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J.M. Sevilla - Summer Nights

Page 11

by Unknown

  Everyone is hanging around smoking, and when they see me they all shout out their greetings. I give them all a wave, eyes briefly landing on Dan whose eyes are glued to my legs. A flush creeps up my neck.

  Sam leaps up from a chair to give me a big hug, holding me tight like we haven’t seen each other in weeks, “I missed you!”

  I hug her back just as tight, “I missed you too.”

  Maddox comes over with a devilish grin, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, “How’s it going Mary?”

  I give him a wary look, not answering.

  “You know, if you get cold later you can come wrap those sexy legs of yours around me. I can keep ‘em warm.”

  Maddox may be insanely cute, but not a single part of me feels those kinds of urges for him.

  I roll my eyes, “You’re so romantic.”

  He scooches in closer, giving me his most flirtatious grin, “So romance is what you need, huh?”

  Dan comes up and whacks his head from behind, “Knock it off.”

  I hear Tripp grumble to the group, “I don’t know why Maddox always does that, he knows how pissy it makes him.”

  Jerry lights up a joint, “I think that’s why he does it.”

  I love when they talk like I’m not right here.

  Sam clears her throat, nervously glancing around, “I need your guys’ advice about something.”

  Maddox throws his arms out and gives a cheesy grin, “You’ve come to the right place! I’m the best advice giver there is!”

  Tag coughs into his hand, “Bullshit.”

  Sam steps in before this escalates into some kind of showdown, “I’m serious.”

  “Serious” is not a word one normally hears coming from Sam’s mouth, and she immediately has everyone’s attention.

  Sam looks around while she talks, “One of the girls I used to dance with, Renee – you guys remember her, right?”

  “The girl with legs for days?” Price pipes in.


  “Oh yeah,” Tripp nods his head in recollection, “but she had no tits man. That’s a deal breaker for me.”

  “We’re not here to discuss her assets,” an agitated Sam replies. “Anyway, she’s been in New York for the past year. She’s been getting gigs, and well…” She shrugs, and it’s obvious from her tense posture that she doesn’t know how to have this conversation, “She offered for me to come live there with her and some other dancers she’s met, so the rent would be low…” She trails off, biting her lip.

  Dan crosses his arms, “New York’s not safe.”

  Sam rolls her eyes, “I know how to be careful.”

  Maddox frowns, “What about us?”

  “That’s why I wanted to talk to you guys about it. You all know how much I love to dance, but I’m torn because I’d miss you all so much.”

  I sneak a peek over at Tag, who doesn’t seem at all shocked by the news like the rest of us are. I think it’s safe to assume she’s already talked to him about this. I wonder if he’ll go with her? Danny won’t be too pleased with losing both his sister and his best friend.

  “I haven’t decided anything,” Sam is quick to explain. “I just wanted to give you guys a heads up.”

  Tripp offers her a smile, “You should go.”

  Price crosses his arms just like Danny, taking a stance next to him, “No, stay here.”

  I can’t tell if Price really thinks that or he just wants to take the opposing view of his brother.

  North lights up a pipe, “Either way, you always have a home here.”

  Jerry vigorously nods his head, “True, true.”

  “Thanks guys,” Sam expresses, touched by their unexpected support.

  Maddox wraps an arm around her, “You’re our little sister, we’ll stand by whatever you want.”

  Danny grunts and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. Sam makes a disgusted face. As he removes a smoke, his lip snarls, “If you hate it so fucking much, go inside.”

  Sam elbows me with her crossed arms, “I’m not the only one. Hannah hates it too.”

  The cigarette dangles from his mouth, the lighter halfway up to it. He glances my way with a raised brow. My cheeks turn red from being put on the spot and having all the attention on me. I shrug, because I do hate that he smokes.

  The lighter clicks off and Danny places the cigarette back in the carton. He leans back against the wall and casually joins the loud conversation the boys begin having as they all smoke around him.

