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Slow & Steady #2: A Shameless Southern Nights Novel

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by J. H. Croix

  With Maclin gone, I thought I would be able to get access to those files about my father’s case. Maclin arrested Zach for taking them out of evidence for me a couple of days before his death. Harris covered for us, saying he asked Zach to keep the files safe since he had a feeling someone might be after them.

  As a result of Harris’s cover, Maclin had to let Zach go, but it didn’t look like he’d returned the files he confiscated from his car on the day he arrested Zach. I didn’t know. It was possible they were somewhere at the station, but I kept running into walls trying to gain access to them.

  First Maclin, now the system. I tried calling up their logs on my computer, but they’d been marked as restricted somewhere along the line, and I didn’t have the clearance to access them. Which meant I was stuck with the same blacked out stuff I had since the beginning of this investigation, not even the stuff that used to be in the library since that had been taken too. So far, the research Niki had done on the library system had given me the most info I’d found as far as legal documents related to my father’s case. I’d considered trying to access the court files, but that meant I’d blip on my brother’s radar.

  As much as I hated to do it and as valid as my reasons were for leaving him out of it so far, I was starting to think I might have to go to Tyson with all this. As part of the prosecutorial team that locked my father up, he would have all the evidence and documentation on our father’s case within his reach.

  More importantly for the moment, I’d witnessed a murder. It was weighing heavily on me that I’d seen that and hadn’t reported a thing. Despite what some might think about my family, I was raised with a healthy respect for the law. Moreover, I knew there were consequences to witnessing what I had and staying quiet about it.

  I could’ve gone to someone at the station, but I had my reasons for not doing it then, and I had them now. I still didn’t know who I could trust there, outside of Zach. The more I thought about it, the more I knew I could trust him, but he was under too much pressure as it was to bring this to him, too.

  No. Tyson was my best option. Resolving then and there to talk to my brother when I got back from wherever Niki and I ended up, I pulled up at the curb outside the safe house.

  But first, we would take some time to breathe.

  Chapter Six


  I woke up feeling out of sorts because I hadn’t seen Sonny last night. I’d gotten used to having him around most nights. When he wasn’t, I was restless, bored, and easily got caught up in my thoughts. With my life as it was, spinning in worries wasn’t a good place to be.

  The notification light on my phone flashed in the dim early morning light when I rolled over. I reached out, clicking on my messages with only one eye.

  Sonny: If you’re up to it, I want to take the day away from Cypress Creek. On my way to you now, talk about it when I get there. Sorry again about last night. Will make it up to you.

  My heart warmed as I lay back, clutching my phone in my hands. He was so sweet, I—

  Shit. Wait. Did he say he’s on his way here? I sat upright, pulling my phone away from my chest to reread his message. Crap. He was on his way here now.

  I checked the time he sent the message, noting that only a few minutes had passed. If I showered and got ready at super speed, I could make it before he arrived.

  Jumping out of bed, I raced through a shower and was tying an elastic band in my hair to secure my braid when I heard Sonny walk in the front door. Heart pounding as I gave myself a last once-over, I called out. “Just a minute!”

  “I’ll make coffee for the road. Take your time,” he called back. I heard the familiar hum of the coffee maker as Sonny started rummaging around the kitchen.

  Turning my eyes back to the mirror, I squinted and wondered if I should pack a bag with a change of clothes. Just in case. Sonny told me we were going away for the day, but he didn’t tell me where.

  My denim shorts were fine for the daytime, but at night I might need something longer. The same could be said for my black tank top.

  Ugh, just go. I rolled my eyes at myself. Twenty-six was hardly the age to start caring about attire. I grabbed a pair of silver earrings and some bracelets anyway, brushed some mascara onto my lashes and slid on a pair of sandals. Done.

  Sonny was in the kitchen, leaning with his hip against the counter as he scrolled through his phone with one hand, his coffee in the other. He looked up when I entered, his eyes bright as they widened. “Morning, gorgeous. You should wear shorts more often,” he said with a wink.

