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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

Page 47

by Amy Valenti

  Given all they’d done together, Tabitha wondered how she still possessed any inhibitions. “Well, there was the … uh, shaving.”

  “Is that something you’ve done?”

  Tabitha wrinkled her nose. “I had a bikini wax once, but it was so painful. Never again.”

  Marcus offered her an encouraging smile. “Shaved can be an interesting change of pace.”

  “Is that something you like?”

  “Yes, but it doesn’t have to be all the time. It can make particular activities more enjoyable. Certain areas more accessible.”

  Tabitha warmed to the thought of smooth, bare skin. “Okay. But you have to do it. I’m afraid of cutting myself.”

  “I don’t think you’ll cut yourself, but I’d be happy to assist. Come.” He motioned for her to accompany him.

  Tabitha started. “Now?” Marcus never ceased to surprise her. Her mind planned for the future and dwelled on the past, but he was grounded in the present, living for now. It was a great gift he gave her, the gift of being in the moment.

  “Why not?”

  “You’re right. Why not?” Tabitha rose and followed Marcus into the bedroom.

  “Take off your clothes. I’ll get what we need.” He ducked into the bathroom.

  Tabitha undressed and waited. What would it feel like?

  Marcus came back and spread a towel on the bed. “Lie down.” He arranged a bowl of water, his razor, a cloth and a shaving mug with a brush on the nightstand.

  Tabitha crawled onto the bed and situated herself on the towel.

  Marcus dipped the washcloth into the water and wrung it out. “Bend your knees and spread your legs.”

  As Tabitha complied, Marcus placed the hot cloth against her pubic area, letting it sit a moment, warming her skin and opening her pores. He removed the cooling cloth and set it aside. Picking up the shaving brush, he dipped it into the water bowl. Marcus returned the brush to the mug, circling around and around against the soap cake inside, building lather. He swept the soft bristles against her, saturating her coarse hairs with shaving soap.

  Tabitha relaxed as the brush tip left lingering tingles in its wake.

  Marcus dropped the brush in the mug and picked up the razor.

  Tabitha tensed. She wasn’t sure sharp razors and tender parts mixed well.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be very careful.” Marcus placed his hand on her thigh and slid it up to her mound, stretching the area taut. He drew the razor across her skin with slow deliberation. He rinsed the razor in the bowl and resumed the shave. Stroke after stroke, he sliced away the twisting hairs.

  Marcus’s movements were confident, and the tender touch of his fingers converted fear to pleasure. Having someone attend to her personal needs was quite erotic, she realized. Her own wetness mixed with the shaving cream and she struggled to remain still.

  After a few more swipes of the razor, only smooth, bare skin remained. Marcus grabbed the wet cloth and wiped the remaining residue away. “That looks incredibly inviting.”

  Tabitha shivered with anticipation. What would Marcus do?

  Marcus brushed her with the tip of his finger. “What do you want?”

  Tabitha feigned ignorance. “What do you mean?”

  His finger drifted closer to her growing wetness. “What do you want? You choose.”

  “I … ah … okay. Kiss me.” Why was it so hard to articulate what she wanted? Was it fear of rejection? Inhibition? Regardless, time with Marcus appeared to be purging her of both.

  Marcus bent over the bed and pressed his lips to hers, his tongue skirting the edge of her lips. “Is that what you wanted?”

  Tabitha smiled. “It was lovely, but it wasn’t what I meant, and you know it.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  Now was the time to be bold. “I want you to kiss me. Lick me.”

  One masculine fingertip parted her labia. “Where?”

  “My clit. Please, Marcus.” Tabitha contemplated the unfamiliar sensation of the cool air against her clean-shaven flesh. She decided she liked it. The novelty stimulated her imagination to produce naughty thoughts. Wonderful, naughty thoughts.

  Marcus dropped to his knees beside the bed. He grasped her legs and pulled her to the edge of the mattress, hanging her legs over his shoulders. He dove into her, his mouth moving freely over her most private spot. He fastened his lips to her, sucking gently, and licked his way down. He plunged his tongue inside, swirling around her sensual threshold.

