Book Read Free

His Redemption

Page 14

by A. F. Crowell

  Jane reached forward and took the phone. “Lei, honey, can you hear me?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m here. Emmery? Can you please tell me what happened? Did you hit your head on the ground or did you get kicked? Do you remember?”

  “I’m not sure, exactly. I don’t think he kicked me. He spooked and took off. I had a slack rein and was daydreaming,” she paused and groaned. “I stayed on for a few seconds but he cut one way and I fell. That’s all I remember.” She whimpered and closed her eyes. “But my head doesn’t hurt that much. It’s my leg and ankle.”

  “She may have a concussion, but she might not. If it knocked the wind out of her hard enough combined with a broken leg, she could’ve passed out from pain, shock and lack of oxygen. Just take her to the ER and be careful, speed-racer.”

  “Thanks, Lei.” I hung up and thought of the EMS that was on its way “Jane, could you please call the medics back and let them know we aren’t waiting for them.”

  “Oh, right. That would be good.” Jane pulled her phone out and called. Once she was off the phone, it was quiet in the vehicle. The only thing I heard were Emmery’s pained moans and occasional sniffles. “Brody, dear, do you have any tissues in here?”

  I pulled a small package of Kleenex from the center console. Jane took it from my hand. Watching from my mirror, Jane opened the package and began to clean up Em’s face as best she could. Her face was red and splotchy and just as beautiful when she sat cross-legged in my game room and called me pookie. Horrible nickname, but adorable because it came from her, in all her frustration.

  We were playing this game, a cat and mouse, back and forth, hot and cold. I wanted her, she wanted me. Passion and lust were easy; logistics of a relationship, especially a long-distance one, would be tedious and problematic. Traveling a thousand miles a few times a month didn’t bother me. It was my norm and in my wheelhouse. Having a relationship with someone I wanted to wake up with each morning who lived those said miles away was another thing.

  Then again, who knew, she could grow tired of me in a few months. I was demanding, possessive and assertive. If she were mine, there is no way on God’s green Earth that I would allow her to be away from me for weeks on end. Not a chance.

  As the war waged on inside my mind, I maneuvered us toward downtown in mid-morning traffic. Luckily, it wasn’t too bad. The war, however, was brutal. I saw no way of getting through this with my heart intact. She was going to be the death of me. I just knew it.

  Finally, we arrived at the ER. I pulled up directly to the door, jumped out and carefully tried to slide her out of the backseat. She winced and cursed, and was jostled around before I finally had her secure in my arms. And with all that was happening, I couldn’t help but notice her soft, black hair smelled of honey and jasmine. Intoxicating.

  Jane hopped out and ran ahead, moving through the sliding doors to find us a nurse. When a nurse approached, I was standing in the middle of the ER waiting room holding Em against me, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to let her go. Ever. She felt like home. Her in my arms was natural. Looking up, I saw the crazy redhead, Barb, godmother to my daughter.

  “Jesus, B. What did you do to her?” she teased.

  “She fell off Noir. When I got to her she was unconscious but was only out for a minute or two.”

  “I’m pretty sure my leg is broken,” Em tearfully told Barb.

  “Let me go grab a bed,” Barb offered before she started to turn away.

  “No. I’ll carry her. Just lead the way.”

  “Suit yourself, Mr. Bossypants,” Barb said, rolling her eyes at me. Barb was used to my personality. She dated someone just as dominant but had lost him. Viper. At the time, none of us had realized how serious their relationship had become. Barb was as much a player as I used to be. She loved to have a good time but didn’t want to be tied to any man. She was vivacious and crazy. Until Viper died. The old Barb would have given me all kinds of shit and forced me to lie Em down.

  After we had Em settled on a bed in a room in the ER, we waited what seemed like forever. A doctor finally came in and ordered X-rays then waltzed right back out.

  Well, he tried.

  “Hold on, just one minute.” I caught him in the hall before he got too far. “We’ve been here for an hour and you’re just going to pop in for a split second. No. You’re going to go back in there and talk with her, goddamnit.”

