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Over the Hedge: Part 2- The Finale (Lucky in Love)

Page 7

by Minerva Vesta

  As the seconds ticked by it hit me that Lashawnda didn’t respond.

  “Lashawnda?” I asked, thinking she might have hung up the phone. I pulled the phone away from my face to see that the call was still connected.

  “Yes. I’m still here,” she answered.

  “Would it be that bad?” I asked nervously when she had said nothing. I sat up in the bed, my chest tightened in anticipation of her next words.

  “No, babe. It wouldn’t be bad at all. We practically spend every night together, anyway.” Lashawnda was saying the right words, but I could hear the hesitation in her voice.

  A sense of foreboding settled around me as I prepared to ask my next question. “So, what’s the problem?”

  “There isn’t a problem. It’s just that…I don’t know how I feel about giving up my place and moving in with you.”

  She spoke like she was choosing her words carefully. I’d been with her long enough to recognize the tactic. It was the same tone she used with coworkers when she wanted to get her point across without coming off too brash.

  I scratched the hair on my chest before pulling her pillow into me and sniffing it. Fuck! This woman was turning me into a damn sap. She was cutting me deep with her words but the scent of her hair products on a pillow was soothing me as if she was sitting here rubbing the tension lines from my brow.

  “Okay…sorry I asked,” I breathed out a frustrated breath. There was no point in arguing about something since it was clear she had her mind made up.

  “Sean…” Lashawnda began.

  “No. It’s not a big deal.” I said cutting her off. “I’m not sure what I was thinking.”

  “Sean,” Lashawnda said more forcefully. “We practically live together now. How about we wait until we reach six months before making that decision? And, I would much prefer if we got somewhere together rather than one of us giving up their current place. Okay?”

  I don’t think she understood how her apprehension affected me. I was ready for more than just us spending the night together. I already told my best friend I wanted to marry her. She said she loved me. She knew how much I loved her. Was it not enough yet?

  “Sean,” Lashawnda said again, dragging out each sound of my name.

  “Hmm?” I answered.

  “Is that okay? Do you agree we should wait a bit?” Lashawnda restated her suggestion in a more soothing voice as if to ease the blow.

  “If that’s what you want, we’ll wait,” I replied in a monotone voice that wasn’t the least bit convincing. I didn’t want to be a dick, but I was over the conversation the moment she said she didn’t want to give up her place.

  “Okay, fine. I think we should end our relationship, since this passive attitude is what you’re giving me,” she fumed.

  “What?!” I exclaimed. “What do you mean, end our relationship, just because I don’t agree with you—”


  “Really, Lashawnda? I can’t believe that’s all—”


  “That’s all it would take for you to want to end things?”


  “No, I’m coming over right now.”

  “Sean. Please calm down.”

  I had just managed to get my body out from underneath the blankets and placed my foot on the ground when I realized she was laughing. What the fuck was going on? How did she go from anger to amusement in less than five seconds? Had I missed something?

  “Are you calm, now?” Lashawnda asked.

  “I’m not sure, but I’m sure as hell confused. One minute you’re saying you don’t want to live with me and the next you’re telling me you want to end things. Now, you’re laughing.”

  “Well, I guess since you’re acting like a big kid then so can I.”

  “What? I wasn’t acting like a child,” I said, my tone defensive.

  “Yes, you were.” Lashawnda’s voice lowered an octave. She deepened her voice to mimic my baritone. “Oh, let’s move in together. No, you don’t want to move in with me. Well fine, now I’m going to sulk and pout and not have an adult conversation.”

  I chuckled at her imitation of me. The woman was driving me mad, and it was far too early. Not to mention I hadn’t been balls deep in her in three days. Flopping back down on the bed I looked up at the ceiling with an aggravated scowl.

  “Fine, you win.” I conceded, rubbing the scruffy growth of my morning stubble.

  “I don’t want to win,” she pleaded.

  “Well, what is it you want?”

