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Slow & Steady #2: A Shameless Southern Nights Novel

Page 10

by J. H. Croix

  Her tone was light, but her eyes were serious. Grinning, I saluted her. “I’m always smart.”

  “I’m being serious. Please don’t hurt her. I like her. I feel protective of her.”

  I sighed, running my hands through my hair before sliding my sunglasses over my eyes. “You and me both, Marie. You and me both.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Thank God it’s Friday,” I muttered to myself as I pulled up outside of Sonny’s house. Subscribing to the TGIF train of thought wasn’t like me, but Sonny was off duty for the weekend, and we’d both had really busy weeks.

  I couldn’t wait to kick back and relax with him, and hopefully, talk to him about what was worrying me. The whole week, my worries had spun on repeat in my brain. I needed to shake my tension free and keeping it inside wasn’t helping.

  About to get out of my car, I reached for my purse on the passenger side. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a car parked down the street from Sonny’s house.

  I’d left work earlier than usual, and there weren’t many cars parked out on the street. The forest green sedan was definitely out of place. I’d noticed it before, at the library, here at the house, and once or twice while I was driving to and from.

  Not wanting to sound paranoid, I hadn’t told Sonny about it, but now felt like it was time. It was no accident that same car was here again. I was being followed.

  A shudder ran down my spine as I dove for my purse, fished around for the keys to Sonny’s house and darted inside, making sure to lock the door behind me. Breathing deeply, I tried to force myself to calm down.

  Peeking out around the curtain in the window beside the door, I saw the car hadn’t moved. Damn.

  It was time to let Sonny know, though I already knew it was going to trigger another lockdown. He was super protective, and he was going to be freaked that someone was following me. I decided to text him in the hopes that might give him a few minutes to absorb the information.

  Don’t overreact, but I just got home and there’s a car parked out front. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it before. Someone following me?

  He read my text immediately, the little bubbles appearing to let me know he was typing his reply. I clutched my phone in my hand, wondering if I should’ve confronted whoever was in the car without worrying Sonny. Before I could think too much about it, his text popped up on my screen.

  Lock the house. Stay put. I’ll be right there.

  As promised, minutes later he was there. And the car outside was gone. I watched through the window as it raced away when I saw Sonny’s truck turn the corner on the street.

  His expression was thunderous when he burst into the house, heading right to me and scooping me up into a hug. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” My voice was muffled by his uniform-clad chest.

  Giving me a final squeeze, he released me and stepped back, keeping his hands on my hips. A lock of black hair fell across his furrowed forehead. “Why do you think this car has been following you?”

  “I’ve seen it around. It’s forest green, and it’s not a new car, so it stands out.”

  “Okay, forest green, older model. Do you know the make?”

  I shook my head. “I memorized the plate number when I saw it outside, though.”

  Eyes lighting up, he swept me back into his arms. “Smart girl. You did great, Niki.”

  Wiggling out of his grasp, I got my notebook from my purse and scribbled down the plate number, folding it and handing the paper over. “There. I wanted to write it down before I forget. I’ll leave it in your capable hands from here.”

  He unfolded the paper and squinted down at the number, sighing as he took my hand and led me to the couch. Sinking down into the corner, he tugged me onto his lap and undid my braid to run his fingers through my hair.

  His entire body was rigid, tense. I turned to face him, cupping his cheek in my hand. “It will be okay. It has to be.”

  I didn’t know if it would be okay, but I wanted to make him feel better. He was dealing with so much as it was, I didn’t want to pile on extra worries. I was in this thing with him. I wanted him to know I was here to share the burden of carrying it all.

  Closing his eyes as he exhaled a deep breath, he kept playing with the ends of my hair. “I just want to make sure you’re safe. You got caught up in all this because you happened to be working at the library the day I stopped by. You don’t know how sorry I am I got you mixed up in it.”

  I looked into his eyes—his gaze concerned and so focused on me, it made my heart squeeze—and I knew one thing for sure. I wouldn’t change having met Sonny for anything in the world. Sure, I was scared out of my wits with everything going on, and I had plenty of misgivings about the whole situation. Yet, despite everything, the intensity I felt with him overrode everything else.

  All that mattered was that he meant a lot to me, and as much as he wanted me to be safe, I wanted the same for him.

  As if he could read my mind, he tilted his head and looped his arms around me. “I’m sorry I got you dragged into this, but I’m not sorry I met you. And I’m sure as hell not sorry for everything that’s happened between us since.”

  “Neither am I.” Because that was the one inescapable truth. Everything we faced and survived together so far and everything that lie ahead of us only made us stronger and strengthened our bond. Ours was no typical, sweet boy meets girl story.

  We—whatever we were to each other—were being forged by fire and tempered like steel. We might get lost in the battle ahead, but whatever we were would never break—not for me. This connection was Sonny was something I would carry with me for the rest of my life.

  I leaned down to kiss him just as he lifted his lips to mine. At first, it was nothing more than a gentle brush that lingered as he breathed me in. My loose hair fell in a curtain around us as I turned in his lap, hitching a leg on either side of his hips.

