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Page 75

by Ann Wroe

  Jehan’s marriage: Chastel de la Howarderie, p. 411. He gives no source.

  Farou: Gairdner, Richard III/ Perkin Warbeck, p. 334; Paul Rolland, Les Origines de la Commune de Tournai (Brussels, 1931), App. III.

  Other children: Chastel de la Howarderie, pp. 411–12; CC 111, f. 189r.

  Thiroyan: CC111, f. 189r. The words frere Thiroyan have been disputed, but the reading is not in doubt in this document.

  Another son: discussed in the Epilogue, pp. 459–60.

  The boatmen’s chapel: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, p. 112.

  Apprenticeship rules: Verriest, ‘Luttes sociales’, pp. 33 and n., 35, 36.

  Croizières’ school: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, pp. 296–7. The ‘profane place’: Ibid., p. 306.

  Les Bons Enfants: Leopold Michel, ‘Causeries à propos de nos vieux registres paroissiaux’, Bulletins de la Société Historique et Littéraire de Tournai, vol. 20 (1884), p. 127, n. 1.

  Gaspar van Weerbecke: Biographie Nationale (Brussels, 1938), vol. 27, cols 151–9; Compte rendu des séances de la Commission Royale d’Histoire, vol. 11, part ii (1846), p. 679, where ‘Jaspar’ ranks fifth in the archduke’s chapel.

  Cathedral precincts: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, pp. 60, 71, 147, 235, 345.

  Muguet as cantor: Hennebert, ‘Extraits’, p. 176.

  Salve Regina: J. Le Maistre d’Anstaing, Recherches sur l’histoire . . . de l’église cathédrale de Notre Dame de Tournai, vol. 1 (Tournai, 1842), pp. 240, 242.

  Roses: E. Soil de Moriame, ‘La dîme des roses à Tournai au XIVe siècle’, in Annales de l’Académie Royale d’Archéologiede Belgique lxix, 6th series, vol. 9 (1921), passim.

  Bishop of Fools: Chotin, Tournai, pp. 75–6. Banning of them: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, p. 265.

  Effects of fine education: Idley, Instructions, book 1, ls 1321–2.

  ‘The greatest persons’: Molinet, Chroniques, vol. 5, p. 80.

  Bacon’s objections: Henry VII, pp. 195–6 and n.

  Perkin’s qualities: AH, pp. 63, 65 and n., 69, 111; BL Cotton Domitian xviii, ff. 210v, 211v; GC, p. 262; Zurita, Historia, vol. 5, f. 135; Buchanan, Rerum Scotiarum, f. 145v.

  ‘He had longed’: Zurita, Historia, vol. 5, ff. 134b–135.

  ‘that sort of man’: AH, pp. 63 and n., 119.

  Outrecuidance: Molinet, Chroniques, vol. 5, p. 80.

  Simnel’s story: HRHS, p. 50; Bennett, Simnel, pp. 131–3.

  ‘by mouth alone’: Molinet, Chroniques, vol. 5, p. 46.

  Nanfan: L&P, vol. 1, p. 235. Parron: Anni MD Pronosticon (Bodleian Library, Oxford), sig. a, viir.

  Malet and Charles: Commines, Mémoires, book 7, ch. viii, p. 23.

  Richmond’s thanks: BL Cotton Caligula Dvi, f. 20r.

  ‘quite clear’: ASM AD Cartella 567 (Oct. 21st).

  Charles’s evidence: PI, vol. 4, p. 522; CSPS, p. 92. Picard spies: PRO E 101/414/6, ff. 22v, 23v, 30r, 48r.

  Kentings: PI, vol. 4, p. 397; CSPS, p. 59.

  Henry not liking the proofs: PI, vol. 4, p. 597; CSPS, p. 111.

  Ramsay/ Monypeny: Ellis, Letters, vol. 1, p. 28.

  ‘Lots of people who know him’:CSPS, p. 92; PI, vol. 4, p. 522.

