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Back Beat

Page 4

by Sloan, Ryleigh

  “And there’s a lodge there?”

  “Yes, my mother and grandmother run it. Well…with the help of the staff of course.”

  “I’ll have to come visit sometime.”

  Whoa, enter massive tummy trip here. Did Dean Carter just say he wants to come visit the lodge? Slow your damn roll, girl. Of course he did. A) He’s probably being polite, and B) who wouldn’t want to visit a lodge. He’s just interested in the safari.

  He picks up a card and parks an eleven on top of a seven. Rookie move, buddy, rookie move. I know he’s gonna need that seven before his eleven comes up, and he just parked himself in.

  “So what song are you going to sing?”

  “‘What Hurts the Most’ by Rascal Flatts?”

  “That’s a great song. Do you ever write your own?”

  A blush creeps up my face, and I wish I could just be cool for once. “I sort of do.”


  “Uh, yeah, but I don’t let anyone hear them.”

  He nods his head like he gets it and then starts singing the first verse of “What Hurts the Most.” We keep playing the game, and before I know it, I’m singing along. Our voices blend beautifully; there is no music, just his voice and mine as we play cards cross-legged on the floor. But I learn more in that day than I’ve learned about singing my whole life.



  The first week of the competition goes by in a blink with me winning the face-off against Arnold on Friday. I was thrilled to win, but at the same time, I felt bad for Arnold. He has an incredible amount of talent and deserves to be on the show. I guess we can’t all stay forever though or there won’t be a show to speak of. It just hits home how you can be here one minute and gone the next.

  As a reward for getting through the first week, the coaches arrange a bus to bring us to an ice rink downtown for a day of fun. When we arrive, I’m so glad I dressed warmly because it’s cold in here. I remember when Mom used to take me ice-skating on weekends; we’d always dress up like we were about to summit Everest, but our toes would still freeze despite the two pairs of socks we wore. My nose tingles as we make our way to the other side of the rink where I can see Amanda and Chantelle. As we walk, Jeremy is chatting animatedly about how he used to roller-skate as a child and he’s sure he’s going to ace it on the rink.

  When Danielle rushes past, Jeremy looks at me, his brow creasing with confusion. “Do you think I should offer her my sweater? I’m a little scared she’ll bite my head off.” He’s taken a lot of flak from Danielle over the last week for his chivalrous behaviors, traits Danielle doesn’t seem to appreciate.

  “Why, does she look cold?” I look over at Danielle. She’s wearing tights and a fitted cropped sweater. It looks like something you’d wear on a cool spring evening, not ice rink clothing, but she doesn’t seem bothered by the temperatures. Unlike me. I’m a real wimp when it comes to the cold. I glance down at my own outfit. Jeans and an oversized thick peach sweater paired with a beanie, gloves, and scarf.

  “She doesn’t look cold, but her nipples are certainly saying they are. Either that, or someone’s about to get their bones jumped,” Jeremy whispers.

  As we stop in front of the judges, my eyes flick to Danielle’s breasts pressed against her top. I don’t think she’s wearing a bra, and it does kind of seem like she could cut glass with her nipples. I catch Kade’s gaze which is equally drawn to the two peaks perfectly outlined by her top, but surprisingly he just raises an eyebrow and looks away. I would’ve thought he’d take the opportunity to drink her in. He is a guy after all, but he doesn’t seem very interested.

  Out of curiosity, I look to see what Dean is doing, and he hasn’t even noticed her. He’s on his phone a few feet away. Danielle’s body language changes when she gets closer to Kade. She never flirts or behaves inappropriately; it is pretty clear from living with her in the house this last week that she is devoted to her boyfriend, but I can see she definitely finds Kade attractive. Who wouldn’t? The guy is absolutely gorgeous. He has that quiet intensity about him that makes you wonder what he’s like at home when his guard is down. He also makes me wonder if he ever does let his guard down.

