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Entangled (A Tryst Novel)

Page 13

by Alex Rosa

  The passenger door opens, and Kathryn gracefully slips inside. “Sorry it took me so long.”

  “No problem,” I say, already shifting my car into drive before her door is shut.

  “Yikes,” she chirps through a feigned giggle. “In a hurry, are we?”

  Kathryn’s goading eyebrows annoy me, but I force a smile. “You know I am.”

  “Hmm,” she huffs. “Skyler, right?”

  I nod, not taking my eyes off the road because Kathryn’s transition in tone is one I’ve been able to identify now, and I don’t want to get into the same topic that this tone comes with.

  “Have you asked her yet?”

  “Kat, just stop.”

  The corner of her mouth arches upward as she watches me try to focus on the road. We had such an awesome day on set, why does she have to rattle my cage?

  “I just don’t get it. You keep saying you two are close, and that you’re going to ask her to that actors’ guild awards show, but you haven’t. Why?”

  “I told you. I’m waiting for the right time.”

  “I think you’re full of shit.”

  I cringe. Profanity doesn’t sound natural on Kathryn. She’s almost too southern belle, though I’m perfectly aware of her nasty side. We’ve become better friends than I assumed we would. “Is there a reason you’re harping on this for the billionth time? I don’t pry into your relationship issues; instead they’re just unloaded on me, regardless of what I say.”

  “I think—”

  “‘I think, I think!’” I mimic, “You keep saying that, Kat, but you forget that with this specific category of my life, I don’t need advice.”

  She laughs. “I’m not allowed to give you advice? Weeks and weeks of me telling you about my disgustingly public breakup, and as a friend, I notice something not right with your own relationship, you want me keep my mouth shut?” She doesn’t wait for an answer, frantically adding, “I think you’re worried she isn’t going to fit in, and maybe you’d be right in worrying.”

  We stop at a red light, and I take the moment to rub at my eyes. “She’ll fit in, it’ll just be hard for her to wrap her head around it at first. This isn’t your problem. Anyway, if you saw her, or knew her, you’d know she’d fit right in. She’s smart enough to handle it.”

  “The pretty premed student, Blake, we know.”

  I’m only allotted a second to shoot Kathryn a disapproving glare before having to look back to the road and move forward. “How would you even know that? I’ve only mentioned she’s in school.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Blake, how often do you see me rifling through pages of gossip magazines, trying to figure out what the world knows about me today?”

  I turn to her, offering her my most charismatic smile. “And how many times have I told you, you’re going to drive yourself insane?”

  She shakes her head. “What makes you think you haven’t shown up on those pages, too?”

  I snort. “Stop it. You’re just trying to rile me up now. It’s not going to work.”

  “I care about you, Blake. We’re friends.”

  I want to ask Are we? only because even I know that Kathryn has put her tongue down my throat longer than she needs to while filming romantic scenes on set. I cringe inwardly, knowing that there are some things I’ll never be able to tell Skyler, not that I think she needs to know those particular details. I just don’t need to plant any seeds of doubt. Not when it comes to women.

  “I care about you, too, but this is not a topic I’m willing to discuss.” I shrug, still bewildered by her words.

  “Blake, are you even listening to me? I swear, I only have your best interest in mind, and you’re new to this side of Hollywood. Don’t forget that.”

  “What are you getting at?”

  She grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest, leaning back into the seat. “Why do you think those photographers hang out outside the studio? And don’t think that some days they won’t be at your house, not to mention, also stalking you and your pretty girlfriend, ’cuz they will!”

  “Spit it out, Kat!” I bark, getting more frustrated by the minute.

  “People magazine nearly did a whole page on you. Snapped photos of you and your girl out on a date, or something. They had her whole backstory. A premed student, Blake, really? How is she going to be the girl you need her to be with something like that she has to dedicate her time to?”

  I’m more confused. My look softens, even though I’m white-knuckling the steering wheel.

