Betting on Forever
Page 17
Spider continues, “I figured out why they were hauling on that time line. Johnny has them using the trains to do most of their transport. From what I dug out from the text messages to the times and locations of the meetings, they were the exact same as when the trains were pulling through. What they were haulin’ from the south, they were dropping off in Reno. That takes the train clear across the States. They are haulin’ probably nationwide. They have a meet scheduled for tonight. Tank says they were almost back, a few hours out. We will stake out the meeting, let Skid head over there, keep eyes on him. After the meeting I’m thinking we are going to take him up to the Mine?”, Spider questions.
“Yeah, after the meet up, Skid is taking a ride up to the Mine. I’ll be at the clubhouse in a few hours.” Hanging up the phone, I place it back on the nightstand and run my cold hand back under the covers where I feel Alessia shivering. Running my fingers over her soft, smooth skin on her side, I feel her goose bumps pop up. I reach her hip and push a little to get her to lay on her back.
Moving my body between her legs, I hold my weight just enough off her, but enough to hold her right where I want her underneath me. “We have to leave soon, but not till I’ve had a little more of you.”
Alessia brings her legs up, opening wide and wrapping them around my back. I drop my body lower into hers and start rocking my hardening dick through her slick pussy. Pumping a few slow strokes through her softness, I pull out and move back to sit before my beautiful woman. Roaming my eyes over her face and curves, I save this image right there forever.
Alessia opens her eyes and smiles at me. I kneel forward and lick up her pussy, loving her smell and taste. I could spend my days worshipping her body. Sucking her lips into my mouth, I get back to work by licking her clit around in circles, knowing I won’t be getting her off this way. I just want to build her up so high that she’ll crash hard when she comes.
I go back and forth from licking and to sucking her pussy bringing her close, only to stop, until I finally plunge my dick inside of her and slowly start rocking into her. “Mmm,” she moans for me. “Your dick was made for me,” she smiles with her eyes still closed.
“Yeah, baby, this soft pussy was made for me.” That has me smiling like a dumbass back at her.
Kissing her lips, I suck her bottom lip into my mouth. I make love to her mouth with my tongue. Pulling back out, I go back to licking her pussy till she’s close, then again stop, and start slowly rocking my dick inside of her. In and out, in slow strokes. Sweet, sweet, slow torture.
“Blade, what are you trying to do to me? Kill me?”, she asks with humor written across her face.
“Yeah, Alessia, with pleasure, you read my mind, baby.” I grind my dick a little harder on the one spot that drives her crazy.
“Fuck, Blade, please don’t stop, take me the rest of the way with you!” She pleads with me, locking her legs around me, telling me play time is over. “I want your dick in my pussy when I come all over you! I want to feel you feel me! God, do not stop!” Her chest is heaving from breathing so hard.
Grabbing one hip, I grind harder and heavier down on her pussy until I feel her tightening around me. Trying to hold back from blowing my load too early, I breathe in and out through my nose to release some of the tension. I keep my hard, unrelenting pace until I feel her let go, arching herself up and moaning for me. Watching her face and feeling her pussy coming hard, pulsing around me, there is no doubt in my mind that this woman was made for me in every way.
Chapter 22
Pulling up next to my brothers on the mountain ridge, we stand back waiting for that piece of shit, Skid to meet up with his contact. Tank looks exhausted from following and babysitting this asshole around this past week. He’s leaning against the back of the rock crawler truck with his eyes shut. We hear a familiar rumble of a bike and see dirt kicking up across the old desert dirt road. Spider crawls over to the ridge with his spotting scope that catches pictures and he watches.
Down by the old, beat up building, one of the cargo trucks we’ve been watching is parked outside. About thirty miles out of town, in the dead center of nowhere, no one would even care why this truck would be making a stop. The rest of us crawl forward, with Spider anxious to see what they pull out of the truck ready to be unloaded.
Skid parks his bike and heads toward the old building when the door swings open and an older man walks out. Around his fifties, he shakes hands with Skid. Spider’s phone crackles next to us just as the speakers pick up Skid’s voice. I turn to stare at the phone and Spider smiles at me. “I stuck a bug in his cut under a patch before we came out here.”
