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The Vampire's Special Child (The Vampire Babies Book 2)

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by Amira Rain

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  Copyright ©2018 by Amira Rain

  All rights reserved.

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  About This Book

  Book 2 from “The Vampire's Baby” series.

  Sydney Jennings was a virgin who discovered she was pregnant with a vampire's special baby. And just when Sydney thought it could not get anymore crazy than that.

  It did.

  The Vampire's baby was now born but the three of them soon found that the danger was not over yet.

  In fact it was only just beginning...

  This is a sensational vampire romance aimed at those who loved series such as Twilight and the Vampire Diaries. Download now, you will not regret it!
















  Six months.

  That was how long Hayden had been hunting Carla, trying to get answers about why she’d tried to get me to kill him. It had long since started to feel like Hayden had an obsession.

  On one hand, I completely understood it. We needed to find out why Carla had done what she had so that hopefully, we could prevent her from ever trying to kill Hayden again, by whatever means she might try. There was also the matter of simply satisfying our curiosity. Even though months had passed, we still couldn’t fathom why Carla had done what she had.

  On the other hand, though, Hayden’s determination to get answers had cost him precious time with our precious baby daughter, and me. While traversing the country in his search for Carla, he’d only been able to come home six times, each time for about a week, meaning that out of the six-and-a-half months that baby Chrissy had been alive, Hayden had only been present for about six weeks.

  He’d first left when she was about two weeks old, after having found no trace of Carla in or anywhere near the closest Warren settlement. Taking several of his vampires with him, he’d searched the Midwest for her, spying on numerous other Warren factions. When he still couldn’t find a trace of her, he’d broadened his search to the entire country, saying that he was nearly positive that Carla was in league with some coven of Warrens somewhere. He could just feel it, he said. Not to mention that it just made sense that two enemies would try to team up against him.

  However, whether this was true or not, I was beginning to feel like it didn’t even matter. Carla hadn’t shown her face anywhere near Sweetwater or the farm in six months, and even the Warrens nearby had been unusually inactive. I felt like everyone was safe. And, as much as I wanted to find out why Carla had tried to make me kill Hayden, I was just about at the end of my rope about him being gone all the time. I wanted him home, and not just for me, but more importantly, for Chrissy. She needed her daddy full-time.

  So, when Hayden arrived home for a weeklong visit, I sat him down at the dining room table after we’d put Chrissy to bed, telling him that we needed to talk. Surprising me, he said that we certainly did, but that he wanted to speak first, if I didn’t mind. I didn’t, and with his elbows on his knees and his gaze on the pine flooring in the dining room, he surprised me again with what he said.

  “I haven’t been fair to you and Chrissy. I’ve basically made you live as a single mom, and Chrissy has had to live the first six months of her life with a father who’s absent more than he’s home. It’s not right…and I’m sorry. I haven’t been a good father, or husband.”

  Hayden was my husband now, a fact that I could still hardly believe whenever I thought about it. It was just that my status as a married woman was still so new. It was still so jarring in a way, too, being that just the year before, I’d been a high school senior, and now I was a mother and a wife at only age nineteen. This wasn’t to say that I didn’t like being a mother and a wife; in fact, I loved my new life. I was still slowly getting used to it, figuring that I might be able to get used to things a lot quicker if Hayden was home more often.

  In addition to him barely seeing Chrissy, he and I had barely even had a honeymoon since getting married three months earlier. We’d spent a few days together taking Chrissy on a family trip to an amusement park in Ohio, and then Hayden and I had taken a weekend trip to a resort on Lake Michigan alone. But that was it. The rest of our time together, we’d spent at home, with Hayden often distracted by his search for Carla.

  In response to what he’d just said, I told him that he had nothing to be sorry for. “You have been a good husband and a good father, even though it’s been kind of from a distance. I know that you love me and Chrissy, and I know that part of what’s been driving you to find Carla is so that she can never try to hurt me and Chrissy. I get that, Hayden…so, I’ve never thought of you as a bad husband or a father, and in fact, the opposite. I think of you as a husband and father who’s been doing what he needs to do in order to protect his family, but….” I paused, swallowing. “I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t wish you were home more. It’s really been taking a toll on me lately, actually.”

  Sitting with his chair turned toward me, Hayden took my hands with a frown. “I know. I can tell. And that’s why I wanted you to know that I’m sorry, and that I realize what I’ve put you through. I don’t want to leave you and Chrissy again….”

  “Why do I think there’s a but coming?”

  Probably because his mouth had already begin forming the letter B.

  Hayden sighed, dropping his gaze from my face to our clasped hands. “I don’t want to leave you and Chrissy again…and I plan to stay home for good soon…but first, I need to make one more trip.”

