Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set Page 16

by Amy Valenti

  She prepared herself to receive his seed and almost yelped in pain when he grabbed her by the hair, pulling her to a stop.

  Owl-eyed, she looked up at him. “Did I do something wrong?”

  His menacing look softened. “No, baby. You did everything just right. Now on your feet.”

  Disappointed at not being able to finish her task, she stood and followed him to the bed.

  “Bend over the footboard,” he ordered.

  She did and was immediately rewarded with a smack across her ass. Her pussy clenched, releasing hot juices into her channel as she cried out at the delicious sting. It still bothered her that she found being spanked so arousing, but who was she to argue with something that felt so good?

  By the time he finished, her ass burned and she could feel her own fluids wetting the inside of her thighs.

  “Now lay down.” His words carried with them a tone of heady desire and she knew he was turned on by what they were doing. It was a powerful feeling to know that she had it within her to drive a man insane with desire.

  Following his instruction, she climbed onto the bed and sprawled out on her stomach.

  “No, I want you on your back this time.”

  “But I thought you said no missionary position.”

  He gave her a look that had Sara quickly flipping over. She watched warily as he pulled a bottle of lubricant from the pocket of his robe. Realization that this was really going to happen sent a new shot of adrenaline rushing through her veins. Fear gripped her throat and squeezed. It was bad enough having this plug thing up her ass, now she was going to have the real thing.

  Despite her fear, she noticed something else going on in her nether region. Her pussy throbbed, almost as if it had a mind of its own.

  The bed sank under his weight as he climbed between her thighs. “Hold your legs,” he instructed, pulling her leg back and hooking her hand beneath her knee. On her own, she pulled her other leg back and held it, exposing herself to him.

  “You have a beautiful pussy, Sara Beth.” He dragged a knuckle through her folds, causing her to gasp. “I hope that after we leave here, you’ll keep it shaved.”

  He leaned over and swiped his tongue through her lips. As much as she wanted to close her eyes and revel in the sensations rushing through her, curiosity kept her gaze locked on him. He sucked, tugged and licked until Sara panted hard as she climbed toward that elusive peak.

  When he stopped and moved away, she whimpered at the loss of him and immediately wanted to squirm as he tugged on the plug. He gave it a gentle twist that had Sara gasping for breath. The burn she’d felt when Marissa had put the damn thing in returned as he pulled it from her body.

  She should have been thankful to be free of the God-awful thing, but knowing what still lay ahead had her wishing he’d left it in place.

  He paused, his dark gaze settling over her. “This isn’t a deal breaker, you know.”

  Her brow knit. What in the hell was he talking about? “What do you mean this isn’t a deal breaker?”

  “I mean if you are truly freaked out at the idea of doing this, we don’t have to.”

  A slow smile tugged at her lips. How sweet was he to give her an out? “Wouldn’t that be breaking the rules?”

  “Sometimes rules are made to be broken. I don’t want you doing this because you think you’re supposed to, or that our relationship hinges on it. Let’s get that straight right now—it doesn’t. If you want to do this then we will, but if you don’t, I won’t force you.”

  Once again he was putting the power in her hands, not that it had ever been any other way. She knew that at any time she had the power to say no and end the weekend. It hadn’t been easy to get to this point, but now that she was here, Sara wanted to see it through. And that included delving into her ultimate taboo. “I want to, Adam. Show me what I’ve been missing?”

  A grin claimed his features. He flipped open the bottle of lube and squeezed. Sara barely resisted the urge to squeal when the cold liquid dripped onto her heated core.

  “Relax,” he said as he spread the lubricant liberally over her puckered center. “I want you to get used the idea of something besides the plug being there.”

  Slowly, his probing fingers breached her entrance. After having the plug there, his fingers didn’t seem that bad. She was just getting used to what he was doing when his touch disappeared.

  Adam inched between her legs and angled his sheathed stalk up with her hole. His gaze locked with hers. “If you simply can’t stand it, tell me and I’ll stop.”