  He set his phone and coffee down, walking up to me and fingering the hem of my shorts as he lowered his head to press a chaste kiss to my lips. “To think, you used to hide those legs under miles and miles of clothing.”

  I rolled my eyes, my lips curling into a smile. “It’s called dressing for work. I’ve always worn these at home.”

  Dropping a kiss on my forehead before turning to grab the travel mugs of coffee he had ready, along with his phone, he winked over his shoulder. “And now I get to see you in them. Lucky me.”

  “Where are we going anyway?” I asked, getting my purse and following him to his truck.

  He shrugged, opening my door before walking around the car to get into the driver’s seat. He’d long since given up on trying to help me in. “It’s a surprise.”

  We chatted as we drove, the radio playing the usual Saturday morning top picks of the week. The countryside was green, dotted with farmhouses and fields, livestock grazing as we passed. Little over an hour after leaving Cypress Creek, we drove past a colorful sign that welcomed us to Tybee Island.

  “I’ve always wanted to come here,” I exclaimed, pressing my nose closer to the window to take in the quaint beachside cafés, eateries, and shops.

  Sonny smiled, finding a parking space not far from the beach. “Me too. I haven’t been for years.”

  “What should we do first?” I asked, hopping out of the truck.

  The air was humid and hot, perfect for a beach day. Sonny took my hand, leading me to a faded red food truck. “Breakfast first, then we can decide.”

  We grabbed bacon and egg wraps at the truck, peeling back the wrapping and eating as we walked on the beach. Sonny’s eyes lit up when he spotted a sign advertising kayak rental, and after hesitating for just a minute, I agreed.

  We decided on renting a kayak to paddle through salt marshes, apparently teeming with birds and wildlife unique to Georgia’s coast. The guy who rented the kayaks had sunscreen available for us to purchase, and I was more than happy to help Sonny with it. I loved the feeling of taking care of him. Not to mention that it gave me an excuse to savor the feel of his muscled back.

  I almost moaned out loud at the feel of his calloused palms lathering the lotion onto my back and shoulders, my teeth sinking into my lip to keep the sound from escaping. It didn’t stop my eyes from fluttering closed as his fingers grazed the sides of my breasts and the small strip of skin visible between my tank and my shorts.

  “All done,” Sonny declared proudly, though when I turned to face him, I saw his pupils were slightly dilated. Just like I was sure mine were. A part of me wanted to drag him to the nearest B&B and have my way with him, but we could do that anywhere. Spending the day with him on the island? We couldn’t do that every day.

  “Okay then. Where do we go from here?” I asked, pressing my legs together to quell the ache building there.

  The guide pointed to a spot down the beach. “Right over there. Your kayak and life vests will be given to you by our representative. He’s the guy in the blue shirt. Just show him your receipt, and he’ll do the rest.”

  “Thanks, man,” Sonny said, taking my hand again as we walked across the beach to the man the guide pointed out to us. The sand was soft beneath my feet, and not too hot yet.

  Not being a very sporty person, I was worried about the kayaking at first, but I soon realized I didn’t need to worry.

  Sonny picked it up quickly and manag
ed to keep us on track after we got going, pointing things out to me as we paddled. Well, he paddled. I tried to keep from splashing too much and worked on keeping my balance.

  After kayaking, we walked through souvenir shops, had lunch at a local café and visited the Tybee Lighthouse. By the time the sun started setting over the ocean, several boats were heading out for sunset and dolphin sighting cruises. I was more relaxed than I had been in weeks.

  Time felt suspended with Sonny as if someone had hit pause on all the drama, threats and fear caused by our current situation. The lines of tension had faded from Sonny’s face as well.

  I was sorry the day was over when the sun kissed the horizon, and we slowly started making our way back to the truck. Sonny held my hand as we walked down the beach, taking advantage of the sand between our toes for as long as we could.

