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1304 The Harbinger (The 13th Floor)

Page 1

by Christine Rains

  Table of Contents



















  By Christine Rains


  By Christine Rains

  Copyright 2013

  Cover design by Christine Rains Copyright 2013

  Kindle Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. If you are reading this book and you have not purchased it or won it in an author/publisher contest, this book has been pirated. Please delete and support the author by purchasing the ebook from one of our many distributors.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.



  L’il Gal Al and the Zombies of Amarillo

  1301 – The Marquis

  1302 – The Alpha

  1303 – The Dragonslayer


  For my awesome beta readers,

  Clare Dugmore and M Pepper Langlinais


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14



  About the Author


  Meira didn’t believe anything was more beautiful on Earth than shoes … except for Sam Wright. Her toes wiggled as he picked up their coffees from the counter. How wonderfully well that black suit fit him, accentuating his tall runner’s body. When he turned, his unbuttoned jacket flared a little and gave her a peek at his tight rear. She wet her lips and smiled as he walked over to their table. Her stomach did a few flips. It had been a great long time since she felt this way about any man. At least a few centuries.

  “Thank you.” Meira curled her fingers around her hot cup as he set it down. Their hands brushed against one another. Both their smiles widened.

  “My pleasure.” Sam eased down on the stool across from her. His deep brown gaze never left her face. Three months since they’d started dating and he still looked at her like he wanted to devour her. Meira’s appetite was no less than his. “How was your night?”

  “Oh, the usual.” Watching a grisly murder and escorting the soul to her boss. “Not as thrilling as tonight will be.”

  His chuckle was low and gravelly. “I’ll make sure my afternoon meeting doesn’t run late. Even if I have to tell them I have an emergency to take care of.”

  “It will be an emergency if you’re late for dinner with me again. I’ll have to barge in and drag you away.” Meira played with the idea of that fantasy in her head for a moment. A wave of heat spread through her.

  Sam laughed again and sipped his coffee. “And what will my bosses think if a woman dragged me off like that?”

  His bosses would think he actually had a life outside of work. Sam spent too much time at the office in her opinion. He marketed renewable energy sources for the average person. A respectable job and one he had a passion for, but she wanted more of him.

  “They’ll be extremely jealous, of course.” She nudged him with her toes. There were dozens of other people in the shop, but she blocked them out. These moments with Sam filled her completely. Nothing else mattered. “I’d drag you only so far as your office and then shut the door. What they’ll hear after that will ensure your manhood is never questioned.”

  Even with his mocha colored skin, she could see the flush rise up his neck. Sam was by no means shy, but she loved her ability to make such a confident man blush.

  They hadn’t taken that last step to bedding one another yet, but they’d come close. Meira had done her research when she first realized she wanted more from Sam than just a taste. The best relationship expert on staff at the newspaper said to wait three months. It was long enough to test the man’s commitment, but not so long that he lost interest.

  Tonight after dinner, she’d keep her shoes on and nothing else.

  As if reading her mind, Sam winked at her. The tension between them was keeping her coffee hot.

  “And what’s on your agenda for today? Other than daydreaming about me.” Sam grinned.

  Oh yes, he was perfect. If she didn’t want their first time to be special, she’d yank him out of his seat and have her way with him in the restroom.

  “I’ve been invited to view a designer’s winter collection later this morning. If her fall collection is any indication of this one, I don’t think I’ll be featuring her any time soon. She has some original ideas, but more suited toward Lady Gaga than the everyday woman.” Meira took a drink, leaving a crimson lipstick smear on the cup.

  “That sounds a bit frightening.” Sam grinned and reached over to draw the pad of his thumb over her lower lip. His hand lingered, making her flesh tingle.

  Why did she have to wait until tonight? She didn’t have anywhere she needed to be, and she was certain she could convince him to be a little late for work.

  Meira’s phone buzzed in her purse. It was tempting to ignore it, but if it was an urgent call from her boss, she might have to attend to it immediately. Sighing, she opened her small leather bag and removed her cell.

  “Work.” She flashed him a regretful smile.

  “Is it a shoe emergency?” Sam teased and was nudged again under the table for it.

  “I hope not. I can only save so many people from making fashion faux pas.” Unlocking her phone, she clicked on the text she received. No sender identification, but she knew who sent it.

  Just like every other message she received, there was a time: 8:07 p.m. She gritted her teeth at that. It would interrupt their dinner. She’d just have to tell him she needed to use the ladies’ room and have a prolonged visit.

  The next bit in the text was the place. West Carter Street. The street the restaurant was on. Okay, that was better.

  Finally there was the name.

  Meira dropped the phone and eased her hand back, trying not to let it tremble. No, it wasn’t at all like any other message. The one jabbed a spear into her heart.