  ‘Father and mother’: AGS Patronato Real, leg. 52–41, f. 358r, v; not given in the printed versions, though Gairdner mentions it.

  January 1497: PI, vol. 5, pp. 147–8; CSPS, p. 135. The document: AGS E 367, ff. 1r–2r (Mexia’s authentication).

  Letter to Londoño: PI, vol. 5, p. 211; CSPS, p. 147.

  French pleased: CSPM, p. 339.

  Anonymous Frenchmen: PRO E 101/414/6, passim. Breton spies, E 101/414/6, ff. 81v, 84r, 88r. Lenesque’s wife: Ibid., f. 84r.

  ‘John Perkin’: Ibid., f. 88r.

  The blank: Carew MS, vol. 632, f. 252r.

  Osbek/ Canterbury: CCA F/A, f. 258v.

  ‘Osbeck or otherwise Styenbeck’: GC, p. 262.

  ‘Peter Warbeck’: See e.g. PRO KB 9/51, KB 9/956, KB 9/934/5, and many others.

  ‘Peter Warboys’: JCCC (JOR 10), f. 106r.

  ‘object of contempt’: AH, p. 63. Hall said ‘kin’ was applied to him as to ‘younglings of no strength nor courage for their timorous hearts and pusillanimity’. Chronicle, p. 462. Holinshed added: ‘which . . . are not thought worthy of the name of a man’. Chronicles, vol. 3, p. 504.

  ‘Jemmy’: Skelton, ‘Against the Scots’, passim.

  ‘per Pero Osbek’: CSPM, p. 330; ASM AD Cartella 567 (Oct. 21st). It is not in capitals, as Hinds implies, but upper and lower case.

  ‘Roundells & songs’: GC, p. 262.

  Wesbecque: CC 111, ff. 188r, 189r; Molinet, Chroniques, vol. 5, pp. 78–9, 118, 120, 131. For the sense of ‘orphan’, see Weightman, Margaret of York, p. 170.

  Henry to the pope: CSPM, p. 327.

  Soncino/ ‘Pirichino’: CSPM, pp. 323–4, 325, 326. Trevisano: Sanuto, Diarii, vol. 1, cols 806, 810.

  ‘no one else’: CSPM, p. 340.

  As soon as he knew it: AH, p. 69 n. Court fames: Bacon, Henry VII, p. 144.

  Printing the confession: HRHS, p. 73.

  ‘the further harm’: GC, p. 284. Printed copies: Ibid., p. 286.

  Molinet’s spellings: Molinet, Chroniques, vol. 5, p. 78. Following Henry’s letter: Ibid., pp. 78–9.

  His293rd chapter: Ibid. His last words: Ibid., p. 121.

  Edward/ Jehan’s wife: Le Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove, Histoire de Flandre, vol. 5, Ducs de Bourgogne 1453–1500 (Brussels, 1850), p. 496.

  ‘not wanting it’: PI, vol. 4, p. 597; CSPS, p. 111. Henry liked this idea even less than he liked the French evidence, and just wanted ‘him’.

  Tanjar and the boy’s father: Pl, vol. 4, pp. 528–9.

  Tristan’s father: Tristan (see Notes, p. 481), p. 93.

  The letter to his mother: Gairdner, RichardIII/ Perkin Warbeck, pp. 329–30; Michel, ‘Causeries’ (see Notes, p. 521), pp. 127–8; CC 111, ff. 188v–189r. The version given is translated from the Courtrai MS.

  Daubeney’s P. S.: Ibid., f. 188r.

  Porquiere: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, p. 80.

  The procession: Ibid., p. 97; Vandenbroeck, Extraits, vol. 2, pp. 209–11, 214.

  Addresses to mothers: Paston Letters, passim, esp. vol. 5, nos 759, 776, 778, 780, 901, 915, etc.; Stonor Letters (see Notes, p. 478), vol. 2, p. 31. Margaret Paston’s complaint: Paston Letters, vol. 5, no. 917.