  Sam looks triumphant, thinking her brother did it for her. I would have thought that myself if I didn’t know better. As I follow behind her I glance over my shoulder, wanting to get one more look at him. He’s ignoring me just like he used to, but this time I smile instead of being disappointed.

  We go to the kitchen. Sam pulls out the takeout menus, leafing through them while I get us drinks.

  “For what it’s worth, Sam,” I say while handing her a beer, “I really think you should do it. For as long as I’ve known you, all you care about is dancing; it’s what you live for.”

  Sam sighs, “I know, but I’d never get to see or talk to you. That’s honestly the biggest thing holding me back.”

  I’m touched beyond measure, but unfortunately I have to point out the ugly truth, “We don’t have much time anyways.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Sam grumbles as she pops the cap off of her beer with the edge of the counter. “Why were you late today?”

  “Josh and his mom came over so I could hem his pants,” I explain. I don’t really want to talk about it, but I can tell she’s ready to change the subject.

  “Was that considered a date?” She smiles from behind her bottle before taking a swig.

  “I’m not sure.” I really wasn’t. It was as boring as it sounds, but we did talk the whole time. That’s the whole point of courting, to make sure you can get along and mesh well together.

  Sam throws her head back and laughs, “Only in your family would that be a date. Did you touch his leg?”

  I blush a dark red, “Only because I had to hem his pants.” Otherwise there was no way my parents would have allowed any form of touching. Not yet anyway.

  Sam laughs some more, “Is that like third base in your world? A little leg touch over clothes?”

  I can’t help but laugh with her, because it is ridiculous, “Basically.”

  She nudges me with her elbow and winks, “You little minx.”

  The boys come in as we laugh harder, the kind that makes your stomach feel like you did a hundred crunches. It’s either laugh this hard or cry, and I’d much rather find the humor in the situation.

  “Nice!” Price exclaims, reaching over the counter for a high five. “Mary’s finally getting some action.”

  Dang. I forgot how well you can hear things in the kitchen from outside. I wipe the tears of laughter away and stick my tongue out at him, leaving him hanging.

  Tripp jumps up onto the counter, “So who’s this guy you’re feeling up?”

  I roll my eyes, “I was hemming his pants. Nothing happened.”

  He winks at me, “Sure it didn’t.”

  “Our parents were there.”

  Tripp gives me a sleazy grin, “Kinky.”

  Sam doubles over with laughter, gasping for air.

  I dare a peek at Danny. He doesn’t look pleased. Far from it. His whole body is tense, and his jaw is locked tight enough Sam could pop her next beer cap off with it.

  They all start arguing about what we’re going to have for dinner.

  Dan lets out an agitated sigh as he pulls out his keys. He jingles them while speaking over the heated debate, which is starting to get ugly between the twins. “I’m getting Taco Bell.”

  Nobody had mentioned Taco Bell, but once again whatever Danny says everyone follows. They all start shouting out what they want.

  “You all are getting whatever the fuck I bring back,” Dan barks. He nods his head at me, “Come on, Hannah. Let’s go.”

  Nobody questio
ns him, as it’s typical for us to pick up the food together.

  Dan takes long strides to his truck.

  Sam grabs my elbow and whispers in my ear, “Try and stall it. I’m going to my room with Tag.”

  “Stop putting me in the middle,” I hiss, but she’s already skipping off.

  I scurry to catch up, hopping into the truck as Dan starts the ignition.

  He ignores my presence and the air in the car is tense.

  After a few minutes I have to speak up, “Are you upset?”

  His response is a jarring turn of the truck as he makes a quick right down a country road.

  “Where are we going?” Taco bell is in the opposite direction.


  About a half mile down he pulls to the side of the road and kills the engine, sitting there white-knuckling the steering wheel.

  I don’t move. I don’t speak. My natural instinct is telling me not to.

  After minutes of hearing nothing but Dan’s heavy breathing, he finally talks to the window, “I’m about to do something I’m not proud of, but I need to do it.”