  She nodded and blew out a long breath. “Do it.”

  He moved against her and the pressure around her sphincter began. Slow at first, it grew in intensity against the pressure of his cock.

  “Push against me,” he instructed.

  She held her breath as she bore down, pushing back. Inch by agonizing inch, he invaded her body. His movement was slow and she knew he was trying not to hurt her. The tight ring of muscles stretched and the pain increased. Breathe. She had to remember to breathe. Sara let out a long breath and drew in another, while desperately trying to relax. With her safe word on the tip of her tongue, she was about to call it quits, when he broke through the barrier and slid home. The word morphed into an unintelligible cry as the nerve-rich tissue sent delicious signals racing through her body. It was an incredible feeling; nothing like the plug. Nothing like anything she’d ever experienced before.

  He held still and looked down at her. “Are you okay?”

  Unable to find the words, she nodded. It was a strange sensation, yet not at all as unpleasant as she’d imagined. In fact, in a strange way it felt good.

  A growl spilled from deep within Adam’s torso and for a moment his eyes fell closed, as if he were relishing in the feel of her. “God, baby, you feel so good. So damn tight.” He leaned forward and captured her mouth with his own. His kiss was hard and hungry and reflected everything Sara was feeling. Never had she experienced such a deep connection with anyone.

  He broke the kiss and pulled slightly away. “I’m going to move a little and let you get used to me, okay?”

  “Okay,” she managed to pant through ragged breaths.

  He withdrew a little, then pushed back in, slowly creating a rhythm that before long had Sara raising her hips to meet him. He slid a hand between their sweat-slicked bodies and pushed a finger into her pussy. “You’re so wet, baby. See? Despite what you’ve been told, your body enjoys this.” Pulling her liquid heat up over her nub, he rubbed. “Feel how by slicking your clit it makes everything more sensitive.”

  “Yes, Adam, yes,” she cried out, not quite sure what had possessed her to, yet unable to stop it. “More! Please!” The snake of desire living low in her belly began to coil, twisting, and turning until Sara was sure she was going to die. Just when she was close, he’d remove his hand and Sara’s desire would level off. Then he’d start again, rubbing and pulling on the nub. Overloaded with new sensations, her mind shut down as every nerve ending in her body sent pleasure signals north.

  Sara fisted the sheets and let out a scream, drowning out his groan of release. She writhed beneath him as he filled her tunnel with his seed. He collapsed on top of her, lifting his head only slightly to plant loving kisses along her neck. His lips trailed over her skin and found their way to her mouth. Teeth tangled as tongues clashed and for the first time all weekend, Sara forgot where she was. All she knew was that she’d do anything for him.

  Several long seconds passed while she bathed in the glow of the best orgasm she’d ever experienced. Adam’s breathing began to regulate and his body grew heavy against hers.

  Restless, she shifted beneath him. Slowly he withdrew, climbed from the bed and headed to the bathroom. Completely replete, Sara lay with her eyes closed and listened to the water running.

  Nearly asleep, she jerked when the warm cloth touched her bottom.

  “Easy, honey. I only wanted to clean you a bit,” his voice soothed. She opened her
eyes and looked down to see him passing the wet cloth between her legs. He had a delicate touch, as if he knew she would be sore from the experience. When he finished, he returned the cloth to the bathroom, walked back to the bed and sat down. “How do you feel?”

  Her gaze shifted from him to the fireplace while she considered his words. How did she feel? “Relieved,” she started. “Proud of myself for going through with it.”

  Adam climbed onto the bed and pulled her into his arms. He dropped a soft kiss in her hair. “You’re not the only one who’s proud of you, baby. I never would have imagined you’d have done this. I’m shocked, amazed and prouder of you than you can ever imagine.”

  She smiled. “As nervous as I was, something inside me kept pushing for more. It was almost as if I wanted to see where my limit was.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I know what I’ve been missing and I don’t ever want to go back.”

