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His Redemption

Page 21

by A. F. Crowell

  “As I’ll ever be to have someone sedate me, I guess.”

  She jabbed the needle into my arm then depressed the plunger. “It’s not instant, but in about five minutes or so, you’ll be really sleepy. Sweet dreams,” she said as she put a small brown bandage over the injection site.

  Rolling over, I faced the wall and thought about how we needed to go in there tonight and rescue Emmery. I pictured her beautiful face smiling when she saw me rush into the room and save her.

  But this isn’t a fairy tale; it wouldn’t be that easy.

  I would save her, I would, I chanted mentally as I felt my body slowly become weightless and began to drift away. My eyes sagged and burned as I fought against the sedative.

  Emmery was the last thing that crossed my mind as I finally let go and floated away.


  Quiet whispers and low, deep murmurs lured me from a peaceful sleep. For a split second, I was at ease. For a brief moment, I forgot that I was lying on a cheap mattress thrown on the floor of an apartment that was the size of my bedroom. For just a minute, I forgot Emmery was being held hostage by her own mother.

  But that didn’t last.

  Sitting up quickly, I looked around the room and saw most eyes were on me. I ran a quick hand through my hair then stood up and headed straight for the bathroom. No one said a word as I crossed the tan, worn carpet. As I approached the bathroom, I caught a whiff of something cooking. Spicy food from the smell of it. I reached the bathroom, entered and closed the bathroom door behind me without so much as a word.

  Looking in the mirror, I barely recognized myself. I had seven days’ worth of scruff shadowing my face and hair that was dry as straw. The worry and anxiety had aged me in just a few short days. I needed a long, hot shower and a half bottle of scotch to take the edge off. I pushed off the laminate countertop and padded barefoot over the cool, white tiles to the toilet. After I finished my business, I splashed my face with cold water, blotted off and returned to the masses.

  Turning to the table where Kaci, Drew, Ridge, Kai and Marco had their heads and laptops together, I asked, “What’s the latest? Were we able to find out what Em’s dad is doing?”

  “No. Isabel still hasn’t messaged us back, which is unusual,” Kai said, bracing to give me what could have only been bad news. “I have a bad feeling, Brody. And I hate to say it, but I don’t think tonight is the right night to breach. We have another innocent bystander in there that will definitely be near Emmery. We can’t risk it. There would be too many causalities.”


  “No?” Kai parroted me.

  “No. That’s not an option. I cannot sit by one more night and wait. And don’t give me some shit about risk or causalities, because I’m done with the fucking waiting. The longer we wait, the longer she could be in there being harmed.”

  “You really think her mom’s going to allow someone to hurt her? Or better yet, her dad?” Jaxon chimed in from his stool in front of the window. He was taking his turn on lookout, or so it would appear. “If it were Lillian in there, would you stand by and let anyone hurt her?”

  “How do we know he’s not tied up in a room somewhere? Or dead? Have you seen him moving about the compound or the courtyards?” I asked, getting frustrated with the excuses on why we couldn’t go get her. I needed to see her. I needed to see that she was okay and not injured any more than she had been.

  “He’s been moving about the grounds and with Emmery,” Jaxon added.

  “You’ve seen her? Today?” I flew across the room and practically knocked him off the barstool. “Where is she?” I plastered my face to the glass pane.

  “He was pushing her through the garden to the north,” he explained as he offered the binoculars and pointed to the left of our usual view. “They aren’t there now. It was a few hours ago.”

  “Did she look okay?”

  “Yeah, she’s got a cast on her leg and they got her a wheelchair. She didn’t look thrilled but she appeared unharmed.”

  “Did you get pictures?” I asked frantically. I had to see her with my own two eyes.

  “Yeah, Bear has them on the laptop. Hey Bear, pull up the still images from earlier of Emmery and the old man,” Jaxon directed as he took the binoculars back from me and resumed his duties.

  “Thanks, Jax,” I managed to grind out.

  “Just doin’ my job, man.” Of course, he couldn’t just say, “You’re welcome.”

