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Lost Reaper

Page 19

by Shelley Russell Nolan

  ‘No need to give me your answer now. When I come for Ash you can tell me your decision. If you haven’t found him by then, your soul will be mine anyway.’

  He’d crept so close his cold breath raised a sea of goose bumps on the back of my neck and I shivered, moving away as I opened my eyes, struggling to regain the anger I’d been filled with earlier. I thought of sitting in the middle of the road cradling Sarah’s head in my lap, and rekindled the burn in my belly.

  ‘Why did you kill Sarah? Why not come after me?’

  ‘I didn’t kill her. I merely took advantage of the situation to remind you of the precariousness of your existence. You live to serve me. Fail to be useful and our contract will come to a spectacular end.’

  Grimm straightened his waistcoat, smoothing out the wrinkles I had created in the silken fabric. ‘If I was you, I’d worry less about who’s killing who and find Ash before you join your mother at my side for eternity.’

  ‘Tell me who killed Sarah.’

  ‘You’ll find out soon enough. I hear he whispered your name in her ear while he choked the life out of her. He’s coming for you, Tyler. Better get ready to die, again.’

  Grimm started to fade.

  ‘Wait, no, how am I supposed to find Ash for you if this guy kills me. You said you needed me alive to find him.’

  ‘If you find him before you die I’ll protect you. If not, you’re going to die and Death has big plans for you once you open the door and let him in, plans almost as big as the ones I have in mind for your mother. Tick tock.’

  Grimm’s form faded away completely and I woke up in my bed, body shaking uncontrollably. Dawn was close and I climbed out of bed. The thought of my mother’s soul in Grimm’s hands chased away any hope of sleep. If I was the only one who’d pay I’d gladly hand myself over in exchange for my mum’s freedom. But his deal would mean betraying Chris and I don’t know if I could do it, not yet, even if it would solve all my problems.

  I stripped, throwing the silk dress to the floor, and then dressed in jeans and a shirt, preparing for the worst day of my life. I had two days to make a decision about Chris. But first I needed to visit Sarah’s parents. They knew nothing of the difficulties Sarah and I had encountered in our friendship this past week, they would be expecting me to be as grief-stricken as they were. I was broken-heated, of course, but I couldn’t forget the way she had come after me. Whether Grimm had warped her thinking or actions of my own caused it, my friend had died hating me and nothing I could do would change the past.

  Before I left the flat, fortified by a cup of strong black coffee, I called Anne on her mobile. ‘I’m not coming in to work today.’

  ‘This is not acceptable. Unless you have a Doctor’s certificate I expect to see you a-’

  ‘Sarah’s dead. She was murdered last night.’

  ‘… oh no, poor Sarah. Was it the serial killer?’

  ‘Yes. I need to speak with the police today, to give a statement, and I have to go see her parents. I’m …’ I took a deep breath, ‘I don’t know when I’ll be able to come back to work.’

  ‘Of course, take all the time you need. I’ll call the temp office and get them to send some girls over.’ She went silent for a moment. ‘I am very sorry for your loss, Tyler. Please give my condolences to Mr and Mrs Abbott and let them know I will take care of all necessary notices.’

  Outside, Sarah’s VW was parked in front of my car and I avoided my reflection in the windows as I walked to my Corolla and unlocked the door. After I had buckled up and put the key in the ignition I sat for a moment, steeling myself for my next move.

  Two hours later, a crumpled pile of wet tissues in my hand and eyes stinging, I emerged into the sunshine and walked down the steps of the house Sarah had grown up in. It had been hard to tear myself away, Sarah’s mum had latched onto me the moment I’d arrived and hugged me so tight I thought she’d never let go. Eventually she had released me and we’d sat side by side on the couch, clutching each other’s hands as a stream of family and friends came to pay their respects.

  I took my leave when Sam arrived to talk to Mr and Mrs Abbot, after assuring him I would be at the police station at two o’clock to go over the events of the night before, grateful he didn’t mention Sarah’s mysterious and short lived resurrection in front of her parents. He’d not be so circumspect with me once we were alone, but by then I hoped to have the answers I sought. What I told Sam would depend on what I learned when I talked to Chris and Connor and if I found out which one of them was a murderer.

