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Living for the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 4)

Page 17

by Hayley Faiman

  “Pasha’s businesses are in Brighton Beach; that’s his territory. It’s the biggest territory we have in the organization. I’m still new, so my territory is smaller, South Beach, in Staten Island,” he explains. I nod.

  “Do you want Brighton Beach?” I ask.

  “I want more territory; but there’s too much formality that comes with Brighton Beach. It’s like being back in Russia. I left there for a reason,” he shrugs.

  I smile, not because he doesn’t want the most important territory in the city, but because he’s actually talking to me about this. He’s not hiding or deflecting, and it feels like this is a partnership, something I didn’t really think we’d ever have. It’s another piece of my dream realized and given to me by him.

  Leo pulls the car up to the curb of the brothel and I cringe. This was not where I wanted to bring Ashley tonight, but I had no choice. Two of my girls were roughed up to the point of unconsciousness. They’ve come to and can’t remember a fucking thing. They think they were drugged, too. All by their date, an unknown man who gave a fake name. We’re trying to find video surveillance of the hotel they went to.

  It’s a hotel we always use for the girls—mainly because they accept our money and don’t rat us out for the business we’re running. It’s a clean, upper end hotel, and the male clients enjoy going to a nice place. Our girls aren’t cheap, so neither should the hotels they meet their clients be.

  “Stay here,” I mutter to Ashley.

  “What is this place?” she asks curiously, too fucking curious for her own good.

  “Stay with her,” I bark to Leonid. He nods once.

  I don’t respond to Ashley. I kiss her cheek and leave her in the car. I glance around and notice that there are more cars than usual at the house, and I know my men must have already begun gathering.

  This is one of the houses the girls live in. It’s a nice three-bedroom colonial style house, and I’ve remodeled the inside, making it luxurious for the girls.

  I own four more homes exactly like it on the block, and it’s where they live and bring their longtime clients. New clients and ones they don’t completely trust are always met at the hotel.

  I walk into the living room and see both girls bruised, battered, and completely dazed, sitting on the couch. They’re normally gorgeous girls, both almost identical with long, brown hair and bright green eyes. They often will work together if a client requests two females.

  “Tell me,” I grind out, turning to look at my Brigadier, Dominik.

  “Guy called in and requested two girls. American accent. Gave the information he was asked to Manya, ran what he gave us, and nothing came back. Clean as a whistle. Now we know it was because he used a fake name. Met the girls at the hotel, they drank a little wine, just a few sips each. Then he started beating the shit out of them. Raped them every way he could, and left them for dead. Manya did her two-hour check in, and when they didn’t answer or at least send a text back, she called a Shestyorka to check on them. The boy was too young to see that; probably scarred for fuckin’ life,” Dominik explains.

  “Any clue who this guy was?” I ask, not wanting to get into details about how the girls were mistreated, but wanting to find the bastard who did it.

  “Nope. Video shows him with shades and a hat. Fuck, the checks were run. Never has anything to this extreme happened before,” he grunts as his eyes skim over the two girls.

  Dr. Pavlov appears right on cue and shakes his head at the state of the women. He asks a few of the men standing around to help the girls get upstairs and in their beds so that he can run a thorough check of them.

  “Pavlov,” I call out before he can get to work.

  “Boss?” he asks, arching a brow.

  “You’re done with all this, come by The Mark tomorrow and do a check of Ashley for me, yeah?”

  He blinks and then grins. “She’s back?” he asks as he chuckles.

  “She is,” I shrug.

  “I’ll be by in the afternoon,” he mutters before he turns and heads upstairs to take care of the call girls.

  “Baryshev told me to watch out for the Cartel, said they could fuck with us at any time,” I point out.

  “Don’t think roughing up some whores would be their MO. They wouldn’t leave them breathing,” Dominik mutters. I nod in agreement.

  “We’ve been having some issues on the borders here with the Irish trying to nose into the territory,” I say.