  Henry to his mother: Halliwell, Letters (see Notes, p. 482), vol. 1, pp. 180–2.

  Parents interceding: See, e.g., Commines, Mémoires, book 5, ch. xv; Duffy, Stripping of the Altars, p. 202.

  ‘young fond foundling’: Hall, Chronicle, p. 475.

  Tournai’s coins: Chotin, Tournai, vol. 2, p. 10.

  ‘Vive Perkin’ coins: Cocheteux, ‘Une monnaie’ (see Notes p. 494), pp. 63–8; BL MS Facs 295 (c). Tournai continues to show no interest in Perkin: there is no mark of him in the city, and no mention of him in the guide-books.

  8 This world my prison

  Exeter banquet: PRO E 36/126, f. 7r; DRO Receiver’s Accounts, years 12–13, mem. 3r.

  Henry and rebels: Pollard, Henry VII, vol. 1, p. 176; DRO ECR book 51, f. 329v (Hooker).

  Not in the public eye: Hooker mentions his capture as though it happened after Henry’s stay: Ibid., f. 329v.

  se la vita: ASM AD Cartella 567 (October 21st).

  ‘eager . . . to see him’: AH, p. 111.

  Jane Shore: More, Richard III, p. 82.

  Perkin’s trumpet: PRO E101/14/16, f. 9v.

  In chains: AH, p. 110 and n. ‘In his company’: Ibid., p. 111.

  ‘awaited’, ‘attended’: ‘The Grey Friars Chronicle’, in Monumenta Franciscana, ed. Richard Howlett, Rolls Series 4, 2 vols (1858–82), vol. 2, p. 182; Charles Wriothesley, A Chronicle of England during the Reigns of the Tudors, from 1485 to 1559, ed. William Douglas Hamilton, vol. 1, Camden Society 147–8 (1875), p. 3; GC, p. 283.

  Sheen building and gardening: EH, pp. 97, 101, 107, 115; PRO E 101/414/6, ff. 3r, 5r, 15r, v, 23v, 72r.

ry’s entry, and Perkin’s: Sanuto, Diarii, vol. 1, col. 841; GC, p. 283; LC, p. 219.

  Perkin on horseback: CSPM, p. 335; Bacon, Henry VII, p. 195.

  Delivering William: GC, p. 284; LC, p. 281.

  Henry VI paraded: Visser-Fuchs, ‘Caspar Weinreich’ (see Notes, p. 493), p. 313.

  Cheapside: Sneyd, Relation (see Notes, p. 479), pp. 42–3.

  Thought likely to escape: AH, p. 111.

  ‘taken . . . and hanged’: CSPV, p. 265.

  Henry’s mercy: CSPM, p. 329.

  Treated doulcement: Commines, Mémoires, book 5, ch. xx.

  Guelders/ de la Pole: CSPS, p. 429.

  Henry and the heretic: LC, p. 222.

  De Puebla’s appeal: PI, vol. 5, p. 202 (CSPS, p. 198).

  Spanish mediation in Scotland: George Ridpath, The Border-History of England and Scotland, deduced from the earliest times to the union of the two Crowns (1810), p. 470 and n.

  Safe-conduct clause: Rymer, Foedera, vol. xii, p. 675; Conway, Relations, App. 1, pp. 242–3.

  ‘very difficult’: CSPS, p. 168. See also CSPV, pp. 269, 271.

  Philip and Maximilian: CSPM, p. 317; ‘Douze Triomphes’ in Gairdner, Memorials, p. 319.

  Margaret’s reaction: AH, p. 110 n.

  News to Maximilian: Regesta Imperii XIV, vol. 2, part ii, no. 8339; vol. 2, part i, nos. 5396, 5512; HHSA Maximiliana 7, f. 302r; Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Venice) MSS Lat. XIV/99 (4278), f. 117r.

