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Deadly Relations

Page 22

by Alexa Grace

  Lane looked at the couple and asked, “So you two both have a week’s vacation. What are you going to do with it?”

  “We’re flying to Florida to see Carly, and I want to introduce Jennifer to my parents,” Blake said.

  Jennifer added, “I can’t wait to see Carly and get some sun. Florida beaches are beautiful.”

  “Is your counseling finished?” Tim asked Jennifer. Per policy, all officers involved in a shooting were required to attend counseling sessions.

  “Yes, Dad,” she answered.

  “How’d it go?”

  “I’ll tell you what I told Dr. Shields. I don’t for a minute regret shooting that vicious killer.”

  Tim hugged his daughter and said, “You saved our lives that day.”

  “Dad, there’s something I want to do for Brianna’s little girl, Amanda.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I want the money in the trust fund that Paul Vance left me to go to her,” Jennifer said. “I want Amanda to grow up, go to college, and do all the wonderful things in life that I’m sure Brianna wanted for her.”

  Michael spoke up. “If that’s what you want to do, I’ll help you make it happen.”


  After an impromptu softball game, where Jennifer skidded into home base for a home run, the party broke up and everyone headed home. Blake parked the SUV in front of Jennifer’s house and followed her inside. He noticed her scraped knee was bleeding, so he bounded up the stairs for the first aid kit.

  Blake found the first aid kit in her bathroom medicine cabinet where she said it would be. He pulled it from the shelf, and then closed the cabinet door. Somehow the kit slipped from his fingers and plopped into the small waste basket next to the sink. He plucked the kit from the waste basket. That’s when he noticed something and froze. There was a small plastic tube with the words “pregnancy test” written on its side. Pregnancy test? Slowly, he reached back into the can and held the plastic tube up so he could read the results.


  Jennifer heard him walk into the room, his footsteps heavy and slow. She turned to see if he had the first aid kit and what she saw sucked the air out of her lungs, as if she’d been punched in the chest.

  Blake stood in the doorway holding her plastic pregnancy test tube between his index finger and his thumb. His eyes were glistening and his expression bore a seriousness she’d never seen before.

  “I’m not going to ask you why you didn’t tell me. I’m not even going to ask you how long you’ve known. But I am going to answer the questions you haven’t asked.” He tossed the plastic container onto the end table and moved a step toward her.

  “Yes, I want this baby,” he continued. “Yes. I can’t think of anything I want more than our little boy or girl.”

  “Blake, I...”

  “There’s more that I want. I want you, this baby and me to be a real family. I want a house with a picket fence and a swing-set in the backyard. I want a front porch with a swing so we can sit out there and talk about our days, and make plans for our future.” His large hand took her face and held it gently. “I want to spend my days knowing that I will spend my nights with you and our kids.”

  “I love you so much, Blake.”

  “Honey, I’m crazy about you. I want to marry you, Jennifer. I want us to make that lifetime commitment and keep it.” Blake paused for a second. “Will you marry me? Will you trust me to be the man who will always be there for you?”

  In one forward motion, Jennifer was in his arms where he held her snugly, kissing her hard.

  “I’ll take that as a ‘Yes’.”


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  Alexa Grace

  P.S. If you should find a mistake. I always strive to write the best book possible and use a team of beta readers as well as an editor prior to publication. But goofs slip through. If something slipped past us, please let me know by writing to me at Thank you.

  Turn the page for more sizzling romantic suspense from

  Alexa Grace

  Deadly Offerings

  Book One of the Deadly Trilogy

  Available Now

  Book One of the Deadly Trilogy

  He may offer her only chance at survival.

  But will she survive the passion that rages between them?

  Anne Mason thinks she’ll be safe living in the Midwest building a wind farm. She may be dead wrong. Someone is dumping bodies in her corn field and telling Anne they are gifts—for her!

  As the body count rises, Anne realizes a cold-blooded serial killer is patiently waiting and watching her every move. And he won’t stop until he ends her life. It is clear there are no limits to this killer’s thirst for revenge or how far he will go to get it.

  Anne is not at all pleased to learn that her new next-door neighbor is county prosecutor Michael Brandt — the same man who represented her ex in her divorce proceedings. He is the last person Anne can trust, but may offer her only chance at survival from a psychopathic killer. But will she survive the passion that rages between them?

  Excerpt from Deadly Offerings

  Anne peered into her refrigerator. Not a piece of junk food in sight. She opened the freezer. How could she be out of ice cream at a time like this?