  “I’m not really in the mood to head back yet. You?” he asked, a light breeze ruffling his black hair as he looked toward the setting sun, where the sky was streaked with orange and violet.

  I shook my head, leaning against his shoulder. “Not at all, but I don’t know if I ever will be so you probably shouldn’t ask me.”

  He chuckled, giving my hand a squeeze before releasing it and slipping his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him. “I don’t know about staying forever, but do you want to stay for the night?”

  “Absolutely.” I didn’t even need to think about it. We weren’t rushing back to anything but the fear of the unknown and that damn safe house with its unfamiliar noises. “Should we look for a hotel?”

  Pointing at a building right at the edge of the beach, with a deck strung with faerie lights, he nodded. “Let’s try that one. Looks decent.”

  It looked more than decent to me. Pristine white, it was one of the tallest buildings on the beachfront. Each room with an ocean view had a balcony with a tiny blue roof over it. And that deck— I sighed, pretty sure I was stuck in a dream.

  Sonny tugged on my hand, and I smiled up at him, realizing my reality with him today with so much better than any dream I ever could’ve conjured up about him. I had to live in this moment, savor it and appreciate it for what it was.

  “That smells divine,” I told him, determined to make the most of this time out we had together. The closer we got to the hotel, the stronger the scent of freshly made seafood infused with garlic became. My mouth started to water as we walked up to the restaurant on the deck with steps leading right from the beach.

  “Do you want to grab us a table while I see if they have a room for us for the night?” Sonny scanned the deck, smiling at a waiter who approached us.

  “Divide and conquer,” I told him, releasing his hand so he could go to the lobby while I waited for a table.

  Couples were scattered at round tables on the deck, each dotted with oil candles and a single flower in a small vase. With the setting sun, the relaxed atmosphere, a sense of easy joy and languor rolled through me.

  Sonny returned to join me at the table, holding up a keycard as he slid into his seat just as the waiter delivered a bottle of water and the two glasses of wine I had ordered to our table. “We have one of the ocean view suites.”

  “Sounds perfect,” I told him. “I ordered their dish of the day. It’s a seafood platter. The waiter swore by it.”

  “Perfect,” he echoed my earlier word, taking my hand from across the table. “Go team. The day keeps getting better.”

  With a smile tugging at my lips, I nodded. “Are you sure we can’t stay forever?”

  “Let’s make the best of the time we have,” he told me, his eyes warm on mine. “There’s a sunrise dolphin cruise. I asked them to hold two seats for us.”

  “That’s it. I’m not leaving here. Ever,” I said with a laugh, but then our food arrived. I found myself wondering if they had a library on Tybee Island where I could apply for a position.

  Sonny patted his flat stomach after dinner. Our wine was finished, and he’d paid the bill. “Want to get out of here?”

  I yawned as if on cue. Being out in the sun all day was fun, but tiring. “I’m ready when you are.”

  Sonny pushed back from the table and walked out beside me, his palm warming the small of my back. His simple touch sent a curl of heat through me as we headed across the marble lobby to the bank of four elevators on the other side.

  We were in the elevator alone with Sonny standing close by my side as the doors slid closed with a whoosh. Electricity shimmered in the air between us. All traces of tiredness I’d felt dissolved in its force.

  Sonny glanced down at me, heat flashing in his gaze. Our hands brushed as our eyes collided. Surging at the same time, our lips crashed together. I was pressed up against the brass handrail a second later, Sonny’s hands tunneling into my hair beneath my braid as he tugged it loose.

  His tongue swept into my mouth, hungry and insistent. I got so swept up in kissing him, I barely noticed the elevator come to a stop. Sonny grabbed my hand, briefly pausing to study the arrows with room numbers on them before dragging me down the hallway to our left, digging the keycard out of his pocket.

  Green lights flashed on the control panel, and he pushed the door open. His lips were back on mine before it even shut all the way behind us.

  Our clothes went flying, our kiss growing frenzied, desperate. The backs of my knees hit the bed, and I let myself tumble back, bringing Sonny with me. Curling my legs around his hips, I rocked against him as we kissed.