  Kathryn releases a long exhale, softening her anger to match my confusion. It’s a form of kindness, and I really want to believe she has good intentions. Why is the world so against Skye and me? I didn’t see this part coming.

  “Where do you think all those photos go, Blake? They have to end up somewhere.”

  “They talked about Skyler?” I ask, perturbed by this whole revelation.

  “Yes.” She pauses, leaving the silence hanging for a few seconds before she adds, “She’s very pretty.”

  I have no want to turn to Kathryn this time, and instead revel in the involuntary curve of my lips. “She is.”

  As I pull my car to a stop in front of Kathryn’s beach condo in Santa Monica, I want to tell her to get the fuck out, rather than politely waiting for her to exit, but I know there isn’t a reason to be rude.

  She is still in the passenger seat, testing my patience. Without looking at me she asks, “Will you come get a beer with me?”

  “Kat . . .” I groan, rubbing at my eyes again. “Don’t make me be the bad guy.”

  “I’m not. It would be nice to have you as a friend off the clock, rather than only on the clock. I hate my condo right now. Everything reminds me of him.”

  “We leave for New York soon. We’ll hang out then. I promise. We’ll get drinks, I’ll pay for the cab, and you can vent all your troubles.”

  She huffs. “Right. Ya know—”

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  My cell phone interrupts her.

  “Oh, is that Skyler! Is she as eager as you?”

  Ring. Ring.

  It isn’t, but it doesn’t matter. “Kat, please . . .” I persist with blatant annoyance as I pull my phone from my jeans.

  She releases an unconvincing giggle. “I’m just jealous, you know? That’s all. Not of her, but of what you two have. I just—”

  Ring. Ring.

  “—I’m sorry, Kat. I have to get that.”

  Before she responds I press answer. “Hi, Gio. What’s up?” I offer her a shrug as an apology, and she mouths It’s okay as she clambers out of my car, shutting the door behind her.

  Gio’s accent sounds thicker than normal, and I have trouble understanding him. “Gio, what was that?”

  He clears his throat. “Buongiorno, Blake. Sorry about the sudden call. I’ll make this quick. I wanted to extend a special invitation to you and Skyler for my gallery opening in West Hollywood. Invite only, you see.”

  Gio never hesitates to imply that anything that involves him usually comes with exclusivity. I know he thinks I should be impressed by something like this, but I’m not.

  “When?” I ask as I pull back onto the road, antsy to get home.

  “In a couple weeks. It’s a Friday night. Starts at eight o’clock.”

  I pause, wondering if I’m even allowed to decline the invite.

  “It’s important to me to have you two there. Humor me, Blake. You only ever show up when you’re getting paid. Would it kill you to attend a social event?”

  I can already hear Josh’s voice in my head. He told me something similar days ago. Josh said that forming a friendly, active social life is important to stay relevant. I’m thankful Gio can’t see me roll my eyes.

  “No problem. We’ll be there.”

  I hope Skye doesn’t get too defens
ive when I mention our already confirmed outing. I wince, knowing I’ll just add it to the list of things we need to discuss.


  When I enter through the front door I’m wired, and maybe on the edge of frantic. I’m like a junkie in need of their fix, and I won’t be okay until I remedy my need to touch her.

  It’s utter relief when I see Skyler in the kitchen, her back to me as she leans over the sink. I’m made content just looking at her. I didn’t want to call and ruin the surprise. I had to take a chance that she’d be here.

  Entering the room, I keep my paces slow, pleased that Skyler doesn’t stir as I watch, unaware that I’ve come home. I gently hang my keys next to the door, basking in her carefree state. I like witnessing it. She can be so rattled by school and deadlines, and me, that it’s nice to see. I nibble at the corner of my mouth, my eyes following the sway of her slender but womanly hips from side to side, and I notice her headphones are plugged into her ears, blocking out any outside noise.

  The setting is almost too perfect.