  I can only nod as I become apprehensive.

  He twists his palms around the wheel, “You can always tell me to stop, and I will.”

  What is going on?

  I’m about to tell him that he’s making me nervous and uncomfortable, but then he turns his head and there’s this feral look in his eyes and the words get trapped in my throat.

  Dan unbuckles his seatbelt and pounces from his seat onto me, his mouth taking over mine as he swiftly unbuckles me and slides us down.

  His kisses are rough, his tongue demanding.

  I eat it up like fresh baked doughnuts.

  His hands trail up my bare legs and I moan into his mouth, the simple act erotic to me.

  “You have the hottest fucking legs. I want to kiss the person who invented bikes.”

  I giggle into his mouth and he smiles. It causes me to relax, but only for a fraction of a second before he grips my thigh hard, his hips pushing into me. Now I’m just as wild. One feel of his erection sends me into a frenzy of lust, my pent up sexual frustration bursting free.

  A hand goes to the button on my shorts and undoes it, then slowly brings down the zipper. I’m not sure where this is going, but I’m not ready yet to tell him to stop.

  His hand slips under the waistband of my underwear and brushes down between my legs. He hesitates right above where my body is screaming for him, uncertainty warring with his desires.

  I nod, silently urging him to continue. Dan’s forehead goes to mine as his hand begins moving again, and I groan out a noise I have never made before as he finds the little nub between my legs. Pleasure rocks through my body.

  That’s nothing compared to when his finger strokes between my folds and moves around its wetness; my whole body gets electric jolts.

  Dan goes back and forth between the outskirts of my virginal hole and the nub until I’m withering underneath him, nearly ready to explode. His breath runs hot down my face, only adding to the intensity of the moment.

  A finger slips its way inside me.

  I still for a fraction of a second, and then his thumb is playing right above as the finger inside me moves slowly in and out. I become undone, crying out, my body bucking underneath him as I explode with an orgasm that leaves me limp.

  Dan brings his forehead away from mine as his finger leaves me, bringing it to his mouth, his eyes glued to mine as he sucks it into his mouth and licks all of me off of it.

  Instead of being embarrassed, it fills me with a sense of pride and I long to do the same to him.

  Dan takes my hand, brings it to the front of his pants, and forces it to feel how thick he has become.

  This isn’t the first time I’ve felt him beneath his clothes, but it has always been me reaching for him, and usually for only a second or two. He moves my hand up and down and I get a sense for the length of him. He adjusts so he can unbutton his pants, shifting them down just enough that his erection springs out and my body jumps in response.

  Dan searches my face, which must look as wide-eyed as it feels. “Do you want to stop?”

  I shake my head no. I want to feel him. I want to feel him so bad.

  He smirks, “Good.”

  Dan guides my hand, wrapping it around his length. He lets out a hiss and I moan, never having imagined that just touching him like this would be such a turn-on. He shows me how to stroke him, and for a while he just watches our hands together, moving over him. Before he lets go he has me pick up speed, then he cups my face in his hands and kisses me with a desperate fervor.

  I love the feel of him in my hands, the way his breathing becomes erratic, the way his kisses are sometimes sloppy because he is so turned on by what I’m doing, but what I really love is the moment his body shudders and he moans out my name as he throbs in my hand and spills out all over it.

  When he’s done, his hand goes back to mine to slow it down until it comes to a complete stop.

  Dan slumps against me, burying his face in my neck. “That was…” He pants out hot air across my chest. “Nothing has ever felt that good,” he confesses.

  Pride blossoms within me and I start stroking his back. His body shudders over my mine like he’s cold.

  His hand moves up to grip my head, strands of hair between his fingers, “I feel like I should tell you I’m sorry, but I’m not. I needed to do that. I needed to be the first that touched you in that way, and for me to be the first that you’ve felt. I know that’s stupid, but–”

  I place my hand over his lips to stop him, “That was the single most beautiful, hottest, sexiest moment of my life, and I would be kind of pissed at you if you tried to take that back.”

