Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set Page 17

by Amy Valenti

  She closed the door behind her, dropped her things on the end of the sofa, and smiled. “Hi, yourself. What’s this all about?”

  His look turned sheepish. “I wanted something more personal than the dinner Ms. Black was offering.”

  “That’s very thoughtful.” She closed the distance between them, leaned into him and brushed the lightest of kisses over his lips. “You didn’t have to.”

  His grin faded and his look turned hungry. “I wanted to.”

  Despite the fact that she’d just spent the entire weekend having sex with him, her libido stirred, demanding attention. “So what’s for dinner?” she asked, her voice now husky with desire.

  “Italian,” he whispered before lowering his head and kissing her along her jawline.

  Sara wrapped her fingers around his biceps in an attempt to hold herself up. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back, giving him access to her neck. “Italian sounds nice.”

  “It’s warming.” He licked a small trail along the soft skin below her ear. “In the oven.”

  “Oh,” she could only squeak in response when he sucked her lobe into his mouth.

  “I have a confession to make,” he continued, while doing delicious things to her neck.

  Sara’s fingers tightened around the sleeve of his cotton tee, digging in for a better hold. “What would that be?” she asked even as her body arched toward him.

  “I ordered the dinners from the Italian place around the corner.”

  She grinned against the soft curve of his neck at his confession. He’d never been a very good cook, so she’d assumed he’d ordered in the food. “Then you won’t be disappointed when I warm it up later?”

  In one motion, he bent, hooked an arm beneath her bottom, scooped her up against him and turned toward her bedroom. “You were reading my mind.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  About Sienna Stapleton

  There really isn’t much to tell about me. I’m a mom of two great kids, wife to an amazingly supportive husband. I work a full time EDJ for a local South Jersey construction company which I like, but leaves me little time for other things. I love to read, do arts and crafts, scrapbook and watch television. Above all, I love to write and being a larger size woman I love writing BBW stories. I’ve been writing for years under various pen names, but never felt as comfortable in a genre as I do now.

  If you enjoyed my story and would like to read more, please check out my website at to find a complete list of my available titles for sale, free reads and other great stuff. Want to never pay full price for one of my stories? Join my mailing list while you’re visiting and you’ll always have the opportunity to purchase any of my new stories at .99 during the first 48 hours of its release. And don’t forget to friend or follow me on Facebook.

  The Billionaires' Club: Deceiving Him


  Terry Towers

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  Chapter 1

  "Did you get it?" Lexie looked up anxiously from the computer screen where a young brunette woman was strung up and being caned. She watched as her roommate entered their apartment after her shift at the Billionaires’ Club. Her roommate, Nadine, was a beautiful and slender twenty-two year old black woman who worked as a shooter girl at the club.

  "What? No ‘hello’? No, ‘how was your shift tonight Nadine’? Nothing, huh?" Nadine huffed at her childhood friend as she hung her jacket and tiny, black designer handbag in the coat closet by the front door.

  "I want you counting the lashes!" the man in the video yelled out.

  Laughing, Nadine made her way across the living room and peered over Lexie's shoulder at the video she'd been watching.

  "I see you've been doing your homework." Nadine watched for a moment as the brunette counted down between lashes, not in the least disturbed by the video. It was an everyday scene for her.

  "8... 7...," the woman called out, wincing - but only slightly - each time the cane made contact with her reddened ass.

  "That girl is taking it like a pro. Props to her," Nadine joked, turning away from the screen, suddenly disinterested.

  Lexie huffed and exited the video. She had more important things to find out, such as whether or not Nadine had secured a member badge to the club for her. By the smug look in Nadine's expression, Lexie would wager it was a yes.

  "So, did you get it?" Lexie chewed at her lower lip as she waited.

  Nadine reached down the front of her tight red cut-off tank top and produced a small silver badge, waving it under Lexie's nose. Lexie eyed the badge, a wide smile forming on her lips. She was finally going to get into the club that would quite possibly give her the news story of a lifetime and kick-start her career as a journalist; she was currently a gossip columnist for a small-time local gossip paper in San Francisco. But this story could launch her into the big time; it could turn her into a 'real' journalist. Excited, Lexie made a grab for the badge, but Nadine snatched her hand back and quickly backed away.

  Nadine wagged her finger at Lexie. "No, no girl. We're going over some ground rules first before I give you anything."

  Lexie sighed and rolled her eyes at her friend. "Look, I know. I know. I heard you the first hundred times you stated your terms and conditions. Do we really need to go through this again?"

  "Oh, I think we need to discuss them one more time." She flopped onto the threadbare, floral-patterned sofa and gave the badge another shake in the air. “This could cost me the best paying job I've ever had. If anyone finds out that you're not a member and I gave this to you, I will not only lose the best job of my life, but I could be facing legal action."

  Lexie raked a hand through her long flaming red curls and sighed. "Even if I got caught, you know I would never, ever give you up."

  "It wouldn't be that hard to link us, Lex. We grew up in the same town in Nebraska." She waved at their surroundings. "We share an apartment. I think they'd catch on. These people aren’t billionaires by being stupid."

