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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

Page 15

by Amy Valenti

  She paused, letting his dick slip from between her lips, and smiled. “Would you let me out if I asked or would you keep me tied up until you were done with me?”

  He pursed his lips together. “Probably the latter.”

  “Probably the latter,” she repeated. “Well, then, I think you’re staying put until I’m done with you.”

  He groaned and let his head fall back to the pillow. “Now I know why there are rules.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at his revelation. This wasn’t only about the rules and she knew it. By allowing her to tie him up, Adam was proving his trust in her. That action alone meant more to Sara than all their conversations regarding trust put together.

  Using the techniques she’d learned the day before, Sara gave Adam her all. He writhed and bucked against her mouth, moaning in pleasure. “Sara, baby, you have to stop or I’m going to come.”

  She paused, allowing him to slip from her mouth, yet continuing to stroke him with her hand. “And that would be bad why?” The teasing tone of her voice caught her off guard and she had to wonder where that had come from. It was out of character for her to playfully banter with him during sex.

  His eyes narrowed, obviously not amused by her statement. “Sara Beth Kingston, you let me out of these restraints right now.”

  Her grin widened and she slithered up his body, making sure to take her time and brush against all his sensitive areas. “Spoilsport,” she said, untying him from his silk shackles.

  As soon as the restraints fell away, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled her onto the bed. “I—” He kissed her on the neck. “Am not—” He continued a trail of kisses down over her collarbone. “A spoilsport.” He ended his sentence by sucking her nipple into his mouth.

  Sara sucked in a quick breath and closed her eyes. Who was she to argue? He let go of her nipple. “It’s your turn, baby. You think you can do this now?”

  She nodded even as her stomach twisted into knots. If he could allow her to tie him up, then she had to at least try.

  “Okay, let’s try this again. Roll over on your stomach.”

  She slowly changed positions and lifted a tentative arm above her. He wrapped the scarf loosely around her wrist. “I’m going to tie these so you should be able to get out if you really need to.”

  She nodded, her eyes not leaving where his hands were currently tying her other arm into place. At least she’d let Adam lay face up, so what was the deal with him putting her on her stomach?

  He leaned over and whispered. “If at any point you really don’t think you can do this, pull your arms free. If you can’t get loose then use your safe word.” He smoothed his hands along her flesh, then stopped and began kneading the muscles in her shoulders and neck. “Okay, we’re going to try this again, so relax, Sara Beth. Remember, you’re in control. You do have the final say.”

  She stilled under his touch, relaxing as he slowly massaged her back. After a few minutes, her eyes fluttered shut as she centered on the wonderful pressure he exerted on her body.

  “Doing something for the first time can be scary. You have to take hold of your fears and let yourself succumb to the moment. Now I’m going to continue getting you ready.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her hips off the bed. When he let go, she realized her abdomen rested atop several pillows. His hand skimmed down her leg before he wrapped the fabric around her ankle and cinched it to the third post. She swallowed back the bile and waited to see what would come next. “I’m in control. I’m in control,” she silently whispered.

  He followed with the other leg until she was completely secure. Sara now lay sprawled face down on the bed, shackled with her ass in the air. Her heart pounded so hard she thought it might just beat out of her chest. It didn’t matter that he’d gone first and showed her what it would be like, she still couldn’t do this. She couldn’t be this submissive, and was just about to utter her safe word when his prehensile tongue swept over her folds. Currents of electricity shot through her cunt and raced through her body to register in her brain. She gasped, swallowing the words. He sucked gently on her swollen bud before taking another swipe through her inflamed tissues. New and glorious sensations hovered in her belly, like the beating wings of dragonflies. His warm breath blew over the opening to her channel, followed once again by the wet heat of his tongue.

  “For every time you don’t fight me, I’ll reward you just like this,” he said as he moved away from her.