  Adam arched a brow. “You’re not feeling guilty?”

  She turned her head to look at him. “Actually, no, I’m not. That’s not to say I won’t have some guilt tomorrow, or the next time I see my mother, but right now I feel good about myself. Like I’ve actually joined some secret society that I’ve spent most of my life looking in on.”

  Adam’s arms tightened around her. “Just know, if there was anything you really didn’t like, you’ll never have to do it again.”

  She kissed the soft spot on the side of his neck. “I know, but thank you for saying it.”

  “You’re welcome. Now—” He paused, letting go of her. “I hate to do this to you, because I’d love nothing more than to crawl into bed and snuggle, but I need to go for now.”


  “Ms. Black’s rules. Actually, I wasn’t supposed to stay at all after we were finished, but I couldn’t stand the idea of walking out of here after what we just did without knowing you were okay.”

  She laughed. “There you go again, breaking her rules.”

  He grinned. “Only for you, baby.”

  He moved off the bed and donned his robe, pulling the belt tight. She sat up in the bed and pulled her knees to her chest. Pride filled her as she gave him one last kiss, then watched him walk out the door. She’d done it. She’d pushed away the self-consciousness and the childhood brainwashing and faced her fears not only about her body but also about sex. No matter what happened from this point forward, she would be a different woman, a more sexual woman, a creature of appetite.

  * * * *

  Adam didn’t want to walk out on her the way he had. If anything, he wanted to climb back into the bed, kiss her from head to toe and make sweet, slow love to her. Of course, that would have been breaking the rules and until dinner, he had to do his best to remain in character, and follow the rules.

  This particular session held such importance, such meaning for them both, and to watch her learn she not only had it within her to explore other avenues, but actually enjoyed them made his heart leap with joy. He couldn’t wait until he could get her alone later tonight and start their relationship all over again.

  With more than a little pep in his gait, he headed through the door into the main house toward his room. With one foot on the bottom step, he heard voices behind him and turned to investigate. There, walking through the doorway from the dining room into the parlor, was Everett and a blonde with long hair and a killer figure. The red, skin-tight dress she wore proudly showed off every curve from her luscious round breasts to her perfectly proportioned hips. She giggled as she looked up at Everett, her eyes gazing at him with the same love Adam hoped still existed between him and Sara.

  Everett glanced up and smiled. “Adam! Hey, come over here and meet my girlfriend.” He turned to the blonde. “Honey, this is the man I’ve shared a room with the last few days. He’s Sara’s trainer.”

  Her eyes went wide and she nodded as she reached to shake his hand. “So, you’re Adam. I’m Karen.”

  “Nice to meet you, Karen. I take it you met Sara?”

  She nodded. “Yep, actually we’ve spent quite a bit of time together over the past few days. She’s a really nice girl and I can tell you that she loves you very much.”

  “I love her, too.”

  She shifted on her high heels. “That’s obvious, because this place isn’t just for anybody. I know you had to put in a lot of work to prepare for this weekend and maybe push aside a few of your own inhibitions in the process.”

  She glanced up at Everett as she finished her sentence and Adam was left to wonder exactly what she’d meant by that. What exactly had she asked of Everett that would push him outside his boundaries?

  He quickly shook away the thought and turned his attention back to them. “I’m sorry, I’d love to stay and chat, but I really need to catch a quick shower and get ready for dinner. Are you two heading out already?”

  Everett nodded. “Yep, we’re done and done, man. Time to move on with life and see where it takes us.” He slapped Adam on the back. “If things work out for you two and you ever want to get together for dinner or anything, just give us a call. I think I can safely speak for Karen when I say, we’d love to get together.”

  Karen nodded. “Absolutely. Even if it’s just for coffee once in a while. It would be great to stay in touch.”

  Adam smiled. “That would be nice. We’ll be sure to do that.” He glanced toward the steps. “Well, I’d better get going.”