  He looks similar to Dean in that they both have dark hair that always seems to look like someone was running their fingers through it passionately. They both have intense eyes, except Kade’s are turquoise and Dean’s are a slate gray, and when they lock with yours will make you feel like they can see your deepest secrets. It’s unnerving. Kade has the whole bad-boy lip ring going on and the full sleeve, but there are no indications he’s a crazy rock star. Dean is a genuine bad boy but doesn’t display any outward signs of it. If he has any piercings or tattoos, he keeps them hidden. I kind of like that. I like that only certain people get to see them. On second thought, half of LA has probably seen Dean naked, so I guess it isn’t all that special.

  I don’t know why that thought fills me with disappointment, but it does, and when I come out of my stupor, I realize Dean is off his phone and is staring at me, his head tilted to the side. Jeremy is also watching me with a giant smirk on his face, and Danielle is scowling at me something fierce.

  Amanda saves me from my embarrassment and claps her hands together as she greets us. “Right, who’s ready for a little bit of socializing?”

  Whoops and cheers fill the room, and a little girl with bright red curls and a yellow hat startles as she heads to one of the entrances to the rink. Her mother bends down to pick her up and gives us all a shy smile as they enter the ice. I admire the mother’s skill as she glides onto the rink effortlessly with her daughter in her arms.

  “Today is about getting to know each other. We don’t want to see you huddling with your teammates. This is about learning to get along together so when the competition gets fierce out there, and believe me, guys, it gets brutal”—all the judges nod in agreement—“you have the friendships you’ve built here to see you through. So, the only rule is to have fun and get to know each other. You’ll be living together for a long time. You want to be friends with these people.”

  I look around and everyone is smiling. I have to say, aside from Danielle, no one has been bitchy or unfriendly in the house to date. It’s all been amicable and surprisingly comfortable. I have a good read on people, and if someone looks like they are having a tough day, I give them their space, but for the most part, it’s been fun. That said, the real competition hasn’t started yet, and I’m sure when the heat is on, that’s when the “real” will come out.

  Chantelle puts her arm around Amanda. “You guys are in for a treat. Neither Kade nor Dean knows how to skate. It is going to be epic watching these two land on their asses.”

  Dean grumps something while he struggles with skates that look like they aren’t the standard ones they hire out here. I wonder if he bought his own? I can’t say I blame him; if I’d known, I might have done the same. Wearing other people’s shoes is not my thing. Thus, the double layer of socks.

  “What’s that, Dean?”

  He glares at Chantelle. “I said, this is a stupid damn idea. And totally unfair.”

  We all laugh at his expression. He looks like a petulant child.

  “Hey, it’s completely fair, Dean. You guys chose go-karts last time and I’m still seeing a chiro for the whiplash, thank you very much. Your pretty little tushy will give you plenty padding. You might just get blue balls though, for reasons I’m sure you aren’t accustomed to.”

  Amanda high-fives Chantelle. “This little slut has never had blue balls in his life. You know he’s got a list of willing bodies as long as a voter roll on his speed dial.”

  “So true girl, so true.”

  Dean looks at Kade. “I’m right fucking here.”

  Kade snorts. “They aren’t exaggerating, Dean.”

  “Fuck you too.”

  It’s clear from the banter that the four are extremely close. It makes me miss Maddie and all the happier I have Je

  “Right, enough of the crap. Skates are right at the back; let’s lace up and have a great time everybody. Try not to get us in the news for maiming kids.” Amanda shoots Dean a look when she says this, and he flips her the bird. She kisses the palm of her hand and turns to face Dean. Sticking her ass out, she slaps her butt.

  Suddenly I’m not nervous to hang out with the judges. Dean did an excellent job of breaking the ice with our card game, and now it just feels like we’re around people like us. No one seems like a celebrity here, just a bunch of friends, and I’m excited about the day.

  Amy-Leigh comes up beside me. “I can’t skate to save my life. Can you?” Her eyes look hopeful.

  “I can. I’ll teach you.” She smiles gratefully at me.

  “Yeah, I’ll help too.” Jeremy links arms with her. Jeremy has zero boundaries when it comes to personal space, and it lands him in hot water with Danielle a lot, but it doesn’t seem like Amy-Leigh minds.