Skid asks the man, “Haul went okay while I was out of town?”
“Didn’t have any problems with the Battle Born down south since most have been camped out up in Reno, like you said. We have this load and another one next week. Johnny wants you to get control of the club, Skid. It’s hard enough hauling this through Vegas and then Reno. Reno is our drop. Johnny isn’t happy Blade is up here.”
Skid’s voice drops low and menacing. “Watch what the fuck you say, motherfucker, you know shit of the club life, how the club runs.” Skid steps closer to the guy. “You guys and the old Prez fucked up when you let them take the club over, that’s all on you. Help me get this shit loaded into the building before the train gets here, and I want my cut for the intel. The rest will have to work out in time.”
The man slaps a rolled-up wad of cash in Skid’s hand, then, walking over to the back of the truck, he flips the back open and young homeless looking boys and girls come walking out down the ramp.
My stomach drops looking over the kids that are maybe anywhere from twelve to eighteen-years-old as they hold their hands over their eyes to protect themselves from the beating sun. I feel like I need to puke at the sight of these terrified kids all huddled together.
Skid jumps up, picking up an eight-year-old girl and handing her over roughly to the man, like she’s a piece of trash. I close my eyes and look down, unable to imagine these dicks who want to buy these kids. I know the sex trade, especially with homeless kids and the drugged-up parents who sell them off. This is bad, so bad. Stryker forbids any sell of anything underage to come across our territory. We knew the old Prez was selling sex and drugs, but this is much worse than we thought. Selling kids on the black market is beyond fucked up.
Tank growls behind me, “We ain’t letting those kids get on that train.” He backs up to stand by the truck and calls in the back up who’s waiting on our signal. “Come in ASAP, everyone alive, Skid and one other man and about six kids. Everyone alive.” Hanging up his phone he crawls back over to us.
The high pitch noise of dirt bikes sounding from the distance gets louder. The man and Skid look nervous, pushing the kids into the building, except for one. Skid grabs a young boy by the hair and pulls him back against him as a shield just as four brothers rush from different directions. Two brothers from the west and two from the east. One brother is laying down the bike hard on the side, throwing a huge dirt cloud in Skid’s direction.
The dust settles enough to see that he rolled to the other side of the truck. Popping back up onto his feet and tossing his helmet off, he pulls a gun from his boot. My boys make me proud, even though, at this range, it’s tough to tell who’s who with their dirt bike gear on and not their cuts.
Skid looks around, pointing his gun in all directions, trying to find a way out. Pissed off, he screams at the guy who brought the truck in, “Where’s your fucking gun! Dumb asshole!”
The man at least looks embarrassed enough to say, “In the truck.” Rubbing a hand over his face, he looks resigned to the fact that he’s not going anywhere. Skid aims his gun and shoots him through the skull. That sucks, we could have tortured him for info, but Skid knew this.
Skid looks feral, stepping back till his back is against the old building. His crazy laughter crackles through the speakers, “I’m not letting you take that pussy to torture and
question. Any of you step even a hair closer to me, I’ll pop this boy in the head right before I grab one of those bitches inside.”
Solo, Pawn and Gunner are off their bikes which are parked on the opposite side of the building to where Skid is standing. Solo and Pawn lift Gunner by grabbing one boot each and pushing him up.
Gunner pulls himself on top of the building and crawls over the roof top. Solo sneaks around one side of the building, as does the other prospect, Pawn. Skid’s crazy eyes catch Solo moving in. Ripping his gun away from the kid’s head, he takes a shot at Solo as he ducks back behind the building. Gunner jumps down on top of Skid, tackling him and the boy to the ground. Solo and Pawn run forward and pull the boy away, taking him into the building and securing all the kids.
Gunner and Wrench fight with Skid, finally taking his gun and pinning him to the ground.
