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Devlin: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 11)

Page 8

by Anna Hackett

  She touched the wine. “This is my favorite.”

  He’d pulled a few strings to track down a bottle. But he was in intelligence, after all. He cleared his throat. “Come on, have a drink and something to eat, then let’s get shooting.”

  She sat and let him open the wine and pour a glass of the golden liquid. After a few sips, she broke off a chunk of bread and stuck it in the oil and vinegar. She bit into it and moaned. “So good.”

  Devlin smiled. He liked seeing her happy.

  Her gaze met his. “Thank you, Dev.”

  “You’re welcome. You like nice things.”

  Her face fell. “Yes, I do.” She dragged in a shaky breath. “It has to do with why I don’t enjoy being underground.”

  Devlin waited. He knew when questioning people, if you left them alone in their heads long enough, they often told you more than if you coerced them. His hands gripped the edge of the table because his gut told him he wasn’t going to like Taylor’s story.

  “I was an only child, but my parents never spoiled me.” A tight smile. “We were super close. I loved my mom and dad to bits. One day, my mom and I went for a walk in the woods near our home. Like we’d done a hundred times before.”

  A loaded silence filled the air and he saw dark shadows move through her amber eyes.

  “We were snatched.” Her voice had become toneless. “By a man called Victor Jefferson Chapman. You may have heard of his other name—The Woodland Strangler.”

  Devlin’s skin went cold. “The serial killer?”

  Taylor nodded. “God, I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. I’d vowed to myself that I’d never tell anyone.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “I haven’t even told my squad mates.”

  He reached over and grabbed her hand. It was icy cold. “Maybe because you know I can handle your demons, Taylor.”

  She stared at him. “Maybe you can. Chapman took us, and locked us up in a makeshift cellar he’d dug behind his cabin. He stripped us, and even shaved our hair. He didn’t call me by my name. He called me Twelve, because that’s how old I was.”

  Devlin’s jaw clenched tight. He wanted to reach back through time and kill the man in the most horrible way possible.

  “He raped and tortured my mother. Any time he made a move toward me, she offered herself up to protect me.” Taylor’s voice hitched. “She was the bravest woman I’ve ever known and she died in that hole in the ground where he kept us. He also brought in another girl, just a few years older than me, and murdered her in front of me.”

  “Why…did he keep you alive?” Torturing and killing women, children. It was an evil that most people couldn’t comprehend, but Devlin had seen far too much evil in the world.

  “He found out that I liked to write. I had my notebook on me when he took us. He…made me write stories of what he was doing.”

  And now, she didn’t write any more. The knowledge broke Devlin’s heart.

  “Three months after he snatched us, and a month after my mother died, he tried to take another girl. But he was caught and the police found me.” She played with the bread in her hands. “The moment I stepped foot out of that dungeon and into the sunshine, I vowed that I’d be brave like my mom. That I’d help protect others, and I would never sit by when I knew I could help.”

  He reached over and cupped her cheek. “God, baby. You are amazing.”

  A sad smile. “Not really. But each day, I keep going out there and fighting for others. Just like you do.”

  He dropped his hand. “I am not goodness and light, like you, Taylor.”

  “I never said that.” She took a sip of her wine. “But you aren’t all darkness, either. I am well aware that for good to prevail, it needs its warriors who work in the dark, who sometimes have to do questionable things to keep us all safe. I know the world is never black and white, Devlin. Especially since the Gizzida came.”

  He looked at the table, watching her slender fingers on the stem of her glass.

  Then she sighed and set her glass down. “Enough of this deep talk. Let’s shoot.”

  He watched as she moved over to the weapons rack. She grabbed a laser pistol and started checking it. When she shot a flirty smile back over her shoulder, he realized she’d dispelled the dark mood.

  Soon, they were settling earmuffs over their ears. “Come on, super spy. Let’s see who’s the best.”

  Electronic targets flashed up at the far end of the room. Together, they both raised their pistols and started firing.