  “I want us to have an adult conversation about a crucial step in our relationship. Just because you don’t automatically get what you want, doesn’t mean we can’t compromise.”

  “Yeah. You’re right. And, I don’t mean that because I’m conceding.” I added quickly. “I mean it because it’s true. I was kind of sulking.”

  I rolled over and pulled Lashawnda’s pillow underneath my head. I could still smell the fruity shampoo she uses, mixed with her unique scent. That scent lulled me to sleep every night.

  “So, are we still together, or are we broken up?” I asked already knowing the answer.

  “Well, I don’t know. I’m sort of enjoying the single life.” I could hear the smile in her voice. I wanted so much to be with her at this moment.

  “Yeah? Well since you’re single, that means I can ask you out, right?” I said flirtatiously.

  “Boy, I don’t know you like that,” she replied, using a very thick southern twang.

  “Let me introduce myself.” I deepened my voice further, ready to sweet talk her into sneaking out of her parent’s house to spend the morning with me. I had a massive ache only she could ease.

  “Hello, pretty lady. My name is Sean; I was hoping you’ll let me take you out sometime. I really think it would be in your best interest for you to be my lady.”

  I spoke like a man with years of experience flirting. I could hear Lashawnda trying to hold back her laughter. I guess my line sounded lame to her. I didn’t know shit about getting a woman’s attention but damn it felt nice knowing this one was all mine.

  “And, why would that be in my best interest?” she asked between giggles.

  “Because I got the right kind of nuts you need in your world girl.”

  “Oh, my goodness, Sean,” she said around fits of beautiful laughter.

  “What’s so funny,” I asked, enjoying the sound.

  “You do realize you just messed up a classic. No wonder you didn’t ask girls out. Babe, your game is definitely weak.”

  “My game is strong, woman,” I protested.

  “No, babe. It’s not. The line is I’m just a squirrel trying to get a nut in your world, girl.”

  I shook my head. “Well, I think mine sounds a lot better.”

  “Yeah, I bet you would.”

  “What’s all that noise?” I asked.

  “Nothing.” Lashawnda sounded muffled, and I heard shuffling in the background.

  “You fell off the bed, didn’t you?” I asked, shaking my head.

  “Shut up, Sean. Don’t laugh at me.”

  “Oh sweetheart, don’t be mad. If you like, I could come over and kiss it and make it all better.”

  “I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Sure the hell would. I’d spread it wide and kiss it from top to bottom and deep in between,” I said lasciviously.

  “Don’t do that,” Lashawnda moaned, “You know good and well Daddy would shoot you dead for coming up in his house with that mess.”

  “For that sweet pussy—I’m willing to take my chances.”

  “Freak,” Lashawnda said.

  “Only for you.” I needed her in my bed right now. “Are we done fighting?”

  “Yes, we’re done.”

  I sighed. “So, no moving in together right away—but we can discuss it in a few months?”

  “Yes, and I threw that whole let’s break up thing out there just to be outrageous. I would never end our relationshi
p over one argument.”

  “I wouldn’t let it be that easy for you. But you know what this means right?”

  “What’s that?” Lashawnda asked.

  “Makeup sex,” I responded in a sing-song voice. “That will have to wait until Monday night. You still coming with me to drop my mom off at the airport?”

  I got out of bed and made my way into the bathroom. It had been almost four days since I got any. The thought of any kind of sex with Lashawnda was turning my morning wood into granite. My overly tented boxers were a sign I needed to dust one out before my mother got up.

  “I’m totally down,” Lashawnda said enthusiastically.

  “Well, it’s a date. Let me get off this phone. I need to go for a run. Love ya.”

  “You too. Do an extra mile for me.” Lashawnda said teasingly before hanging up.

  Fuck running right now. At the thought of makeup sex for our little difference in opinion, my morning wood was demanding attention. Lashawnda knew me well by now, and she knew I was going to masturbate.