  "My legal address is still listed in Omaha," Lexie reminded her as she crossed the room and flopped into an equally worn matching armchair.

  Nadine sighed and passed the badge to her. "I'm trusting you. Don't fuck it up."

  With a wide grin on her face, Lexie accepted the badge and looked down at it. On the silver plate was the engraving “T5S” in black letters. "So what does T5S mean anyhow?"

  "Ummm… well, here's the thing. I just couldn't walk up to my boss and ask him to give me a member badge."

  Lexie shrugged. "I suppose not."

  "I managed to get lucky and noticed a badge had fallen from a member's clothing and was lying on the floor. If we happen to see a badge and pick it up, we're required to turn it in to management. Instead, I tucked it into my bra and kept working. I could be fired for that alone, you know."

  Lexie nodded. She doubted she could ever come up with the words to describe the gratitude she felt towards Nadine for sticking her neck out and risking her own career to help launch her friend’s. "And I thank you for that. I promise I will make this up to you."

  "You're damn right you will," Nadine teased, bending down to unzip her thigh-high stiletto boot.

  Lexie looked back down at the T5S and cringed; something told her she wasn't going to like what it stood for. "So what does the T5S mean?"

  Nadine sighed and gave her a sympathetic smile. "It means tier five submissive."

  Lexie shrugged and stared blankly at her friend. "I have no idea what that means."

  Pulling off her first boot, Nadine kicked it under the plain, wooden coffee table and began unzipping the second one. "Well, to simplify things for their members, the club has established a system with those badges. Those labelled with an S or D meaning, submissive or dominant, are ranked one to five.

  Glancing down at the badge, Lexie shrugged. "So what does a five do?"

  Looking up and meeting her friend's eyes, Nadine grinned and gave her a wink. "You do it all baby."

  All? What the fuck does she mean by all?

  Nadine continued with her explanation. "You like it as rough as they'll give it to you; caning, gangbanging, humiliation, electrode stimulation, and you like it as hard as they'll give it. Pain is your thang, baby."

  Lexie blanched, her jaw going slack. "Are you fucking serious?" She'd been watching the videos online that Nadine had directed her to, in order to be prepared for virtually anything and everything she may encounter going on at the club. Doing it all was not even close to what she was signing up for.

  Nadine groaned, shaking her head. "It's not like you're actually going to do any of it. Geez, Lex. Be fuckin' happy I could get you one at all." She reached over to snatch the badge from Lexie's fingers, but Lexie was too fast, jerking the badge out of her reach.

  "I am. Thank you, Nadine." She stood and gave her friend a quick hug. "I owe you big for this."

  Lexie's brow creased when she pulled away and peered over at her friend, noticing the devious look in her expression. "What's that look for?"

  Nadine laughed and gave her head a quick shake. "You don't owe me a thing, girl. My payment will be getting to see you try and handle yourself in a place like that. It’ll be great entertainment."

  With a huff, Lexie threw herself back in the armchair. "And why would you say that? I've been watching the videos. I’ve researched. I think I’m prepared for just about anything, from caning, to wax play to play with electric wands. I’ve seen it all."

  Nadine's increased laughter unsettled Lexie - slightly. Of course she could handle it; it wasn't as though she was actually going to partake in the... activities or anything. She was going solely for the experience and the story, to see it firsthand and report on it. Get in, get the story, and get out. Easy peasy.


  "So, here's the deal. I can't guarantee they won't verify membership at the front door even with the badge since you're not a regular. At 9pm sharp, fifteen minutes from now, the guard patrolling the back loading door is going on his break, leaving it unguarded. I'll take my break at the same time and keep him distracted. Got it?" Nadine's voice instructed from the other end of Lexie's mobile phone.

  "I got it." Lexie rolled her eyes and then peered at herself in the rear-view mirror.

  "And for the love of God Lexie. Don't. Get. Caught. Got it?"

  Lexie huffed in exasperation. "Yes, yes, yes. I got it. Don't worry."

  "Kay - bye."

  "Bye." Lexie pressed the release button on her mobile and thrust it into her satin handbag. The minutes felt like hours as she sat in the car, waiting for the moment when she could walk down the street and slip into the back of the club; she was so nervous that she was becoming nauseated. Nadine had picked out her outfit, which consisted of a strapless, red mini dress and black, stiletto-heeled thigh-high boots. She felt like a damn hooker. She could hardly believe women dressed like this in the hopes of some rich guy taking an interest in her to be used as some sort of sex toy.

  Lexie fingered the diamond solitaire pendant around her neck; the necklace and the matching earrings were on loan from Nadine who had received them as a gift from one of the regulars at the club. Talk about perks of the job. I may look like a hooker, but at least I look like a high-priced one, she mused. She peered at herself in the rear view mirror again, and her anxious emerald green eyes peered back.

  After what felt like a lifetime, the clock on the dashboard of the car flashed 8:55. Showtime, she muttered to herself. Taking a deep breath to settle her nerves, she opened the car door and slid out. Slamming the car door shut and locking it behind her, Lexie made her way down the street towards the club. Just before she came to the front entrance, she veered off into the deserted side alley.