  “Listen, sir. I don’t have—” he started but didn’t get too far.

  “You’ll fucking make time. And don’t sir me. If you had any fucking clue who I was, little boy, your ass wouldn’t still be standing here. But if you want to walk away and not make time, I assure you, in just a few minutes with one fucking call, you will be back here apologizing and begging to keep your motherfucking job. So cut the shit and get in there.”

  Most people didn’t take the time to think or mull over their decision when I went into tyrant mode. They just did what they were told and I moved about my day. Not this guy. This guy thought he was hot shit because he was sporting a white coat and stethoscope.

  He was now stupidly and snidely stifling a chuckle.

  “Sir, you’re welcomed to do whatever it is you think you can do. But I assure you I will be continuing my walk down this hall to the next patient and that you will return to your girlfriend’s room and like everyone else, wait to see me.”

  An overwhelming desire to punch him in the throat slid along the thin edge of my calm. I took a few deep breaths then said, “Suit yourself. I hope you have a second choice on residency programs”—I looked down at his badge—“Doctor David McAnulty.”

  I pulled out my phone as he was still standing there and called our family friend and chairman of the board of trustees, Lawrence Crawford. When the call ended I marched up to the nurses’ station and waited for what I knew was coming. Barb was walking out of another patient’s room when I caught up with her. “You know that Doctor McAnulty is a real asshole.”

  “So you two got along really well then?” Barb laughed.

  “No. He’s a prick. He didn’t even talk to Emmery.”

  “Ugh, he is such an arrogant douchebag. Everyone complains about him.”

  Just as I was about to tell her what I had done to remedy the situation, a page sounded from the PA system. “Doctor McAnulty, please come to the nurses’ station. Doctor McAnulty to the nurses’ station. Stat.”

  Barb and I watched as Doctor Asshat went to the opposite side of the station about eight feet away and asked who paged him when the tall male nurse in front of him picked up the phone and made a call.

  “Doctor Carlan will be right out,” the male nurse said with a smirk. “She asked that you wait here.”

  Dr. Carlan took Asshat to a side room and within minutes she returned and said, “Mr. Davis, please accept my apologies on behalf of the hospital.” She turned her head to another MD and asked, “Dr. Dietterick, will you please help Mr. Davis and see to his friend in room fourteen? She has possible fractures in her leg and ankle.”

  “Of course, Doctor Carlan.” He nodded then turned to me. “I’ll have radiology come to the room and I’ll meet you there in just one minute. I’ll get a nurse and some supplies to get you cleaned up.”

  “Thank you.” I nodded my head and went into Em’s room.

  Within two minutes I heard, “Hi, there.” Dr. Dietterick entered with Barb. “I’m Doctor Pete Dietterick, are you Emmery?”

  “I am,” she confirmed with a weak smile.

  Dr. Pete explained his plan of action then a woman came into the room. “Hi, I’m Heather from radiology. I’m here to take an X-ray of your leg. I need to clear the room, please.”

  “I’m going to put orders in for a painkiller and anti-inflammatory medication. I’ll be back just as soon as we get the films up and confirmed by a radiologist,” Dr. Pete informed the room upon his exit.

  “I’ll go grab the meds and be right back,” Barb said. “Emmery, honey, can I get you anything?”

��d love a drink,” she answered.

  “Sorry, until we get the X-rays, you can’t have anything to eat or drink. Just in case it’s really bad and you need surgery.”

  Surgery. Shit.

  “Do you honestly think that’s a possibility?” Emmery asked, her bottom lip trembling.

  “I think anything is possible. I’ve been in trauma long enough to know not to speculate until the results are in. Hang in there. I’ll be back in a few,” Barb offered with a sympathetic smile.

  “I’m really sorry, Em.” I felt horrible.

  “It’s not your fault,” she sighed.

  “Okay folks, if y’all will wait just out in the hall, this shouldn’t take long,” Heather said, holding the door open.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Lying on that stretcher, I felt utterly helpless. I knew my leg was broken. My ankle was most likely in the same shape. I just prayed I didn’t need surgery. Especially not on my ankle. Riders had the hardest time coming back from ankle surgery.