  Parting my lips for him, his tongue met mine, tangling sensually. This kiss was different than the others we shared—weighted with meaning and intimacy. A promise, maybe. A question I didn’t know the answer to yet but was desperate to find.

  My fingers threaded into his hair, gripping tightly to keep his mouth pressed to mine. He let out a low groan that mingled with the raspy sounds of our breathing.

  Deepening our kiss, I looped my arms around his neck, flexing into him. My body responded to the feel of his muscled chest, and my nipples pebbled.

  I couldn’t get close enough to him. His grip tightened on my hips, his fingers digging into me, the sensation only serving to amp up the need burning through me.

  Heat grew between us, pouring from him to me and gathering at my core. I rolled my hips against him, feeling the hard, hot length of his shaft between my thighs. So good.

  I wanted more. Now. Wedging my hands between our bodies, I started fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. The material of his uniform was thicker than his usual shirts, but it was also well worn.

  The buttons came away easily, and within no time, I was pushing the shirt off his broad shoulders. Meanwhile, he tugged at the hem of mine. I lifted my arms, our kiss breaking when the soft fabric passed between us.

  Eyes heavy with lust and emotion, we stared at each for half a beat before our mouths crashed together again. His arms went around my back, and he unhooked my lacy bra with one hand, sliding the straps off my shoulders and tossing it free.

  His skin was warm against mine, the dusting of coarse dark hair on his chest scraping at my nipples as I pushed my breasts against him. I moaned at the contact, relieved to finally have it but determined for more. Sensation spun through me, spiraling into my core.

  My fingers trailed over his shoulders, tracing the corded muscles in his biceps before they swept across to his stomach, diving between us to reach his belt. I knew this was going to be tricky, but I didn’t want to lose the feel of his body against mine so I would have to make it work somehow.

  I scoo
ted back a little on his lap and quickly undid his belt, button, and zipper, lifting myself off him enough so he could raise himself to push his pants down. I didn’t need to tell him what I wanted. He kicked his pants and boxers free in one movement and reached for my hips to pull me back onto him.

  We’re getting good at this. I smiled against his lips. Never in a million years would I have imagined being so synced with another person that we could undress each other without missing a beat, much less that person would be Sonny Lovett.

  But it was.

  Within seconds, he tugged my skirt up around my waist and hooked his finger over the edge of my panties to drag them down. Somehow, he lifted my hips just enough for me to kick them free. Settling my hips down, I let out a gasp at the hot, velvety feel of his cock against my wet heat.

  Hands winding through my hair, he rocked his hips into me, and his shaft slid easily through my slick folds, hitting my clit on the upstroke. We both groaned out loud when it did, grinding against each other as our kiss got hotter, hungrier and more intense.

  Breaking away from me, he leaned his forehead against mine. “I have to get a—”

  I silenced him by holding my index finger to his slightly swollen lips. “You don’t. I went to the doctor this week, we’re safe. If you want—”

  His eyes widened. His dilated pupils and ragged breathing gave away that he wanted me as much as I did him, but he stopped anyway. “First, I want you any way I can get you, but talk to me. What do you mean?”

  Karen, in her infinite wisdom, told me now that I was sexually active it was time to take contraception and safety into my own hands. Since I agreed it felt like something I should have some control over and more inspiringly, because it would mean I could feel him inside me without having anything between us, I went to the doctor.

  A story I would share with him, but not right now. “I got an IUD, and I’m clean.”

  “Me too. We get tested for routine physicals, but are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” I murmured, bringing my lips back down to his to seal the deal.

  He steadied my hips as he positioned the tip of his cock at my entrance. On a breath, he surged into me, filling me to the hilt. He held still for a beat and then began to move as I rocked against him, rising up and sliding down, every stroke sending pleasure echoing through me.

  Having Sonny inside me without any barriers between us was incredible. So incredible it pushed me over the edge twice before he followed me over with gritted teeth and a rough, primal groan.

  I collapsed against him, our chests rising and falling together as we tried to catch our breath. Both of us were covered in a light sheen of sweat. We stayed where we were until my eyelids were drooping. So satiated, I started dozing off.

  “Come on, sleeping beauty,” he murmured into my hair. “Let’s get you to bed.”

  He lifted me from the couch with him, carrying me to the bedroom and laying me down on the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

  Before I could protest, he marched out and returned with two glasses of water. He set one down on my nightstand and climbed into bed with me, pulling my body close to his and curling up behind me, holding me close in the cage of his embrace.

  I drifted off, one last thought passing through my mind before I succumbed to sleep. No matter what happens, this will always be my favorite place to fall asleep.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Whistling under my breath, I leaned back in my chair at the station and tried to get a handle on my smile. Try as I might though, it wouldn’t go away. I’d been off for the weekend, and I’d had another amazing weekend with Niki.

  The station was quiet, with most of the others having left after our weekly meeting to help set up for some parade on Main Street happening later this week. It meant I had a fresh pot of coffee, as well as my corner of the station to myself.

  Kids were playing basketball at the youth center next door, soaking up the sunshine as the faint sounds of their voices drifted to my ears through the windows at my desk. I sorted through what I needed to get done today already. Truth was, I wasn’t getting a damn thing done.