  While confronting them might not be the best option, I couldn’t think of any other way to resolve the situation before my deadline expired. And it wasn’t like I was defenceless. I was a reaper after all. The thought of reaping Chris or Connor’s soul made me shudder but I’d do it if threatened. As with the Wraith who’d killed me, if it came down to a choice of them or me I knew who I’d be choosing.

  I would deal with Chris first so I put on my sunglasses and drove to his hotel. After a quick phone call to the penthouse, the doorman ushered me into the elevator. As it rose I couldn’t decide what would be worse, finding out Chris was the killer or having him turn out to be innocent.

  He was waiting for me when the elevator doors opened. He swept me into his arms, mouth seeking mine, but I shoved him away. His lips tightened but he said nothing as he led me inside.

  The door closed behind me and I gripped my necklace. ‘Did you kill Sarah?’

  Chris said nothing, blue eyes grave as he stared at me. Then he knelt at my feet, gazing up at me. He took my free hand and placed it below his neck. ‘If you think I’m capable of murder you should kill me now.’ He pointed at the hand covering my necklace. ‘You came here ready to reap my soul, what’s stopping you?’

  ‘I need to know. If you killed Sarah …’ my voice broke and I couldn’t go on. I stared at Chris beseechingly, begging him to tell me the truth.

  Chris heaved a deep sigh and gave a nod. ‘It’s my fault she’s dead. I should never have asked her out. But after I saw you with Sam, kissing him, I didn’t think, I reacted, badly. I wanted you to feel the same way I did, gutted, cut so deep it doesn’t bleed and your heart shrivels up until all you have left is rage.’

  ‘So you killed her to get back at me.’ I tightened my grip on my necklace, taking heart from the warmth blossoming within as it sensed my intent.

  ‘I asked her out to get back at you but instead it made me realise how special you are and how stupid I was to get jealous when I had no right.’ He swallowed hard. ‘I didn’t kill Sarah, I swear, but I put her in harm’s way when I failed to take care of her.’

  Could I believe him? Sincerity and pain shone in his eyes but was it real? I sagged to my knees, loosening my grip on the necklace though my other hand remained on his chest.

  ‘If I’d been a better man Sarah might still be alive. I was so busy thinking about you, wishing you were my date for the stupid party, I didn’t pay attention.’

  He grimaced. ‘I didn’t realise Sarah was right behind me when I played your message. She was furious. She snatched my phone out of my hand and smashed it on the ground. I tried to explain how I felt about you, but she wouldn’t listen. She took off and I got cornered by the mayor’s bimbo wife. By the time I escaped Sarah had disappeared. The security guard on the door said he’d seen her arguing with a blonde guy before she ran off down the street.’


  He nodded. ‘The description fits.’

  ‘You think my half-brother killed Sarah.’

  He nodded. ‘So does Lockwood. I spoke to him earlier and he’s confirmed everything I said with the security guard. Your brother was the last person seen with Sarah.’ He let my hand fall from his chest. ‘I swear, I tried to find her, but when I got there it was too late. She was already dead. If only I’d gotten to her faster I might have been able to stop him. I could have saved her.’

  ‘It’s not your fault,’ I said, dragging myself to my feet. My limb
s were unreasonably heavy, weighted down by a conscience unable to be lightened.

  I bowed my head, wiping away fresh tears. If Chris had been the killer I’d have had no qualms in turning him over to Grimm and saving my mother. The safety net ripped away, to preserve my mother’s soul I would have to condemn an innocent man.

  I couldn’t do it. Come midnight Thursday I was going to die, my mother would have to endure an eternity of torture, unless we found a way to stop Grimm.

  I faced Chris. ‘How do I defeat Grimm? Tell me how to use my necklace.’

  Chris unwound his long limbs and got to his feet, a frown on his handsome face. ‘Tyler, I don’t want you worrying about Grimm. I’ve got it all under control.’

  ‘He has my mother.’


  ‘Her soul, he’s trapped her in the Underworld, and he said he’ll torture her if I don’t hand you over to him. Getting this thing to work is my only hope of saving her. You have to tell me how to use it.’ I touched the necklace and it warmed beneath my fingers. In contrast, my heart froze when Chris did not meet my eyes.

