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Tending Tyler

Page 14

by Jodi Payne

  He could stay out here all day, but the kids would start looking and, fuck, it was hot for his Yankee. “Come on, let’s get you some more sunscreen.”

  “You could just stick me out there in the middle of the field for planes to land. Or spaceships. I glow compared to everyone else here.” Tyler’s hand slipped into his as he led them back around the house.

  “You’ll be fine. I’ll keep you lubed up.” Oh, didn’t he feel clever?

  “Promises, promises. And please don’t say that in front of your parents, I’ve already humiliated myself today.” And there was that blush again. Not as dark as before, but Tyler’s skin was pale enough he couldn’t miss it.

  “They’ll be heading home soon, I bet. I’m a grownup. They’ve heard worse. Jonas can be filthy when he’s pushed.” His brother was sharp as a razor.

  “I just want them to like me.” Tyler shrugged.

  “Tyler!” Emma came running over. “Tyler, Noah wants to know about New York. Come tell him all about it? He’s so bored sitting there. Please?”

  “Sure, I can do that.” He got a smile and a wink. “He probably wants to know what the bars are like.”

  “Tell him they’re awful.” Matthew scooped Em up, nuzzling her with his beard and making her giggle. “Are you having a good day, sweet baby?”

  “Oh, the best. The best! Mamaw says we can spend the night if we want. She wants to make us sundresses, and she’s going to take us to the store to pick out fabric.”

  “Gosh, Matthew. We’d miss them, wouldn’t we?” Tyler teased. “Come on Em, take me over and introduce me to Noah.”

  “Okay.” She grabbed Tyler’s hand and tugged him over. Goofy girl. She had a good heart.

  Hopefully no one was plotting to dunk Tyler in the pool.


  In less than twenty-four hours Tyler had gone from having nothing and no one to Matthew’s fancy ranch and more people and family around than he’d ever had in his life.

  Sure, he worked in a crowded bar, but it wasn’t the same. That was work. This was…life. He was used to going home to quiet and solitude. The minute he’d tried to step back a little today, a giant, scary fucking bull had tried to crash the party.

  Things were winding down now, though. The girls were off with their grandparents, the cowboys were getting ready to go in for dinner, and the teenagers had been dragged home by their father.

  And unlike the bar, everything was spotless and put back together like there hadn’t been twenty people here an hour ago.

  Matthew was in the kitchen making coffee, humming deep in his chest, wearing nothing but his jeans. It was casual, easy, and quiet.

  Oh, that was exactly what he was craving. A little quiet, a lot of Matthew.

  He wandered into the kitchen, also barefoot and in jeans, though his were more fitted and lighter in color than Matt’s were. He liked the way Matt’s sat on his hips, loose but comfortable, showing off a little fuzzy trail of hair in front that disappeared under the waistband.

  He whistled softly, trying out his high school Spanish. “Hombre guapo.”

  Matthew chuckled and beamed, spinning once playfully before he bowed. “You want a cup? There’s damn near anything you might want to drink if not.”

  “I’d love one.” He stepped up behind Matt and slipped his hands around to those hard abs. “You made a mean hamburger, cowboy.”

  Look at those muscles ripple, just for him. “Mmm…thank you. Man burn meat. Thank you for chatting with Noah and his girl. They felt very grown.”

  “They’re great kids, and they’ve had a hard dose of reality lately. I was happy to talk with them. Noah is crazy about her, huh?”

  “Yeah. I hope she’s on birth control.” Matthew sighed and grinned. “He’s supposed to be using condoms too, but if they’re both using it, they’re super safe.”

  “He’s a smart kid, but if you ask me, she’s smarter.” Tyler kissed Matt between the shoulder blades and went to get the cream out of the fridge. “I think they’re probably fine.”

  “He’s hoping to be back to two-a-days by August. Rachel says it’s about a fifty-fifty chance.” Matt handed over his coffee. “Want to sit a while?”

  “Maybe out on the porch…or one of the porches?” The house had a lot of porches. “Fifty-fifty is good. That means it’s possible. I’d put money on him.”

  “Come to my porch. It’s got a great fan.” Matt led him through the man cave and the bedroom, to the little screened in porch with a sofa and a ceiling fan.

