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For The Love of Easton : A Single Parent Romance and Sequel to For The Love of English

Page 8

by A. M. Hargrove

  “Get up, you asshole. If you want to fight, take on someone your own size.”

  Tristian towered above Stuart, who was on the ground with a bloody face. What was Tristian doing here?

  “I said get up or I’ll yank you to your feet myself.”

  Stuart swiped at the blood on his face. “You’ll pay for this. My father will see to it.”

  “I doubt that, but get up.”

  Then I noticed something that had me shuddering. A gun lay several feet from them. I tried to call out to Tristian, but my voice was too hoarse, so I ran inside and called 911 first and then my dad.

  “Daddy, get over here. Now!” Again, I tried to shout but my hoarse voice didn’t work. Not giving him time to ask questions, I hung up and went back outside.

  Stuart rolled over to his hands and knees, then scrambled for the gun, but Tristian beat him to it and kicked it away. Then he pulled Stuart up by his collar and punched him. “Think about that, you asshole, the next time you lay hands on a woman.”

  Sirens sounded in the distance and got louder, thank God.

  Tristian towered over Stuart as he berated him for assaulting me. Two police cars came to a screeching halt in the driveway, and four officers jumped out of the cars as soon as they came to a stop. One of the officers tried to put Tristian in a hold, but I stopped him.

  “No!” I tugged on the cop’s arm. “Officer, this man saved me.” I pointed to Stuart, saying, “That one tried to kill me. That gun over there is his and I’m sure you’ll find his prints on it.”

  Another officer picked it up in a baggy and took it. Then they questioned me, while Stuart screamed about his dad working for the governor.

  One of the officers said, “I don’t care who you are. Nothing puts you above the law.” They read him his rights and put him in the car. My parents arrived during this scene and Dad had to be restrained. The situation was such a mess, chaos reigned in my front yard.

  Dad struggled to get free, shouting, “This man has a history of beating my daughter. He should go to prison for this.”

  “Dad, calm down,” I tried to yell, but I was so hoarse, it sounded more like a whisper.

  Dad stared at me, then pulled me into his arms. “Jesus, English. He could’ve killed you.”

  When his words sank in, my body viciously trembled and I crumpled in Dad’s arms. He had to hold me up as horror over what had just transpired ripped through me. I latched onto his shirt as beads of sweat broke out all over my body. My heart pounded in my ears like a thousand hooves of horses running through a field.

  “My daughter needs an ambulance,” Dad shouted. He touched my face and I winced. “That motherfucker.”

  Then the tears came as I thought of my poor baby girl. What had I done? Tristian stood and watched. If it hadn’t been for him, I would’ve died. Our eyes connected and I held out an arm. He came forward.

  “How did you know?” I rasped. My raw throat still burned from where Stuart had choked me.

  “I didn’t. I came over to try to talk to you.”

  “You saved my life.”

  Dad handed me off to him and he held me close. “It’s going to be okay now. He’s going to jail and I’ll testify.”

  Emotions clogged my throat. Words couldn’t get past them.

  “English, I’ll watch Easton while you go to the hospital,” Mom said. The ambulance had arrived and Tristian walked me over.

  Dad and Tristian rode together while I was in the ambulance. The EMTs started an IV on the way and gave me something to calm me down. When I got to the hospital, the doctor ordered X-rays of my face, neck and chest and determined there were no fractures. A nurse came in and took plenty of pictures in order for the police to file the assault and battery report.

  Stuart was also in the emergency room with a broken nose, courtesy of Tristian. He deserved worse than that, but it would have to do for now. As we were leaving, his father strode in surrounded by an entourage of men in suits. I glanced up when I saw them. He walked in my direction, and I cowered. Every muscle in my body tensed as he approached me, but when he moved closer, the police officer stopped him. “I wouldn’t advise that, sir.”

  “I wouldn’t either,” Dad said, his eyes like ice chips.

  Stuart’s father had always liked me but that had changed. Cold eyes pierced mine and a chill sent me shivering. I knew I’d made a lifelong enemy tonight.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tristian—One Hour Earlier

  This impasse between English and me had to end and it would tonight. When I arrived at her house, the door stood cracked open and I heard a man shouting. I raced inside to see his hands around her neck.

  No man had a right to lay hands on a woman, ever. I dragged that fucker outside and threw several jabs at him. One landed on his nose and I heard the crack.

  “You broke my nose.” His hand covered the protrusion as blood dripped between his fingers.

  “That’s not all I’m going to break.” I landed another punch to his ribs. That was when he fell. He was on his stomach and I noticed him reach in his pants. When I saw the gun, he didn’t have time to aim it before I kicked it away. “You fucker. I should’ve expected that. I’ve been in my share of fights before. I’m not naïve and if you think that scares me you’re a fool. Now get up. Fight like a man.”

  He didn’t budge. I repeated my words. He tried to reach for the gun but I kicked it further away. I’d make sure he’d pay for beating up English. Fury overrode everything and all I wanted him to do was stand so I could land another blow on him.