  “Yeah, I guess it could be them. Fuck, I don’t know,” Dominik grunts. “They own most of the fucking city, why they would give two-fucks about our small area is beyond me.”

  “Yakov?” one of the girls asks as she walks up to me. I can’t remember her name, but she’s fairly new, only been around for a couple of months.

  “Yeah?” I grunt as she gets too close to me.

  “I’m scared,” she whispers, placing her hand on my forearm.

  “I know you are, but we’ll protect you girls. It’s what we do,” I murmur, placing my hand on her shoulder and giving her a gentle squeeze.

  “Thank you,” she whispers as she throws her arms around my middle and hugs me.

  Her body presses against mine and I can feel every inch of her curves, but they do nothing for me. The only curves I want against me are Ashley’s.

  “Who was that?” I ask after I hear the front door slam. I turn to Dominik who only shrugs.

  “Sexy as fuck little blonde thing. New girl, I guess,” he mutters.

  I push the girl hugging me away and reassure her that everything will be all right. There will be more security from now until we find the asshole who did this. She sniffles but grabs onto my hand as I turn to leave.

  “You could stay here, you know? I would feel so much safer if you did.” She bats her thick eyelashes and I almost burst out in laughter. I wrap my hand over hers and gently remove her from me.

  “No, I can’t. I have a woman,” I mutter.

  “Most of the men who see me do,” she shrugs.

  “No,” I shake my head and turn to Dominik. “Keep me informed of anything else you find out.”

  “Sure thing, boss,” he grunts before he takes the girl’s hand and leads her away from me, knowing that I’m through with her, but trying not to be an ass.

  This situation is scary, especially for a new girl here. Though, the way she was coming on to me, I doubted she was as scared as she claimed.

  I turn to the door and head out to find Ashley. She shouldn’t have even stepped one foot out of the car, let alone walked inside of the house.

  Leonid is standing in front of the car, his eyes zeroed in on something down the street and a worried look on his face.

  “Where is she?” I bark.

  “She refused to allow me to follow. I was going to give her a few minutes head start then follow anyway,” he says, never turning away from where he is focused. “She’s right there, I can still see her perfectly clear, but it’s dark. I need to go after her.”

  “Don’t bother. I’ll get her.” I say, turning to look in the direction he’s still staring in.

  I see her gold hair piled on her head and her short as fuck bright green dress in the distance. It wouldn’t take much effort on my part to catch up to her, but I’ll be damned if I’m running after her with my men standing around me.

  I take the keys from Leo’s hand and slide into the driver’s seat of the car. I don’t speed off like I want to. I creep forward with my hands gripping the steering wheel, trying to calm down so that I don’t throw her over the hood and spank her in the middle of the street.

  “Get the fuck in the car,” I grind out as I let the car coast next to her.

  I watch as her step falters a bit before her spine straightens. To her credit, she doesn’t show any other sign of worry at me being next to her. Instead, she ignores me.

  “If I repeat myself, Ashley, you won’t like the consequences,” I announce.

  “No,” she grinds out.

  “Now,” I roar.r />
  I WATCH AS SHE stops and turns to face me, her stance wide, her hands on her hips and her eyes narrowed on me. She looks absolutely stunning in her anger. My dick twitches at the sight, and it’s taking everything inside of me not to throw her over the hood of this car and fuck her in the middle of the street.

  I might spank her at the same time, too.

  “Why don’t you go back to that girl?” she asks, arching her brow in gorgeous defiance.

  I almost laugh at how completely absurd she’s acting, but I don’t. Her jealousy and anger are making me feel too fucking good to laugh. It’s not a way I would wish her to act all of the time; but right now, I can see how much she loves me, and also how upset she is at the thought of me touching another.

  I open the car door and swing my legs out before I take the few steps to reach her. I then wrap one of my hands around her ass, the other grasping onto the back of her neck at the same time. She stiffens and tries to step back from me, but she can’t. I’ve got her caged in my arms, and I’m not releasing her.

