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Dangerous Deal

Page 3

by Skye Jones

  “How long would it take to secure all the windows upstairs?” I asked.

  “Too long,” Ben grumbled. “Days, as there’s a ton of them.”

  “Well, okay, but wouldn’t you rather spend a few days doing nice, clean work, than a few hours dealing with that stink and mess?” Not to add it was majorly upsetting. At the time I’d acted on instinct, but now I kept replaying the image of me bashing in a person’s brains— diseased or not.

  “She has a point,” Doc added.

  “It’s going to take ages,” Ben muttered.

  I played my ace card. “Plus, I’m not safe here with the windows that way. You guys aren’t scared of the Foamers; they can’t do you all that much harm in all probability, but I don’t have your strength or pain-defying genes. Do I?”

  “We’ll fix the windows today,” Jackson said.

  Ben huffed but didn’t argue, and Doc smiled.

  “But first, we need to get cleaned up,” Jackson said.

  “Group shower? With the little lady here?” Ben sounded hopeful, and his face brightened.

  “Better ask the little lady.” Jackson shook his head at Ben, but his lips twitched.

  I was still sore, and not sure my body could take another round of what Jackson had put it through, but some other stuff might be nice. More than nice. “I’m a bit… you know… sore. I don’t think I can… not the Full Monty.”

  “The what?” Ben’s brow crinkled. “You don’t half use some strange expressions.”

  “It’s from that film about the strippers I think,” I said.

  “What film?”

  I sighed, they wouldn’t have had the DVD education I had. Nights spent watching bootleg nineties films, the ones Simon and I loved. The thought of my brother left a nasty taste, and I pushed him out of my mind.

  “I think what she’s saying,” Doc supplied, “is that some play might be nice, but not intercourse. Is that about right?”

  Intercourse? Trust Doc to make it all sound clinical, but he was right, and I nodded.

  “Sounds good to me.” Ben came and wrapped a stinky arm around my shoulders. He did stink, and I shrugged him off.

  “Come on. Let’s go get clean.” I walked out of the room as all three men followed me.

  As I walked up the stairs trailed by the three Altereds, something struck me. These guys were willing to do almost anything for me, it seemed. Other than let me leave. I was a prisoner, despite their protestations to the opposite, but one with some power.

  I wondered how far my sway with them went? How far their sway with me went because this connection went both ways, and I’d acted immediately the moment I thought Jackson was in danger.

  We reached the corridor, and I looked to Jackson. “Your bath is nice and big, but I doubt it will fit all of us.”

  “We haven’t shown you the shower room yet, have we?” Doc grinned at me, then looked over my head to Jackson. “She’s going to lose her shit.”

  “What?” I looked from one to the other.

  Doc shook his head. “Oh, no. Don’t want to ruin the surprise. Follow us.”

  We headed to the end of the corridor with Jackson’s room on it and through a door at the end, then turned right and up a short staircase. At the top was a door.

  Ben pushed the door open, and I walked into a bland room. More modern than the rest of the house, this space was airy. Light.

  “This place was bought by a wealthy financier, right before everything went to shit.” Jackson swept his hands around the room. “He started his renovations here, at the top of the house, and at the bottom too, but never got any further. The second crash happened. He ran out of money, and then found himself fleeing the country when a fair few of his banker friends were hung from lampposts in the summer riots. He did do this room though, as well as great work in the cellar where Alex sleeps. And one of the things he did up here was put in a bathroom.”

  He pointed to a door in what looked like a partition wall. I went over to it and for some reason glanced back at the guys, who all nodded in time with one another. I pushed the door open with a tiny pang of trepidation and stared. A gasp of delight escaped my lips at the glory I beheld.

  In front of me was a modern bathroom with a low, square white toilet. A huge white sink. Then beyond them a glass partition and a massive shower with one of those oversized shower heads you see in fancy magazines. This one hung from the ceiling and it wasn’t even one of the square ones I’d seen before. This thing was rectangle. And it was humongous!

  The walls were covered in warm stone tiles, as was the floor. The back wall, behind the shower head, seemed to be made of cork, but probably wasn’t because I doubted cork was waterproof.