  Maximilian’s letters: Innsbruck Urkunde 1, 8225, 8226, 8265. The personal note: HHSA Maximiliana 7, f. 366r.

  Sic transit: Regesta Imperii XIV, vol. 2, part i, no. 5512.

  Philip’s officers in London: EH, p. 115.

  Perkin and Katherine on show: CSPM, pp. 333–4; Sanuto, Diarii, vol. 1, cols 841–2.

  Jack and Jill: ‘Against a Comely Coystrowne’, see p. 399.

  ‘the sweet due debt’: Vices & Virtues, pp. 246–7; Hawes, Pastime of Pleasure, p. 201.

  ‘Lord, how Perkin’: ‘Against a Comely Coystrowne’, see p. 398. A wife’s duties: Geoffrey de la Tour Landry, The Book of the Enseignements and Teaching that the Knight of the Tower made to his Daughters, ed. G. B. Rawlings (1902), pp. 102, 137.

  Katherine’s servants: PRO E 101/414/16, ff. 6v, 18v, 19r; compare PRO E 101/415/3, ff. 3v, 6v, etc.

  The child’s fate: see Epilogue, p. 453.

  ‘in court at liberty’: LC, p. 223; GC, p. 287.

  Jones: CPR HVII, vol. 1, pp. 102 (Dec. 1485), 406.

  Smith’s jobs: Gunn, ‘Courtiers’ (see Notes, p. 516), p. 31; Campbell, Materials, vol. 2, pp. 175, 179, 305–6. Paying the apothecary: PRO E 404/81/3, warrant of May 8th 1495.

  His servants: CSPV, p. 269.

  Prisoner in Scotland: PI, vol. 5, p. 172; CSPS, p. 140; CSPM, p. 325.

  sub custodia: PRO KB 9/416/22. ‘sure and safe custody’: Rot. Parl., vol. 6, p. 545; PRO KB 8, mem. 5.

  Molinet’s view: Chroniques, vol. 5, p. 120. Maximilian’s: Weisskunig, pp. 218, n. (g), 219 n.

  Never to leave Perkin’s side: AH, p. 111.

  Savages of Newfoundland: CSPV, p. 262.

  Soncino/ Morton: CSPM, p. 328.

  Courteys in sanctuary: CPR HVII, vol. 1, p. 26. His pardons: CPR HVII, vol. 1, p. 380; ibid., vol. 2, p. 13.

  Andrew Dymock: CPR HVII, vol. 1, pp. 35, 121, and vol. 2, passim; PRO E 405/79, mems 7v, 64r.

  Dr Argentine: CPR HVII, vol. 2, p. 158 (grant of Dec. 1498). Elizabeth’s world: Nicolas, Privy Purse (see Notes, p. 481), pp. 1–106, passim. Ayala on her: CSPS, p. 210. In Nottingham: Lorraine C. Attreed, ‘The Politics of Welcome’, in City and Spectacle in Medieval Europe, ed. Barbara A. Hanawalt & Kathryn L. Reyerson (Minneapolis, 1994), p. 208.

  Elizabeth/ Henry: EH, pp. 87–130, passim.Paying her debts: Ibid., p. 111.

  ‘to alter the natural disposition’: Vergil, Three Books, p. 192.

  The monkey: Bacon, Henry VII, p. 243.

  ‘making good cheer’: CSPM, p. 341.

  The fire: LC, pp. 222, 233; CSPM, p. 341; Sanuto, Diarii, vol. 1, col. 878. Henry’s estimate: CSPV, p. 267. Court not displaced: PRO E 101/414/14, ff. 11r–13r.

  Functions of officers: Antiquarian Repertory (see Notes, p. 490), pp. 297–348 passim. Making the bed: Ibid., p. 301. There were more than 70 grooms of the chamber alone, each with a particular function: PRO E36/130, ff. 230v–232v.