  “Any chance you could be pregnant?” The short, blonde X-ray tech asked as she produced a clipboard with documents.

  “No. Not a chance in the slightest.” My mind wandered to the amazing almost-sex I had with Brody in my dream.

  “Okay. Can you please sign here?” she asked, pointing to the clipboard. I signed then she pulled back the sheet, exposing my throbbing, angry limb. “I am going to have to get this boot off before we can take X-rays. I’ll go grab a pair of scissors and we’ll get this off as painless as possible.”

  “No,” I shrieked. “Don’t cut it. These are my favorite boots. No way. Pull it off,” I demanded.

  “I don’t think you understand how painful that will be. If it’s really broken, you could displace the fracture more than it currently is,” she told me. “Sorry. No choice, hon. The boot’s getting cut off.”

  Barb walked back in with a few vials and packaged needles. “Are you all done?”

  “Not yet. Got to cut the boot off.”

  Barb nodded then asked, “Can you please tell me your name and date of birth?”

  “Emmery Lennox. Eight-nine-ninety.”

  Barb clicked a few things on the computer then scanned the small glass vials and finally my wristband. “Are you allergic to anything?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”

  “Okay, I’m going to give you Dilaudid for pain and Zofran for nausea.”

  “I’m not really that nauseous, I don’t think I need that.”

  “Trust me, you’ll need it with the Dilaudid. It’s really strong and will make you get sick if I don’t.” Barb smiled and rubbed an alcohol swab over the port on the IV catheter she’d inserted earlier, before pushing in the medicine.

  “Holy shit,” I responded. Warmth and confusion washed over me, making my eyes sag and roll around aimlessly. “You weren’t kiddin’,” I slurred. “That’s crazy strooong.”

  After my beautiful boot was cut to pieces, Heather said, “Okay, I’m ready to take X-rays now.” She patted my arm. “Don’t fight the drugs. Just let them work. If you want to close your eyes, you can.” Heather positioned the machine over my leg. “I’m going to drape this over you to protect you as much as possible. Next, I’ll need to move your leg to get it in the correct angles. I’m gonna slip this pillowcase around your leg and move it for you. Just breathe.”

  That was the last thing I heard before the dark clouds descended upon me and swallowed me whole.


  “She shouldn’t be asleep for that much longer, but when she wakes, please press the call bell and we will come in to check her vitals then page Doctor Dietterick,” an unfamiliar male voice spoke softly.

  “Thank you.” Brody. Even in this fog I recognized his deep, raspy voice. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. His was the first face I saw. “Hey there, sweetness, you’re back with us.”

  He was sitting in a chair at the rail, with his tie gone, the first three buttons undone. Squinting, I looked to the other side of the bed and found my aunt. “Hi, sweet girl.”

  An unfamiliar male voice said, “Hi, Emmery. My name is Jordan. I’m helping Barb take care of you. We had a trauma come in, so you’re stuck with me for now. How is your pain, darlin’?” Jordan was dressed in navy blue scrubs. He had a soft southern drawl that made him sound sexy compassionate.

  “It still hurts, but it’s not as bad as before. How long was I out?” I looked around the room for a clock.

  Aunt Jane patted my right hand. “Not long, honey. Only about thirty to forty-five minutes.”

  “Yeah, you slept through all of the X-rays,” Brody whispered.


  “I’m gonna step out, page Dr. Dietterick and go see what time you’re due for more pain meds.” Jordan exited with a smile.

  “Did he say how bad it was?”

  “No, he hasn’t been back in. Barb told him they’d call once you were awake. She also said it usually takes about thirty minutes to an hour to get results from the radiologist,” Jane informed me.

  “Can I get you anything? Or call anyone for you?” Brody asked.

  “Not unless I’m allowed something to drink. I don’t want to call Dad yet. Not until I have an idea of exactly what’s going on. Aunt Jane can tell you—he’s a worrier. If I call him now before I know exactly what I’m dealing with, he will be trying to get on the next plane to come here. And I don’t want that. Hell, I’m not even sure what country he’s in right now.”

