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Passionate Daddy

Page 3

by Bailey Rock

  “I say okay. I’ll do it.”

  “Good girl.” It’s out of my mouth before I can stop it, but she doesn’t look offended. Instead, she smiles.

  My stomach twists.

  That smile is going to be my undoing. Before I can say anything else, the front door of the office opens, and we hear people coming in. She takes a step back from me but I hold onto her wrist.

  I’m not ready to let her go just yet.

  She needs to know that everything she does is for me and for my pleasure.

  “Do you want more coffee?” Her eyes are locked on mine, and even though I know that she’s just asking so that she can leave my office, I nod.


  She walks out of my office without another word and I undress her with my eyes as she goes.

  Her plump little ass will be mine soon. I want to run my fingers along the hem of her skirt and lift it up.

  I want to bend her over my desk and bury myself in her while she’s wearing nothing but her high heels.

  I’m going to take Jackie and make her mine, and now that she’s agreed to come to my house for the afternoon, she’s not going to be able to stop me.

  Chapter 4


  I texted Carly before I left the office to head to Andrew’s house.

  Just in case.

  I don’t really think that he’s going to kill me and dump my body somewhere, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?

  I mean, the way he looked at me in his office this morning? I swear, my panties burst into flames. There’s something to this man that I didn’t notice before, and I want desperately to figure out what it is.

  I can’t believe that he chose me to work for him. He’s drop-dead sexy and confident, and that’s why I’m on my way to his house right now.

  At least, that’s what I’m telling myself.

  It’s not because I’m interested in seeing what he has going on in his pants. Nope, that’s not it at all.

  I drum my fingers at a red light and think about how it felt to have him gripping my wrist. He could have held me there all afternoon and I wouldn’t have been able to move. His touch is electric and right now I don’t really care who sees it.

  I just want him to touch me again.

  It’s crazy to think that I just met him and already I’d do anything he wanted me to.

  He takes a right off of the main road and I follow him. I wasn’t quite ready to leave my car at the office all afternoon. At least this way if he goes crazy, I’ll have a car so I can leave.

  Right? Right.

  After a few more turns I realize that I don’t know where I am. This is the really nice side of town, and not one that I ever to get visit. We slow down to make a hard left into a driveway and I gasp.

  “Holy shit, that’s a huge house.” It towers over the driveway and my jaw hangs open as we both park and get out of our cars. “You didn’t tell me you lived in a mansion,” I say to him. I feel more confident here out of the office. Like I can be myself, maybe.

  He turns and looks up at the house like he’s seeing it for the first time. “It’s big. Too big. I’ve thought about downsizing, but just never really had the energy.”

  “How do you afford it on your salary?” As soon as I ask, I wish that I hadn’t. He turns to me, his eyes dark, and I remember again just how much bigger than me he is.

  “You been snooping?”

  Swallowing hard, I nod. Carly and I were snooping last night to try to learn as much about him as possible, but I couldn’t find a lot of information. He’s not from here, and he obviously moved here with money, but I’m not sure what he did.

  “Find out anything interesting?”

  I shake my head, still afraid to speak. He nods at this and then turns to walk to his house. I follow as quickly as possible, wanting to fix this.

  Wanting to make him like me.

  What am I, twelve?

  Why do I care so much what he thinks about me?

  He waits for at the front door and then ushers me inside. I swear, I’ve never been in a house this big. He has to have servants or there is no way he could possibly stay on top of keeping everything clean and tidy.

  I’m about to ask him when he shuts the door behind me with a bang. I jump, but he rests his hand on my arm to still me.

  “Don’t worry, Jackie. I promise that nothing here can hurt you, okay?”

  I shiver at his promise. Maybe because I still don’t know him very well. Maybe because part of me wants him to break that promise.

  “Okay. Well, do you want to show me what you want me to do? Or do you have a list? I’m good at following lists.”

  He shushes me by resting his finger against my lips. I stop talking and try to breathe normally, even though it’s hard with his skin on mine.

  I swear, he’s electric.

  There’s something about him that I can’t put my finger on, and the way he makes me feel is…well, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

  “There’s one rule in this house.”

  Just one? This is gonna be easy.

  “What is it?” I’m surprised that I can find my voice right now with how turned on I am. I wonder if he can see the flush in my cheeks and if he knows how hard I’m breathing.

  I’m sure he does.

  He probably has this effect on every woman he knows, but then…why me?

  “The rule of the house is that you have to call me Daddy.”


  What the hell? Surely I didn’t hear him correctly.


  He nods and I shiver. That was…unexpected.

  But hot. Like really fucking hot.

  “I can do that, Daddy.”

  I see a flash in his eyes and my panties are immediately soaked. God, like I didn’t want him badly enough before this? Now my clit throbs and I shift position, wanting to kick off my heels, but I don’t.

  He said that there was only one rule in this house, but part of me isn’t sure if he’s telling me the whole truth.

  I have a feeling that since I’m supposed to wear heels at work, the same probably goes here.

  My feet are killing me, but I’m not going to move.

  In fact, I decide that I’m not going to do anything until Daddy tells me to.