  The cops arrived and English stood outside. Beck and his wife also came and I hadn’t been aware English had called them. If I’d had it my way, I would’ve beaten him unconscious. He’d tried to kill her. Who would do such a thing?

  In the hospital, I learned their story. When I did, my admiration for English blossomed. She was amazing for raising her child on her own. But now she would have his family to face. Beck said Stuart’s name was not on the birth certificate, but we both knew they could require a DNA test and lay claim to the child with the results. This might end up a nightmare for both English and Easton.

  The only saving grace was this incident and the fact there was a witness. Domestic abuse was not taken lightly anymore. I would do anything in my power to help them.

  On Saturday, I went to visit her and brought more flowers. When she opened the door, I held back my gasp. Her cheek was solid purple and swollen along with her neck. There would be no way to cover that up.

  “Hey, come in.”

  A young child sat on the couch watching TV. “Who are you?” she asked.

  “I’m Tristian. Who are you?”

  “I’m Easton, but I’m not s’posed to talk to strangers. Stranger danger.”

  “That’s a very good thing, but I’m a friend of your mom and your gran—”

  “Easton, he works with Mommy and Boppy, so he’s not a stranger.”

  Easton had blonde curly hair, exactly like her mom’s, with huge hazel eyes. “Are you a ’tographer?”

  “I sure am. Want me to take your picture?”

  Her head swung back and forth, curls flying. “Nope, cuz Boppy does it all the time.”

  “Hey, Easton, you’re supposed to say ‘no, thank you.’ What happened to your manners?” English asked.

  “Sorry, Mommy. No, thank you.”

  “That’s better.”

  “Mr. Trishan, do you like the purple grapes on Mommy’s face?”

  “Uh, I’m not sure,” I said. “Do you?”

  “No way! I think she should take them back.”

  “Me too.”

  “Hey, you want some milk and cookies? Banana made them and they’re real good.”

  Banana? “Okay. Are you going to have some too?”

  “Duh. I love milk and cookies. Come on.” She jumped up and held out her hand. We went into the kitchen where she pointed to a cookie jar on the counter. “There.”

  I opened it and inside w
ere chocolate chip cookies. “Yum, I love chocolate chip.”

  “Is there a different kind?”

  Good question.

  “There.” She pointed to a cabinet. Inside were glasses.

  “Let me guess. There.” I pointed to the refrigerator.

  She giggled. “Yeah, silly.”

  I found the milk and poured two glasses.

  “We gotta sit at the counter to eat. Mommy’s rules.”

  I put her on one chair while I took the other. She dunked a cookie and nibbled on it. “Mmm. It’s good.”

  I mimicked her and agreed. “These are the best.”

  “Told ya. Banana’s are the best.” Then she leaned closer to me. “But don’t tell Mommy.” She grinned with a bunch of chocolate embedded in her tiny teeth. It would’ve been an awesome picture.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t. Your secret’s safe. But who’s Banana?”

  “You know—she’s with Geepa.”

  Guess that explanation would have to do. “Hey, what happened to your tooth?”

  “This one?” She pointed to the one that was missing.


  “It fell out and the tooth fairy took it away. But she left me a dollar.” Her eyes were saucers as she explained.

  “No way.”

  “Way. And look here.” She wiggled the tooth next to the missing one. “I think this one’s gonna fall out next.”

  “You think you’ll get more money?”

  “Yep.” She bit into her cookie.

  “What will you do when all your teeth fall out?”

  She grinned with her mouth full and I wanted to crack up. “You’re silly. I’ll get new ones. See?” Her pointer finger aimed at her two bottom teeth, which were her permanent ones.

  “Ah, I see.”

  We finished and went back to the living room, where English lay on the couch. “How were the cookies?”

  “Excellent,” I said.

  “Good,” Easton said. “Now me and Mr. Trishan are going to my room. I wanna show him my rainbows and oonicorns and then we’re gonna draw pictures.”

  “Easton, did you ask him if he wanted to do that?”

  She looked up at me with those huge eyes. “Wanna go up to my room and see the rainbows and oonicorns and draw pictures?”

  “Yes, but I want to speak to your mommy first. Is that okay?”

  “Uh-huh, but hurry.”

  “Easton. Go on up and we’ll come up in a bit.”

  She climbed the stairs and I chuckled. “She’s quite the talkative one.”

  “That she is, and will pester you to death with questions if you’re not careful.”

  “How are you? And I don’t mean physically,” I said.

  “Ugh, I don’t know. Scared?”

  “I get it. He did a number on you.”

  “It’s not just that. His dad is connected. Works for the governor and I’m worried he’ll pull strings to get Stuart out.”

  That fucker. If he got out, he’d have a surprise waiting. He might be connected, but so was I and for once I’d use those connections to my benefit. “Don’t worry. He’s facing some serious charges. In these situations, relationships only go so far. I’m pretty sure it’ll be difficult to get out of this.”

  “I don’t know. My best friend is an attorney and she said it’ll depend on who the judge is in the case.” English plucked at the hem of her sleeve. This confident woman had had the rug pulled from under her.

  “Did you ask him to leave?”