  The hard, hot length of him was nestled against my core, sending sharp spikes of pleasure through me. Slick moisture pooled between my thighs, soaking my panties as my clit throbbed with need. I flexed into him, trying to get closer.

  Sonny didn’t pull away from me, didn’t tease me. My need was so fierce, I couldn’t have taken it if he did. Not now. The blunt, broad head of his cock slid easily through my wet folds, hitting my clit on the upstroke to send bursts of pleasure careening through me. He groaned, restraint tightening his muscles. “Give me a sec.”

  “Just hurry.” He was always on the spot with protection, rolling to the side to snag a condom from his jeans that had tumbled to the floor somewhere along the way. As bereft as I felt for him to move away, I appreciated it. It made me feel cared for like he was looking out for both of us no matter how badly he wanted me.

  I rose up on my elbows, watching him sheath his thick, veined cock. His eyes were hooded as he crawled back over me, settling in the cradle of my hips. “You good with fast and hard?” he asked, his gruff voice sending a hot shiver through me.

  I nodded, arching into him. I wanted him any way I could get him—fast and hard might, just might, slake my need.

  He surged into me, the stretch of him filling me so perfectly. I groaned as he bit out a hoarse, “Fuck.”

  “Sonny,” I gasped, my fingers digging into his sculpted ass.

  Answering my unspoken plea, he slid a hand under my knee and pushed my leg up a little. He drew back and sank into me deeply; he hit places I didn’t know I had. Moans fell from my lips in a constant stream, my vision blurring.

  Sonny’s hips bucked, his muscles tensing as he got close. “Come for me, baby. Please come for me.”

  He reached between us, his fingers pressing down on my aching clit. As if it was a detonation button, I exploded around him, white-hot pleasure shooting from my core and scattering through my body.

  Sonny was right there with me, his movements becoming staccato as he found his own release. Breathing heavily, we collapsed onto the bed, his head resting on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair as I waited for my pulse to slow.

  Perfect end to a perfect day, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Seven


  Rain pelted the roof of the station, streaming down the window. Sitting at my desk, the best weekend of my life couldn’t have felt further away than the three days it was. Niki and I ended up staying another night at the hotel, driving back early Monday morning and making it back t
o Cypress Creek in time for me to start my shift. That had been three days ago.

  Activity bustled in the station around me, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Niki. Hands down, the weekend with her at Tybee Island was the best I’d ever had. No contest. And I’d had some pretty damn epic weekends.

  I’m in too deep with her. I couldn’t even believe how deep I’d gotten into her. Despite my best intentions, what we had between us had gone way past friendship, or even casual sex. Since we got back from the island, I’d spent every night with her. We didn’t even need to talk about it anymore, it just happened.

  It wasn’t smart, and I knew it. There was too much going on for me to get lost in her. There was also the chance it could put her at risk if I did, but then again, it was a little late to worry about that.

  All I could do now was to manage the risks and keep her safe by any and all means available.

  “Lovett!” Harris’s voice punctured through my mental haze, drawing me out. “A word, please.”

  I turned around in my chair, seeing him standing in his office door waiting for me. Crossing the station, I closed Harris’s door behind me and sank into a chair at his desk.

  Harris sat back in his chair, his hands flat on his armrests. His face looked haggard, tired. “I think something might have happened to Wayne Maclin.”

  “Sir?” I leaned forward, propping my elbows on my knees. “Has someone reported something?”

  Harris shook his head, rubbing tired eyes with his thumb and index finger. “No, but the Savannah office where he’s based hasn’t heard from him in weeks, and the place he was staying here in town says he left all his stuff there, left one morning and hasn’t been back since. It doesn’t make sense unless something’s happened to him.”

  Telling Harris exactly what happened was on the tip of my tongue, the words begging to come spilling out. I opened my mouth to tell him what I witnessed, about to start with following him that morning when I suddenly decided against it.


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