  She was one of the most welcoming people in the house and is sweetly shy. Most nights, when we’ve all finished up after dinner, she sits at the pool and reads her Kindle while I do the same or doodle song lyrics on a pad. She asked me what I was doing one night, and I told her I was writing to my papaw. I don’t know why I lied, but I’m just not comfortable telling most people I write my own songs. We get our skates and sit on the rubberized platform to tie them. I’m just done knotting my luminous yellow laces when I look up and see Dean step onto the ice. He grabs the rail with all his might, and his legs wobble out from under him like a newborn giraffe. Kade laughs from the sideline, and Dean scowls.

  “Laugh, loser. Let’s see you do better.”

  Kade walks to the edge and takes a few short breaths. It’s comical to watch because you’d swear he was about to jump out of an airplane when all he needs to do is step on the ice. Amanda skates over from the right side of the rink and swiftly turns, spraying the guys with ice.

  “You two are embarrassing yourselves. Look at her.” She points to the little girl who was carried onto the ice by her mother earlier. She can’t be more than three years old and is doing a figure of eight. You can tell she’s still learning, but she’s doing it.

  “Yeah,” I say. “And you’re blocking the entrance.”

  Kade steps onto the ice and pretty much mimics what Dean just did except with a teeny bit more grace. He’s white-knuckling the rail like it’s the bar on a roller coaster, and I can’t believe what big babies these guys are being.

  “Here.” I hold out my hand to Kade. “Lemme help you.”

  He turns his body in millimeter increments as if any sudden movements will have him planting his butt. Slowly, he places his hand in mine, and I skate out next to him. “Hold the rail with your right hand and take my hand with your left. Now we’re going to go slow. Watch me—you’re going to glide like you are dancing in your socks.”

  “He doesn’t dance in his socks—I bet he dances naked,” Chantelle quips as she skates to a stop in front of us. “Amy-Leigh, want me to do a few rounds with you?”

  Amy-Leigh nods and Chantelle links arms with her. She doesn’t take the slow route of allowing Amy-Leigh to hold on to the side; she takes her straight to the middle. Amy-Leigh looks over her shoulder and mouths, “Help me.” And we all laugh.

  Jeremy skates next to Dean. “Here, let me help you.” He holds out his hand to Dean like I did with Kade. Dean scowls. “I’m not holding your hand like a pussy.”

  “Yeah, but you’re hanging on to that rail like a toilet after a rough night,” Kade quips.

  Jeremy and Dean head off. I can see Jeremy’s hand tentatively reach out to steady Dean, but Dean gives him a look so violent and comical, Jeremy restrains himself. Kade and I follow behind at a much slower pace because if Dean goes down, he’s probably going to take us all with him.

  “So you’re from South Africa, right?”

  “That’s right.”

  Kade wobbles a little and crushes my hand as he squeezes tighter. I wince but don’t say anything, and after a while, he relaxes his hold. “What’s it like over there?”

  I glance over at him, and he is concentrating fiercely on not falling down. I wonder if he wants the stock answer or if he’s really interested.

  “Do you really want to know, ’cause I can go on all day?”

  He smiles at me, and I can see why the girls go a little nuts for him. That smile can put you on your ass. But it doesn’t make my tummy dip the way Dean’s smile does. Whoa, where the hell did that come from? I shouldn’t be thinking about Dean’s smile or anything else, for that matter.

  “I’m willing to take the risk.” His smile is pure mischief, and I find myself relaxing even more.

  Dean loses his balance and scrambles not to fall down. Gripping the rail tighter, he turns around and glares at Kade. It confuses me for a second, but maybe he is pissed at how well Kade is doing since he does seem to be doing a lot better. At least he has found his legs, so to speak.

  I turn back and begin answering Kade’s question. “I love my country. It’s beautiful over there. The animals are magnificent, and so is the countryside, but I guess I’m privileged. I live on a reserve and have access to things most people don’t.” I look at him and he’s listening, nodding as I speak. It’s a bit surreal to be talking to Kade Tennick like I would to just any person on the street. It makes me smile wider, and the sudden homesickness that hit me a second ago dulls somewhat.