  Marcus laved his way back up to the top of her slit and flicked her swelling bud with his tongue, side to side and up and down. He latched on, kneading her with his lips. He pushed her thighs wide, then slid one hand below his mouth. His fingers dipped into her, one, then two. Moving his hand in rhythm with his mouth, he propelled her higher until she broke, bucking against him with a high, keening cry. He stilled against her, but didn’t move away.

  As Tabitha floated down, her body convulsed with orgasmic aftershocks.

  Marcus got to his feet, unfastened his pants, and dropped them to the floor. Grasping her ass in his hands, he lifted her as he drove himself inside. After a few deep thrusts, he emitted a hoarse groan as he reached climax.

  Marcus enfolded her in his arms and repositioned her on the bed, still buried inside her. He rolled onto his side, taking her with him, entangled together. “You make me so crazy. I can’t wait to get inside you.”

  Tabitha lips quivered with a smile. “I can’t wait for you to get inside me, either. I feel like I’ll explode if you don’t touch me and I’ll explode if you do.”

  Marcus chuckled. “I wonder if we can survive going through everything on the list.”

  The agreement crashed back into Tabitha’s consciousness. “There’s no hurry.”

  Marcus paused. “No. There isn’t. Is the whole contract idea making you nervous?”

  “I … I don’t know. Maybe I just need time to mull it over.”

  Marcus pulled away from her, disengaging their bodies. “What are you concerned about?”

  Tabitha sat up, sorry she had ruined the moment. “Nothing. Everything. It’s a big step.”

  Marcus moved off the bed, his back to Tabitha. “Yes, it is. Of course you should think about it. You absolutely should not do anything you don’t feel completely sure about. I don’t want that.”

  Tabitha tried to make herself understood. “I mean, I know this isn’t new to you …”

  Marcus broke in. “It is new to me. I’ve never had a formal agreement before. Never offered one. It wasn’t necessary.”

  Tabitha recognized his emotional withdrawal. “Oh. I didn’t realize.”

  Marcus brushed her off. “It’s not a problem. Take the papers with you. Look them over. We can discuss any issues and, if you decide you’re not ready, that’s fine.”

  “It doesn’t sound like it’s fine.” His coolness unnerved Tabitha.

  He shrugged. “Tabitha. It’s fine. It’s not a big deal. It needs to be something we both want.”

  Tabitha searched for the words to express her thoughts more clearly. “I do want it. I just want to be sure.”

  “I want that, too.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I have meetings early tomorrow. What about you?”

  Was he hinting for her to leave? Tabitha loved falling asleep in his arms, but it appeared he didn’t want that tonight. “I have work. Maybe I should … ah, head out. Let you get a good night’s sleep.”

  “That sounds fine. We can get together later in the week when things wind down.” Marcus’s flat expression conveyed nothing of what he was feeling.

  “Right.” Embarrassment crept in as she gathered her things. Marcus left the room and Tabitha dressed.

  Tabitha wandered the apartment until she found him. “Marcus?”

  He looked up. “Yeah? Are you going?”

  “You indicated you wanted me to.” Her hesitant words communicated her hurt.

  Marcus shook his head. “I’m being an ass. I’m sorry.” H
e embraced her. “Don’t go. Stay.”

  Tabitha smiled. “Yes.” Always, she added silently.

  Chapter 10

  The phone rang on Tabitha’s desk and she picked up automatically.

  “This is Monica Granger. I’m in the neighborhood, and I’d like to meet you for lunch, if it’s convenient.”

  Stunned surprise filled Tabitha. Marcus’s sister? “Monica?”

  The abrupt tone of Monica’s voice softened. “Yes, I know this is a little unexpected, but I’d like to meet with you.”

  Tabitha managed a tentative answer. “Okay.”

  “When are you taking lunch?”


  “I can meet you at the deli on the corner. Does that work for you?”

  It appeared Monica had a plan in mind before she’d called. Tabitha was wary but saw no real reason to refuse. “Yes. All right.”

  “I’ll see you a little past 12:30.”