  “I don’t want that girl. I want my pchelka,” I murmur.

  “She looked pretty cozy pressed up against you,” she says, narrowing her eyes.

  “She offered her company for the night as well,” I announce.

  I watch as Ashley’s eyes widen and then fill with wetness.

  “Then why are you here?” she asks with a trembling lower lip.

  “Where else would I be, pchelka?” I ask as my fingers tighten on the cheek of her ass and around the back of her neck. “You’re to be my wife; you’re the only one I want.”

  I feel like a pussy, but she needs words and tenderness right now. I can see that she’s feeling very fragile at the moment, and she needs my reassurances.

  It’s not up to her to just blindly accept that she’s mine and that’s that. I have to show her, too.

  Sometimes, I have to say it, even when it’s frustrating. It’s all part of our dynamic, all part of our relationship. Ashley’s the one who gives me so much power and control, and yet, she’s the one who holds all of the power—not me.

  “She was all over you, and there were more women, and they were all dressed very skimpily,” she whispers. I almost laugh. She, too, is dressed in the same fashion.

  “I never wanted you to know. It’s business, and typically my business is none of yours. But you came in there and saw what you did, so now you’ll know,” I murmur softly as I look into her eyes.

  She parts her lips in anticipation of my next words, but all I want to do is kiss and fuck her with everything inside of me. I shake that feeling off before I continue.

  “Part of the Bratva business, to make money, is having a stable of call-girls,” I murmur.

  “Hookers?” she asks with wide eyes.

  “Yes,” I nod.

  “You have your own hookers?” she gasps, trying to break free from me.

  “No, I don’t have them. I would never actually use them. I don’t manage them, either, I have other men that do that; but tonight, two of them were attacked. I needed to check things out and get information. I don’t deal with them on a day-to-day basis, but they’re still under my protection,” I explain as best as I can.

  “Have you used them when I was gone?” she asks with an arched brow. I wonder how on earth we got onto this conversation.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I mutter.

  “No?” she asks.

  “Nyet. I’ve never asked you about men, about Mika or anybody before or during me. What I did during our separation this last time is none of your business,” I say, immediately regretting my words. They were aimed to hurt, and they hit their target as I watch the first tear fall.

  “I had no choice in anything, other than Mika, and nothing happened between us except a few kisses,” she whispers as tears trickle from her eyes.

  “I know,” I sigh as I press my forehead against hers and close my eyes.

  “What is the past is the past, Ashley. We cannot bring it up again and again or we’ll end up hating each other for things we cannot change,” I exhale.

  “I know. I just got so jealous,” she murmurs.

  “No need to be jealous. I’m only yours,” I say. “I love only you.”

  “Jacob,” she sighs.

  I lift my head slightly and press my lips against hers. I sweep my tongue out and slide it along the seam of her lips, tasting the salt from her tears. Ashley opens her mouth with a moan and I thrust my tongue inside of her, needing a part of me to be inside of her body.

  “You’re sexy when you’re jealous,” I murmur as I nibble on her lips.

  “I should still be mad at you,” she sighs.

  “I should throw you over my knee and spank the fucking hell out of you for walking away the way you did. You don’t know this neighborhood. Anything could have happened to you,” I growl as my happiness fades and anger begins to take its place.

  “I wasn’t thinking,” she admits.

  “No, you sure as fuck weren’t. Lucky for you, Leo was watching you strut your little pissed off ass down the street the entire time. He was seconds away from grabbing you himself and throwing you back in the car,” I grunt. “Now, can we get dinner? I’m starving.”

  “Yes,” she says with a nod.

  “Don’t think that you’re off the hook. I think my cane might make an appearance for this stunt,” I warn.

  “Really?” she breathes. I watch as she presses her thighs together.

  “Does my pchelka need to hurt tonight?” I ask as I massage the back of her neck.

  Ashley’s eyes look up at me with a mix of need, desire, and confusion—like she isn’t quite sure she wants it, but she needs it, and she desires it all at the same time. Then she nods.