  ‘It’s all lies, isn’t it? All your talk about defeating Grimm and keeping me safe. This necklace isn’t some powerful talisman. It’s a chain to bind me to Grimm, not save me from him.’

  ‘That’s not true.’

  ‘Isn’t it? You don’t care who gets hurt as long as it’s not you.’

  ‘Don’t you know how I feel about you? Can’t you feel this?’ Chris grabbed my hand and placed it over his heart, pulling me close.

  I held my body stiff. ‘Sarah is dead because of you. She’d still be alive if I’d done what I was supposed to and Grimm wouldn’t be torturing my mother’s soul. If I hadn’t let you convince me to give you more time, if I’d reaped your soul the second I realised who you were, Sarah wouldn’t be dead, Mum would be safe, and I … I wouldn’t feel … it wouldn’t hurt so much.’ I sobbed and struggled to break free of his arms but it was like tugging on a band of steel for all the good it did me.

  He lifted me off the ground and I kicked out, one foot connecting with his shin. He grunted but didn’t release his grip. He carried me over to the couch, enfolding me in his arms, on his lap. I fought to break free, resisting his efforts to calm me; determined to ignore the soft murmur against my hair as he told me everything was going to be okay.

  I had to face the facts. We were doomed, each and every one of us.

  Chapter 30

  I went limp in Chris’s arms, my anger dissolving in a flood of tears. He held me close, rocking me as I cried. My eyes were heavy, swollen, face flushed. I’d drowned in a sea of tears a dozen times over in the last twenty-four hours. How was I supposed to face Grimm, spend an eternity imprisoned in the Underworld, if I couldn’t control my emotions?

  My throat thickened, making it hard to swallow. I took one deep breath after the other, my body shuddering as it sought to shake off the layer of misery binding it tighter than chains ever could. Chris slipped me onto the couch beside him, tucking me into his side, one hand holding mine and the other stroking my hair. He leaned over and pressed a kiss on top of my head. I closed my eyes. Would this be the last time I’d experience the touch of another human being?

  ‘How do you think he’ll do it, this time around?’ I asked, twisting my head so I could see Chris’s face. ‘Grimm, I mean. So far I’ve been stabbed and strangled, and then had my neck broken. Does it get easier to die the third time around?’

  His jaw worked and his arms tightened around me, eyes focused on mine. ‘You are not going to die. I won’t let that happen.’

  ‘How are you going to stop it? You said Grimm can’t be killed.’

  ‘But the necklace-’

  ‘Is worthless. All it does is collect souls and send them on to the Underworld.’ I tugged on the chain. ‘It can’t help me. Nothing can.’

  Chris pulled away from me and got to his feet. I watched, eyes narrowed as he started to pace in front of the couch. ‘Chris, what’s going on?’

  He shook his head, running a hand through his hair and kept on pacing. After a long moment of silence, he came and knelt in front of me, taking both my hands in his. ‘After I met you, and realised the necklace wasn’t a myth, I hired a research team to investigate further. The team leader, Professor Michael Killian, is an expert on anything relating to Death, and two years ago he uncovered an ancient scroll dedicated to the “Wings of the Reaper”. He’s been trying to translate it ever since, and this morning he called to tell me he has finally cracked it. He hasn’t translated all of it, but what he has discovered is mind-blowing.’

  He let of my hands and joined me on the couch. ‘The scroll confirms the reaper myths and more. Not only does your necklace possess the power to keep Death at bay, it could also be used to bring someone back to life if certain conditions are met.’

  I stiffened, thinking back to the first time I’d seen Chris. ‘That’s why you followed me from the police station. You realised the talisman was real and you wanted it for yourself.’

  Chris gave a shrug. ‘Who wouldn’t want a talisman with the ability to cheat Death? But it is no good to me. It will only work for the eldest female descendant of the original owner. You, Tyler Morgan, are the person this necklace is meant for. We already know it can bring you back to life. As to what else it can do I have no idea, but Killian is working on finding out.’