  Oh, Jackie is a good girl.

  I knew that hearing her call me Daddy would be sweet, but I had no idea how much I would like to hear her say my name.

  Her lips are still slightly parted and her cheeks are flushed. She’s embarrassed and a little scared, but more than that, she’s turned on.

  It’s obvious to me, but she probably hopes that I can’t tell. What Jackie doesn’t know yet, but will find out, is that I know everything about her. I did my own research last night, and the more I learned, the more I’m convinced that she’s the perfect person for me.

  We can work together and she’ll get what she needs to pay her bills.

  But we can also play together, and that’s what I’m really excited about.

  I could probably take her right here, right now, and she wouldn’t care. In fact, I bet that she’d beg me once I slipped a hand under her skirt.

  Once I showed her how easily and quickly I can make her come.

  “It’s time for my afternoon coffee.” I have to get out of this space and get into a routine or I’m not going to be able to help myself. I’ll bury myself in her while she calls me Daddy and I won’t get anything else done today.

  “I’ll make it for you, Daddy. Just tell me where the kitchen is.”

  Instead of just pointing her in the direction, I lead her to the kitchen and then sit at the counter to watch her work. Her little skirt pulls up as she moves and I know that I’m not going to be able to help myself much longer.

  I have to have just a taste.

  We’re silent while the coffee brews, and then she brings me a mug of it, standing at my side to hold it in between sips. It’s hot and to
o strong, but she’ll learn.

  I finish the mug and then point to the sink. After she rinses the mug and comes back, I know what I have to do.

  I can’t wait any longer.

  “It was too strong. Next time you need to use a little more water, do you understand?”

  “I’m so sorry, Daddy. I’ve never used that type of coffeemaker before. I’ll do better next time.” She has her bright eyes locked on mine.

  “You’ll have to be punished, I’m afraid. It’s really the only way for you to learn.”

  “Punished?” Her eyes grow wide and although she sounds scared, she looks…excited?

  Can that be right?

  “That doesn’t scare you?” The look of excitement on her face has my cock hard and throbbing in my pants. I can’t believe that she’s not afraid of me.

  Of what’s going to happen.

  Jackie shakes her head slowly, her eyes locked on mine. “I’m not scared,” she whispers. She’s so quiet that I have to lean forward to be able to hear her. “I’m…excited.”

  I notice that she’s breathing as hard as I am and my pulse races. I can’t believe that she’d be excited. I can’t believe that she could possibly want this as badly as I do, but it looks like she does.

  “Then come here.” I walk out of the foyer and into the living room and gesture to the sofa. She goes to sit on it, but I stop her. “No, you need to grab the back of it and lean over it.” She does what I tell her to and my cock aches.

  God, look at her sweet little ass. The way the fabric is pulled across her cheeks is perfection.

  “Spread your legs.” She does what I tell her to without pausing, without stopping to think about it. I lick my lip, sucking it into my mouth as I watch her.

  The curve of her calf, the way her upper thigh disappears under her skirt…it’s heaven.

  Slowly, I trace my finger along the hem of her skirt, lifting it up just a little. I can’t see her ass yet, but her breathing changes. It’s shallower and faster.

  I squeeze her thigh, digging my thumb into her flesh, and then I can’t control myself any longer. Inhaling hard, I grab the edge of her skirt and pull it all the way up over her ass. She gasps this time but doesn’t make any effort to move.

  From here I can smell how turned on she is. Running a finger along her ass, I loop it into the top of her lace panties and gently tug them down. Jackie moans.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Daddy, I thought that you said I was going to be punished. This feels more like a reward.”

  I stop, her panties halfway to her knees. “Sometimes the two go hand-in-hand,” I tell her. “Sometimes it can be hard to know which one you’re getting.”

  She nods and lets out a small moan as I pull her underwear down around her ankles.

  Now she’s bare before me, her perfect ass round and firm, and I reach out to squeeze it. When I do, Jackie pushes back against me, her flesh filling my hands.

  I take a step back and compose myself.

  I want to bury myself in her. I want to take her for my own and have her screaming my name, but not yet. Right now, I want to show her how blurred the line between pain and pleasure really is.

  I pull my hand back and spank her, my hand against her skin loud in the quiet house.

  She jerks forward and cries out, but before she has time to talk, I spank her again.

  The impact leaves red marks on her skin and I immediately start to massage her ass. I can give her a little pain and take it away just as quickly.

  “How was that?” I ask. I could spank her again, or…

  “I loved it, Daddy,” she says, glancing over her shoulder back at me.

  That’s all I needed.

  I can’t stop myself.

  I slide a hand from her ass down between her legs. She’s hot and wet, her pussy already dripping just from being spanked.

  “I think that my good girl really likes being spanked.” She moans when I tell her this and presses back against my hand. “I think that you’re ready for some pleasure, too, don’t you think?”

  “Please, Daddy.”

  I slide my fingers across her slit, gently fingering her and exploring her. Jackie moans again, stretching her head back. Reaching out, I slide a hand up her sweater and grab one perfect breast.

  Carefully twisting her nipple between my fingers, I harden it, and then slide two fingers into her perfect little pussy.