  ‘certain persons’: Nicolas, Privy Purse, p. 82.

  Payments for Perkin: EH, pp. 115, 116, 117. The December payment: PRO E 101/414/16, f. 9r.

  Denis: EH, pp. 95–117 passim; Gunn, ‘Courtiers’, pp. 38, 41; PRO E 101/414/6 f 79v.

  Braybroke: CPR HVII, vol. 1, pp. 332, 378, 386, 469, 470.

  Clothes for Dick: EH, pp. 95, 96, 106, 118.

  Jasper: Ibid., p. 121.

  The riding gown: Ibid., p. 117.

  Diego’s horse: Anglo, ‘Court Festivals’ (see Notes, p. 491), p. 27.

  Court freaks: EH, pp. 87–133, passim. The Indians: Stow, Annals (see Notes, p. 492), p. 485.

  Simnel at court: Michael van Cleave Alexander, The First of the Tudors: A Study of Henry VII and his Reign (1981), pp. 108–9.

  Hatred of foreigners: see English Historical Documents, vol. 5, 1485–1558, ed. C. H. Williams (1967), p. 190; Sneyd, Relation, pp. 20–1, 35. ‘Rutterkin’: ‘Jolly Rutterkin’, not certainly by Skelton, but plausibly so, and quoted by characters in his ‘Magnificence’. Bread and butter: Sneyd, Relation, p. 11.

  Dissimulation: ‘The Bowge of Court’, ls 463–9.

  Skelton’s robes: ‘Calliope’, passim.

  ‘Triumphs of the Red Rose’: cited in ‘The Garland of Laurel’, l. 1223.

  Court organs: EH, pp. 95, 107; Anglo, ‘Court Festivals’, pp. 33, 34.

  The foolish Duke of Lancaster: EH, pp. 90, 91.

  Hythe standard: EH, p. 117; PRO E101/414/16, f. 24v.

  Spinula’s report: CSPM, p. 348.

  The Wardrobe: PRO E404/81/3, warrant of Oct. 9th 1493; E 405/79, f. 3v.

  The panic: PRO E101/414/16, f. 30r, v.

  New Romney: Historical Manuscripts Commission, vol. 5, 5th Report (1876), p. 549.

  Henry to Oxford: Arthurson, Perkin Warbeck, p. 197.

  Forgetting the benefits:LC, p. 223.

  Henry knowing everything: AH, p. 115.

  longing to destroy himself: Ibid., p. 114 n.

  Newfoundland: EH, pp. 113, 116, 117; Rymer, Foedera, vol. xii, p. 595; CSPM, pp. 320, 337.

  Listed together: PRO E101/414/16, f. 19r.

  The gown of tawny medley: PRO E 404/82, warrant of April 30th.

  To the Tower: PRO E 101/414/14, f. 20v. Conditions there: CPR HVII, vol. 1, p. 119; PRO E 404/80/482; E 404/81/3, warrant of April 3rd 1494; Sneyd, Relation, pp. 45–6.

  Boethius: De Consolatione (see Notes, p. 516), pp. 61–2.

  Vergil’s theories: AH, pp. 114 n., 115.

  Maximilian’s musings: Fuensalida, Correspondencia (see Notes, p. 501), p. 25.

  His other plans: Ibid., pp. 52, 56; Weisskunig, pp. 218–19.

  ‘Licenciatus’: CSPS, p. 150.

  Atwater and Barry: Madden, Documents, p. 190.

  Payments for Katherine: EH, p. 115; PRO E 101/414/6, ff. 18v, 19r. Her reappearance: PRO E101/414/16, f. 60r.

  Margaret Beaufort: Gairdner, Richard III, p. 227.

  The general pardon: J. S. Brewer, James Gairdner & R. H. Brodie (eds), Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII, 1509–1547, 21 vols (1862–1932), vol. 1, part i (1864), p. 247.

  ‘furred with mink’: CDRS, no. 1688.