  The closer I get, the more I appreciate as my eyes take in the shape of her tight, round ass in her spandex running shorts, and the two dimples of her lower back right above the hem line. I want to kiss and lick them. I want to kiss and lick her everywhere.

  Entering the kitchen, still unnoticed, I wonder if she went for a run or just came back from soccer practice. Her body isn’t slicked with sweat as if she had. My one-track mind can’t help but think of other activities that could get the same result.

  I extend my hands out, eager to touch her, my withdrawals reaching their brink. My scowl from the day has been left at the door, and all that matters is that I’m here now.

  Springing for it, I wrap my arms around her bare torso; her worn white shirt is tied in a knot just below her breasts.

  Her whole body petrifies as she screams, the shriek causing me to let go and leap back. That wasn’t the reaction I had expected. She pulls the earbuds from her ears and places her phone on the counter.

  I raise my hands defensively, but comically mime wide-eyed surprise as she swivels around in a panic.

  At first, she’s terrified, her brows adorably knitted tightly together before she lays her eyes on me. Her face does what my whole body did only a minute ago. It relaxes, utterly satiated at the sight, and just as quickly this huge grin spreads through her face before she springs into my arms.

  “You’re here!” she squeals before planting a hard, rough kiss against my lips.

  I clamp my hands around her waist, and can’t help myself as I pin her to the counter behind her, letting out rumbling groan, as her tongue takes no prisoners, dipping into my mouth with passion identical to mine.

  She pulls back abruptly, leaving me wanting, only to add words that can wait until later.

  “How is it you’re home right now? I haven’t seen you before midnight in . . . in . . .”

  “Forever,” I finish. Skyler’s smile knocks the wind out of me. I let her eyes dissect me once more, as if she’s unsure if I’m a figment of her imagination. She lifts her hands from my neck to caress my jaw, and slides her fingertips into my hair, dragging her nails against my scalp. I groan again, and my eyes sink closed.

  “If you keep doing all of my favorite things, I’m going to take you on the kitchen floor.”

  She giggles, tilting her head to the side. “I’m so happy to see you. I thought I was only going to get you for a few hours before your plane tomorrow.”

  The fluid slide of my hands against her skin stumbles, instead stopping and gently squeezing at her soft skin, as if getting a physical grip might help my mental one, and as if reading me, she presses her forehead against mine. “Blake, come back to me. It’s okay, I promise.”

  I don’t hesitate any longer. I press my lips to hers. The taste from before was too much of a tease. Needing her skin as a remedy, I impatiently pull the white T-shirt from her body and toss it carelessly to the floor, deciding on my plan of action as I take a firm grip of her ass, lifting her up off the ground.

  Practiced in the ways of my whims, she wraps her arms around my neck, and her legs around my hips as I stride toward my bedroom, a maneuver that I’ll never get bored of.

  “Blake . . .” she giggles against my lips.

  We reach my bedroom, and I don’t want to let go. I kick my bedroom door shut behind me, allowing myself another tight squeeze of her ass, causing her to leap within my grasp.

  “Would you prefer me to just say, ‘Honey, I’m home’ and then flip on the TV? That can be arranged, if you prefer. I mean, I’m all sorts of tired, but I’m hungry, too.” I raise my brows to insinuate I don’t mean food.

  She guffaws, rolling her head back to release my favorite sound. Her laughter. Even that sounds honest and pure.

  Feeling like life, and her, are so delicate, I let her slowly slide down my body until her feet touch the floor. Maybe I’m even afraid she could disappear at any moment in a puff of smoke.

  I lift my hand to her face, tugging on her chin so she looks up at me, and the crashing waves that are her eyes wash me of stress, like the whole ocean engulfing me in one cleansing gulp.

  “Blake, are you okay?”

  Leaning toward her, I rub the tip of my nose back and forth over hers. “I’m perfect. I just need you.”

  “Is work okay?” she asks, seemingly not pleased with my answer.