  Tabitha hung up the phone, uncertain what to think. Should she call Marcus? No. She didn’t need his permission, but she didn’t plan to keep it from him, either. She wanted to meet Marcus’s sister and not just because she was part of Marcus’s family. Maybe Monica had something to say about this whole proxy mess.

  Tabitha finished the most urgent items on her desk and checked her watch. She had just enough time to freshen up before leaving the building.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  As Tabitha entered the deli, she looked around, trying to spot Monica. She’d seen her in Hawaii. She’d been model gorgeous and perfectly groomed but not on her best behavior. Tabitha’s observations flooded back into her mind. Spoiled. Petulant. Great hair.

  Tabitha found Monica immediately. The small deli featured limited seating and Marcus’s sister stood out in most any setting. It wasn’t only her looks, but her whole bearing. She’d cut her long, glossy hair and it now fell into an attractive sweep as she worked on her phone.

  Tabitha approached Monica’s table.

  Monica looked up and rose to meet her, extending her hand. “I’m Monica Granger. Thank you for coming.” She’d dressed for business in a flattering suit.

  Tabitha took her hand in a firm handshake. “Tabitha Quinn.”

  “Why don’t you grab what you want to eat? I’ve already ordered.” Monica gestured toward a salad on the table.

  Tabitha wandered to the counter and placed her order. The sandwich appeared within minutes. The deli was known for good, quick service. Soon Tabitha sat down with Monica, unsure how to proceed.

  Monica placed her phone on the table. “I’m sure you must be more than a little curious as to why I asked you to meet me today.”

  Nervousness clenched Tabitha’s stomach. “You’re right. I am.”

  Monica tilted her head. “Has Marcus mentioned me to you?”

  “Yes.” Tabitha didn’t elaborate, hesitant to say much. She picked up her sandwich and took a bite.

  Monica grimaced. “Ah, I’m guessing it wasn’t positive.”

  Tabitha chewed slowly, giving herself time to construct a tactful response. “Well, it seems like there’s a lot going on.”

  Monica’s mouth twisted. “That’s an understatement.”

  Tabitha leaned in. “I know your brother wants to speak to you.”

  Monica pursed her lips. “Yes. I want to speak to him, too. I’m not sure how to make him understand, though. I guess I thought you could help somehow. A woman’s perspective and all.”

  Tabitha sat back in her seat. “Okay.” What perspective did she have to offer that Monica couldn’t get from her own family? Tabitha wanted to spit out questions, but forced herself to be patient.

  Monica played with her ring, spinning it around her finger. “Marcus is a wonderful brother, but he’s never been one to be ruled by his emotions. I don’t know if he’ll have any empathy for what I have to tell him. I thought if he’s met someone who really touched his heart, perhaps he would. I thought he might listen to you with a more open mind. Everyone’s anger keeps getting in the way.”

  “Monica, I’m sorry. I’m confused.”

  Monica laughed. “Me too. Have you ever loved someone even though you weren’t sure he was good for you?”

  Tabitha coughed. “Monica. We don’t know each other well.”

  “Fair enough. What about this? Were you ever involved with someone you knew your parents wouldn’t approve of?”

  “I’m sure there were a few instances.” Tabitha tried to slow down the conversation by taking another bite of her sandwich.

  Monica pressed forward. “And what did you do about it?”

  Tabitha recalled those few instances when she’d gone for the bad boy instead of the straight arrow. “My parents pretty much ignored it. They trusted my judgment. They probably figured it would die out and it did. But I’m talking like high school. I don’t get the impression that’s what you mean.”

  Monica’s hands fluttered, exposing her nervousness. “No. You probably know about Coron.”

  “The company? Yes.”

  “Well, if Marcus hasn’t told you, there’s a long-standing rivalry between Coron and Granger Pharma.”

  Tabitha nodded, unwilling to reveal what she knew.

  “My father hates Coron Health, the Coron family, and everything to do with them.”

  Tabitha tried to determine where Monica’s train of thought was going, but failed. “Okay.”

  Monica blurted, “I’ve been dating Benjamin Coron for months.”

  Tabitha’s eyes widened. “Oh.”