  Her heels echoed on the concrete as she quickly made her way down the length of the club towards the back entrance. Just before she reached the corner of the building she stopped and listened. All was silent from behind the building, so she continued and rounded the corner.

  As suspected, it was empty. Giving the area a quick scan to make sure no one was around, she confirmed she was indeed alone and hurried to the steel door that had been left slightly ajar. Thank you Nadine.

  Prying the door open with her fingertips, she slowly pulled it open. The beat of techno music greeted her as she peeked in with hesitation. The music wasn't nearly as loud as what you would find at a dance club, but it was loud enough. As promised, the hallway was vacant. Slipping in, she closed the door firmly behind her and turned to her left. Nadine had told her to turn left and then take a right, which would take her to the main room; that was exactly where she wanted to be.

  A rush of excitement accompanied the fear as she squared her shoulders, pulling herself up to her full height of 5'3 - luckily, her heels gave her an additional five inches - and began walking as casually as possible towards the main room.

  As she came closer to her destination, the music was accompanied by the sound of voices. Her excitement rose another notch. She slipped her handbag onto her shoulder, making sure the lens of the tiny camera sewn inside was getting a good view of what she was facing. She also had an audio recorder going, but with the music and murmur of voices it would be hard to get anything useful from the audio.

  To her relief, she didn't see a soul until she exited the corridor that brought her into the main room of the club. Aside from a half dozen cages suspended from the ceiling with naked women trapped in them, the place appeared to be just like any other nightclub. Couples chatted at tables, people danced on the dance floor at the center of the room and others hung out at the numerous bars around the room.

  "What in the fuck..." Lexie's green eyes widened as she caught sight of something over to the far left corner of the room. A small stage was set up featuring a man with three women. The man appeared to be normal, dressed in black pants and a white button-down shirt, but the women were dressed in odd-looking black leather costumes; gloves on their hands and boots on their feet gave the appearance of hooves and they appeared to have long, bushy tails. Lexie took a few steps closer. Are the end of the tails stuck up their...? She grimaced. Oh God, they are! Damn!

  Lexie watched as the man ordered one of the girls to get down on her hands and knees in front of him. She eagerly obliged and he placed a bit gag attached to reigns into her mouth. He "mounted" her with a crop in hand, the reigns in the other. He shouted at her and then brought the crop down at her backside. She cried out, the sound muffled due to the mouth gag. Soon, she closed her eyes and began to buck wildly under him.

  Double damn!

  She noticed Nadine working the room with a tray of shots in hand and quickly made her way over to her. "What's going on over there?" she asked as she approached Nadine, jerking her head in the direction of the display. "That was not in any of the videos. That’s just messed up."

  Nadine's dark eyes glared at her. "What are you doing coming over to talk to me?" she hissed at Lexie through clenched teeth as she approached.

  "Getting myself a shot," Lexie replied giving her a sweet smile. She selected a shot from the tray and gulped it down. The alcohol burned as it rushed down her throat, making her cough and sputter for a moment. It had been literally months since she'd had anything of an alcoholic nature to drink. She wasn’t much of a drinker, but she decided to make the exception tonight. God knew she needed a little liquid courage right now.

  "They're called pony girls."

  "Pony girls? I don't believe they were part of my homework, Nadine." She grabbed a second shot and drank it down. Still burned.

  "Yeah, well Marcel is the Pony Master and he's here today to give a performance."

  "So who's Marcel? Anyone important?"

  Nadine shrugged. "Owns a chain of hotels or something. There's a lot of much bigger fish here tonight. Saw a coup
le of actors earlier and some rapper. A think I also saw a couple of pro football players, but don’t ask me who they were, I wouldn’t have a clue."

  Lexie grinned. The crowd of roughly one hundred people in the main room was only a fraction of the people that were in the club at the moment. Nadine had informed her earlier that all members had private suites set up in the building to accommodate their fetish of choice. Most of the members, she assumed, were probably occupying themselves elsewhere in the building. She just had to keep her eyes peeled.

  She crinkled up her nose as she eyed Marcel and his pony girls. "So he gets off on riding them and slapping their asses with a riding crop?"

  Nadine shrugged. "People get off on a lot worse. Check out the water room."

  Lexie cast a sideways glance over at her friend and raised a brow; she had a pretty good idea of what went on there and had no desire to check out that room anytime soon. Now finding out who was in that room... Oh yeah, that would be useful information.

  "Look, girl. I gotta go before you get me in shit." Nadine began to turn away. "I’ve got a job I’d like to keep."

  "But..." Taking note of Nadine's anxious expression Lexie nodded. "Okay. Sorry."

  Nadine shrugged and leaned into her. "Stay out of trouble and if you get caught..."

  "I don't know ya." Lexie finished for her, with a grin.

  Chapter 2

  Vince caught sight of her as she emerged from the employee only corridor of the club. The flaming long red curls were impossible to miss. He'd always been a sucker for a red head. She walked - correction, stumbled - into the room, wearing thigh-high stiletto boots that she had such a hard time walking in it was almost painful for him to watch. But she tried; he'd give her credit for that. And seeing her try to negotiate herself around the people on those heels was a hoot to watch.


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