  Extra mile my ass, I thought with a wry chuckle. If I had my way, she was getting pulled into a dark corner sometime today at her parents’ house. I needed her in the worse way.

  I made it back from my run around eight o’clock. When I walked into the dining room, I found my mother sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hand.

  “Morning, Ma.”

  “Hey, sweetie. You had a good run? Want me to fix you some breakfast?” she asked in one breath.

  I walked over and kissed her cheek, feeling like I was back in high school all over again.

  “Nope, I’m good. What are you doing up so early?” I asked.

  “Heard a bit of yelling this morning.” she said giving me a knowing look.

  “It’s nothing, Ma,” I said hoping to avoid this conversation with my mother.

  “Oh, it’s something alright. You wouldn’t by chance be arguing with my Lashawnda have you?”

  I rolled my eyes at my mother in exasperation as I reached down to grab a bottle of Gatorade from the bottom of the fridge. I knew better than to let her see me do it. The old lady might have aged but there was no doubt that back hand was still strong. I might have been a good kid. I got into my share of trouble that required a few strong slaps resulting in a sore ass. Sandra Colcord was a genuine southern lady through and through. Southern ladies spanked their children.

  “We weren’t arguing, Ma. It was a slight misunderstanding, and we talked it out.”

  “Well, what did you do to make her mad at you?”

  “Hold on, why it couldn’t be her?” I questioned.

  “Sean, I know you, and I’ve gotten to know Lashawnda. And, by the way, you’re trying to avoid this discussion, I know it had to have been something you did.” She placed her coffee cup on the coaster and folded her hands on the table. “Now, come out with it. Tell your momma what you did, so I can fix it.”

  I looked at the stern expression on her face. I didn’t want this to be a habit of hers. What happened between Lashawnda and me needed to stay that way. Jackson was always telling us how he was practically married to his mother-in-law. Everything he and Sarah had a disagreement about; his mother-in-law was a part of too. That’s not the way I wanted me and Lashawnda’s relationship to be.

  “No,” I stated before walking into my bedroom, leaving my mother sitting wide-eyed at the table.

  I took a shower, got dressed, and gave Brent a quick call to remind him about dinner. I went in search of my mother and found her sitting out on the patio. Being as quiet as possible I snuck up behind her and pulled her into a hug.

  “Don’t be upset, Ma. Everything is fine. We had a small difference of opinion. That’s all.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, Ma. Lashawnda and I talked it out. We are fine.”

  “Okay, if you say so,” she conceded. It was clear how hard it was for her not to nag me about the details. “I gotta remember you’re not a little boy anymore. I promise to keep my nose out of your relationship…to a certain extent.”

  “Come on, Ma,” I groaned, dragging a hand down my face.

  “Boy, you are the spitting image of my sweet Greyson—from his height, to his dark curly hair, and even that arrogant nose of yours.”

  “And…” I hedged not sure where she was going with this.

  “It means your stubbornness will push that young lady away if you don’t get control of it.”

  I exhaled a breath of frustration. My relationship was too important to let anything come between Lashawnda and me.



  Crystal, Momma and I spent the entire day on Saturday cleaning and preparing for this big family meet and greet dinner. Although the house was always spotless, my mother wanted us to do some spring cleaning to prepare for our guests. I learned long ago not to argue with her when she was in one of her moods. Crystal and I kept our mouths shut and our hand busy. Neither one of us wanted them problems with Elizabeth Price.

  When I told Momma Sean’s best friend Brent was coming too, she became even more nervous. Sean was down to earth and laid-back. But anyone who met Brent instantly recognized the air of sophistication that came from having been born into money. I didn’t miss the change in Crystal’s demeanor when I mentioned Brent’s name. While we were cleaning the guest bathroom downstairs, I decided to pick her brain about her reaction. My sister and me were close, but I got the feeling that any subject involving dating, or her relationship was off limits for now.

  “Are you okay with him coming over for dinner?” I asked.