  I drag my hand up over the curve of her ass, caressing her hips, and up her torso, reveling in how soft, yet firm, she feels everywhere. The combination overwhelming for my fingertips, needing to touch every inch in order to read and understand the girl before me. Why do I feel like I’ve been so disconnected, and this is a sensation I’m starving for? Nothing feels more real than Skyler to me.

  “Of course. I just want you right now. Please,” I plead.

  She doesn’t question me any longer, and I like the placating twitch at the corner of her mouth as she silently grabs for my hand, tugging me toward my bed and less than gently pushing me onto the mattress.

  My mouth waters as she stands at the edge of my bed at my feet, like a skilled temptress, and I’m curious how much she’s winging it, and how much she’s actually mastered.

  “Did you go for a run?” I ask.

  She tugs the tight tie in her hair from the ponytail, letting her long, midnight locks cascade around her face. “I never made it that far,” she retorts.

  I gulp as I watch Skyler peel her tight running shorts from her body, revealing tiny, black-lace panties. My dick jumps to attention, and I wonder if she has any fucking clue how much she owns me. It’s in the flirty, unjaded way she looks at me, like I’m the answer to all her problems, or the sunshine at the end of a storm. No one’s ever looked at me like that. I can get drunk on Skye’s stare. I never feel more whole than when this girl smiles at me. It’s as annoying as it is gloriously insane.

  I tilt my head to the side. “Do you always go running in lace undies?”

  She mimics my head tilt. “Well, I obviously never know when I’ll run into my nymphomaniac boyfriend, you see.”

  I nod, pursing my lips to hold back my grin, but the corners of my mouth are putting up a valiant battle. “I do see. As a sufferer of this affliction, I sure am glad you come prepared at all times.”

  She rolls her eyes before peeling the snug, black sports bra from her body, revealing her naked self in all its fucking amazing glory. I release a hum at the sight, knowing that I’m the one who taught Skyler to never be ashamed of her body. It has to be the best thing I’ve ever taught her. That body is mine . . . in a manner of speaking. I want nothing more than to touch her everywhere and forever.

  I watch her climb over my body.

  “Blake, close your mouth.”

  I snap my mouth shut, unaware that I was gawking. I extend my hands out for her as that feral need to have her takes ove
r. I want all of her, and in the most greedy way possible. I sit up, reaching for her lips, and crash into them hungrily. I can’t take it any longer. I flip her over on her back, pressing her body into the bed with my own, finding that my body molds perfectly against hers. It’s like home . . . no, it is home.

  I can smell her jasmine body wash against the freshness of her skin as I trail kisses down the nape of her neck, wondering how my withdrawal hasn’t been driving me to madness.

  I continue my journey to her breasts, taking one of the hard, sensitive buds into my mouth while caressing the other.

  I move to suck on the other breast, caring for each diligently, listening to Skyler’s whispered moans, while letting my hands continue their journey to her thighs. My mouth catches up as it moves its licking and sucking trail down her torso.

  “Blake,” she breathes.

  “Hmm?” I reply as I take the pretty black-lace waistband of her panties between my teeth.

  “I was supposed to do this to you.”

  I peer up from her hips, basking in her scent. I can already tell she’s wet and wanting before I’ve even touched her there. Her teeth clamping down on her bottom lip tell me she’s mine for the taking.

  “Nothing stopping you, babe,” I joke.

  A mischievous curve forms on her plump lips, and it only compliments her lush body. “Fine, but there’s a problem.”

  “What’s that?” I place a kiss on her inner thigh, causing her to fight her fidgeting, her legs tensing in trembling anticipation.

  “You’re still wearing your clothes.”

  I tug on her panties one more time with my teeth, flashing a wolfish grin.

  “I can take care of that for you, but you’re going to have to stop squirming.”

  I sit up on my knees as I watch her try to still her nearly naked body. She’s licking over her lips as I pull my shirt off and unbutton my pants, kicking them to the floor before making my way back to her.


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