  She had to get out of the house. Tonight bad memories hung over her like a thundercloud. She relived the humiliating divorce hearing over and over, becoming angrier each time.

  She tried to sleep. No success. She got out of bed and pulled on a pair of jean shorts, a black glittery Lady Gaga tank top and her Reeboks. She’d go for a drive to clear her head. It was close to midnight but with any luck, she’d find someplace open to stock up on junk food.

  She backed her SUV out of the garage, shoved the gear to drive and moved down the street, windows down, the breeze whipping her ponytail about her face. She drove down Route 40 until she reached a section of fast food restaurants, bars and a mini-mart. The mini-mart didn’t look busy so she parked in front.

  She grabbed a shopping basket and strode down an aisle of the store picking up Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfinger candy bars, tortilla chips, a jar of salsa, and a quart of soda as she went. She moved to the refrigerator case and eyed the selection of ice cream. She pulled out a couple of cartons of Ben & Jerry’s Red Velvet Cake then headed to the teenaged cashier whose eyes were plastered on her long legs.

  She paid for the items, whirled around and slammed into the hard chest of a tall man entering the store. Her items tumbled from the bag. The salsa jar rolled across the store as did the bottle of soda. The man uttered “sorry” as he bent to help her pick up the items. He picked up the salsa and put it in her bag. He moved down the aisle to get the soda that had rolled under a freezer then turned toward her. In a black leather jacket and snug faded jeans, he was one of those men that radiated testosterone. And wasn't it just her luck, or lack of, that Michael Brandt, her jerk ex-husband's attorney was heading toward her holding her soda, sending her a dazzling smile that sent her stupid heart racing. She yanked the soda bottle out of his hand, thanked him and resisted the childish urge to kick him in the shin. Instead, she rushed out of the store.

  She opened the back of the car to place the groceries inside. She pulled a Butterfinger bar out of one of the bags and got into the front seat. As she opened the candy bar, she glanced at Michael Brandt, still inside the store, who was now staring at her with an odd expression on his face, hands on his hips.

heard movement in the back seat then felt something hard slam against her face. The candy bar flew out of her hand and landed on the floorboard.


  She looked in the rearview mirror and gasped; a sliver of panic cut through her. A man in a black ski mask was slammed against her seat thrusting a gun in her face.

  Turn the page for more sizzling romantic suspense from

  Alexa Grace

  Deadly Deception

  Book Two of the Deadly Trilogy

  Available Now

  Is she able to forgive him, so together they can catch a killer?

  In Deadly Deception, the second book of Alexa Grace's Deadly Trilogy, enter the disturbing world of illegal adoptions, baby trafficking and murder with new detective Lane Hansen and private investigator Frankie Douglas.

  Lane Hansen has a problem. He needs a woman to portray his wife in an undercover operation and the only females on his team are either very pregnant or built like linebackers. Then he remembers gorgeous P.I. Frankie Douglas — a woman who could take his breath away by her beauty and take him down in 2.5 seconds. Unfortunately, she’s the same woman he treated like a one night stand six months before.

  Frankie Douglas has a problem. She wants to rid the world of one baby trafficking killer. The only way to do that is to partner with Lane Hanson, the man who hurt her by disappearing from her life after a night of mind-blowing sex.

  They’ve been warned! Getting personally involved with a partner can put cases and lives at risk. Going undercover as husband and wife, Lane and Frankie struggle to keep their relationship strictly professional as their sizzling passion threatens to burn out of control.

  Excerpt from Deadly Deception

  “Lane, I know you’re ready to do undercover work, but with this case I need two cops who can pose as a married couple. Unfortunately, we’ve got three women on the team. One is built like a linebacker and the other two are pregnant."

  “Sir, for this case, why don’t we go outside the department? I know a Private Investigator who can handle herself on a job like this."

  Newly appointed Sheriff Tim Brennan’s brows drew together in a suspicious expression. “What’s the PI’s name?”

  “Frankie Douglas. I worked with her last year on the Charles Beatty serial killer case. She’s a former sharpshooter for the Army.”

  “Is this the same Frankie Douglas you shot?”

  Lane’s face flushed with the guilt he still felt about the shooting. “Yes, sir. It was an accident. We were heading down the stairs of Beatty’s cellar to apprehend him when one of the steps gave way and when I fell my gun went off and hit Frankie.”

  “Has Frankie Douglas done police work before?”

  “I heard she’s a former detective.”

  “I think I’ve heard about her. Isn’t she a pretty tall blonde woman?”

  “Oh, she’s smokin’ hot. Think Victoria Secret hot.”