  It was hard to concentrate on work when all my mind wanted to focus on was Niki. We stayed in Cypress for the weekend, even though I briefly considered taking her away for the weekend again. I wanted to take her back to Tybee Island, or maybe up to Blue Ridge. Anywhere it would just be the two of us, away from the stresses and distractions of my hometown.

  Unfortunately, one of those stresses distracted me on-and-off all weekend, which was why I couldn’t take Niki away again. I’d started monitoring Chief Harris last week, and I knew I needed to stay in town to be able to do that.

  I didn’t tell Niki, and I didn’t intend to. The last thing she needed was to get dragged in any deeper than she already was. If I told her about Zach’s suspicions about Harris, she would look into him. No doubt about it. I couldn’t risk that.

  “Lovett!” Harris’s voice invaded my thoughts. “My office, please.”

  I spun around in my chair, standing and strolling across the station to Harris’s door. When I arrived, I found an unfamiliar man inside.

  I’d heard someone come into the station earlier, but I didn’t work the front desk so I didn’t know who it was. Must’ve been this guy.

  He looked to be around mid-forties, alert green eyes meeting mine as he pivoted on the heel of his boot to face me as I rapped my knuckles on the Chief’s door frame. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes.” Harris waved me into his office. “I wanted you to meet Darren Hanson. Agent Hanson, this is Sonny Lovett. He’ll be happy to show you around.”

  My eyebrows pulled together. “Sir?”

  The man dropped his chin a fraction of an inch, not quite a nod, but enough to acknowledge what Harris said. He strode toward me, holding his hand out. “Darren Hanson. Georgia Bureau of Investigation.”

  “Agent Hanson’s in town investigating some possible bank fraud crimes,” Harris informed me as I gripped Hanson’s hand. I hadn’t recognized him as an investigator because he was dressed in plain clothes, but now I that I looked at him closer, it fit.

  He carried himself with a certain rigidity, and there was a familiar look in his eyes. He was an observer, someone who saw more than any bystander would ever give him credit for while managing to blend into his surroundings. Nondescript was the best way to describe him.

  “Nice to meet you,” I told him, sliding my gaze to Harris’s. There was no trace of suspicion there. Harris believed the man was here to investigate bank fraud. Well, that’s a relief.

  “Likewise,” Hanson replied, stepping away from me after releasing my hand. “I’ll be around town for a few weeks for the investigation. I appreciate the offer of a temporary workspace.”

  “Of course.” Harris nodded. “We’re happy to cooperate. Lovett, help Agent Hanson get set up in a temporary office, will you? The one next to the conference room should do just fine.”

  “Sure thing, sir.” I had a few questions for the GBI man, but it remained to be seen whether there was going to be an opportunity for me to ask them today.

  There weren’t too many ears around the station since so many of the rest were helping with the parade, but I still couldn’t be seen conferring with Hanson behind closed doors for too long. I was sure he wasn’t really here to investigate bank fraud, but I didn’t need Harris catching onto that. Not until I could verify his involvement or hopefully, lack thereof.

  “Right this way, Agent Hanson.” I swept my hand out in the direction of the door and gave Harris a wave with the other. “I’ll show you around on the way to the office.”

  “I’d be much obliged.” The man pivoted and strolled from the office, tipping an imaginary hat at Chief Harris. “I’ll be in touch.”

  “No doubt,” Harris called out after us.

  I pulled the door closed with a quiet click and led Hanson through the station, pointing out the bullpen, the way to the evidence
room, the break room, the holding cells, and the interrogation rooms. I introduced him to a few officers milling around the station and told him about the vending machine in the youth center next door. Finally, we reached the office Harris mentioned. “This is it.”

  Hanson had been quiet throughout my tour, only nodding from time to time. “Thank you. This will work perfectly.”

  The room was small, sparsely decorated with an old wooden desk, a dusty filing cabinet, and a couple of black and white photographs of the station being constructed on the walls. “Let me know if you need anything. I don’t think the light in here’s too great.”

  I glanced at the exposed bulb flickering overhead. I didn’t know what happened to the light, but there was only a bulb now and not a very bright one at that. Hanson followed my gaze. “I’m sure I can manage.”

  “Okay, well, if there’s anything else, just say the word.” I hesitated by the door, wondering if now was the right time to confirm my suspicions about the real reason he was in town.

  Hanson noticed my hesitation and motioned me into the small space. “Actually, there is something else. I have a few questions about the town I wanted to ask someone.”

  His eyes traveled across my shoulder. I assumed it was a warning someone was listening to us. Pulling his door shut behind me, I stepped into the office. “Anything in particular you needed me to help you with?”

  “Yes.” He sat down on the edge of the wooden desk, his arms crossed over his chest. “Wayne Maclin’s murder. You’re DA Tyson Lovett’s brother, I assume? The cop who tipped him off?”

  “The one and only.”

  Hanson nodded. “I thought so. I was hoping I would get to see you today.”

  “I figured you weren’t here investigating bank fraud.”

  “On the contrary,” he told me, placing his palms on the edge on the desk beside him. “We’ve already discovered suspicious banking activities originating from more than one bank account linked to police officers here.”


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