  “Does it work?” I asked Jackson.

  “Sure does. We don’t tend to use it as it takes a lot of water, which we have to use from storage, and we don’t exactly enjoy group showers.”

  “But now…” I glanced at them all.

  “Now, you’re here,” Ben supplied. “Group showers take on a whole new meaning, baby doll. Now, shall we get naked and wet?”

  “Don’t need to ask twice.” Doc began to get undressed.

  I hesitated as all around me big, powerful males stripped their clothes off. “Come on,” Jackson teased. “Don’t be shy.”

  Then he reached for me and began to take my clothes off. He pulled the t-shirt he’d leant me up and off and threw it to one side, giving a low hum as my breasts were freed.

  I’d never been overly fond of my body. I was short, not skinny, but not curvy in the right way either. I had a belly, a little pouch that hung over my knickers, and I hated it. You might even call me a little bit plump. Maybe. Certainly, compared to the muscular girls who were the fighters in the Feral communities, or the wasted skinny girls on the edges of that society. Even the girls who shared the compound with me were slim and toned.

  Mum said the bit of meat on my bones made me different. In a world where resources were scarce you most certainly could be too thin, and she argued my bit of extra weight was a good thing. Jackson certainly seemed to think so, the way he ate up my curves with his hungry gaze.

  Fingers at my waist undid my trousers from behind and then slid them down my legs. A warm body covered my back, and Doc breathed in my ear. “You’re fucking hot, beautiful.”

  Beautiful, babe, baby. I should be offended by the way they were always calling me pet names, but instead I decided to give them nicknames too. Doc could be Blue because of his eyes. Ben could be Fido because he basically turned into a big, shaggy dog. Alex could be Count, on account of his vampireyness. Only Jackson would be hard to name. Then it hit me, Genghis. Like the barbarian warlord. I didn’t think I’d ever dare call them these names out loud, but I began to giggle.

  “What’s funny?” Jackson demanded.

  “I’m thinking of nicknames for you all, seeing as you seem determined to call me anything but Milly.”

  “Oh, and I presume you’ve come up with some?” He arched one of those dark brows at me.

  “Maybe, but I’m not telling.”

  I kicked my trousers from my ankles and lifted my arms above my head, taking my hair up in my hands. The movement lifted my breasts, and Jackson’s hungry gaze watched it all. I let my hair fall again with a sigh as it brushed my shoulders. I’d always loved the feeling of it brushing the skin there, and naked with these men it took on a whole new sensual significance.

  “Why don’t you show me how the shower works?”

  They didn’t quibble; instead, they rushed into the shower area and began to turn dials and grab bottles, and the next moment water was pounding out of the gloriously large showerhead.

  “Come on in, baby.” Jackson crooked a finger at me.

  I didn’t need asking twice. I wanted the stench of the Foamers off me, and there were three of the hottest guys I’d ever seen in front of me, naked and aroused.

  Each was glorious in his own way. Doc, the leaner of the three, but beautiful like an Olympic
swimmer. Then Ben who was built. Shorter than Doc or Jackson, he owned the brawn to more than make up for it. And finally, Jackson, who must be six-foot-five and weighed two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle. If not more.

  They were beautiful. And they were waiting for me. Little old me. The girl who had been about to marry a man who didn’t even want her. The girl with too much meat on her bones. I might be a prisoner, but in that moment I felt like the world’s luckiest hostage.

  I stepped into the shower and sighed as the water hit me.

  Then I turned to look at the three men surrounding me, and my stomach flip-flopped at their ravenous expressions.

  Oh my, we were about to get it on!

  Chapter Three

  Milly: Three on one.

  I stared at the men, and my heart beat a wild rhythm as one by one they advanced on me. The water beat down like heavenly warm rain, and they were already soaked. Skin glistening. Doc, with his blue eyes, Ben and his handsome face, and Jackson with all that testosterone he exuded. They were all delicious in their own way. They were all big, strong, and hard. For me.

  There was a vulnerability in the moment, but a sense of power too. I’d made these men this way. I’d turned them on, all three of them.