  The name was Samuel Wright.


  “Meira, are you all right?” Glancing down at her cell, Sam reached across to take her hand. She squeezed his hand in return, never wanting to let go.

  “I’m fine. No worries.” She scooped up her phone with her free hand and deleted the text. The message was forever imprinted in her mind. Her eyes burned, threatening tears.

  No, not now. Not this man. She barely knew him. She’d met him five months ago. That was no time at all for someone who lived for centuries.

  “Meira,” he said softly. She could barely hear him over the pounding of her heart. Rounding the table, he slipped his arms around her.
r />   So sweet. Sam was too sweet for the Thunder God. No, who was she kidding? One of the reasons she was attracted to Sam was because of his strength. She’d seen many glorious souls in her time, but his shone bright.

  “It’s okay. Just one of my sisters. She might be pregnant.” It was a ridiculous lie, but Sam didn’t question her. Why would he? He was a good and honorable man, and she had been ordered to bring his soul to Zeus.

  That meant Sam was going to die. Tonight just after eight. She wanted to scream.

  “I’m assuming this isn’t a good thing?” Sam rubbed her arm.

  Not a good thing at all. Meira leaned against him, breathing in the gentle spiced scent of his cologne and coffee.

  Maybe it didn’t need to happen. She’d been loyal and faithful in her service. Perhaps Zeus would grant her this one favor. It wasn’t as if she would be keeping Sam forever. He was mortal, after all. The Thunder God would have his soul after Sam had lived a long and happy life. A life with her.

  “It might be and it might not. I’ll have to talk with her.” Now Meira had something very important she needed to do today.

  “If you want to be with your sister today, I understand if you cancel. Family comes first.”

  Another thing she loved about him. A family man. Thankfully he was an only child and his parents were much older. It would mean he’d be faithful to her. As for her own family, she liked to stay as far away as possible.

  “I’ll talk to her. If I were to drop everything and run to her side, she’d be offended.” She couldn’t look him in the eyes as she said this.

  “Ah, one of those strong and independent I-can-take-care-of-myself types.” Sam kissed the top of her head. “The women in your family must be impressive. Almost as impressive as you.”

  Even with her heart hammering madly and the sense of death so close, he managed to make her smile. Yes, she was going to do whatever it took to save Sam. Even if it meant centuries more of service added to her contract, she’d do it. Every second with him would be worth it.

  “You’ll still have me for dinner.” Meira smirked a bit at the way that sounded. She stood and straightened his jacket, running her fingers down the lapels. The urge to grasp on and never let go was powerful, but she kept her hands relaxed.

  “All right, but it’s fine if you cancel.” Sam took her hands in both of his and kissed the back of each. “Perhaps I should head in to work and you should talk to your sister. If you want to call me to chat or for anything at all, I’ll keep my phone on during the meeting for you.”

  “You go to work and don’t worry about me. Then later tonight, we’ll reward one another with a good bottle of wine.” And so much more. She went up on her toes and kissed him, long and languid. A promise of what the night would hold.

  “Mm.” The sound escaped him, and Sam stepped back with a goofy grin. “If I don’t go now, I don’t think I’ll make it to work.”

  Meira nipped her lower lip. Perhaps she should make him stay a while, but no, she couldn’t. She didn’t know how long it would take with Zeus. If she was lucky, the least he would do was keep her waiting for an hour or two until he decided he was ready to see her. The Thunder God didn’t like unexpected meetings.

  After another kiss, Meira sent Sam on his way and finished the rest of her coffee with a gulp. It couldn’t warm her the way he did.

  As she drove her ruby red convertible to the tallest parking garage in Carmine’s downtown, she played out dozens of scenarios in her head. There would be no perfect words. She’d have to rely on the fact Zeus liked her. And while she was certain he did, it still didn’t give her complete confidence that he’d grant her request. She was asking for what he had already made a claim upon, and Zeus did not like to give up anything.

  Meira parked on the top level of the garage. It was nearly empty. No one liked to leave their car baking in the sun. She didn’t either, but the car was the least of her concerns at the moment.

  She stripped her jacket and laid it on the front seat before popping her trunk. Walking around to the rear, Meira slipped out of her shoes. Valentino Lace Couture Pumps. Redder than her car. Oh how she would look in those and nothing else.

  With the care of a new mother, she placed the shoes in the trunk and sighed as she shut it. Meira would love to take them with her to wear on Olympus, but Zeus preferred his servants in their true form. Never seeing her adorable feet in human form, he didn’t know what he was missing.

  It was a bit chilly in bare feet and a lacy camisole, but it invigorated her. This was going to be a good day. Zeus would smile upon her and let Sam live, and then she’d celebrate all night long with her gorgeous mortal.