  Fight him? Reward her? What did he have planned? Before Sara had completed the thought, she heard a soft whooshing noise and several small bites of pain registered along her back. She yelped and struggled to see what he was doing. His hand came down over her stinging flesh and rubbed gently. “I promise, nothing too painful. It’s just a little taste of what your friend was experiencing. Remember your safe word and if at any time it’s too much, you tell me.”

  How could she possibly fight him when he was going to reward her like that? What would really be the harm in allowing him to show her what she was already curious about? “Okay,” she managed to squeak as she closed her eyes and lowered her head to the pillow.

  The whooshing sound returned, followed by several small stings along her back. Sara whimpered and wiggled, but held her own. Again the flogger came down, a little lower and slightly harder. The flesh on her lower back screamed in protest as the skin on her ass burned. Despite her best effort to hold it back, a sob ripped from her throat and she twisted in her bindings.

  “Are you okay?”

  Unable to speak, she nodded.

  He knelt next to the bed and appeared to be studying her. “I don’t want you doing this because you think it will please me. If you really can’t handle it, you can stop.”

  She took several long, deep breaths and steadied herself. “I’m fine, just a little shocked, that’s all. Keep going.” At this point, something strange was happening and she was desperate to see the result. A burning had begun low in her belly, and seemed to grow with each strike.

  He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, then moved away. Almost instantly, tears stung at her eyes and she had to blink to clear her blurry vision. She was going to finish this.

  The flogger whooshed through the air and several light stings peppered her flesh. Her pussy clenched emptily, almost begging for fulfillment. Again he pulled back and struck her again, lower this time; the loose pieces of leather kissed the swollen, sensitive flesh between her legs.

  “Oh, please,” she begged, not sure what it was she begged for. Pleasure from pain! She got it. Suddenly, it all made sense.

  “Please what?” he asked as brought the loose tendrils of leather over her heated flesh again, then dragged them slowly up over her folds and along her back.

  An ‘Oh’ was all she could manage as fire raced up her spine toward her brain.

  The bed shook beneath her as he repositioned himself. Warm breath centered over her fevered flesh. Please, oh please! Yes! She cried out as he licked along the entrance to her channel and lapped up her juices. Her pussy clamped down around his invasive fingers as he slid first one digit, then a second, deep inside her. It wasn’t enough; she needed more.

  His mouth settled over her nub and sucked. Her body spiraled out of control and Sara screamed as her clit throbbed and her pussy clenched.

  Just when she thought she’d reached the precipice of her climax, he shifted, pulled away, then his shaft butted against her opening and slid in with some effort. The extremely tight feel of him and the plug filling her, created new and wondrous sensations. Writhing against the bindings, she cried out as her body stretched, then shattered on an orgasm so powerful she nearly fainted. Her channel clenched around him, sucking his shaft in deeper, milking it. Only managing a handful of pumps, he rammed hard into her and spilled his seed into the protective barrier separating them.

  He collapsed on top of her; his ragged breath whooshed against her ear. “You did it,” he whispered, running his fingers up and
down her arm. The pride in his voice gave her the confidence she needed. Maybe being bound wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

  * * * *

  When Adam had entered the hallway that morning, he’d been prepared to move forward with the session he'd carefully planned. Never would he have expected to find Sara crouched in the hallway, looking in on another girl’s session.

  To find out Sara, his Sara, was a voyeur was not only a shock, but damned hot. For several minutes, he’d stood behind her, observing. Her face flushed and more than once she’d let out a small gasp as the cries from the other side of the door increased. He could tell, even from the distance at which he stood that her nipples were erect and begging to be touched, leading him to believe that she was more turned on than she’d ever admit to. It took nearly every bit of willpower he had not to rip her up from where she was, pin her to the wall and take her like some animal right there in the hallway. Somehow, he managed not to do exactly that, but when he watched her fingers trail south to pleasure herself, it had nearly been his undoing.