  “It’s been a long time,” I say as my hand on her ass slips between her legs and I begin to pet her wet pussy from behind.

  “It has,” she agrees.

  “I’ll need to tie you up so you don’t move,” I offer as I push one of my fingers inside of her.

  “Please,” she whispers.

  “We’ll eat some dinner, and for dessert, I’ll eat you—then we’ll play,” I offer.

  She nods jerkily and I remove my hand from her pussy as I guide her toward the backseat of the car. Once she’s safely inside, I slide into the driver’s seat and turn the car around, heading back to the house. Several of my men are outside. They’re all looking at their shoes by the time I pull up, probably trying not to laugh at the fact that I had to chase this little slip of a girl down the fucking street.

  “Stay here. I still need to wrap things up,” I tell her. She nods without protest.

  “You good, boss?” Leo asks with a smirk as I close the door behind me and hand him the keys.

  “Fucking women,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Yes, but without them, we’re the ones who are fucked,” he chuckles.

  I grunt as my response and make my way back to Dominik.

  “Not a new girl, I’m guessing?” he asks, raising a brow.

  “Nyet, my fiancée,” I shrug.

  “Congratulations are in order. Once this shit is handled, we go out for a drink, yeah?” he grins.

  “Yeah,” I agree.

  I spend the next twenty minutes or so going over all of the information we need from the girls, and tell him to get a schedule started for the five houses and the women. We’re going to need round the clock men on the houses and the girls when they go to and from a job. I want to catch these fucks.

  “Tomorrow morning, I’ll finalize the schedule with you. Come to my office at nine,” I sigh.

  “See you then.” He lifts his chin and turns to go back into the house.

  I make my way to the car feeling drained. All I want is to have my dick sucked, fuck Ashley, and go to sleep. She needs more from me, though. She needs the cane; and while it means a long night for me, I’ll do it to fulfill those needs. First, I’ll take her to dinner and get us both fed, before I stop by my office to pi
ck up some supplies.

  The dinner we shared tasted fantastic, but I was too wound up with excitement and nerves to truly taste it. Also, Yakov looks tired and stressed. The news from earlier in the evening catching up to him and causing him worry.

  “We don’t have to…” I offer. Even though I want everything he promised, I know that he’s beat.

  “We do,” he grunts. “Get in the bedroom, strip, and wait for me,” he orders.

  A shiver rolls through my body, but it isn’t in fear—it’s in anticipation, excitement, and downright jubilation. I’ve missed this. I didn’t think that I would. I thought that what we’ve been doing was going to be enough for me, for us, but it isn’t.

  I need more, I crave it, and I’m so grateful and thankful that Yakov sees this in me and wants more as well. Maybe we each need it just as much as the other; maybe that’s what keeps us drawn to each other.

  I strip completely bare, then release my hair from its bun before I fall to my knees and arrange myself the way that he likes—head down, arms behind my back, and knees spread. I hear rustling a few minutes later and fight the urge to lift my head and look around to watch him undress.

  “Get on the bed. On your back. Spread your legs and wait for me,” he rumbles.

  I scramble to my feet and climb up onto the bed before I crawl to the middle and spread my legs wide, bending them at the knee as I wait.

  “Greedy girl,” he chuckles as he climbs from the foot of the bed until his face is at my center, his hot breath washing over my damp core.

  “You were a bad girl, tonight. You acted on jealous impulsive behavior, and you ran from me, or at least you tried to. It could have been a very dangerous situation, pchelka,” he murmurs before his tongue snakes out and licks me from my back entrance to my clit.

  “I’m sorry,” I moan.

  “You’re not; but maybe by the end of tonight, you’ll be feeling better about us,” he says.

  Yakov doesn’t say anything else before he sucks my clit between his teeth as two fingers slide inside of me. I buck my hips in surprise, not expecting the move. He hums around my clit before his tongue begins to flick it as his fingers fuck me.


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