  Now it was my turn to sigh, and I heaved a good one before speaking. “Why ‘just one more?’ Haven’t you already looked for Carla just about every possible place she could be? If she’s not with any of the Warren groups in the country—”

  “She’s not. But just earlier today, I got word from a very reliable source that she’s been in hiding in Mexico, secretly communicating with the Warrens. And now she plans to come back up here to Michigan soon to connect with them, and
probably take another crack at taking me out. My source says she’s already on the move, meaning that she could arrive in the Midwest any day. I want to be ready for her when she does. I want to get south of her and follow her up here, actually, so that I can see exactly where she goes.”

  Surprised by this new development, I asked Hayden who his “source” was, and if they were trustworthy and reliable.

  He said that she was. “Her name is Estella, and she’s a ‘lone wolf’ vampire who lives in Mexico City. She’s absolutely ancient…maybe six hundred years old or so. She mostly sticks to herself, but she and our coven have crossed paths many times over the past hundred-odd years. We have some history together, and because of this, Estella looks out for us MacGregors. She’s always ‘listening’ in certain ways, to all ‘chatter’ involving the supernatural world down in Mexico. This is how she was able to learn some information about Carla and her plans. Thank God, she did, too. Now I should have enough time to covertly intercept Carla and try to figure out what she’s trying to do without her knowing that I’m on to her.”

  “But this is going to require you to leave Chrissy and me just one more time.”

  Looking into my eyes while wincing almost imperceptibly, Hayden said yes. “Before I got the news from Estella today, I was planning on finally giving up the search for Carla. I was going to tell you what I did, that I’m sorry and that I know my absence has been hard on you, and unfair to you and Chrissy. I was going to finish my apology by telling you that I’m done leaving…done missing whole weeks of Chrissy’s life, and yours.”

  “But now you can’t tell me that.”

  Again, Hayden winced. “Right. I can’t. Not when it looks like Carla will finally be within my grasp. Not when answers about what she tried to do will finally be within our grasp.”

  I sighed, disappointed that Hayden was going to have to leave again but completely understanding why he had to. In fact, I now wanted him to. I didn’t want him to miss the chance of getting Carla and getting answers. Not when it seemed that she was soon going to be practically in our own backyard. Of course, I knew this meant that she could try to hurt Hayden again, but even more crucially, she could try to hurt Chrissy. And unlike Hayden, obviously Chrissy couldn’t even defend herself.

  I told Hayden he more than had my full blessing to leave again. “I don’t even care if you take off again tonight. Just go find Carla so we can finally put this all behind us and move on with our lives.”

  Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to be happening any time soon. Instead, I was soon to learn just exactly why Carla had tried to get me to kill Hayden, and how diabolical her plans for him were.


  When Hayden left that night around midnight, I got into bed, exhausted, although curiously energized in a funny sort of way. This will all be over soon, I told myself. And then Hayden, Chrissy, and I can really start our happy life together, as a family, with all of us under the same roof.

  The mere thought made me smile as I snuggled under the covers in the dark, pulling Hayden’s side of the blanket up to my nose to catch just a faint whiff of his masculine, woodsy scent. I was sure that soon, I wouldn’t have to curl up with his side of the blanket every night, but would instead get to curl up with him. Nights sharing a bed together had come to feel like a rare, luxurious treat, which I didn’t think should be the case. I longed for the days when sharing a bed with my husband every night would simply be the norm.

  After a few minutes, I began drifting off to sleep with images of Hayden floating around in my mind. However, before I could fully fall asleep, a loud squawk coming from the baby monitor pierced the silence of the room. Flicking my eyes open, I groaned inwardly, hoping that I wouldn’t be hearing a second squawk.

  Normally, Chrissy was a fairly good sleeper, and had been pretty much since birth, usually only waking me up for a bottle feeding and a diaper change maybe once a night or every other night. The previous few weeks, though, she’d been a little more active during the night, waking up two or three times on average, seemingly just to play. After luring me into her nursery with loud squawks and cries through the baby monitor, she usually greeted me with grins and giggles, refusing her bottle when I offered it. I usually found her diaper clean and dry, too.

  The baby monitor soon sounded with a second loud squawk, and then a third, followed by a prolonged, pitiful-sounding cry. Now groaning aloud, I threw the covers off and began getting out of bed, muttering something about Hayden “owing” me when it came to getting up in the middle of the night with our daughter.

  By the time I’d made it down the hallway to the nursery, Chrissy was wailing; however, the moment I opened the door, she stopped, and when I clicked on a tiny lamp in her room, I saw that she was sitting up in her crib, squinting against the low, golden light, but with a big grin spreading across her face.