  Devlin focused and fired, moving his hands to aim as the targets appeared. He glanced over at Taylor. She looked so bloody sexy firing a weapon. And she was good. Seriously good.

  He doubled down on his focus and kept firing. A large electronic screen above tallied their points. He started in the lead, but as the program neared the end, she slowly edged him out.

  When the simulation finished, she’d won.

  “Again,” he told her.

  They tried different weapons and different simulations. Finally, they called a halt. The screen declared that Taylor had won by two points.

  Taylor slid her muffs off her ears and down around her neck, and moved her hips in a little victory dance. “Oh, yeah, I’m the winner.”

  He smiled at her. All her earlier tension was gone.

  She arched a brow. “So, what do I win?”

  He stepped closer until her breasts were pressed against his chest. “What do you want?”

  “I want to suck your cock,” she said boldly.

  Bloody hell. Devlin was hard in an instant. His hands tightened on her arms. He debated whether they could make it to his quarters, but as her hands danced over his belt buckle, he imagined her going down on him right here—

  Suddenly, the door opened.

  “Oh, food.” Sienna marched over to the table and snatched up some bread.

  Mac stood inside the door with her arms crossed, eyeing Devlin and Taylor with a narrowed gaze. Cam brushed past her, grinning at Taylor.

  “You have the worst timing,” Taylor muttered.

  “So, is he any good?” Cam demanded.

  Devlin stiffened, but Taylor soothed a hand down his arm and smiled.

  “Yes. He’s an excellent shot, Cam. He likes the Shockwave laser pistol best.”

  “Smart ass.” Cam joined Sienna at the table and snatched up Taylor’s wine glass, taking a sip.

  Sienna winked at them. “Taylor, I’m so glad you found a super sexy guy who can…handle a pistol so well.”

  “He’s standing right here, Sienna,” Taylor said dryly. “And I’m pretty sure the double-talk isn’t fooling him.”

  “Girl, your screams last night weren’t fooling anyone, either,” Cam added.

  Taylor gasped and Devlin smothered a smile.

  Mac was silent for a few more seconds, before she nodded. “It’s time for the meeting. We need to find a way to handle this damned mind-control device.”

  Moments later, Devlin found himself entering the Command Center surrounded by a group of beautiful, lethal ladies. When the glass doors slid open, he saw all of Hell Squad was already there. Mac headed straight to Niko, sharing a quick kiss with her lover. Holmes was standing at the front, talking intently to Elle—Marcus’ fiancée and the comms officer for Hell Squad.

  The general’s shirt was neatly pressed, but his hair was mussed, and he had lines bracketing his mouth. It was clear this device had him worried.

  More people entered, and soon everyone was settled around the large conference table. Holmes pressed his palms to the glossy surface. “By now, I believe most of you have heard about this mind-control device that the Gizzida have created. Our immediate goal is to learn more about this thing.”

  “We need to destroy it,” Mac said from beside Roth.

  “That would be one step, but remember, we have to assume that the raptors have the capability to build more of these globes,” Holmes said.

  “I was able to destroy the one we saw,” Devlin added,
“but it would absolutely be foolish to think that the aliens don’t have any more of them.”

  “Agreed.” Holmes gave a sharp nod.

  “What we need, instead—” all eyes moved Devlin’s way “—is a way to nullify its effects.”

  There were nods and murmurs of agreement all around the room.

  Another man stepped forward. Noah Kim, head of the tech team, was a tall, lean man with straight, black hair that brushed his shoulders, and wire-rimmed glasses. “I’m still analyzing the glass shard Devlin brought back. At this stage, all I can tell you is that it is alien glass with some organics mixed in it. Get me a working globe, and my team and I can deconstruct it. We’ll find a way to shield humans from its influence.”

  “This has to be the weapon that we’ve been hearing chatter about,” Marcus added.

  Devlin frowned. That was certainly possible, but he had been inside the raptor labs and factories. He knew just what they were capable of.