Not wasting anymore time watching from up here, we jump in the truck. We need to get out before the train makes it here. I tell Tank to stay back with Spider and watch for trucks, see what happens after the train pulls in. Axl jumps in with me, racing down to clean this up.
By the time we are down there, Skid’s bike is in the back of the hauler. Not having time to be gentle, we move the kids back into the hauler and slam the door down.
“Axl, drive this piece of shit truck to the old warehouse.” Axl nods in understanding, jumps in and drives off. Gunner and Wrench throw a hog tied, pissed off Skid in the back of my truck and the dead body on top of him.
“No time, get the fuck out of here, meet up at the Mine,” I yell out with the nerves I feel crawling up my spine. The brothers jump back onto their dirt bikes kicking up dirt and making tracks to meet me at the Mine.
I’m peeling out right behind them. Not wanting to make the ride too comfortable for Skid either, I hit every washed out whole or bump in the road.
Ten minutes later, Tank sends a text saying the train pulled through after a quick stop. Driver didn’t get out, and, seeing no truck in sight, geared the train back up and left. He and Spider are heading to the warehouse to help Axl.
What an absolute cluster fuck this all turned into. Speeding as fast as I can to get to the Mine, I just have an uneasy feeling and need to get this shit all over with. This is just the beginning of a long fight. Bread crumbs we keep coming across lead us to more questions, answering only few along the way.
Chapter 23
Not hearing from Blade all day has me a little worried. I know he doesn’t need me calling or distracting him. All afternoon I’ve been working in the bar getting caught up after being gone for too many days. My thoughts have me plagued with anxiety that’s seeping into my eyes.
As the night wears on and drink after drink is being sold, all I can picture is the storm that’s brewing. Praying we all make it alive and one piece.
“Vegas, you okay?” James squeezes my shoulder from behind me.
“Yeah, you got five? We need to talk.” Nodding my head toward the office, we start walking that way. James shuts the door behind him and takes a seat across the desk from me. “Shit’s brewing, I can feel it. The game has changed. Not only with the MC, but with me. What I’m thinking is that Johnny should be all up in my business right now. You told him I would be out of town for a few days shopping. He didn’t text me once. He’s been tipped off. We are missing a pawn here in this game, James. I can feel it, someone’s in the shadows and we are missing it. We need to find them to score this round.”
Letting out all my fears, I can see in his eyes that James feels it too.
“I agree, Vegas, this situation either intertwined you and the club with purpose or fate, possibly both. I haven’t heard from Johnny either. I do have eyes on him, but nothing has been reported as abnormal. We both know that doesn’t mean anything.”
“I’m going to talk with Papa tonight and give him a heads up. We need eyes in both places. Maybe he can send an MC brother over that Blade trusts and have info flowing back and forth under the radar. Keep an eye on Jenn, yeah? Other than all this drama, I’m worried about her. She hasn’t said what’s eating her up inside and she won’t anytime soon, maybe not ever. We may have to pry it out one day, so just watch her?” That’s another concern I have, but feel guilty that I can’t help with right now.
James’ face falls a little, a telling that he already sees or knows of what’s going on. He loves her, you can clearly see the love in his eyes. “I’m trying, I’m really trying to break through that stubborn woman, a piece at a time. I don’t know that what I’m fighting for is even worth the pain it brings me.” James breathes in a gulp of air and settles back into the chair. I’m not the only person fighting this life. Fighting for happiness.
“James, I wish I could take the pain for you, have answers for you, but know that whatever you need, I have your back. In life, there are no guarantees except for some pain and some happiness along the way. Karma, that ugly twisted bitch, owes us, we paid our dues. Keep fighting. She’ll pay up eventually.”
Smiling as big as I can, I hope that James can feel he has a friend who cares. Without saying much more, he leaves, getting back to watch the bar.
Dialing Papa’s number from my cell, he picks up sounding happy. “Hola, mija, what are you doing? Aren’t you working tonight after your little vacation?” He’s teasing me as if he really thinks I didn’t deserve a few days off.
Shaking my head, I murmur, “Si, Papa, I’m still at work. Thank you for giving us a few days at the house in Tahoe.”