  “What animals do you have?”

  “We have lions, giraffes, black rhinos, elephants, and an array of buck.”

  “That must be pretty amazing, growing up with that?”

  “It really was. I never take my upbringing for granted. I got to see the animals on a daily basis and live within walking distance of my papaw and Grams. It’s wonderful.”

  Okay, so that homesickness didn’t go anywhere. I swallow the lump that’s formed in my throat.

  “You miss them.”

  I can’t speak for fear I’ll make a total idiot of myself.

  “I get it. I’m close to my grandfather and don’t always get to see him. It always makes me feel a little lost. Like I don’t have my anchor,” Kade says.

  I smile. That’s exactly it. I love my family, and I love this opportunity I have to follow my dream, but I know it would be that much sweeter if they were all with me. Especially Papaw. He is the one who tethers us all together, and like Kade so aptly worded it, he’s an anchor.

  We talk about his grandfather, and before I know it, Kade is no longer holding the side of the rink. He still holds my hand though as we skate around Dean and Jeremy at the rail, talking about our families and where we grew up. It’s easy and comfortable.

  We’re so deep in conversation we don’t notice we’ve done a full revolution, and because Dean is still so slow, we are now behind him and Jeremy again. He’s cursing Amanda and Chantelle and even the elements as he does this crazy march thing with his feet instead of gliding. Jeremy can barely contain the amusement, and I can’t blame him; Dean does look pretty comical.

  “You’re not wearing magnetic boots, Carter. Slide your fucking feet,” Kade ribs Dean.

  Dean turns around and looks down to where Kade and my fingers are still interlinked. The scowl that mars his face is so ferocious for a brief second that once it’s gone, I wonder if I imagined it. While Dean is glaring at Kade, he puts his skate down and clips Jeremy’s. They both lose their footing and land hard on the ice. The giggle erupts from my lips before I can stop it because Dean didn’t just trip, he fell down and he fell well. He is lying on his back with Jeremy lying on top of him. They look like lovers having a moment as Dean and Jeremy lie dazed.

  By the looks of things, neither of them got hurt, but the fall took them by surprise.

  Kade has his phone out within seconds and is snapping shot after shot of Jeremy lying sprawled out on top of Dean. Dean hears the camera click and struggles to free himself. “Get off me

  “Oh sorry, I was caught up in the moment.” Jeremy cracks me up, and we all laugh again but stop short when Jeremy’s knee connects with Dean’s junk. I hear Kade inhale a sharp breath followed by the “ooh” guys make when they commiserate with another guy’s balls being injured. Jeremy starts apologizing profusely and backing off Dean.

  After a few moments, Dean’s color returns to normal and he no longer looks like he’s about to throw up. Kudos to him—that was quite an epic blow. It actually looked like Jeremy kneeled on Dean’s balls.

  “Are you okay?” I kneel down and reach for Dean’s hand.

  “He’ll be fine,” Kade announces. He turns and scoops up some loose ice from the side of the rink and packs it on Dean’s crotch. “There ya go, man. That should help.”

  What Dean said next I can’t repeat.



  I’m sitting on the steps nursing my balls and my pride when Blair walks over to me and hands me a Coke. I don’t know how she manages to look so graceful when she’s walking on the ground in skates, but she does and it makes me feel even more like an idiot.

  I take the drink, and she clinks her own against mine. “I tried to get you a beer, but they carded me. I keep forgetting I’m not allowed to drink over here.”

  “Yeah, you guys are pretty lucky over there.”

  “I don’t believe parents think that.”

  “Yeah, I bet. Loads of unruly teenage boys getting drunk.”

  She tilts her head. “Like you guys all wait until you’re twenty-one to drink. I’ve watched movies.”

  I laugh and it’s so easy being around Blair. With the other contestants, they are usually starstruck or trying to pick my brain, and while I don’t mind, I like just being Dean around Blair.


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