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Over the Hedge: Part 2- The Finale (Lucky in Love)

Page 45

by Minerva Vesta

  When we reached the fourth floor, I was the first one off the elevator. My heart was racing so fast I felt as if it was about to jump from my chest. I’d never felt so desperate to see Sean. At the beginning of our relationship, I always felt anxious when he was around. Later that anxiety shifted to peaceful contentment. Yet, at this moment, the riot of emotions coursing through my mind made that anxiety feel incomparable to what I was feeling now.

  The manager hadn’t told me which room they were in. I was walking so fast; he had to call me back when I passed the door.

  “Ms. Price, it’s this one,” he called out.

  One of the officers pulled out his weapon as they prepared to open the door. I was glad to see it. I did my best to convey that Jenny was unstable and could be dangerous. Although, I’m sure they weren’t going in there to treat her like they would a person of color. I didn’t want them to assume she couldn’t be a real threat.

  “Hotel security…open up,” the manager yelled while banging on the door. But, no one answered. He repeated himself and banged even louder. “Okay, let’s go in.”

  The female officer turned to Dr. Barnes and me. “Please let the police and the security team go in first. If this woman is as you described, we don’t know what we are going into.”

  I nodded stepping back from the line of people. The manager used the electronic key to gain access to the room. The police officers went in first, followed by the two hotel security guards. I tried to be patient and waited out in the hallway, but the sound of furniture crashing broke my resolve. I ran in after them, heedless of the manager’s call.

  I stopped dead in my tracks once I crossed the threshold. The large suite looked as if it had been prepared for honeymooners. Large red and white candles gave a soft romantic glow to the room. Sultry jazz music played in the background. There was a bottle of wine and two empty glasses on the bar. All the pillows had been taken from the sitting room and placed on the floor to create a bed. My heart almost stopped at the picture that this painted.

  A loud banging sound could be heard in the bedroom. I followed behind the security guard. My eyes bulged looking around at the scene. In the room, Jenny was dressed in a red-satin, baby doll dress. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun and her makeup was done haphazardly. She didn’t resemble the beautiful seductress she was trying to play.

  “Ma’am put down the lamp and step away from the bathroom door,” ordered the officer with his gun pointed at her.

  Jenny smiled at him in her best imitation of innocence. Her eyes looked glazed as if she had taken some hallucinogen.

  “Hi, I’m Jenny,” she replied, smoothing her hand down her silk-clad hips. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Where is Sean?” I asked, pushing my way inside the door. I wasn’t in the mood to play nice with Jenny.

  “Oh, you’re the reason they are here. You weren’t invited to our party,” Jenny spat. Her hatred for me was clear now. The facade she’d been carrying for the last few months had fallen. The real Jenny was standing in front of me with a look of disdain written across her face.

  “I asked you a question,” I said. But my question was answered when I heard the muffled voice from behind the bathroom door. I ran over pulling at the handle. “Sean! Baby it’s me open the door. Sean…”

  I heard scraping sounds from behind the door. The handle began jiggling, and then it cracked open. My heart ached with joy upon seeing my love’s face. He was seated on the bathroom floor with his head resting against the base of the sink. His clothes were disheveled, and he had a slight bruise on the side of his head.

  “Oh my God!” I couldn’t hold back the whimper that escaped my throat. I dropped to my knees in front of him. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m better now,” Sean answered. His speech was slow and labored.

  “Oh, sweetheart, I knew something was wrong when I couldn’t get a hold of you.”

  I pulled his head away from the sink and placed it on my chest. I felt his heaving sigh of relief against my skin. Like a mother to a child, I placed kisses on his forehead and began rocking back and forth. There was no telling what he’d gone through in the last few hours.

  “You can relax, now; I’m here.” I held on to him even tighter.

  The security guard standing at the bathroom door leaned in. “The ambulance is on the way.” He turned to Jenny who was scratching at her skin and anxiously biting her fingernails. “Ma’am, you need to have a seat.”