  Sitting down on the couch next to the large ex-Marine covered in tattoos, I watched the screen intently as I waited for Bear to bring the pictures up. My heart nearly leapt out of my chest when they loaded. She was being pushed in a wheelchair with her leg propped up in a plain white cast.

  She needs surgery. She shouldn’t be in a cast. Her bones aren’t going to heal correctly.

  Immediately, I began to worry for her. I knew her dreams and her whole life revolved around riding and if they didn’t get her leg taken care of, it wouldn’t heal properly and that could jeopardize her career.

  Her dark hair was blowing in the breeze as she frowned looking over her shoulder at the man pushing her, her father, Richard. She was dressed in a pale blue, long, free-flowing skirt and tan tank top with wide straps.

  The next picture that appeared was of her father sitting on a cement bench next to her wheelchair. He talked while she had her head turned slightly away from him, looking out at the distance. She was clearly upset with him and he appeared to be seeking forgiveness. Or pleading with her. Maybe he was trying to get her to leave with him. Sneak out.

  “Were you able to read their lips or anything?” I asked Bear, and then looked around the room to the others.

  “No, they weren’t clear enough,” Rosa explained. “These were taken on full zoom and it’s just a little too far away for the equipment we have. But she does look as if she’s okay.” Rosa walked over from the small kitchenette where she was cooking.

  “So what is the plan now? Are we going in tonight?” I asked, walking back over to the makeshift conference table. It was a wooden folding table with legs. Their eyes flitted back and forth to each other but no one answered me. My eyes landed on Kai and Drew, who had their heads together whispering. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “They left the compound about an hour ago,” Ridge blurted out.

  Kaci smacked him in the arm from behind the screen of her laptop. “What is wrong with you, you big asshole?”

  “What?” he asked. “She’s his girl, he has the right to know. If it were you, I’d—” Ridge started but before he could complete his sentence, Kaci stood up, balled up her fist, drew back and punched him right in the stomach. Ridge doubled over and held his stomach as he coughed and cursed her. Kaci wasn’t a frail or dainty chick. She was five foot nine and worked out as much as the guys. She wasn’t unnaturally bulky but she was exceptionally toned.

  “God, you’re such a dick. When will you ever learn to just shut up.” Kaci turned to me, “I’m sorry he blurted that out, he has no damn filter. As soon as they left we tried to wake you but you were out, and you seemed to need rest. I’m sorry, Brody.”

  “Where did they go? Why didn’t y’all follow them?” I roared.

  “Marco followed them. We couldn’t all load up in black SUVs and follow them like some sort of Gestapo. We’d’ve been made in a heartbeat,” Jaxon told me, settling back down onto his backless, wooden barstool.

  Looking around the room, I saw Damon, Sean and Jace cleaning their guns on their respective mattresses. Rosa and Joselyn were in the kitchen trying to cook enough food for our small legion of misfit soldiers. Kai, Drew and Kaci were seat at the folding table while Bear and now Ridge were on the dirty, worn couch that Marco appropriated from another apartment in the building.

  “Has Marco called to check in? Can we track his phone? Do we know why they left with Em?”

  “No, yes, no,” Kaci answered without further elaboration.

  “Would you like to share?” My voice rose
, as did my blood pressure. I could feel the vein in the side of my neck pulsating as the adrenaline spread through my body like a wildfire.

  “I’ve been tracking his phone and they are on the other side of the island. It looks like they are in the middle of nowhere. I don’t see a house nearby, just thick vegetation,” Kaci explained as she turned the laptop around and showed me the small blue dot on the map.

  “How long has he been there? Is he still moving?”

  “He stopped moving a few minutes ago, while you were in the bathroom, but we haven’t heard from him yet,” she said, turning the computer back to face her.

  “Who all went with them?” I asked, pulling out one of the chairs from the table and sitting down.

  “Emmery, Richard, Alejandra, the big guy Manuel who’s been followin’ Emmery around like a little lost puppy and some bodyguards. So seven in total loaded up in the black stretch limousine,” Jaxon piped up from his wooden perch at the window.