  “Yeah, us too. Take care.” Everett shook his hand and Adam watched the two of them head for the front door. He had a feeling that getting together with them for anything would be an interesting experience.

  * * * *

  Unsure of what do with herself, Sara slowly paced the room. She had a little over an hour until dinner. Deciding a bath was in order; she ambled into the bathroom. She took her time soaking in the warm water and nearly fell asleep. Forty-five minutes later, she emerged to find her own clothes laid out on the bed for her. As she dressed, she watched her image in the mirror, taking mental notes on how she could make herself look and feel sexier. The first thing she’d do would be to go out and get all new undergarments. Then she’d toss out her bedclothes and buy some sexy lingerie to sleep in. Maybe a few toys would make that list also. Sara smiled at her last thought. Though the idea of looking a stranger in the face while purchasing a giant dildo was still a little intimidating, she hoped this time when she went into the erotic gift shop, she wouldn’t be leaving empty-handed and embarrassed.

  She finished dressing and glanced at the clock. Dinner would begin in ten minutes. She walked around the room, straightening things and cleaning up after herself. Ms. Black was sure to have a maid come in to clean after she left, but Sara hated the idea of leaving a messy space behind. When it was finally time to go, she gave the room once last glance, picked up her suitcase, and head out the bedroom door.

  Once dinner was over, she’d be free to leave. In a way, she was a little sad to go. This weekend had been such a turning point in her life that seeing it end was a bit disappointing.

  She headed down the hallway through the door leading to the front of the house. Ms. Black lay sprawled on a chaise lounge in the parlor as Sara entered the room. “Sara, I see you’re all packed and ready to go.”

  Sara smiled warmly at the woman. “Yes. I wanted to thank you. It’s been an enlightening weekend.”

  “I’m sure it has. I’ve heard about your progress from Adam. Well done.” Ms. Black reached beneath the table next to her and retrieved a box wrapped in silver paper. “This is for you.”

  Sara took the box, and weighed the slightly heavy package in her hands. “What is it?”

  Ms. Black gave her a wry look. “Oh, just a little something to help you continue on your path to sexual awareness. Go ahead and open it.”

  Sara tore into the paper, freeing the cardboard from its decorative prison. She opened the lid to find a plethora of sex toys; everything from a small black flogger to a rather large size butt plug sat inside the box
. Heat flooded her face as she inspected each item. “Thank you.”

  She really was grateful to Ms. Black because now she wouldn’t have to venture into any stores looking for immediate toys to purchase while she waited for any internet orders to arrive.

  “You're welcome. I hope you make good use of them in your future sexual escapades. Now I regret to inform you that we will have to skip dinner this evening.”

  Sara looked up from the box. “Oh? Why?”

  “Adam made a special request to leave early, and after discussing his plans further, I agreed.”

  Sara’s heart leapfrogged from her chest and lodged in her throat. Why had Adam left early? “Adam’s gone?” she asked, unable to hide her concern.

  Ms. Black smiled. “Yes. He departed about an hour after your last session. Please don’t worry. It wasn’t an emergency and it’s not for anything bad. He simply wanted to prepare a special meal and evening for the two of you at your place.” She turned toward the door and motioned for Sara to follow. “Considering your situation and how far you’ve come this weekend, I thought it was a very good decision on his part.” She smiled. “I’ll have one of the servants take your bags to your car. Now go. Start your new life with the man you love and remember to enjoy it.”

  For the next thirty minutes, Sara drove toward her apartment while different scenarios played out in her head. While she knew whatever Adam was planning would be something she would no doubt enjoy, the not knowing was driving her insane.

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of driving, she parked in her designated space. Foregoing her luggage, she grabbed her purse and the gift Ms. Black gave her instead and headed up to her second floor, one bedroom space.

  She slipped her key in the lock, turned the handle, and walked into a room bathed in candlelight. Soft music flowed through the space, providing the perfect atmosphere for romance. Adam appeared at the kitchen doorway, wiping his hands on a dishtowel. “Hi.”


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