  “Understood,” Brody nodded. “Why don’t you close your eyes and try to rest until they come back?”

  “Yeah, I’m still a little sleepy. That medicine she gave me is no joke. I swear that, when I was awake right after she gave it to me, I was looking at the ceiling tiles and those little dots were swirling around and moving.”

  “That must be some really good stuff if you’re seeing things,” he snorted.

  “I’m not going to turn it down if they offer to give me more, that’s for sure. It definitely knocked my pain out.” Too true. I felt stoned.

  “Knock, knock,” Jordan announced as he waltzed in the room with the doctor from earlier. I felt bad that I couldn’t remember his name. “Doctor Pete has some results he would like to go over and I’m here to give you pain meds after that. You’re due for another dose of Dilaudid and we are going to also give you some ibuprofen to help with the swelling.” Jordan went over to the computer and started scanning and clicking away.

  “Jordan, could you please pull up the films?” Dr. Pete asked as he came around to the left side of the bed, next to the monitor. Jordan nodded then clicked a few times before the X-rays appeared. “Okay, you definitely did a number on this thing. You have what is called a pilon fracture, which means you have multiple breaks in the tibia and fibula. Fibula and tibia are both fractured here, here”—he pointed to the screen with a pen—“and here. There is also a smaller fracture of the talus, the anklebone that connects to your leg. The good news is you don’t need surgery right now. The bad news is I can’t say that an orthopedic surgeon will agree with me once the swelling goes down.”

  “So best-case scenario is cast and no surgery?” Brody asked, as if he was reading my mind.

  “Yes, that would be best-case scenario. You will have to be completely non-weight bearing until you see the orthopedist, who I would recommend calling today and scheduling an appointment for tomorrow.”

  “How long am I not going to be able to ride?” I asked the question I didn’t want to hear the answer to. One day was too long for me. A month would be agony.

  “I can’t be certain. It’ll depend on if you need surgery. It could be as soon as three months—”

  “Three months?” I shrieked. “That’s not possible. I have shows coming up.”

  He dipped his chin. “It could be three to six months.”

  “Oh God,” I started to chant—and to breathe way too fast. “I’m never going to last three months. I’ll lose my job. I won’t b
e able to pay my bills,” I rambled and ranted incoherently, all while basically hyperventilating.

  “Em, look at me,” Brody demanded. “Relax. You need to calm down. Everything is going to be okay. You’ll be back to riding before you know it. Take a few slow, deep breaths, sweetness. Otherwise you’ll pass out.”

  Jordan approached my bedside, syringe in hand, quizzing me about my name and date of birth. Like that shit had changed in two hours. Sheesh. Just give me the drugs and no one will get hurt.

  He cleaned the port and injected the drug. In just a few seconds, I could smell and taste the drug as it swam through my veins, coursing through my body, weaving and turning like magic. Within seconds I felt my body become weightless and the tension slipped away. As I floated away into that sweet oblivion, Brody leaned down, brushed his fingers down my cheek then whispered softly. “I got you, sweetness. I won’t let anything happen to you. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.”

  Watching his handsome face smiling down at me, slowly I blinked, letting his words settle into my mind and my heart. God, I wanted this man. I wanted this part of him—the sweet, loving, compassionate part that wanted to be my savior.

  Could he be my salvation? Did I need saving?

  Maybe, but I would not be my father. I would not allow someone to get so close. My father loved my mother hopelessly, and all he got for that was a broken heart and wasted years on someone who was never capable of unconditional love.

  My mother was a controlling, callous taker. She was merciless enough to do something like send men after her only child, if it meant that she’d gain power, money and supremacy over her family’s business. She would be the ideal drug kingpin. She’d sell out her own child, family or friends to gain the upper hand. Ruthless.

  She ruined my father, who was loyal to her to a fault. He deserved better than her wickedness, and I deserved better than to be set upon by her musclemen.

  I was going to be laid up for a few months. What better time than then to take a little vacation?

  I hear Venezuela is nice this time of the year.


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