  Pained eyes met mine. “Yes, twice. That’s when he attacked.”

  “My family employs some high-powered attorneys. I’d like to offer them for you to use.”

  “Your family?”

  This was a subject I never explored with anyone, yet I was comfortable discussing it with her, oddly enough. “Yeah, my family owns Baines Corporation.”

  “The Baines Corporation?”

  “’Fraid so.”


  “Look, I’m not involved in the family business, but I do have the connections and would like to offer those services.”

  “Tristian, are you sure about this?”

  Not really. “Of course.”

  “That’s very generous of you.”

  “English, I am completely against violence, especially abuse such as that. It makes me ill to think of you being the target of it, so I’m gladly offering. Under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Go to dinner with me.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Dinner, huh? I accept, under one condition.”

  The man smiled at me and, had I not been on the couch, I probably would’ve fainted. Okay, an exaggeration, but still.

  “Oh, so now you have conditions?”

  “Yeah, but when you hear, I think you’ll be okay with it.”


  “We wait until my grapes, as Easton calls them, go away.”

  “Deal. Are you in pain?”

  “My face hurts to touch and my neck is really sore.”

  “Let me get you some ice.” He left for the kitchen and returned with a bag of frozen peas instead.

  “I see you found my dad’s favorite remedy.”

  “They work so well. Just don’t eat them.”

  “Ooff, don’t worry.”

  He glanced up at the ceiling. “Oh, Lord, she’s hating on the peas.”

  “Sorry, not sorry.” I laughed.

  “I love them, so one day when I cook dinner for you you’ll have to eat them.”

  “Never! I’ll hide them in my napkin!”

  He frowned but was terrible at hiding his twitching lips. “If I catch you, I’ll punish you.”

  “Hmm. And what will my punishment be?”

  “I don’t know but I’ll come up with something.” He pulled out his phone and asked, “May I take some pictures of your injuries?”

  My hand pressed against my bruised throat. Why would he want to do that?

  “Don’t worry,” he added, “I only want them to send to the attorney so he can see what that animal did to you.”

  A breath of relief blew out of me. “I was wondering…”

  “Sorry, I should’ve explained first. The photos will be date- and time-stamped so they can use them as evidence.”

  “Okay, sure.”

  He aimed his phone at my face, then asked, “Can you pull your hair up?”

  I did as he asked and he snapped several shots. Then he asked me to pull my shirt collar lower so the bruising would be seen better. When he finished, I asked to see them.

  “Urrgh, I look awful.”

  “Usually, I’d disagree, but I can’t. That bastard really did a number on you.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, and it wasn’t the first time. He beat me after I told him I was pregnant.”

  “Say again?”

  “Yeah, it was pretty ugly. If my roommate and her boyfriend hadn’t come home, no telling what would’ve happened. Her boyfriend pulled him off me, kind of like you did.”

  “Christ, English. That man should rot in prison.”

  I wilted as tears swam in my eyes, but I swallowed them down. No use for them now. “I see that now. I never expected him to come over like that. He told me he’d changed from that guy in college.”

  Tristian laughed bitterly. “I don’t think people like him change unless they go through anger management and major counseling.”

  “Have you been talking to my dad?”

  Frowning, he asked, “No, why?”

  “You sound exactly like him. Dad despises Stuart. When he approached me about having contact with Easton, Dad was vehemently opposed.”

  “Yeah, I can see why. If any man laid hands on my daughter, I’d want to kill him too.” Tristian knelt down in front of me and took my hand. “Can I ask you something?”

  I nodded.

  “Why? You have the world at your fingertips. Why Stuart?”

  Great qu
estion. Sighing, I said, “It’s because of Easton. I wanted to give him a chance. He told me he changed and I fell for the lies. Now I’m paying for it.”

  My hand was still in the warm embrace of Tristian’s as his eyes pinned mine.

  “Mr. Trishan, are you ever coming up to make some pictures with me?” Easton called out from the top of the stairs.

  I bit my lips and he grinned. “Persistent, isn’t she?”

  “You have no idea.” Then I called out, “Hey, peanut, give us a few minutes.”

  “You’ve already had a few days.”

  “All right, kiddo, I’m coming up.”

  I moved to get up and he held out a hand, palm facing me. “You stay there and rest. I can handle this.”

  “You sure? Miss Bossy Pants can be pretty demanding.”

  “And your point is?”

  “Go. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  I watched his rear end as he took the stairs two at a time, and it was oh, so easy on the eyes. Then my phone rang. It was Mom.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hey, honey. We’re on the way over.”

  “Okay. Tristian’s here too. Easton is bossing him around.”

  Mom relayed the information to Dad and I heard his laughter. “That’s a good sign.”

  “What? Dad laughing or Easton being bossy?”

  “Both, now that you mention it. Your father has been a bear this morning and you know how Easton is. She’d never boss someone around she didn’t like.”

  That much was true. Easton was shy around people she didn’t like or trust. Dad said it was a great trait to have. “I agree. The first thing she did was feed him one of Banana’s chocolate chip cookies.”


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