  He also knew that all of this added up to one thing. His gaze turned to the woman by his side, snagging on the shining red streaks in her dark hair. He now knew she wasn’t just tough, she was forged from steel. Had survived the worst of nightmares.

  And now she was going to be asked to immerse herself back in the living hell of enemy territory.

  Holmes nodded. “We need to send a team back into the alien factories.”


  “Taylor and Devlin,” Holmes said. “I know it’s a lot to ask of you, but I want you both on the team for a mission back to the factories to recover a globe. Your knowledge of the place will be invaluable.”

  Taylor nodded. She was ready to go back. To grab a globe and rescue those humans.

  “I’ll go,” Devlin said. “Both of us don’t need to go in.”

  Taylor spun. “What did you just say?”

  “Oh, boy,” Cam murmured from nearby.

  “You can stay here,” Devlin said. “Stay safe.”

  She couldn’t believe her ears. “But I’m not safe here. Not with those globes out there. It’s my job to defend our people, and I’m not a stay-at-home-and-wring-my-hands kind of person.”


  His patient, calm tone grated on her. “No. I’m not going to sit here and let other people go on a mission while I stay safe.”

  Holmes cleared his throat. “I want both of you on this mission. And I’d like to include two members each from Squad Nine and from Squad Three.”

  Taylor vibrated with anger. After everything she’d shared with Devlin, after the things she’d told him, she’d thought he understood her better.

  Tane and Hemi shared a look, before Tane looked back at the general. “Count us in.”

  “Good.” Holmes looked at Roth.

  Squad Nine’s leader studied his team. “Theron and Sienna. I promised them they’d get the next mission.”

  Theron stepped forward, his rugged face impassive. “With this interest in human mating, perhaps the team going in should be all of one gender.”

  Devlin shook his head. “The raptors have human prisoners there. If we’re caught, we might find ourselves locked up with a panicked stranger.”

  “Noah?” the general said. “Is the new armor ready?”

  Noah scowled. “Almost. It’s not been tested fully.”

  “Armor?” Marcus’ gravelly voice. “What armor?”

  The tech team leader looked around the room. “I’ve been working on experimental armor…with a built-in illusion system.”

  Everybody gasped, and Taylor’s mouth dropped open. Illusion systems on the Hawks and their vehicles rendered them near invisible. To have the same system on their combat armor…

  “It works?” Marcus asked.

  Noah smiled, and it eased the sharp planes of his face. “Yes. There were a few glitches, but we’ve worked through them. Despite not having gone through final testing, I’m certain the armor is ready for in-field use.”

  Holmes tapped a fist against the table. “Everyone get fitted for the new armor, and get ready. You’ll leave tonight.”

  Taylor turned to face Devlin, but he was already striding out of the room. Oh, no, you don’t. She had a piece of her mind saved up for his Neanderthal actions.

  She jogged after him and caught him in the corridor.

  “Hey.” She couldn’t believe he’d stormed off.

  He turned and looked down at her. He was pissed. It was written on every inch of his handsome face.

  “You’re mad?” She shoved against his chest. “I’m the one who gets to be mad about that macho move you just tried to pull in there.”

  He didn’t say anything, just turned and strode off again. With a huff, she followed him. He didn’t go back to his quarters, but ended up in the weapons storage area in the lower levels.

  It was quiet down there, and only the squad soldiers had authority to open the locks. As Dev pressed his palm to a biolock, she followed behind him and did the same.

  Inside, he went straight to where the grenades were packed neatly on shelves. The entire suite of rooms was filled with weapons—carbines, pistols, gladius combat knives, explosives. In the early weeks of the invasion, the squads had spent most of their time rescuing survivors and scavenging food, equipment, and weapons. Luckily, with Noah and his tech team, they had the capability to make new weapons and ammunition, as well.

  “Devlin, this is my job. It’s who I am.”

  “I know that,” he bit off. “But that doesn’t change this enormous need I have inside me to keep you safe.”