  “Is that right? Do you have a personal thing going with Ms. Douglas?”

  “No sir. Strictly professional.” Of course, if he’d had a chance, he’d have made in personal in 2.5 seconds.

  Brennan glared at Lane then picked up his phone and dialed a number. “Hello, Frankie, this is Uncle Tim. I may have a job for you. Would you please drop by my office?”

  Available in the Spring 2013

  Profile of Evil

  Book One of the Profile Series

  Carly Stone is a brilliant FBI agent who's seen more than her share of evil. Leaving the agency, she becomes a consultant for Indiana County Sheriff Brody Chase. He needs her help to catch a savage killer who is luring teenaged girls to their death in his community.

  The two are determined to stop a dangerous predator before he takes another life — at any cost.

  Excerpt from Profile of Evil

  He pulled up in front of a two-story gray house in a nice neighborhood with palm trees lining the streets. Flicking on the interior car light, he checked the address he'd been given. It was the correct address so he parked his rental car in the driveway. There were lights on inside the house which was encouraging, for he had a critical need to talk to the resident.

  Impatiently, he rang the doorbell several times then pounded his fist against the front door. Damn it. He had not come all the way from Indiana to Florida to miss talking with this guy. He had to be home. He desperately needed his help before another teenaged girl lost her life. Sheriff Tim Brennan had written to him about how good this guy was. And if Brennan recommended him, he had to be excellent. He hammered at the door again, and then peeked into the front window. There was no one inside, but from his position he could see open sliding glass doors leading to the backyard.

  From the side yard, he opened the iron-gate to the back of the house. The second he entered the backyard, he noticed a woman diving into an Olympic-sized pool. Transfixed, he watched her as she swam to the far end of the pool, and then kicked-off to swim to the other end, this time on her back. Her body, slick from the water, glowed in the moonlight. The tiny glittering lights surrounding the pool made her look ethereal as she sliced through the water.

  He should do the gentlemanly thing and leave, but he couldn't move. His frozen legs seemed attached to the ground. He could barely breathe as she lifted herself out of the water. With long black hair as shiny as glass, she had an athletic build, with full, uplifted breasts, curved hips and endless legs. His jeans grew tighter as his arousal strained against the zipper.

  Moving to a deck chair, she wrapped a white towel around her body — then picked up a serious-looking handgun that she pointed straight at his chest.

  "I don't know who you are or why you're in my yard, but I've got a little secret I'd like to share with you," she began. "In the past two years, I've shot two men. Neither man is here to talk about it."

  He stiffened as a wave of apprehension hit him full-force. He'd been shot before, remembered it well, and had no desire to repeat the experience. He cleared his throat and said, "I apologize if I frightened you. I pounded on the front door but no one answered."

  "That doesn't tell me who you are and why you are here," she returned, assuming one of the best shooting stances he'd ever seen.

  He hesitated for a second, and then responded, "I'm Sheriff Brody Chase from Morel, Indiana in Shawnee County. I'm here to see Carl Stone."

  She quirked her eyebrow questioningly, and asked, "Who told you Carl Stone lived here?"

  "A fellow Indiana county sheriff gave me your name and address in an email. Tim Brennan's his name," he replied.

  She slowly lowered the gun. "Sounds like Sheriff Brennan made a typo. It's Carly Stone that you're looking for. Why do you want to talk to me?"

  About the Author — Alexa Grace

  Alexa's journey started in March 2011 when the Sr. Director of Training & Development position she'd held for thirteen years was eliminated. A door closed but another one opened. She finally had the time to pursue her dream of writing books — her dream since childhood. Her focus is now on writing riveting romantic suspense novels.

  Alexa earned two degrees from Indiana State University and currently lives in Florida. She's a member of Romance Writers of America (national) as well as the Florida Chapter. Her first books Deadly Offerings and Deadly Deception has consistently been on Amazon's Top 100 Bestselling Romantic Suspense Books. She was recently named one of the top 100 Indie authors by Kindle Review. A chapter is devoted to her in the book Interviews with Indie Authors by C. Ridgway and T. Ridgway.

  Her writing support team includes five Miniature Schnauzers, three of which are rescues. As a writer, she is fueled by Starbucks lattes, chocolate and emails from readers.

  For more information on her upcoming releases:

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  Follow her at!/AlexaGrace2

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  Table of Contents

  Deadly Relations




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Dear Reader:

  Turn the page for previews

  Deadly Offerings

  Deadly Deception

  Profile of Evil

  About the Author — Alexa Grace


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