks flush forcing me to look away, which is when his hand gently turns my face back to his. “You're blushing.”

  “You're flirting.”

  “You're nervous.”

  “You're intimidating.”

  Suddenly Merrick's face is closer to mine. The sweet scent of his cologne invades my senses, melting me into him. In a whisper he professes, “You're breathtaking.”

  What the hell do I say to that?

  Not having anything to reply, I simply tighten my grip around his neck as I glimpse away, doing my best to stay away aware of my dad's whereabouts.

  “Jovi,” the whisper of my name catches my breath and my eyes. Merrick's hand gently strokes down my face and around the back of my neck indicating exactly what he has in mind. Like a gentleman he leaves plenty of time for me to object.

  I should object. I know I should. I just met him. But isn't Hayli always telling me to live a little? This feels like a good moment to live a little.

  Tilting my face slightly up, I feel his lips brush mine in question before pressing them together. The softness of his lips has me dying for a deeper taste. On a sweet whimper of approval, I drop my bottom lip to invite his tongue in. Merrick takes the opportunity and lets his tongue tease mine. Softly. Sweetly. The slow motion of it all shutting down my senses swiftly and severely.

  “Hey!” a sharp voice pulls Merrick away from me.

  Thank God. Any longer and I would've been a pile of putty on the floor.

  Our faces turn to what I can logically assume is his blonde twin.

  “We gotta go cuz,” the guy claims.

  Cousins. That makes sense too.

  “Ben,” Merrick sharply snaps moving his body into mine. “Now's not―”

  “Yeah, it's not really up for debate,” Ben argues looking over his shoulder.

  Immediately he shakes his head at his cousin. “What did you do?”

  “I got caught feeling up a sheriff's daughter,” his confession finally has Merrick dropping his hold on me.


  “Yeah. Yeah. Yell at me in the car.” He looks over his shoulder and turns back this time more fright on his face than before. “Now!”

  “Damn it,” Merrick grumbles and looks at me. “I have to go, but I'll call you.”

  I nod slowly and back away from him while his cousin tugs on his arm.

  “Wait!” The realization hits him several steps away from me, forcing him to call out, “I didn't get your number!”

  “You'll find me again...” My answer has to do as I notice security rounding the corner, searching for Ben.

  Most likely he won't and that's probably for the best. It's not exactly fair to ruin his life while trying to finally live my own. But between just the two of us? I'm really glad I let him kiss me. Here of all places. Just goes to show after tonight, I'm ready to face my dad more than I thought I was.


  “Merrick Jacob McCoy!” My full name reverberates through my room harsh enough to pop my eyes open.

  Isn't there a law about yelling before 8 a.m.? Oh. Well there should be.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Madden's shouting increases.

  Rolling over onto my back with a yawn I answer, “I thought I was sleeping. Is that a crime now?”

  “I'm not in the fucking mood smartass,” he bites and shoves his black tablet in my face. “What the fuck are you doin' in this photo?”

  I sit up slightly onto my elbows as my eyes adjust to the photo of me and Jovi kissing.

  That was definitely a photo worthy moment. Hell, I replayed that shit again and again in my own head until my imagination took some liberties in undressing her. Didn't stop there either. My fantasy slowly started the direction of spreading her out on one of those tables from the event.

  “How do you know that's me?”

  “Are you fucking kidding? I've raised your big ass head since you were sucking your thumb. You don't think I know my own brother's head?”

  “But it's the back of my head.”


  “What! I was dancing with a girl and then I kissed her. I've done much worse in much more public places, this month alone. What the fuck is the big deal?”

  “What's her name?”


  “Jovi what?”

  “I don't know.” I shrug. “She didn't tell me her last name. And when she didn't ask for mine I figured that made us even.”

  Yeah. Yeah. Not even since we're career criminals crashing a cops charity event, but whose side are you on?