  Figuring that I’d once again fallen for a “night-time playtime” scheme, I wanted to be irritated. Looking at Chrissy’s big grin, though, which was a grin that looked so similar to her daddy’s, I just couldn’t manage it. Instead, I grinned a little myself, fighting it at the same time because I didn’t want Chrissy to think that waking me up at night for no good reason was okay.

  After going over to her crib, an action that made her shriek out some gibberish that sounded something like, “Yay, yay, yay!” I tried to give her a firm sort of look.

  “Nighttime isn’t for playing, sweetheart. Remember? It’s just for sleeping. It’s just for night-night time.”

  Frowning, Chrissy said “oh,” a word I wondered if she’d intended to be no.

  Once again fighting a grin just because of how cute I found her, I asked her if she was hungry. “Do you want your bottle?”

  Clearly recognizing the word bottle, which I thought was so smart for her age, she immediately gave her head a wild shake, saying “oh” again, which I was becoming certain meant no.

  “Well, are you wet, then? Did you go pee-pee?”

  A quick check of her diaper told me that she was just as clean and dry as she’d been an hour-and-a-half earlier when I’d tucked her into bed late, which I’d done so that she could visit with Hayden.

  Exasperated after checking her diaper, I set her back on her bottom in her crib, giving her another firm sort of look. “Just what I thought, little missy. You squawked me in here just because you want to play.”

  Proving my thinking correct, she pointed up at an animal-themed mobile that hung above her crib. I’d bumped it with my shoulder, setting it spinning.

  After pointing at it, saying, “Oh!” a few times, Chrissy began clapping her chubby little hands together. “Oh, yay!”

  Her yay had come out as more of an ay, which most of her yays did, which I found almost unbearably cute. At the moment, however, knowing that I had to be firm, I didn’t even crack a smile.

  “No, Chrissy. No ‘yay.’ No playtime. We can play with your mobile in the morning, but right now, it’s time for sleep.”

  Behind me, someone entered the room stifling a yawn, and I turned to see Jen stumbling in with her bright red hair in a bun so messy that it was falling off one side of her head with a bobby pin dangling off it, seemingly held by a single hair.

  Stretching with her arms above her head, making a loud groan, she crossed the room and came to a stop next to me by the crib. “She up for playtime?”

  I looked from Jen to Chrissy, then back to Jen. “How’d you know?”

  After stifling another yawn, Jen shrugged. “She’s been getting up for playtime a lot lately. See, I think you must sleep through some of her first squawks on the baby monitor, because usually, being that I’m right next door, I hear the very first ones and get in here first. Then, I just shut Chrissy’s end of the monitor off while we’re playing so that we don’t wake you up. Then I just turn it back on before I go back to bed.”

  I just looked at Jen for a long moment, incredulous. “So, you’ve actually been coming in here at night just to play with her?”

  “Yeah. That’s what I just said. She wakes up in a mood to play in the middle of the night sometimes, and so do I. So, we’ve really been making the perfect playmates.”

  “But, Jen…you’ve basically been training her to wake up in the middle of the night just to play. Don’t you see? You’ve been rewarding her each time she does it, and basically telling her that it’s okay.”

  Frowning, Jen caught the bobby pin hanging off her crooked bun and began securing it back into place. “Well, what’s so wrong about that? Shouldn’t a baby and an aunt be able to have a little fun playing in the middle of the night, as long as they don’t wake anyone else up?”

  Right then, arms extended above her head, Chrissy let loose with a gibberish word that sounded like Ah-Zhen, which she repeated.

  Smiling, Jen picked her up and out of her crib. “That’s right, smart niece. I’m Aunt Jen.”

  Being that Jen was Hayden’s cousin, Jen and Chrissy were actually second cousins, but considering the age difference, Jen and I had decided that maybe she’d go by “Aunt Jen.” Besides, Jen pretty much felt like a sister to me by this point, albeit a slightly irritating one at times, so the title of aunt really seemed perfect. I’d just never expected Chrissy to start addressing her as such yet. Still several months away from when her pediatrician said she’d really start to be verbal, she didn’t even say Mama and Dada yet.

  In response to what Jen had said, Chrissy squealed, grinning, and repeated Ah-Zhen three times in rapid succession.

  Jen beamed. “That’s right! I’m Aunt Jen! You’ll get better and better at saying it, but right now, ‘Ah-Zhen’ is just fine. In fact, I even think I like the name Zhen better than just plain old Jen. It sounds fancier. More unique. I think I might have everyone else start calling me Zhen, too.”

  Grinning again, Chrissy went into a frenzy of sorts, saying “Ah-Zhen” over and over rapidly, squealing in between strings of “Ah-Zhens.”


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