  Smiling, Meira spread her arms and stretched out her fingers. Her back arched as feathers sprouted with a shimmer. Goose pimpled arms became beautiful wings and lovely feet turned hideous. If only she could have the wings without the dry bird’s feet and long talons, but they came as one package.

  Only the dead and psychics could see her true form. Regular humans would see an eagle and pay her no attention.

  Meira hopped up on the ledge and jumped. Flying was almost as exciting as great sex. She laughed as she soared over Carmine and circled upward. There was no particular direction she had to go but up. Her will and her magical mark from the Thunder God would take her to Olympus.

  It was strange to be flying home without having retrieved an item or a soul for Zeus. She loved her life in the Middle Realm, especially her newest incarnation as Meira Harper, shoe fashionista. A century ago, she would’ve never have guessed shoes would become an art form, and she’d get paid to wear them and give her opinion.

  Up into the clouds, a plane rumbled in the distance. The city’s daily buzz was muffled and then faded away. Soaring higher, a pristine city in the sky came into view. Nestled in the clouds, it was like a picture from a child’s book of fairy tales come to life. Glorious architecture and shimmering colors. Yet somehow more sterile than the city below.

  Spiraling down into the palace’s courtyard, Meira landed with a clack of her talons. The grand fountain gurgled, and a few young gods sat around it texting on their iPhones. They paid no attention to her, and she was glad of it. New gods were always trouble.

  She silently sighed as she walked in through the arched entrance and turned right to enter the reception area. Padded chairs and settees with gold trim were the most colorful of the decorations. Marble statues of each of the major gods. A new batch, too, by the look of Hera’s newest hairdo. Fresh fruit filled bowls and a coffee maker burbled on a small table in the far corner.

  Before Meira could make her way to the coffee, the door opposite the one she’d entered opened and a young woman stepped in. The girl appeared no more than eighteen, but she was far older than Meira. Her long blond hair was loose and her skin was kissed golden by the sun. She wore a short skirt and a tank top with glittering drawings that looked like a child had made them.

  “Good morning. How may we help you?”

  “Good morning, Hebe.” Meira dipped her head. The girl was one of the older gods, but not one of the eldest. Meira would save her deep bows for Hebe’s parents. “I have an urgent matter I’d like to discuss with Father.”

  “Father is indisposed this morning, but I can tell him you were here and he can contact you at his earliest convenience.” Hebe had her mother’s beautiful face, but it was softened by youth. Yet there was always that same little stiffness that both mother and daughter got when speaking about Zeus.

  “I must discuss something about a soul I’m to retrieve later this evening. So time is of the essence. I can wait here until he’s available.” Meira wasn’t going to leave without seeing the Thunder God. He was likely having a romp with some nymphs somewhere.

  Hebe’s lips thinned, but she nodded. “Of course. I’ll relay the message to him immediately.”

  The Goddess of Youth exited with an elongated sigh. Meira echoed it as she sat and folded her wings around her. It was going to be a long wait. />

  Four hours later, the reception room door opened again. Meira wanted to claw someone’s eyes out, but instead she smiled. She stood with a flutter of her wings.

  “Please follow me.” Hebe didn’t sound any more thrilled than she had been that morning.

  Meira knew they were going to the Throne Room. She’d been there thousands of times before and could find the way on her own, but she wouldn’t tell Hebe to go. Protocol needed to be followed. She wasn’t going to upset anyone when she needed all the good favor she could get.

  The winding halls may have disoriented a newcomer, but the pattern was as familiar as the back of her hand. Speaking of hands, Meira noticed Hebe had a cute manicure. Delicate flowers adorned her nails. Another day, she might’ve said something, but the sound of her talons tapping as she walked held back any compliments about nails.

  Hebe stopped in front of the ornate double doors. Sighing again, she turned and pushed them open. The goddess stepped in and to the side, clasping her hands before her. “Father, may I present your loyal servant, Meira.”

  The room was on the smaller side today. More the size of a very large boardroom than a grand throne room. Meira would take it as a good sign that Zeus wasn’t looking to impress or intimidate her.

  A long, skinny table ran up its center. Another feature that was usually pushed off to the side. The Thunder God’s throne was at the head of the table and the chairs lining the sides were each unique and beautiful in their own ways. The thrones of the other gods. All were empty.

  Biting into a peach, Zeus leaned against the side of his throne. Not how one might picture a god, but there was no one more godlike than he. Tall and broad, he wore a simple white buttoned up shirt and khakis. His shoes were Armani, and Meira didn’t think he was wearing them just to impress her. His taste in many things was sophisticated. The way he slurped the fruit’s juices, not so much.


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