  “Her name's Jovi Carter!” He continues shouting, but it's Knoxie leaning against the door frame in work clothes that catches my attention. If she's dressed for the shop but not actually in it, it really is before 8 in the morning.

  “Morning Knox.” She tosses me a two finger wave, which when I turn back to Madden whose jagged scar is pulsating. “So her name is Jovi Carter. Why does it matter?”

  “Read the goddamn title of the fucking article on the front page of the local newspaper!” He leans it down closer to my face and a lump in my throat grows. “Read it out loud Merrick!”

  “Commissioner's Daughter Caught Kissing Mystery Man at Annual Charity Event.”

  “The commissioner!” Madden echoes in blinding rage.

  “Stop yelling,” Knoxie scolds.

  He turns to her and yells, “It's the fucking commissioner Knox!”

  “And just because you yell doesn't make him more important.”
  I chuckle slightly, but by the way Madden snaps his head back at me, that's a terrible idea.

  But you laughed...

  “It’s not fucking funny Merrick! You are to stay the fuck away from that girl, do you hear me?”

  A deep sigh comes out of me, but I don't reply.

  “Merrick,” he says, his voice trying to calm down. “Commissioner Carter hates us on every front possible. We pay off his cops. We race on his streets. We transport drugs in his city. We are the biggest case on his desk as he tries to hunt us down. So I need you to put away your elementary school ways and really consider the consequences of going near that girl again.”

  I knew this situation wasn't gonna be good, but I figured her father was just the average run of the mill badge....not...this. Fuck. Me.

  “Do you hear me?”

  With a heavy sigh I reply, “I hear you.”


  “I fucking heard you.” I snap flopping my head back on my pillow.

  “Come on, Madden. Now that you fed your baby brother his ass for breakfast, we gotta open the shop,” Knoxie encourages.

  He tosses the tablet on the foot of bed before grumbling, “Of all the fucking women in the world...”

  “Yeah. You all make poor choices in the women department. It's the McCoy way.” Knoxie winks at me as Madden walks past her.

  She's definitely got that part right, but unlike my stubborn as fuck brother, I'm not gonna let my dream girl rot away without me.


  I decide to leave my hair down for class considering even after a good night's sleep the curls still look damn near perfect.

  Alright. Hats off to Nadie. She really has that shit down to a science.

  Picking up my brown shoulder bag, I toss it on my bed to stuff one of my art books and sketch pads inside. The heavy footsteps across the floor right outside of my door indicate dad's out for blood. Most likely mine.

  It's so fucking early. I can't imagine how I sinned so early in his already less than perfect world.

  My bedroom door flies open and he yells, “Jovi!”

  “Present,” I sarcastically reply as Nadie appears over his shoulder.

  “Is there something you want to tell me?”

  “If Hayli doesn't drive faster I'm gonna be late for class.”

  I hate not having my own car.

  “You didn't wanna borrow my car?” Nadie questions.


  “We really should look at getting you your own,” she speaks up.


  “That's not with this discussion is about!” Dad snaps loudly. He raises his cell phone with a livid expression. “What the hell were you doing last night?”

  Cautiously I take a step closer and try not to smile at the sight of me and Merrick kissing on the front page of the local paper.

  Shame right? That's the emotion I should be shelling out. Not giddiness. Or pride. Or excitement. Bad Jovi. That was a bad Jovi...But damn that was a good kiss. And a really good picture.

  When I don't answer, he harshly says, “You wanna explain to me why my daughter was acting like a tramp?”

  “Nick!” Nadie shouts from behind him.

  “Because I kiss a guy that makes me a tramp?”

  “I don't even wanna know what that makes me,” Hayli's voice appears in the conversation as she rounds the corner into my room.

  Hiding my snicker over Hayli's comment I pick up my bag. “Is it just kissing or any non-nun like behaviors that makes me a tramp, dad?”