  Feeling helpless was not a feeling I was used to or at all good with. I hated it. Having no control made me feel weak. When I felt ineffective and defenseless, I tended to lash out and make poor decisions.

  In my past, this had cost me more than I could ever explain. I needed to redeem myself for my past actions. I would not act recklessly or foolishly this time. I would find strength in letting others help me where I fell short. I knew I could not save her on my own, but I would save her.

  “Okay, when do we get her out of there?”

  Chapter Twenty-four


  They had a doctor come in and cast my leg. To say it hurt when they turned my dangling ankle would be the understatement of the year. I had been here for two whole days before I was allowed to see my mother. When she walked into my room, I wished I could have stood up and slapped her.

  Rage stole my voice. I couldn’t speak, stuck there in the rickety old wheelchair shaking with fury as she crossed the room toward me. She sat down on the bed as close to my wheelchair as she could get. Smugly, she tried to stroke my hair but I turned away, rolling my eyes.

  “Bebita mia, one day you will understand why I have done all that I have. It is all for you. This will all be yours.” Her words were cryptic, her tone filled with unspoken regrets.

  We sat in silence until she finally relented and stood to leave. Before she did, she tried to hand me an envelope and ask me to please understand.

  Tucking my hands under my arms, I refused to accept her letter, her regret or her apologies. She laid the letter on the bed and left quietly.

  I waited until she was completely out of the room before I reached for the simple white envelope that was hand addressed to Bebita. Inside was a folded letter that looked sloppy and rushed compared to my mother’s normal handwriting.

  Mi Cielo,

  I hope I am able to get this letter to you before he finds it. As soon as you read this, destroy it. Burn it in the bathroom sink and wash away any evidence of its existence. All is not as it appears to be. I did not leave you of my own accord. I was forced out by your papi. Mi tio Juan Carlos was in failing health and called me just before your birthday two years ago. He needed my help in keeping the family business alive.

  I’m sure by now you know our familia’s dirty secret. I moved away from Venezuela to get away. I didn’t want to get sucked back in but your papi found out that Juan Carlos wanted a family member to be his capo, not one of his lugartenientes. I loved your papi but he was obsessed with power and how much he could hold. He’s not the wonderful man you think he is. He launders money for some very bad people. That is why he always travels. He is the one who had you brought here, not me. He knew I’d never accept the offer unless he had leverage. So he forced me to come live here, away from you, threatening to hurt you if I didn’t do as he said.

  He monitors everything I do. What I eat, what I wear, who I speak to. He had me pretending to want to be capo, but Juan Carlos knew that I was being forced and withdrew his offer. He knew it would be Richard calling the shots.

  Your papi began to slowly undermine Juan Carlos and steal his property, all the while telling the men that I wanted the family business and was going to take it if it was not given to me. I was the next in line and they knew that tio was sick. Richard told them that the cancer had moved to his brain and he was not thinking clearly.

  One day he brought Freddy, Manuel and Diego into our home and told them that if I did not follow orders they were to go to your barn and make you look like a liar and cheater to get you thrown off the show circuit. He wanted to crush your dream. Then they were to kidnap you and bring you here. He said that hurting your riding would break you more than any physical pain ever could. That is when I realized how truly sick he was.

  His scheme worked for a while, but just before Christmas I told him I wouldn’t be his marioneta anymore, that I was going to tell you what was going on. That’s when he sent the men after you. When I found out that you had left and gone to Charleston to his sister’s, I tried to send an email but he found it and wrote the one that you received, asking you to come here. I don’t think Jane knows how horrible her own brother really is.

  Isabel is my maid and a friend. She can be trusted. She has been in contact with your friends, Brody and Kai. They are here on the island and are trying to get you out. I’ve instructed her not to tell anyone else about my situation. Only Isabel, Diego, Freddy and Manuel know that Richard is the one who is really in charge.

