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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

Page 87

by Amy Valenti

  Despite the tears she smiled. There wasn’t any need to find the man of her dreams, but there was no reason she couldn’t have some fun and bolster her dented ego. And maybe, if things went really great, have a one-night stand. She hugged herself in the dark. Sex with a stranger; it seemed wild and dangerous, and way beyond the confines of her normal boring life. And it was the exact opposite of the image Tyler’s words had left in her mind.

  She’d never had the chance to be the vixen, and maybe it was about damn time. At least she could play pretend, like she did this all the time. Like picking up guys was second nature for her.

  If nothing else, she’d get to go shopping for a sexy new dress and a pair of killer heels.

  She turned over once more, tucked the pillow beneath her head and let out a breath. Tomorrow was Saturday and she’d call her friend Gina, go shopping and treat herself to a manicure and pedicure. Then she’d get spend the rest of the day pampering herself, getting dressed, and then she’d see what the world had to offer.

  * * *

  Gina, as Scarlett expected, was equal parts horrified at Tyler’s behavior, sympathetic to her feelings, and primed to go shopping. A born shopaholic, Gina immediately had a plan.

  “There’s this little shop on Broadway, just off of Sycamore. They have the best dresses, perfect for what you’re planning. I’ll drive. Be ready in an hour.”

  The Blue Swallow was a discrete little shop, wedged between a deli and bookstore. Scarlett climbed out of Gina’s car, frowning as she looked up at the storefront.

  “Not much to look at on the outside.”

  Gina smiled. “It’s a hidden gem. Come on.” Gina grabbed Scarlett by the hand and all but dragged her into the store.

  Once inside, it was clear this was a high-end store. There were no expected racks of dresses. Instead a small selection of dresses were displayed on mannequins, styled with accessories and shoes. Scarlett gave in to a moment of awe.

  “This is amazing, Gina. You shop here?”

  Gina was already moving deep into the store. She glanced over her shoulder, never missing a beat. “Sometimes. Depends on the occasion. I got a dress here for David and Holly’s wedding.” She grinned. “It made quite an impression.”

  Scarlett laughed. “I bet you did. Don’t you know you’re not supposed to outshine the bride?”

  Gina shrugged. “She had her man. I was looking for one of my own.” Gina stopped. “Here, this is it.”

  Scarlett looked where Gina pointed. The mannequin wore a dress of deep sapphire blue, with a squared neckline, and long, tight sleeves. It looked almost prudish, with a neckline almost to her chin and her arms completely covered.

  “This isn’t quite what I had in mind, Gina. I was looking for a little more of a knock-‘em-dead kind of look.”

  Gina only grinned and took Scarlett’s hand, pulling her around the back of the mannequin. Scarlett’s eyes went wide. The dress plunged low, past the waist, leaving almost the entire back bare. An understated strand of silver tiny crystals ran in an elegant drape between the shoulders.

  “Oh, yeah. Okay. I get it.”

  “You don’t want to show them all the goods up front.” Gina glanced at Scarlett, one eyebrow raised. “You’ve got the goods, and even covered, they’re pretty obvious. This…” She nodded at the dress. “This will get them coming and going. And think what you’re going to look like, standing at the bar or dancing. Guys are going to get a look at all that bare skin and that luscious ass of yours, and be drooling all over you in no time.”

  “I can’t wear that without a bra.” Scarlett frowned at the dress. There was no way she’d be able to pull off without one. The dress clung to the rail-thin mannequin, outlining every detail. Scarlett could only imagine what her much fuller figure would look like sans support.

  “No worries. Built in support.” Gina plucked at the edge of the dress. Scarlett caught a glimpse of what looked like a shelf bra inside the dress.

  A sales woman appeared from nowhere, a sleek creature dressed entirely in black. “Would you like to try this on?” Her glance shifted between Gina and Scarlett.

  “I would.” Scarlett held her breath as the woman’s eyes traveled over her. It would be just Scarlett’s luck that the story didn’t carry her size. But the woman nodded.