  I pulled my hands free and stood, sidestepping Chris as he also got to his feet. He grabbed for me but I darted out of reach, a wave of bitterness welling up inside me.

  ‘The only reason you paid attention to me is because you wanted the necklace for yourself.’ I glared at him. ‘All this time, you’ve been acting like you care, telling me you’ll protect me, and for what, to make me fall in love with you so I’ll sacrifice myself to save you from Grimm?’

  ‘You love me?’ Chris strode forward and placed his hands on my shoulders, keeping me in place, his blue eyes intent on mine.

  I avoided his searching gaze, wrenching myself free and putting space between us. ‘I am not in love with you.’

  ‘But you said-’

  ‘I said you’ve been trying to make me love you so you can use me, but it’s not going to work.’

  ‘How can you believe I would be so calculating? My feelings for you are real. You’re lying to yourself if you think you don’t feel the same and I’m going to prove it.’ He grabbed me, trapping me in his arms as his mouth sought mine.

  I twisted my head away from his seeking lips and put all my strength into pushing him away. His arms fell to his sides and I stepped back.

  He watched me, desire and frustration filling his eyes. ‘Don’t tell me you don’t want me.’

  I shook my head. ‘I don’t. Not now, not like this.’

  ‘It’s Lockwood, isn’t it?’

  ‘It has nothing to do with Sam. Sarah died last night. Grimm is holding my mother’s soul hostage. I don’t have time to think about what I want, with anyone.’

  His shoulders slumped. Then he gave a nod, and straightened his back. ‘We deal with Grimm and then you and I can see where this takes us.’ He put up a hand. ‘Don’t say anything. I know you have a thing with Lockwood, but before this is over I’ll make sure you know that I’m the man you should be with.’

  I dropped my eyes, not convinced the feelings he professed to have for me were genuine. As for me, I didn’t know what I felt. I was attracted to him, sure. But I was also attracted to Sam, and with him I didn’t have to worry about being pursued because of a necklace. Instead, a relationship with him would present a whole pile of other problems, like how to keep a homicide detective from finding out that his girlfriend was a reaper.

  I couldn’t do anything to change my situation with Sam, but I could get to the bottom of Chris’s desire for me. I met his eyes, my hands clasped behind me so he wouldn’t see them shaking, and said, ‘If your interest in me is because of my necklace, you need to tell me now.’

  Chris gave a nod.
‘The first time I saw you all I thought about was getting control of the necklace. I would have done anything necessary to get it, even seduce you if that’s what it took to gain control of the talisman, to ensure my second chance at life lasted longer than my first.’

  I shook my head, wanting to turn my back on him but unable to move as he continued to talk.

  ‘Like you said, I followed you from the police station for the sole purpose of gaining your trust, but everything changed when I got to your flat and found you crying on the floor. I took one look at you, your beautiful face streaked with tears, and knew I had to do everything in my power to keep you safe,’ he said, his expression solemn, ‘even if it means turning myself over to Grimm. I won’t let him hurt you, Tyler, I won’t. If, by midnight Thursday, we haven’t worked out how to use your necklace against him I’ll willingly return to the Underworld in your place.’

  I choked off a cry, covering my mouth with both hands and shaking my head.

  Chris strode forward and took my hands. ‘It’s the only way to keep you safe, and to free your mother. As long as he never finds out you’ve known who I was all along, you’ll be fine.’ He gave a crooked smile. ‘Who knows, once you get the hang of your necklace you may be able to resurrect me again. Just make sure it’s in the body of someone who is rich; and incredibly handsome of course. After experiencing life as a Bradbury, I’d hate to be poor again or ugly.’

  ‘This is not a joke.’ I glared up at him, tugging on my hands and frowning when he only clutched them tighter.

  ‘You’d need a sick sense of humour to think falling in love with the one woman I’ll never get to grow old with is funny.’

  He pulled me up against him, mesmerising me with the passionate light in his eyes. I gulped, wanting to freeze time, to stop him saying anything more, not ready to hear what he had to say.

  ‘I know I said I’d let this go until after we get rid of Grimm, but I need you to hear this. I love you. Whether you believe me or not, nothing will change the way I feel about you.’


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