  He hadn’t planned to be so rough with her and second thoughts had raced through his head when she began to cry. Still, maybe it had been selfish on his part, but he hadn’t wanted to give up the moment and his one chance to find out just how far she’d go. To see her not only survive the encounter, but actually derive a certain amount a pleasure from it had been the best reward he could have received.

  Now, sitting in the parlor, glass of whiskey in hand, he watched the flames dance inside the hearth and thought about tomorrow. There wasn’t any reason for him to be nervous; he’d participated in anal sex before. That was before you found the love of your life, jackass!

  He tipped the glass and took a long hard swig; the alcohol burned a warm path down the back of his throat. If he was this nervous, he could only imagine how wound up Sara must be. Too bad there wasn’t some way for him to talk to her, to assure her that it wasn’t nearly as taboo as what she’d built up in her mind about the subject and, if done right, could prove a pleasure like no other.

  “You’re in awful deep thought. Mind if I join you?”

  Adam looked up to see Everett standing next to his chair. “Um…sure. Have a seat.”

  Everett plopped down into the chair across from him. “So what’s got you so engrossed you didn’t even hear me walk up behind you?”

  Adam rubbed a hand across his chin as he contemplated whether to share or not. “I’m just a bit concerned about tomorrow.”

  Everett set his own drink on the table between them. “What do you have to be concerned about?”

  “Nothing, I guess I’m worried about her state of mind. Anal sex is so taboo with her that she doesn’t even want to talk about it. Tomorrow, I’m going to force her to have it.”

  “Now wait a minute.” Everett waved a finger at him. “You’re not forcing her to do anything. She came here of her own volition and agreed to this weekend, knowing what was involved. If she really doesn’t want to engage in it, she can quit.”

  “True, but what if she decides to go through with it just to please me? I mean, it’s not like it’s a deal breaker. She’s come so far this weekend. I’d be more than happy simply expanding and exploring the things we’ve already done.”

  Everett shot him a knowing look. “Even so, you can’t sit there and tell me you wouldn’t always wonder whether she would have gone through with it.”

  “For God’s sake, Everett, I’m a man. Of course I’d wonder. I guess that’s what bothers me about this whole deal. I won’t know until after it's over, if she did it for herself or simply because it's what she thought I wanted.”

  “Well.” Everett leaned back in his chair. “I’m just glad that I’m not a thinker like you, otherwise I might be backing out of my own encounter tomorrow.”

  Adam quirked a curious brow at him. “Really? What’s on your agenda?”

  “Can you say ménage a trios?”

  Adam slammed back the last of his drink, then looked over at his friend. Hadn’t he always been intrigued with the idea of a three-way? Even with everything they were doing this weekend, that little dream would still be out of the realm of possibilities. What she did with him was one thing. Even the idea of bringing in a third would be enough to freak her out. “Sounds interesting, what’s the twist?”

  Everett grinned. “The twist is, she’ll be bound just as she has been all weekend and will have to submit to whatever our whims dictate. She’s always wanted to do a threesome, so I can’t wait to see just what she’ll take from us.”

  Adam gave a chuckle. The look of anticipation etched across Everett’s face reminded him of a little boy on Christmas morning. “It sounds like you’re in for one hell of a ride tomorrow.”

  Everett’s grin widened. “I hope so.”

  * * * *

  Sara sat across from Karen and picked at the remaining food on her plate. She couldn’t believe it was Sunday morning already. Where had the weekend gone? “So, how did your sessions go?”

  Karen paused, her fork hovering over her own nearly empty plate. “They were better than I imagined.”

  Sara didn’t say anything about the marks she’d noticed on Karen’s legs when she came in. She understood the idea of pain and pleasure, but still wasn’t convinced that being hit with enough force that it left marks could be pleasurable.

  “Since it’s Sunday and you’re still here, I take it things have gone well for you also?”

  Sara nodded. “Actually, they have. You're right, exploring the sensual side of my personality wasn’t easy, but I’m more than pleased with the results.”