  “You saved me,” Jackson said. His voice a low rumble as he grabbed me and pulled me into him. “Knew you were smart, and clearly you’re hot. But you’re brave too, Milly. I told you, you’re strong deep inside.”

  “I only acted on instinct,” I protested because I hadn’t been that brave. I’d reacted without thinking about it.

  Ben laughed. “A lot of people’s instinct would be to run away.”

  Maybe, maybe not.

  “Do you want to run away right now, Milly?” Jackson practically purred.



  “You sound a touch disappointed,” I told him.

  He gave me that warlord’s grin of his. “I think I’d enjoy the chase.”

  Dangerous. This man was dangerous but sizzling hot with it.

  An image of me wet and naked, running down the corridors, drops of water falling in my wake, and three big men pounding after me ran through my mind. My inner feminist didn’t like it one bit, but my body did. She liked it a whole lot. Traitorous bitch.

  “You like the idea,” Jackson didn’t ask, he stated.

  I whirled to face him. “Are you in my mind?” I hadn’t felt the itching.

  “Nope. I can scent your arousal. I want to taste it.”

  He dropped fluidly to his knees and pushed my thighs apart, then he lifted one leg and put it on his shoulder, leaving me balancing on my right leg.

  Powerful arms gripped me from behind, and Ben held me as Jackson went to work on me. He was so talented with that tongue of his it should be illegal.

  “I’d love to fuck your ass,” Ben said, and I froze. A finger was one thing, but Ben’s impressively sized dick quite another. He laughed. “Okay, not in the cards. How about I slide in and out here?”

  He pushed his dick between my ass cheeks, moving it up and down. The sensation wasn’t horrible, not at all. We were wet, slippery; it was good.

  “Just don’t stick it in by accident,” I warned him.

  “Baby,” Jackson paused in his administrations. “When we take your ass, you’ll be begging us to do it. We won’t go there until you’re ready.”

  I didn’t tell him, but I never thought I’d be ready. Not for that.

  Jackson gave me a knowing look but bent his head again, and my mouth parted on a sigh.

  Doc was watching us, and his dick stood up against his belly. So hard it looked painful. Tentatively, I reached out and took hold of him. He sighed and arched into my touch, giving me the green light to stroke him.

  I remembered when Jackson had covered my hand with his; he’d made my strokes faster and harder, and I used that knowledge now with Doc. I gripped him firmly, admiring his length, and began to work him.

  “Fuck, yes, Milly.” His voice was rough, guttural. He didn’t close his eyes either, but dropped his gaze to watch my hand on him.

  I did the same. He was dark, almost purple at the tip, and leaking. The sight turned me on immensely, and I moaned.

  “Shit, baby,” Ben said, increasing his pace.

  Lost in the three of them, I forgot all about being a good girl and not making noise. At home on the few occasions I dared to touch myself, I’d be quiet as a mouse, breathing out my little sighs of pleasure into my pillow. Now, I let go.

  My moans filled the bathroom, and I pushed against Jackson’s face, taking what I needed.

  Tearing my attention from watching myself jerk Doc, I looked down at Jackson and saw he’d taken himself in hand and was moving his fist furiously.

  “Fuck, I’m coming,” Doc blurted the words out as if surprised and an arc of come followed them, painting my hip.

  Four more powerful spurts followed, and the sight of him coming spurred me to my climax. I ground against Jackson’s face as he held my hips firm with both hands, his own dick forgotten for the moment.

  Ben groaned behind me and jerked his hips in staccato movements as I felt warmth coat my ass cheeks.

  My insides clenched over and over as I rode out my orgasm.

  As we all started to come down from the crazy high, I realized Jackson hadn’t come. I wanted to take him in my mouth, and I sank to my knees, wincing slightly as they hit the hard tiles.

  He looked at me for a moment, then with a grin he stood and fed me his cock.

  I took it like the greedy girl I was and moaned around him. The time for finesse and tender discovery was gone; I wanted him too much. I sucked him into my mouth, wrapping my lips around him and using my tongue to make swirls on his flesh.