  “Fuck you, asshole. I don’t have to do anything. She’s the one that needs to leave,” Jenny screamed. I turned in time to see her grab a small vase and throw it against the wall closest to the bathroom. The fact they hadn’t restrained her spoke volumes.

  Dr. Barnes came into the bathroom and began checking Sean’s vitals. I could tell that his strength was slipping. He looked like he was ready to pass out at any moment.

  “What did she give him? Is he going to be okay?” I nervously ran my hands all over Sean’s body, searching for any apparent bruises.

  “Not sure, but we need to have an idea so that the paramedics know what to do when they get here,” he explained.

  I stood from Sean’s side and stepped into the bedroom. “What did you drug him with?”

  Jenny smiled and cocked her head to the side. Her laugh was eerie. “I’m not telling,” she replied using a sing-song voice.

  My resolve broke, and I pounced on her. No one in the room came to her aid. I grabbed her around the throat. My intentions weren’t to strangle her, but I wanted to hurt her enough, so she knew I meant business.

  “I’m going to ask you once more. What did you give him?” I gritted.

  “Ms. Price…” the female police officer came up behind me. Hand on my shoulder as if warning me to be careful.

  Jenny’s eyes watered and bulged from the pressure around her neck. Her words sounded like someone gargling rocks.

  “You were never my friend,” she spat.

  I felt my frustration rise as I shoved Jenny away from me—making her fall over the edge of the bed and onto the floor. It was clear she wasn’t going to be of any use. If I continued, I was the one that could possibly go to jail. My lips pinched in frustration at the situation. Angrily, I went back to Sean’s side.

  “Sean, can you tell us what she gave you?”

  “She said she got the drug from one of H&G’s labs. It was on a piece of cloth. The crazy bitch caught me off guard. She got close enough to rub on my face and my hand,” Sean said, voice still weak but clearer than before.

  “It sounds like she used one of the drugs Dr. Feldman’s lab has been developing. It’s non-lethal. It’s a souped-up local anesthetic. Based on Sean’s reaction, I’d say she miscalculated the dosage necessary to keep him incapacitated for an extended period. The drug probably started losing its effect about an hour after it was administered. Sean’s body mass played a major role in his quick recovery. If this was given to a smaller person, they might be out for hours. He’ll be fine. Lots of water, and some sleep, and he’ll be fine.” Dr. Barnes said.

  “So it’s non-lethal?” I asked for confirmation.

  “Well, there haven’t been any human trials. There’s no data to determine adverse effects.” Dr. Barnes scratched his chin in contemplation before a smile bloomed on his face. “Congratulations, Colcord. You’re the first human subject in the upcoming clinical trial. Dr. Feldman will be happy to know the drug is effective. I’m sure I could cut off your leg right now, and you wouldn’t feel a thing.”

  I stared open mouth at my boss. The look in his eyes, as he kept checking Sean’s vitals, was not that of someone concerned about another person’s health. He was treating Sean like a research subject in the lab.

  “The ambulance is just five minutes away,” The hotel manager popped his head inside the bathroom and informed us.

  “Great, I think a thorough evaluation is in order,” I replied.

  “I’m fine; I don’t need to go to the hospital. I think a good night�
�s rest is all I need. If Dr. Barnes is familiar with the substance and thinks there won’t be any side effects, then there is really no need for me to spend hours in the ER,” Sean croaked out.

  “This isn’t a discussion. You are going to the hospital,” I railed at him.

  “Okay, sweetheart; whatever you say. I don’t think we need the ambulance, as long as you’re okay driving me.” Sean’s eyes never left mine as he spoke. Not that he could do much of anything since he could barely move his neck. I know I looked panicked, but I wasn’t about to hide my emotions from him.

  “Damn right it’s whatever I say.” I turned away from him to retrieve my purse.

  “You know it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Tonight was supposed to be special,” Sean murmured.