  ‘a sleepy drink’: Gainsford, Perkin Warbeck (see Notes, p. 476), p. 547.

  Henry’s guards: AH, p. 7; Sneyd, Relation, p. 105.

  Kebyll and Sherwyn’s indictment: PRO KB 9 416/22. Sherwyn’s burglary: JCCC (JOR 10), f. 100r.

  Warders fined: PRO E 404/81/1, warrant of Feb. 4th 1492; E 404/81/3, warrants of Aug. 28th and Nov. 7th 1493, and many others.

  Smith’s grants: CPR HVII, vol. 2, p. 168; Gunn, ‘Courtiers’,
pp. 31–2; CPR HVII, vol. 2, p. 168.

  Report to Venice: CSPV, p. 269. ‘Believed generally’: Bacon, Henry VII, p. 201.

  De Puebla’s version: PI, vol. 5, p. 202 (CSPS, p. 198).

  New lock: PRO E 101/141/16, f. 27r.

  ‘the Duke of York Pierrequin’: Fuensalida, Correspondencia, p. 52.

  Dorset: Mancini, Usurpation (see Notes, p. 482), p. 113. Summer of 1498: LC, p. 223.

  The hunt for Perkin: EH, p. 118; AH, p. 115.

  Henry/ Charterhouse: CSPV, pp. 177, 183–4; PRO E 404/80/198, 328. Henry/ Tracy: EH, p. 112; Neil Beckett, ‘Henry VII and Sheen Charterhouse’, in Harlaxton, Henry VII (see Notes, p. 493), pp. 124–5.

  Tracy interceding: LC, p. 223; GC, p. 287; AH, p. 115.

  The holy cards: Duffy, Stripping of the Altars, plate 99.

  ‘loatheness of less room’: More, Dialogue, p. 283.

  Cambrai interceding: Molinet, Chroniques, vol. 5, p. 120.

  Bradshaw: PRO E101/414/16, f. 30v.

  De Puebla: PI, vol. 5, p. 202 (CSPS, pp. 152–3).

  ‘So the king . . .’: Sanuto, Diarii, vol. 1, col. 1023.

  ‘in safe keeping’: CSPS, p. 185. No ‘burla now’: PI, vol. 5, p. 250.

  Three ‘houses’: CPR HVII, vol. 1, p. 22.

  Perkin displayed: LC, p. 223; GC, p. 287; AH, p. 115. The stocks for deceiving beggars: CPR HVII, vol. 1, p. 436.

  Punishments for deceptions: LC, pp. 198, 208, 211 (Camell).

  God the Father: Ibid., p. 245 and n.

  Offences proclaimed: JCCC (JOR 10), ff. 31v, 48v, 78v, and others.

  De Puebla on the display: PI, vol. 5, p. 250.

  ‘cursed by everyone’: AH, pp. 115–17.

  Cabot: LC, p. 224; CSPV, p. 262; AH, p. 117.

  9 Bad stars

  Parron’s predictions: Bodleian Douce, fragments e, ii (parts of printed prognostication for 1498).

  infelicissimi: PRO E 36/126, f. 45r (also numbered 22r).

  Indictments: see note on ‘Conspiracies’ at the bottom of this page. Tower beds: CPR HVII, vol. 1, p. 390; PRO E 405/80, ff. 14v, 15v.

  Chains: PRO KB 8/13; Fifty-third Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records (1892), App. II, p. 34.

  Categories of Tower prisoners: Thanks to Jeremy Ashbee, the Tower historian, for help on this point.

  Long Roger: EH, pp. 89, 99; PRO E101/414/16, f. 52r.

  A secret: PI, vol. 5, p. 328 (CSPS, p. 196).

  Erasmus on Cambrai’s departure: The Epistles of Erasmus, from his earliest letters to his fifty-first year, ed. & tr. Francis Morgan Nichols (1901), nos 77, 73.


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