  “And shoes?” The woman tipped her head, lips pursed.

  “She would.” Gina pointed to a pair of black heels on a different mannequin. “Size seven, right?”

  Scarlett nodded. “Yes.”

  The woman finally smiled as she turned. “Fine. I’ll set you up in room number three. Follow me, please.”

  Gina dropped into a plush chair as Scarlett followed the woman, who disappeared briefly, the reappeared with an armful of dresses, several boxes balanced on top. She efficiently hung the dresses in the room and arranged the shoe boxes on the padded bench inside.

  “Enough of a range of sizes in dresses and shoes that you should find something that suits.” And with that, she closed the door behind her. Scarlett was left staring at a wall of blue fabric, the other three mirrored. She shrugged out of her clothes, looked through the dresses and found the most likely candidate.

  Scarlett stepped into the dress, sliding it up over her hips. It clung to body for a moment before she pulled it higher, sliding her arms into the sleeves. Gina was right; there was a modern marvel of engineering built into the dress that functioned as a bra. She tugged it all into place and rummaged through the boxes of shoes, slipping into a pair that fit.

  “What’s taking so long?” Gina’s voice floated over the changing room door.

  Scarlett straightened and looked at herself in the mirrored walls. Even with her hair pulled back in a ponytail and no make-up, her reflection took her breath away.

  The dress hugged her hips, nipping in at the waist and did an amazing job of showing off her goods, as Gina called them. Then she caught a look at the back and almost laughed at the expression on her face.

  Her back was bare, the dress stopping just short of being illegal. Then it followed the curve of her ass before ending mid-thigh. Scarlett let her eye run down to the shoes. The heels made her legs look miles long.

  “Hurry up. I want to see.”

  Scarlett opened the door and took a cautious step out of the changing room, testing out the heels. Before she’d gone two steps, Gina let out a low whistle.

  “Holy shit, Scarlett. You look fucking amazing.”

  Scarlett broke into a smile. “Yeah. I do.” She walked to the big mirror across the room, watching her reflection as she approached. Gina came up behind her.

  “I’ll do your hair and make-up, if you want. I’ve been wanting to get at this mane for a long time.”

  Gina ran her hands through Scarlett’s ponytail and Scarlett giggled.

  “Like slumber parties when we were kids? Only don’t give me a beehive like you did in fifth grade.”

  Gina smiled. “No, not that. Something understated, but sexy. You’ll be gorgeous.”

  * * *

  “Can I look now?” Gina had declared Scarlett couldn’t see her transformation until it was complete. She’d been sequestered in her bedroom while Gina combed and curled and sprayed her hair. Then Gina had dumped out an amazing selection of make-up on Scarlett’s bed. Gina stood, hands on hips, frowning down at the pile.

  “I don’t think I have everything I need…”

  Scarlett burst out laughing. “Gina, you’ve got more things there than I’ve ever owned in my entire life. I’m sure you can make this work.”

  Gina had sat Scarlett down in a chair in the bedroom and had gone to work on her face. Finally she stood back and pronounced Scarlett finished.

  “Get dressed. I want you to see the whole package.” Gina held out the dress.

  “Come with me.” Scarlett stood up, taking the dress. Butterflies had suddenly materialized in her stomach. Going out alone wasn’t her thing and she wanted company.

  “Not on your life.” Gina shoo
k head. “You don’t need a wingman and this isn’t a girls’ night out. But I know a place you can go, if you’re serious about having that wild night you want.” Gina sat on the bed, a forgotten tube of mascara in her hand.

  “Where?” Scarlett clutched her robe around her with one hand, the dress in the other.

  Gina rummaged on the bed for a moment, before turning back to Scarlett.

  “Here.” She handed Scarlett a piece paper with an address scrawled in lipstick. The name of the club was slashed across the top in bright red. Scarlett frowned at Gina.

  “Diablo? What’s so special about this place?”