  “You keep that up and I’ll come in two minutes flat,” he warned.

  I wanted him to come, and I wanted to taste him, and for those reasons, I kept it up.

  It didn’t take two minutes before he grunted and jerked and swelled in my mouth. He came a lot, like before in the bathroom, and I swallowed it all.

  When he’d finished, he pulled away, and lifted my chin. “Good girl, you took every last drop.”

  Again, his words should have angered my inner feminist, but they merely turned me on. I hadn’t explored my sexuality much beyond the basic fumbling I had done with my previous boyfriend, but I was beginning to get clued in that I might be rather submissive when it came right down to it.

  Jackson sank to his knees too, held my face in his big hands, and kissed me long and hard and wet. I tasted myself on him and it didn’t disgust me, merely added to the dirty, naughty vibe of the whole encounter.

  “Poor, Alex, he’s missed out on a real party,” Ben said.

  “We’ll have to do it all over again when he’s up,” Doc added.

  I hesitated at the idea. I found Alex hot. He was incredibly good looking. Out of all the men he had the most classically handsome face. He also was kind, or at least had been to me.

  The issue was that he clearly wasn’t human, and I didn’t know how I’d feel about his cool fingers on me. The mouth that drank blood kissing me.

  “You know, most women that have come to play with us in the past, have wanted Alex the most.” Doc gave me a gentle look.

  “Can you read minds too?” I demanded.

  He shook his head. “Your face said it all. You’re unsure. It’s funny because most girls are into Alex when they find out what he is. Total vamp groupies. It’s Sasquatch here that scares them.” He jabbed a finger toward Jackson.

  “Oh, he scares me too,” I assured Doc.

  “Yeah, you seemed terrified a few moments ago,” Ben mocked.

  “Maybe it’s part of the appeal, and I’m just fucked in the head,” I said back.

  “You’re wet and starting to shiver. Let’s get dried off.” Jackson took control of the situation in the smooth way he always did.

  We all did as he suggested and got ourselves dried and dressed. />
  Then we went to forage for food in the kitchen because all the sexy times were energy expending.

  As we ate, Jackson looked up at me over his plate of mostly meat. “I need some sleep, but when I wake up, you can come with Ben and me back to your compound. I don’t like it, hate taking you out of here, but I think the people who know your parents might be lying about where they are. They’re much more likely to lead us to them if you’re with us.”

  “Thank you,” I said with heartfelt sincerity. “It means a lot. I want to find them before they get killed. It’s only a matter of time if they are going out of the compound every day. I can’t believe Simon hasn’t tried to get word to them.”

  Jackson shrugged. “Maybe he has and can’t find them either, or maybe he doesn’t care. He didn’t strike me as the sensitive type when I met him.”

  “You don’t like him, do you?” I asked.

  Jackson snorted. “I don’t like the way he talked about you. He’s not your friend or ally, Milly. Not at all.”

  I knew as much, and while it hurt, it didn’t sting half as much as it might have now I had four gorgeous men on my side.

  “He’s my family. I don’t like him right now, but I don’t want to hurt him or have anyone else hurt him.”

  “Family is what you make it,” Jackson replied, surprising me. “These men are my family, and now you’re my family.”

  He said this simply, as if he hadn’t uttered something outrageous. The other guys kept munching away; none of them looked shocked or in disagreement.

  “I’m not your family,” I said.

  “You are,” he replied.

  “You don’t know me. Not really. Not beyond the sexy dreams and the stuff we’ve done in the here and now.”

  “Yeah, I do. I know what your deepest, darkest desires and fears are. I know what your subconscious throws up during the night, and you know me for the same reasons. We’ve spent way more time together in one another’s heads than we have physically, and you can’t get closer than that.”

  I was about to argue but Jackson looked down at his plate. He swallowed and yawned. For the first time, I noticed how tired he looked. His skin was a tad paler than usual, and he had dark circles under his eyes. The lines around his mouth seemed more pronounced too. Guilt hit me, sharp and acrid. This man was going out daily, looking for my family, and I kept giving him crap.


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