  Karen ripped her piece of toast in half. “If you don’t mind me asking, have you done anal yet?”

  Sara let her gaze fall to her plate as she thought about the rather large ass plug she still sported. Today’s was even bigger than the one she’d worn yesterday. Getting it in had been no easy task. Her Master’s words from Friday played like a loop in her head. The one thing he hadn’t done with her yet was take her there.

  “Not yet.”

  Karen nodded and chewed her food, then wiped her hand on a napkin. “Well, based on that declaration, I’m guessing he’s got you wearing the large anal plug today.”

  Sara glanced at her friend, then back to her plate. “Something like that.”

  “Feels like you’ve got a tree trunk shoved up your ass, doesn’t it?”

  Sara couldn’t help the smile that pulled at the corner of her lips. She loved her new friend’s candor. “Pretty much. I just keep thinking that it can’t be okay to have that thing up there, that there’s some horrible side effect nobody is telling me about.”

  Karen laughed. “Look, honey. Try to keep it in perspective. They’re made with safety in mind and if you’re man’s hung anything like mine, then his cock will not only be just as thick as the plug you’re currently sporting, but he’ll be longer.”

  Sara’s gaze rocked up to meet Karen’s. “Are you kidding me? I’m supposed to take something even bigger than this?”

  Karen tossed her napkin on her plate and pushed it to the center of the table. She reached across and placed a comforting hand over Sara’s. “Don’t worry. It’s not nearly as bad as you think it’s going to be. In fact, if you relax and let things happen, you might even enjoy it.”

  Sara gave her a cautious stare. “And you know this because?”

  “I’ve been there.” Karen pushed away from the table and stood. “I’d better get back to my room before my ‘Master’ shows up. I wouldn’t want to be late for my sessions on my last day here.”

  Sara stood and joined her as Karen walked to the door. “I’m glad we had the chance to have breakfast together and talk. You’ve really been a huge help to me this weekend.”

  Karen gave her a light hug. “It’s easy to offer advice when you’ve been there yourself. In case I don’t see you again before you leave today, take care of yourself and give me a call sometime. Maybe we can grab some coffee together.”
/>   “I will. Thanks, Karen.”

  Sara watched her friend walk down the hall and disappear into her own room. She closed the door and leaned back against it. One last hurdle is all she had and this would be all over. She could do this!

  Chapter 6

  Hours passed as Sara’s anxiety built. Why couldn’t he just get on with it instead of letting her stew? Was it all part of some elaborate mind game? She rolled her eyes as she pushed the off button on the remote for the DVD player. The entire weekend had been nothing but one giant mind game, so why would she think this would be any different?

  She crossed to the mirror and studied her reflection. Today’s outfit was a bright blue shelf-bra and matching crotch less panties. With the rings in place, her nipples stood at attention, waiting, almost begging to be touched and the pink lips of her pussy peaked through the slit. The outfit certainly made her feel sexy. Even with her building nerves over her last encounter, she could still feel the dampness between her legs. Could it be that somewhere deep inside, she was actually turned on by the idea of anal sex, or was it nothing more than her body’s reaction to the stimuli around her. After all, how could she not be even a little horny when everything about the room was designed for sex?

  The door creaked open, causing her to look up. He entered the room, again dressed in nothing but a robe. “Are you ready for your final lesson?”

  It was about time. Holding in a breath, she nodded. She’d come too far to bail out now.

  He smiled as he removed his robe. “Good. Let’s start with a review of what you’ve learned so far.”

  Sara dropped to her knees and without hesitation reached for his cock. She stroked the turgid length, drawing moisture from the beaded tip down over the swollen flesh, until the entire shaft was wet and glistening. Lowering her head, she licked her lips and took him deep into her mouth, caressing the throbbing vein with her tongue. With one hand planted on his thigh for support, she stroked him with the other while she sucked hard on the head. His breath quickened to the point that Sara knew he was going to come soon.


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