  “Him who?” Crystal cocked her head to the side and put some muscle behind her actions. The little, cleaning sponge was getting a bit of a workout from whatever she was working out in her brain.

  “Brent,” I answered.

  Crystal stopped wiping the bathroom sink and looked at me as if I’d grown horns. “You think I have a crush on him, don’t you?”

  I sat down on the side of the tub and took off my gloves.

  “I don’t know; do you?” I urged.

  “What, do you think; I just want to add to the drama in my life?” Crystal suggested.

  We sat quietly staring at each other, and then, we both laughed out loud.

  “What the heck was that four questions in a row?” I asked still laughing.

  “Five,” Crystal answered; pointing out that I had just added to the count.

  “Okay, so yes I think you might be slightly interested in him, and no, I know you don’t want to add to your drama.”

  Crystal walked over and sat next to me on the side of the tub, leaning her head against my shoulder.

  “I don’t have a crush on him. I only met him once. I think he’s kind of interesting though, and you have to admit, he is fine. And, Brent coming to dinner is no problem at all.”

  “Okay, if you think it’s cool.” I wrapped my arm around my little sister’s shoulder. This was a tumultuous time in her life, and I wished I could take away her pain.

  “Come on, let’s finish up before Momma comes looking for us,” Crystal urged.

  Momma was militant when it came to cleaning the house for new guests; especially since that guest was Sean’s mother. Not sure why I had to clean the tub for guests who wouldn’t be spending the night. But again, I would not argue with her. She had been working us tirelessly all weekend. Even Daddy wasn’t off the hook.

  The sound of raised voices made us hurry out to the kitchen. We couldn’t hear the details of their conversation, but we knew our mother had done something our father was not too pleased with. Like two kids, we went scurrying out of the bathroom and into the hallway leading to the kitchen to see what was going on.

  “Elizabeth, I am not okay with this,” Daddy barked as he placed the grill cleaner on the countertop.

  “Phil, I don’t get what the problem is,” Momma replied.

  Her short frame, with her wide hips swayed as she moved effortlessly around the kitch
en. Almost thirty years of marriage and Daddy was still giving heated glances like he needed some alone time with her. I bumped Crystal’s shoulder to catch if she noticed and she rolled her eyes knowingly.

  “Okay, so you turned blind now?” he asked, sarcastically.

  “Not at all, dear,” Momma answered sweetly as she passed by him to place the seasoned chicken breasts in the fridge. Daddy turned to face her with his hands on his waist.

  “Why do we have to invite him to dinner? Crystal told me he hasn’t been home in over four days. And, when she asked him where he had been, he told her none of her business. Now, I don’t understand why you had to go and invite the boy to have dinner with us,” Daddy barked, following behind Momma while she moved through the kitchen.

  Momma sighed heavily before facing her angry husband. She spun around and wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head on his chest. She was always gushing about how Daddy was still as strong as when they first met, even with his middle-aged weight gain. I had to agree. To me, he was still an intimidating presence.

  “Dear, I already invited the boy to dinner. It would be rude of me to disinvite him. Heck, he might not even show up,” Momma explained.

  Daddy cocked his head back in frustration before looking down at the top of Momma’s head. “It’s not rudeness. I don’t want his ass at my house. And, more importantly, I don’t want his ass in my daughter’s life. God only knows why Crystal won’t end this thing.”

  “That’s not our concern, dear. Besides, we all know how hard-headed Crystal can be. If we try to interfere, then she will end up thinking we pushed our way into her business.” She rubbed his side and looked up at him. “We are having a family dinner, and as of this point, Brian is family. So, I invited him.”

  “Well, he better watch his ass while he’s in my house.” Knowing he had very little chance of changing her mind, Daddy just shook his head.

  I looked at Crystal who rolled her eyes again and started walking down the hall back to the bathroom. Most days I would try to talk things out with her to see where her mind was at. But with the tensions already high about this dinner, I didn’t have it in me.


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