  “It's not a joke, Jovi,” he growls. “You were caught kissing a stranger! That's not...that's not how a young girl is supposed to behave! Especially not at her father's work function.”

  Coldly I state, “I am not a little girl any more dad. Who I kiss and don't kiss if far from your business.”

  “Of course it's my business! You're my daughter!”

  “I'm your prisoner!” I mindlessly snap.

  Oh...oh not well timed.

  He takes a step back as if I burned him and guilt for what I said immediately sets in.

  “How about we put this conversation on hold until dinner tonight?” Nadie suggests. “We don't want Jovi late for class.”

  I roll my eyes and walk past him. “Nope. Wouldn't want me dumb and trampy.”

  “This isn't over. I―” his sentence gets cut off by his ringing cell phone. Looking down at it he grunts, “I have to take this.”

  “You always do,” my mutter is followed by Nadie kissing me on the cheek as I pass her by. Trying to force a smile on my face for her, I say, “See you when I get home.”

  Without another word to him I take off down the stairs beside Hayli. The minute we're in her SUV, she ceases all movements.

  “You kissed some random dude at the event last night?” Her voice hits a high pitched octave. “And you didn't tell me?”

  “I was going to this morning, but if I would've known I was gonna get caught on camera, I wouldn't have bothered waiting.”

  “Right.” She giggles. “So tell me about him. And start at the beginning...”

  Question is, what happens when the beginning and ending to the most magical unorthodox thing you've ever done in your life, is wrapped up in the same moment? Ugh. How pathetic is it that running away at a party for a few minutes and then kissing some guy is the craziest thing I've done at 21? Yup. Hayli's definitely right. Gotta live a little more.


  I arrive in front of Vinnie’s solid gray stoned two story house in the middle of your average suburban neighborhood.

  He has this whole best place to hide is in plain sight policy. I don't disagree, but come on. Vinnie basically runs the biggest underground gambling network not only in the state but in the lower half of the country, yet he lives next door to a stay at home soccer mom whose little boy he plays street hockey with some afternoons. Just goes to show, you never know who your neighbors really are.

  After a sharp knock on the door, a petite blonde girl in work out shorts and a sports bra opens the door. “Hi Merrick.”

  “Krissy.” I greet Vinnie's other girlfriend, who's also his right hand. “Vinnie busy?”

  “There's always time for the McCoys.” She widens the door for me to enter. Locking it behind me she adds, “He's in the main living room.”

  “Merrick,” he welcomes me without looking up from the stacks of cash he's counting or separating on the wooden coffee table in front of him.

  At the rate his fingers are moving, it's hard to know which one.

  Strolling into his living room, I comment, “You look busy.”


  With a crooked grin I drop down to sit next to him.

  Not slowing down his movement he asks, “What do you need Merrick?”

  “What makes you think I need something?”

  “You only make house calls when Ben has fucked himself too deep into a debt he can't follow through or when you need a favor. Considering the fact he wasn't around last night to get himself up shit creek without a paddle, that means you need something. So speak faster.”

  “I need help finding a girl.”

  “You need help?” Vinnie takes a moment to chuckle.

  It's not fucking funny. Don't laugh.

  “The Merrick McCoy needs help finding a girl? Don't chick’s pussies just open for you like flowers with just a look?”

  “Poetic Vinnie.”

  “Krissy had on some bullshit chick flick this morning.” He moves over a stack and demands. “What are you looking for in a girl?”

  “Not just any girl. A specific girl.”

  “Keep talking.”

  “I met her last night at the cop charity event Ben had us crash--”

  “Which explains why he wasn't in my face betting on the underground. Got a name?”

  Oh I have more than a name. She comes with a fucking warning label.

  Nervous, I adjust myself. “Jovi Carter.”

bring me my tablet!” He yells finally finished with whatever task he was doing with the wads of cash spread across his table. Adjusting himself on the dark brown leather couch he starts muttering to himself, “Jovi Carter...Jovi Carter...”


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