  Isabel is going to try to help get you to them but first I need your help. I need to make peace with Juan Carlos and get his help to resolve the situation with your papi. He’s made many enemies and I’m afraid of what they may do. Juan Carlos has many resources and allies. Even as sick as he is, he is still powerful and dangerous. I had never intended on you meeting him. I wanted to keep you away from that side of our familia but Richard’s actions have made it impossible. Please remember that I love you and that everything I do is to keep you safe and protected.

  Also, Manuel told me about Freddy and he will be dealt with soon. Manuel is not a lugartenientes but is trusted and lethal. He’s deemed himself your protector. He will take care of you while I am unable. Manuel won’t let anything harm you but you cannot trust him fully. His allegiance is still to the Boss, as your papi calls himself.

  Now, I’m sure you’re wondering why I did not tell all of this to you while we have visited. There are cameras in every room and he can hear everything we say. The bathroom is the only safe place. I wrote out a different letter asking for your forgiveness and understanding on my undertaking of the family business. That is the letter your papi read and approved of. Isabel held this letter for me. She has the other letter and will give it to you after I leave. You need to keep the other letter and destroy this one. Your papi will want to see the other letter. He’ll want to make sure I’ve followed his orders. Please do as he asks. I’m afraid of what he is capable of now.

  Te quiero. Por favor, nunca lo dudes. Yo daria mi vida por proteger te, mi dulce niña.


  I sat and reread the letter at least twice before there was a knock at the door. Immediately, I folded the letter and tried to do my best to remember that I was being watched. The problem was, I wasn’t sure I believed her. Surely my father wasn’t behind all of this madness. He’s my dad. My subconscious countered, But she is your mami; why would she lie?

  “Come in,” I hollered.

  The tall wooden French doors opened and in came Isabel. She would be able to tell me the truth. Wouldn’t she?

  “Hola, Emmery. Your mami said you like my help to shower, si?” Isabel entered the room with towels folded neatly over her tan, strong arm. Isabel was a little older than my mother, but she was short and a little pudgy in the middle. She had her long, thick, black beautiful hair braided in one thick line dividing her back down the middle. She wore no makeup and you could tell she spent a lot of time in the sun. She was as sweet as pie and just as beautiful. She had a kind soul.

  “Si, por favor,” I agreed and tucked the letter into the bra strap behind my loose white t-shirt.

  Isabel crossed the room, walked behind me and began pushing me toward the bathroom. Once were all the way in, she closed the door and started shower. My bathroom here was modern and roomy. As the hot water pelted the tiles and steamed up the room, Isabel leaned down and whispered. “You must be careful, Miss Emmery. Your papi is not a good man. Poor Ms. Alejandra is a prisoner in this home. Do not speak of this to anyone but me and only in here. The rooms watch us and have ears. Here we are safe.”

  She stood and pulled a small matchbook from the pocket of her traditional black and white uniform. As she handed them to me, she told me, “You must burn your madre’s letter.”

  Pulling the letter from my shirt, hesitantly, I opened it one last time. If I burned this letter I would have no proof that she had launched these allegations at my father. But if she was telling the truth and my father found the letter, he could hurt her.

  How did I choose? Who should I believe? They were my parents. One of them was a liar and I didn’t know who. How could this be happening? How did I not know my own parents?

  Isabel watched on as the war waged in not only my mind but my heart. She sat there silently, asking me to choose. Between my parents.

  I looked down at the letter and the matches as tears welled in my eyes, and I tried to process all of this. I wished I could speak to my father and ask him, but that could get my mother in a lot of trouble. Either way, this letter would do me no good. It would only inflict harm.

  Opening the matchbook, I tore a match off, closed the book, struck it and watched as the fire glowed ambers and oranges. As a tear slipped from my eye, I held the lit match just below the letter until it caught fire.

  I felt my hope go up in flames as the letter did.

  I had just chosen my side.


  It had been three days since I burned my mother’s letter and Isabel had given me the other letter. Once I was back in my room, in view of the cameras, I tore the letter to shreds and threw the pieces in the trash.


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