  Gina leaned back on her elbows on the bed. “Let’s just say if you’re looking to forget Tyler and have some fun—a devilishly good time…” Gina winked. “…chances are pretty good you’ll find it there. And that’s all I’m going to say.” She got up off the bed. “Come on, time for the final reveal.”

  So now Scarlett stood, eyes closed, in the bathroom doorway, her hand in Gina’s.

  “Okay. Look.”

  Scarlett looked at her reflection. It was her face in the mirror, her hair, but everything was different. She had cheekbones, her eyes looked huge behind thick lashes, and her hair hung in sleek waves to her shoulders.

  “What do you think?” Gina poked her in the back. “Do you like it?”

  “I’m speechless. Yeah, I like it. Hell, yes. I love it.” She turned around and threw her arms around Gina. “You made me beautiful.”

  Gina patted her back before pulling away to look at Scarlett. “You’ve always been beautiful, girl. I’m just working with what was already here.”

  Chapter Two

  The cab turned off Washington, traveled a few blocks and stopped in front of Diablo’s. Scarlett paid the driver. It was a warm night and she stopped to look up at the front of the club. The façade was black painted brick, a narrow window set high in the wall beside the door. She looked up; a small neon devil dancing around a pitchfork. The man at the door held it for two couples who disappeared inside. The deep thump of music washed over her and she actually felt the beat in the pit of her stomach.

  She knew this was the right thing, that being here was going to lift her spirits. The dress made her feel sexy, and Gina’s hair and make-up bolstered her confidence. Tyler and the hurt he’d caused were fading fast.

  Scarlett drew a deep breath, smiled, and walked across the sidewalk. It was a whole new world beyond that door and she was more than ready to jump in.

  The man at the door glanced at her and then hesitated, his hand on the door handle. For a moment she panicked, thinking he’d turn her away.

  His eyes traveled over her and a slow smile spread across his face. He tilted his head and wordlessly opened the door, ushering her inside. With a flush of excitement she crossed the threshold, tossing him a smile over her shoulder.

  Diablo was dimly lit and it took her a minute to get her bearings. The dance floor was down a few steps. It was crowded with bodies, moving in time to loud music, pressed against each other. Her eyes traveled over the floor, taking it all in. For each girl on the floor there had to be at least three guys dancing with her. Gina was right; it was wild and exiting. Scarlett wanted to step into that mass of people, move to the beat of the music.

  Someone bumped into her, jarring her out of her thoughts. She looked around, found the bar was to her right, and pushed her way through the crowd.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  Fingers brushed her back and she turned, looking up into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen.

  “Can I buy you a drink? I know that sounds like a line, but…” He smiled down at her.

  She returned the smile. “I’d like that.” He was tall enough she had to crane her neck to look up at him.

  His hand rested on her back, fingers warm on her bare skin as he guided her toward the bar.

  “What’s your name?” He leaned close, his breath warm against her ear.


  “I’m Kyle.” His smile deepened as his hand slid lower, caressing her just above the edge of the dress. A tingle ran through her and goose bumps prickled her arms.

  Tyler was wrong about me, men do find me attractive.

  The bartender leaned toward Kyle. “What can I get you?” His eyes flicked toward Scarlett and she caught the slight lift of one eyebrow before he turned back to Kyle, a faint frown creasing his forehead.

  “Wesley and Coke.” Kyle held up two fingers. The bartender nodded and moved off.

  “I haven’t seen you here before, have I?” Kyle leaned closer, his hand traveling slowly up across her shoulders, one finger sliding beneath the shoulder of her dress, the sleeve of her dress sliding a bit down her arm. Scarlett shrugged, reaching to tug the dress back in place.

  Something wasn’t right. Kyle leaned too close, crowding her, and she tried to take an involuntary step away, but his hand tightened against her back, keeping her in the circle of his arm.

  Kyle glanced up as the drinks arrived. “About time.” He paid and then pushed one of the glasses toward Scarlett. She took a drink, looking over the edge of her glass. The bartender stood at the cash register, watching her and as she caught his eye his frowned deepened before he turned away.