  I smiled down into his face, green eyes barely visible beneath his heavy lids. He was struggling to stay alert. I made up my mind that he was going in that ambulance regardless of what he had to say. Jenny had been moved out in the sitting area while we waited. They had finally handcuffed her. Unfortunately, they didn’t gag her.

  “You were never my friend either you know,” Jenny yelled again. Up until that point I had ignored her ranting. Half of the things she was saying made no sense. Between the rants about Greg, and her wails of apology about some guy named Todd, I wasn‘t interested in her crazy talk.

  The urge to ignore her was great. But I was dying to get some answers. I left Sean in Dr. Barnes’ capable hands. Although, he was observing my man like a lab rat, I knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to him.

  “Why would you say that? We were friends until you decided I had somehow slighted you,” I replied, standing next to the bedroom door.

  A sneer formed on Jenny’s face. “Oh, please. No one else at that godforsaken office likes me, so why should you? I see how they all pretended to smile in my face. I knew they were all talking about me as soon as my back was turned.”

  I sighed in frustration. “I’m not going to pretend that you don’t have some personality traits that are in serious need of improvement. But I did like being around you when it felt like you were being genuine.”

  “Were you being genuine when you took Sean away from me?” Jenny retorted mockingly.

  “Jenny, I don’t get it. When did Sean ever give you the impression that he was interested in you? And, let’s get this straight, I didn’t take anything from you. He was never yours, and he will never be yours. Sean asked me out. He pursued me.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah…you black bitches are all the same; lying cunts who thrive on stealing our good white men.”

  “No, you didn’t just go there,” I said. I was regretting entertaining a conversation with her. It was clear the woman had some loose screws.

  “Lashawnda…” Sean called out from his position in the bathroom. I could hear the warning in his voice for me to leave it alone. After being stuck with her for all this time I‘m sure he was tired of her nuttiness.

  “No, I want to hear what this freaking psycho has to say.” I turned to Jenny. “Now, what was that about us black bitches?”

  “You’re not the first one that has stolen a man from me. When I was just a freshman in high school, another black bitch stole a man away from me,” Jenny’s voice cracked as she spoke. I could see real pain etched across her face. I almost felt sorry for her.

  “So, you’re mad at me because of some high school bullshit?” I asked incredulously.

  “Oh no, you’re mistaken. It wasn’t a high school boy. It was my father. He left my mother and me for one of you. And, not even a high-class one either, just some uneducated, cleaning lady. My dad is an attorney; with his job comes long nights at the office. He met Sharon there one night while he was working late. He claims he never meant for things to happen that way, but I knew it was all her fault for pulling him away from his family. He spent more and more nights at work. Then the divorce papers were served to my mother,” she explained.

  A small part of me felt sorry for her. I don’t know how I would react if my father left my mother for another woman. It wouldn’t involve stalking and kidnapping, but I understood her pain.

  Jenny paused and looked at me in mock humor. “Can you believe she hadn’t even slept with him before he decided he would tear our family apart? She spewed bullshit about not wanting to be any man’s mistress. She even quit after she found out about him filing for divorce, blaming herself for entertaining him. My father was so depressed after that. I thought it was because of the divorce, but I was wrong. Poor mommy-dearest started drinking three times her usual amount. She blamed me for their breakup. She looked at me one day, and said, ‘if I was a better daughter, he wouldn’t have left.’”

  My instincts were screaming at me to provide comfort to this battered woman. Jenny was lost and in pain emotionally. But, recalling what she did to Sean that was quickly snuffed out.

  “Jenny, you need to get some help for your problems,” I said.

  “Ha! You sound like my father.” Jenny screamed through the grimace on her face.

  It looked like she would dissolve into a fit of tears at any moment. With a shaky hand, she brushed the strands of hair from her face and tucked them behind her ear. With a semblance of composure, she resumed her speech.