  “I can keep myself safe. I’ve already had one man take away all my choices and keep me locked up.”

  Dev’s head whipped up. “You’re comparing me to a serial killer?”

  She sighed. “No, of course not. I’m just angry. But I did vow in that tiny room, that I’d never let anyone box me in. After my rescue, my father tried to do it, too. I know he meant well, loved me, but he almost smothered me with his need to keep me safe.”

  Devlin strode over to her, but stayed a few inches away. “A part of me understands, Taylor. But dammit, there’s this caveman part of me that would die to keep you safe.”

  God. His words, the tone of his voice, all of it affected her. This strong, deadly man wanted to protect her. She lightened her voice. “So what, you’d prefer me barefoot with an apron, cooking your dinner?”

  He scowled. “That’s not funny.”

  Her poor super spy was falling in love with her. Realization burst inside her like fireworks, leaving her giddy. And he didn’t even realize it. She smiled and she saw his face turn wary.

  She gripped his belt. “I’m coming on the mission, and you just have to accept that.”

  “I know. And I know you’ll kick plenty of alien butt while we’re there.”

  “Now, remember, I won our target practice.” She started to undo his belt. “I want my payment.”

  He stiffened and sucked in a breath. “Here?”

  “Here.” Taylor felt a heady rush of power. She sank to her knees and pulled out his cock.


  She didn’t give him a chance to protest. She sucked his cock into her mouth.

  He groaned, his hands sliding into her hair. “Hell.”

  Here in this moment, it was just the two of them and what they felt for each other. This connection between them had sparked in the darkest of moments, brought them together fast, but now she was pulling it out into the light.

  It didn’t matter where they were, or what happened, as long as it was the two of them.

  Chapter Ten

  Devlin stood still as one of the tech team fitted him with the illusion armor. Across the room, he watched Taylor laughing with Theron and Sienna. Other techs were circling around, checking the fit of their armor, running last-minute diagnostic checks.

  The black armor didn’t look much different from their regular combat armor, except for the addition of small boxes fitted at the waist that powered the tiny illusion systems

  His gaze moved back to Taylor’s face and her lips. All he could think about was Taylor’s mouth on him, driving him insane. A shiver ran through his body, and the tech fitting his armor shot him a strange look.

  Taylor was ruining him.

  Dammit, he couldn’t focus on the mission. Usually, his concentration was rock solid. Even with Annabelle, the traitorous bitch who’d betrayed him, he’d never been affected like this. She’d been a brilliant agent, and she’d made him believe they were the perfect fit. She’d blinded him enough to let her jam a knife in his back, but not once had he been unable to plan a mission.

  He scraped a hand through his hair. He knew it was only a matter of time before he screwed up with Taylor. Even Annabelle had accused him of being distant at times. What they had could only be temporary. Once a lone wolf, always a lone wolf.

  Maybe it was better for her and the mission if he made the right decision, right now.

  “See you guys at the Hawk,” Sienna called out as she left with Theron. Tane and Hemi followed.

  Taylor glanced at her heavy-duty watch. “A couple more hours before we head out.” She slid her arm through his. “What would you like to do?”

  Devlin slid his arm free. “Come with me.”

  She shot him a quizzical look, but followed. They walked side-by-side in silence for some time.

  “Hey, can we stop by my room? I need to grab something.”

  When they reached her door, he followed her into her room. It smelled like her. He looked around, taking in the small touches she’d added. A pretty bowl on the table, a framed picture of her squad by the bed, and a small, framed painting in bold colors that had to be one of Niko’s pieces.

  Taylor snatched something off her table. “I have something for you. I noticed you were missing this one.” She held up a battered paperback.

  Devlin saw instantly that it was from his favorite action-adventure series. When she pressed it into his hand, he let out a breath, his fingers closing on it. “Taylor, I’ve enjoyed our time together. Immensely.”

  She tilted her head. “You sound very British. Stiff and formal.” She grinned at him. “Just say, ‘Taylor, I love your mouth on me and I want more.’”


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