  “Oh is right. We kept it secret for obvious reasons. My father found out. He jumped to conclusions, as you can imagine.”

  “Wow.” Tabitha tried to absorb Monica’s revelation.

  Monica took a deep breath. “I must admit, it’s a relief to tell someone.”

  Tabitha hunted for an appropriate response but nothing came to mind. “Ummm.”

  “Yes, I know. It looks bad, but Ben doesn’t even work in management. We don’t discuss work when we’re together. It’s off limits.”

  Realization dawned in Tabitha’s mind. Did Monica have nothing to do with the takeover attempt? “Ben didn’t know about the takeover plan?”

  “No. Neither did I. The timing was bad — coming just after I’d put together a big proposal that was shot down. I was angry. But still, I would never betray my family. In fact, I was so angry …” She paused and took a deep breath. “My father’s accusations were hurtful and totally unfounded. How could even think I would do such a thing? Does he even know me at all? What kind of character does he think I have?”

  Tabitha sensed the genuine pain behind Monica’s words. “I’m so sorry. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. It was the shock of the whole situation.”

  Monica’s frowned. “Maybe.”

  “I’m sure Marcus will understand and this can be straightened out.”

  “That doesn’t change the fact that my father thought me capable of acting in such a manner.”

  Tabitha sighed. “Yeah. I don’t know what to say. With the history between Granger and Coron, he probably just wasn’t thinking.”

  Monica swallowed hard. “I know this must be so weird.” She blinked several times, trying to keep her eyes from tearing. “Marcus told me about you.”

  Tabitha started. “He did?”

  Monica appeared happy to change the subject. “Yes, we spoke on the phone after I left Hawaii. He told me he’d made an acquaintance. But I knew it was something more. He doesn’t bother to mention unimportant things.”

  Tabitha unsuccessfully hid a bemused smile. “Interesting.”

  “I thought so. Marcus doesn’t have the temper our father does, but still, I expect he’d listen to you more readily than me.”

  “Why not call him directly?”

  “I’m not ready to talk to him. Plus I must admit to having an overwhelming curiosity about you.”

  “And now?”

  “I can see what Marcus sees in you. Smart. Fresh. Interesting with a spark.�

  Tabitha fidgeted in her seat. “You get all that already?”

  Monica took a small bite of her salad. “The smart goes without saying. Marcus can’t abide stupidity. You have an honest look about you. Unworldly, but not naïve.”

  “Thank you … I think.”

  Monica pointed her fork at Tabitha. “It’s a compliment.”

  Tabitha deflected the compliment, as she often did. “Everything that’s happening … did that sour things between you and Ben?”

  “Yes and no. We’re working through it. It’s worth it. He’s worth it. Believe me. I wouldn’t have started seeing the son of my father’s sworn enemy if there wasn’t serious potential there.”

  Tabitha glanced at her watch. Time had sped by during their chat. “Well, I’ll tell Marcus what you’ve told me.”

  “I appreciate it. Part of me is sorry to put you in the middle, but oddly enough, it seemed the best approach.”

  Tabitha wrapped up her partially eaten sandwich. “I have to get back to the office.”

  Monica stood as Tabitha packed her lunch items in a bag. “I appreciate your coming. I wasn’t sure you would agree.”

  Tabitha laughed. “I think I was too surprised to refuse.”

  “Well, I’ve always been one for a bold approach.”

  Tabitha nodded. “I can see that.”

  Monica held out her hand and Tabitha took it in a handshake. “I hope I’ll hear from you?”

  “I can’t make any promises, but I’ll tell Marcus what you told me.”

  Monica offered a crooked smile. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” Tabitha exited the deli and hurried down the sidewalk.

  Chapter 11

  Anticipation coursed through Tabitha as she stepped off the elevator. She’d asked for time to consider her answer and she had. After a few sleepless nights, she’d recognized that her hesitation was fear — residual fear that Marcus might leave her again as he had in Hawaii. She realized her convoluted thinking wasn’t rational. She had to trust Marcus and she did.

  Tabitha knew what she wanted. She wanted Marcus. She wanted what they had together to grow. She wanted to make it official and she couldn’t wait to tell him.


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