“Mija, you’re welcome, but don’t thank me. That’s our family house, you can use it when you want. Just text me when you’re up there. Now I know you have something on your mind, best get to it, baby girl, que pasa?”
I almost want to cry hearing that Papa knows me so well, and the stress I’m feeling, he can feel it too. The one man I need, Blade, is out doing only god knows what, and this game is deadly.
Sucking back the tears, I bring forward the fighter in my soul that always wants to win. I start telling my Papa all that’s happened since he left with Momma and Snake, right up to when I just talked to James. Letting it all out, even my fears.
Papa is quiet. I can tell he’s digesting all my words and the story I just vomited his way. Then he finally he speaks. “I hear two voices at war in you right now. Let me be your Papa first. Mija, you got to love and have faith in your man even when you are falling apart in fears and uncertainty. Blade needs to focus on protecting his club and you. Give him your faith first, always, he needs this from you to be strong. After, when it’s done, tell him all that’s in your heart and let him focus on you. Let him build you back up. Your Madre, me and Snake will hold you up till then. This is our family, our bond, we will never break it, si?”
Feeling that crack in my heart toughen up stronger, I’m ready to hear the rest.
“Alessia.” Oh shit, he only says that when it’s the Prez I’m speaking with. “For once you called when you needed to, gracias. I think you could be right. You know well enough I can’t tell you anything within the club. I will contact Blade and send a man after we have Church.” The line goes dead, Fuego went to work.
Taking a few minutes to gather myself and the thoughts running through my head, I start plotting my next play with Johnny and who he could possibly be working with. A startling bang at the back door has my hand at my chest, and I struggle breathing through the blood pumping in my ears. “Son of a …”, another loud bang.
“Open up, Princesa, your Papa sent me.”
“Tio Cuervo?” Feeling excited, I open the door to the very straight and serious face of Cuervo.
“You know your Papa trusts Blade, doesn’t mean that you’re not his baby still. He’s had eyes on you even when you didn’t know. He asked me to come in and check on you. Don’t worry about Johnny. I’m keeping his ass busy, he hasn’t had time to contact you even if he wanted to. Doesn’t mean I don’t think he has a snitch on his side. Keep your eyes open and your gun loaded and on yo
u at all times.”
He kisses my forehead and shuts the door, going back outside into the darkness. That’s where Cuervo has always felt most at home. Cryptic and shady as hell, but I love all their crazy, every last brother in this MC. We never fight alone even when we are our own worst enemy.
Chapter 24
“Motherfucker!” Skid screams into the air. His head pops up and he’s howling at the ceiling. He’s chained in the middle of this dark, dingy, old building of the Mine. His body makes an X with his arms and legs spread out. The chains are the only way he is staying upright. We think this building used to be where they would process the gold, but now it’s our torture chamber. Hooks are everywhere, along with chemicals which I will find out what they are for later. I make a mental note to have the prospects do an inventory later this week.
Back to this dirty fucker. “Skid, I can only cut you so many times before you bleed out, and I know you are counting on it. So, I’m going to do what I’ve been holding out on. Solo, hand me the torch.”
Solo tosses the small torch to me. I grab my lighter from my pocket with my other hand. I open the valve and a small hiss of propane leaks out. When I strike my lighter, Skid looks over to me, then the fucker passes out. Nope, not good enough. “This limp dick fucker isn’t going to pass out,” I growl to no one in particular.
Searching through my bag, I find the syringe and small bottle with epinephrine written on it. Taking an almost lethal dose, I plunge the needle into the vein on his neck. Purging his body with a wake-up juice cocktail, the next time he goes to sleep, it will be for good. I toss the needle into a metal bin nearby and grab the white sports tape. I tape his eyelids open and count to thirty. Sure as shit, right on schedule, his head snaps back up and he tries to scream. Oh, I taped his mouth shut too. For fun. Skid’s eyes bug out, his face turning bright red, the veins in his neck pumping erratically to his accelerated heartbeat, from the heart that probably wants to quit.