  “Come on, let’s dance.” Before she had a chance to answer Kyle took the drink from her hand and set it on the bar. He turned her around and pushed her onto the crowded floor.

  The music was fast and loud and in the crush of people she was pressed up against Kyle. She tried dancing away from him, but Kyle snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her hard against his chest.

  He bent his head, lips against her “You’re a great dancer.”

  She wondered how he could tell since all they were doing was swaying back and forth. His hand slid lower, cupping her ass, rubbing his hips against hers.

  What he wanted was unmistakable and even though she wanted to have fun tonight, this was all moving too fast. This wasn’t how she wanted this night to go. Sex with the first guy she danced with—and especially this guy—wasn’t what she wanted. She planted her feet, jolting both her and Kyle to a stop. Anger flashed in his eyes.

  “What’s the matter, babe?” The anger was gone just as quickly as it appeared, replaced with a leer. “Oh, yeah. You want to leave?”

  “No. Let’s just go back to the bar.” She turned away, hoping to lose him in the crowd.

  Her drink was where she’d left it, the ice melting, and she reached for it. Before she could lift it, a hand grabbed her wrist. She gasped, looking up at the bartender.

  “Let go…”

  “Don’t.” His fingers gripped her tighter. She pulled against him, some of the drink sloshing on to the bar.

  “What the hell?” Kyle was behind her, voice hard-edged and possessive. “Dude, let her go.”

  The bartender looked at Kyle. “Back off.” His voice was equally hard-edged, but there was something in it that hairs on the back of Scarlett’s neck stand up.

  “You can’t just…” Kyle leaned over the bar and grabbed the bartender’s arm. The drink slipped from her hand, the glass and ice skittering across the bar, leaving her hand in a puddle of liquid.

  Before she could draw a breath, the bartender’s fist flashed out, connecting with Kyle’s jaw. Kyle staggered back, stumbled over a barstool and landed on the floor on his back. Scarlett looked down at Kyle and then back to the bartender, eyes wide. She’d wanted excitement but this wasn’t what she’d had in mind, not by a long shot.

  “He put something in your drink.”

  She blinked at him. “He…what?” The bartender let go of her and she rubbed her wrist.

  “Roofies, or something like it. When you left to dance, he slipped them in your drink.”

  Behind her she heard Kyle moaning. She turned as two bouncers cut through the crowd.

  “He goes?” One of the bouncers jerked his head in the bartender’s direction.

  “Yeah. And he’s not welcome back.” The men gra
bbed Kyle under the arms, hauled him to his feet and dragged him to the door.

  She turned back to the bartender. “Wait…” She glanced at his name tag then back to his face. “Wesley? Aren’t you going to call the police?”

  Wesley shrugged, eyes flickering away briefly. “Not my call. It’s up to the manager. Bouncer’s will let him know what happened.” He straightened, his eyes coming back to hers. “Let me get you something, a soda, or water. On the house. You look a little shaken.”

  “Um, yeah. Okay. Club soda.” Her hands were trembling slightly and she eased herself onto a barstool.

  She watched as he filled a glass and slid it across the bar.

  “Thanks.” She took a sip, watching Wesley wipe down the counter. After a moment he spoke again.

  “I haven’t seen you here before. First time at Diablo?”

  Scarlett sputtered on her drink. “That’s the same line Kyle used on me, more or less.”

  A corner of Wesley’s mouth curved up in a smile. Scarlett marveled at the transformation. “I’m sure it was.” The tough guy exterior cracked, just a little, the smile warming his brown eyes.

  “But you’re right. This is my first time here.” She took another swallow of soda.

  “My point is Diablo’s not always that kind to newcomers. How did you end up here? It wasn’t just a random choice, was it?”

  “A friend recommended it, that this was the place to come for a good time.” She shrugged, setting her drink on the bar. “She said if I was looking for a good time, Diablo was it.”

  Wesley’s smile broadened and he straightened, tossing the bar rag beneath the counter. “She must be a regular then. Listen, I’m done here. If you like, we can grab a drink. Not here, maybe some place a little quieter.”


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