  I feel his smile against my skin, “Good.”

  “And I remember every moment we’ve shared, and I always will,” I quietly reveal.

  “Hannah…” He murmurs into my ear, carrying more emotion behind it than anything else I’ve heard from his lips. He leaves it at that, but nothing else really matters. The way my name left his lips tells me everything I need to know. The silence between us is comfortable, as though we’ve been doing this for years, me stroking his back while he snuggles me close to his body.

  “You want to know what I’m going to remember the most?” Dan’s voice takes on a teasing tone as he lifts his head, “How fucking hot your legs are in shorts. I want to bite them.” He gets a mischievous look on his face before he winks. “You know, I think I will.”

  His body dips down and I first feel a nip that makes me giggle, then several more bites that have me laughing.

  Dan sits back up, putting him back in the driver’s seat. “I better stop or I’m going to have my face some place I’m not sure you’re ready for.”

  An image of Dan’s face between my legs flashes in my mind, and the familiar ache between my legs returns. I have to force myself not to beg him to do it.

  As he starts the car I wonder why I have to stop myself. Why can’t we use our mouths other places like we just did our hands? According to Sam, it’s amazing.

  I place a hand on his arm, “When can we?”

  Dan’s eyes widen before he shakes his head and lets out a long sigh, “You just made my dick hard again. How am I supposed to walk back into the house like this?”

  I glance to his crotch that is nicely tenting his pants.

  “Maybe it will go away by the time we get home,” I offer through a grin, secretly loving that he responds so quickly to me.

  “Not fucking likely. I have to stare at you in those shorts the whole ride.”

  Dan is right, and he has to use the fast food bags to cover his erection when we get home. There’s something very satisfying about knowing I affect him in that way.

  Later, when I’m sketching and Dan pays me a visit, I note that he doesn’t smoke. It makes me hold back a smile while I draw and he watches. We don’t speak or touch, just like in the past, but I’m glad we keep this part of
our lives the same. It’s oddly comforting.

  A few minutes after he leaves, I hear Tag and Sam’s voices coming through from the kitchen and make a mental note to remind them that Dan may overhear them at some point.

  “Everyone thinks I should go,” Sam says while she crunches on something.

  “Told you.”

  “What about us?”

  “I told you that too. There will always be an us.” Tag says “us” like it’s infinite.

  Sam has caution in her voice, “Long distance is hard.”

  Tag does not, “If you think you can break up with me when you go, I’m telling you right now I won’t allow it.”

  “You won’t allow it,” she sounds offended, but I can hear the smile in her tone.

  “No. Now that I have you I’m never letting you go.”

  Sam is breathless with her reply, “We need to go somewhere, quick. I need you inside me.”

  Tag lowers his voice and it’s almost hard to hear, “If I don’t get balls deep in you soon things are going to get ugly.”

  I tune them out as I turn bright red. Tag definitely has my approval as Sam’s boyfriend. He has her best interests at heart and he’s willing to fight for her. That’s an A-plus in my book.

  Later, I join the party. Dan motions for me to secretly join him in his room, so I feign sleepiness (for nobodies interest but my own, as Sam has already snuck off somewhere with Tag, which I’m sure her brother would have noticed by now if he wasn’t preoccupied himself).

  Just as quickly as I enter his room, we’re a tangled heap on his bed, unable to keep our lips away from the other. This goes on for a long time, until the familiar sound of a doorknob turning has us jumping apart, “Dan?” Sam says as she begins to open the door.

  The second I recognize her voice I fly off the bed, hitting my funny bone and cursing at what is nowhere near a funny pain, and roll under the bed.

  “Knock much?” Dan snaps just as Sam enters with me safe under his bed (which is surprisingly clutter free, besides the lone sock that’s hanging out next to me).

  “Sorry, but Jerry said you came in here alone.”

  “So that gives you the right not to knock?”


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