  “After the divorce, he suggested I go to family counseling with him. He was so happy after he officially started dating Sharon. I mean you should have seen him when they were together. I’d never seen him smile that much before. Do you know she even tried to pretend like she liked me? Even when I was a total bitch to her, she never got mad or treated me any different. She was so different from my mother. I mean, sure she was black and uneducated, but there were other things. She always hugged and kissed my father. When they had their children, she would constantly hug them or kiss their cheeks. She tried a few times with me, but I wouldn’t let her. But I’ll tell you a little secret.”

  Jenny leaned forward. Her lips curled into a broad smile transforming her features to look like a young girl about to reveal something amazing.

  “I enjoyed being with Sharon. But I felt dirty for wanting her love. I mean why would I? She broke up my family. She stole my daddy and destroyed my life.” Her voice dropped to a whisper and then picked back up.

  “Pretty soon mother couldn’t stand seeing them so happy. Dad asked her if I could come live with him. That was the wrong thing to do. It infuriated mother after years of feeling cheated out of her marriage. She got drunk and went to their house to confront Sharon. One thing led to another, and the police were called. They arrested her for disorderly conduct. Dad was so upset; he refused to bail her out. The embarrassment was too great for mother to handle. She killed herself. Her note said, ‘life wasn’t worth living if she had become second best to a third-tier citizen.’”

  The room was silent as Jenny recounted her tragic life event. For all the years that I’d known this woman it dawned on me that I never knew anything about her family life or her past. Most of our conversations revolved around her dating life or what we did on our time away from the office. I supposed that’s the way Jenny wanted it. If I knew that she was hurting like this I would have done something different; maybe offer to find her counseling.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Jenny,” I said, offering my sincere apologies. "But that doesn’t excuse your behavior to other people, or what you did to Sean today.” I shook my head.

  “See, you are a heartless, black bitch deep down inside.” She stood up and walked over to me. “I just fucking revealed the deepest cuts I’ve ever received, and all you can say is you’re sorry and then reprimand me like I’m some fucking adolescent.”

  “Well, you need to stop acting like one.” I defended. “How can you hurt others when you know what it’s like to be hurt yourself?”

  “Fuck you! I don’t know what Sean sees in you.” She looked beyond me into the room at Sean. “Hey, Sean, when things die down, I’ll be here ready and waiting for you to leave this black bitch.”

  The echo resounded around the room a thousand times louder than I could ever imagine. The force in which my palm connected with Jenny’s face was enough to knock her backward. She stumbled and fell. I could see the officer shaking her head, but I didn’t care at that moment.

  “Okay, that’s just one too many ‘black bitches’ that left your mouth,” I said in annoyance.

  “Whoa, good one, Price,” Dr. Barnes said. I turned to see him giving me a thumbs up from the open bathroom door.

  “Wow…” Sean said in a hoarse laugh. “Who is the Hulk, now?”

  I rubbed my fingers against my palm to ease the sting as I smiled at Sean.

  “She was getting on my fucking nerves,” I replied with a shrug.

  “That girl is high as a kite,” the female officer said, holding a velvet case that contained a white powdery substance.

  By the time the ambulance came, Jenny had regained consciousness. She tried throwing a fit about pressing charges against me. But her cries went unanswered.

  “This isn’t how I wanted things to go today,” Sean said as the paramedics wheeled him out through the lobby.

  “It’s okay. I know none of this was your fault.” I took hold of his hand as I walked next to him, squeezing it reassuringly.

  “Thanks for saving my ass. I was hiding out in that bathroom hoping that substance would wear off. But, when I heard your voice, I knew everything would be okay.” Sean had to release my hand, so the paramedics could get him into the vehicle. But, once he got settled in, he reached out for me again. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I replied, dropping a kiss on his lips. I sat beside him and began answering all the paramedic’s questions.

  Before they pulled off, the police officer came over and gave me his card. They would need to question everyone involved, to file charges against Jenny.

  I turned and saw Jenny shuffling from the back of the police cruiser and dart across the street. Hands still handcuffed behind her, she wasn’t paying attention in her mad dash for escape. The blaring sound of a horn was the last thing I heard before the truck collided into Jenny’s body.


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