  She gasps and calls my name as I begin to stroke her from the inside, carefully finding my rhythm. After a moment, I drop my hand from her tit and start rubbing her clit.

  “Daddy, don’t stop,” she begs. She’s gripping the back of the sofa so hard that her knuckles are turning white.

  “I’m not going to stop until you come,” I tell her. “I want to give you as much pleasure as possible, Jackie. As long as you stay my good girl.”

  She whimpers and nods her head in response. Her clit is hot and swollen and I’m barely touching it, but she’s jerking under my hand and breathing hard.

  “Come for me, my good Jackie,” I command her. My fingers are still in her and I slide them deeper, feeling more of her. “Come now.”

  “Yes, Daddy!” She arches her back again and cries out as she says my name.

  Her juices flow from her pussy as her muscles contract and she falls over the peak. I keep stroking and rubbing her, coaxing her through it.

  I want to make it as good as possible for her.

  Suddenly, she’s finished, and she leans forward over the back of the sofa, panting.

  I grab her by the hips and pick her up, carrying her around the sofa to put her on it.

  “Daddy,” she whispers, her eyes fluttering open to look at me. “That was…amazing.”

  “There’s more of that to come,” I promise her, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “But you just have to play by the rules. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” She sits up, but I push her back down, one hand gentle on her shoulder.

  “Rest for a few minutes, then make me coffee. I’m going to change out of these work clothes.”

  She nods and closes her eyes. I stand and watch her for a moment before leaving the room.

  She’s perfect.

  Chapter 5


  I must have fallen asleep on the sofa, because the next thing I know, I’m laying in a spot of drool and my lower half is freezing.

  Sitting up, I remember what happened and I immediately blush.

  Oh. Crap.

  What in the world did I just do?

  Or rather…what did Andrew do to me?

  I shake my head to clear it and fix my panties and skirt before getting off of the sofa. I think about kicking off my shoes, but on second thought leave them on.

  I don’t want him seeing me without my shoes on. Although…now that I know what the punishment is, I’m not afraid of it.

  I liked it. Okay, that’s a lie. I loved it.

  I loved the way it felt when he spanked me and the way his hands felt as they explored my body and pulled my orgasm from me. In fact, even now, I feel myself getting wet.

  “Daddy?” I call his name as I walk from the living room where I was asleep. Most of the lights in the house are off, but there’s a light down the hall, and I follow it. After a moment, I hear music.

  What is going on?

  I slowly turn the corner, not wanting to burst into something where I’m not wanted, but it’s just a home gym. He has the music turned up loud and is lifting weights. My eyes widen when I see the way his muscles twist and jerk as he moves heavy dumbbells around.

  Holy shit, he’s really hot. Like…much hotter than I ever thought.

  Slowly I open the door and peek in. He sees me right away and puts down the weight he’s holding to come talk to me.

  Andrew is sweaty and breathing hard, and I can’t help but imagine what it would be like to have him over me in bed.

  I have to focus.

  “I fell asleep,” I admit, but
he just smiles.

  “Yeah, you looked pretty cute there so I thought that I would just leave you. Feeling good?”

  I’m feeling better than I’ve felt in a very long time. I had no idea that a man could make me feel like that, and I shiver a little at the memory.

  “I’m good, Daddy, thanks.” He smiles at me and crosses his arms. “Is there anything I can do for you? You wanted coffee, but now…”

  “Yeah, no coffee. I’m going to hop in the shower. Do you cook?”

  I do, but I’m not the best cook. There’s no way I’m going to admit that to him, though. I want him to be as happy as possible with me so that he’ll keep me around.

  “Of course, I cook. Want me to make you something to eat?”

  “Make something for you, too. It’s getting close to dinnertime. There are aprons in the drawer by the oven and I expect to see you in one. Heels, too.” With that, he turns and walks across the gym.

  I watch him for a moment, enjoying the way his ass looks in his shorts, before leaving the gym and walking back down the hall to the kitchen.

  Okay, dinner. Dinner for my sexy boss who just made me come in his living room. Absolutely no pressure.

  There’s tons of fresh veggies, and I grab a few different kinds, and then I see chicken and some cooked rice. Stir-fry it is, which is lucky, since it’s one of my specialties. I’m halfway through prepping all of the ingredients when he comes back into the kitchen, fresh from a shower.

  It’s hard for me to tear my eyes away from him. His hair is a little messed up and his cheeks are still red, making him look sexier than ever. He’s wearing a pair of low-slung jeans and a tight t-shirt that clings to his muscles and shows them all off.

  “Good shower, Daddy?” I try to keep my voice level, even though all I want to do is tear the clothes from his body. I can see the bulge of his cock through his jeans and I want to know what it feels like inside of me.

  “Great shower. How’s dinner coming?” He comes and peeks over my shoulder. He’s so close that I could take a half step back and press myself against him. I’m trying to work up the nerve when he steps away.

  “Dinner will be ready soon,” I tell him, breathing deeply to slow my heart rate. I don’t know why he has such an effect on me, but it’s like I can’t really breathe when he’s around.


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