  “Oh, this is great. Right off the bedroom and everything? I love this house.” He let Matt sit first and then joined him, tucking himself under one strong arm. “What a great view from here too.”

  “Isn’t it? This is my happy place, or one of them.”

  The fireflies started showing up, little lights flickering on and off, putting on a little show for them.

  “Oh, Matt. They’re so pretty. I’ve seen them in Central Park a couple of times, but not this many. So romantic.”

  “They’re one of my favorite parts of summer. This is the part you remember when you’re old.”

  “How would you know? You’re not old yet.” He’d gotten that vibe from Matthew in New York too. Like Matt was settled, rooted, ready to grow old. His feet didn’t have roots yet. “We’re just starting out.”

  “I don’t mean I’m old, but I am… I guess looking forward to the whole thing—seeing things in fifty years. Sixty.”

  “I hear what you’re saying.” Tyler tucked a hand around one of Matt’s thighs. He felt like he was always slowing Matt down. “You move fast, baby. Don’t rush there. Look forward to tonight, like I am. To tomorrow. You’ll get there eventually.”

  “I do. I know.” Matthew took a sip of his coffee, eyes fastened on the land. “Pretty night, isn’t it?”

  He figured he’d hit a nerve and let it go. He knew too well even tomorrow wasn’t promised, he couldn’t look at fifty years down the line. Tyler wanted it, but that wasn’t enough to make it happen. “Beautiful. Perfect.”

  It did make him curious though, if sitting here—sitting here with him—was easy for Matt, or not.

  He had a thousand questions, all of them zipping through him, and Matthew sat there, and he wanted to know what was in there.

  “So are you quiet because you’ve already moved on to some other train of thought, or because you’re stuck on this one?” Not the best question to start with maybe but it was what came out. “You can tell me, you know.”

  “I was thinking about how everyone always says that I’m still, unless I’m moving, and if I’m moving, I’m racing.”

  He smiled, he got that too. “You feel like you can’t win? What do you want to be doing?”

  “Right now? This is perfect. I don’t get a lot of chances to sit and relax.”

  “I believe that.” He sipped his coffee and leaned a little harder into Matt, soaking in the solid comfort. He wondered how much Matt kept busy on purpose. “We’ll just hope Nutterbutter stays put.”

  “Krissy found the fence. It’d been cut. I’ve got the boys watching tonight. Hopefully it was a prank.” Matthew’s lips tightened, and there was a quick flash of ferocity there.

  “Cut? Like on purpose?”

  “Yeah. There’s a series of fences between the bulls and the family. The bulls and the cows. The bulls and the goats. You know.” Matthew shook his head. “I mean, I even do my loading at another gate. I’m careful.”

  So, if it wasn’t a prank it was the Flying W’s reputation. That’s what he was hearing. It was a pretty dangerous prank. “Hopefully just some stupid kids or something, right?”

  “That’s my hope. If not, someone’s going to have a bad day.”

  “For some reason, I thought I left guns and trouble behind when I left New York.” The truth was, all he knew about guns was that they killed people. He’d heard them go off several times in his life, but he’d never held one. He’d never fired one. He’d never even seen a real gun up
close. Today, he’d learned they also could kill wild, dangerous animals, which was probably a good thing.

  “Oh, honey…” Matthew hugged him hard. “I wish, but we live with snakes and bucking bulls, wild boar and coyotes, and to be honest, the periodic asshole that sees a nice house in the middle of nowhere with little girls in it. I’m armed because I don’t know when I’ll have to use it. I’ve had to fire a weapon a dozen times in my life, but it’s been because I was protecting my land, my girls, my life here.”

  “I get it. I’m not afraid.” He felt absolutely safe in Matthew’s arms. He wasn’t going to pretend it didn’t worry him, but like the city, it was probably a bad idea to totally let your guard down here too.

  “Good. I’ll protect you. You’re one of mine, and I’ll defend my people to the ends of the earth.”

  He had no doubt. Anyone could see how Matt felt about those girls every time he looked at them. They were going to grow up safe and confident. “Maybe it’s not too late for me to learn a few things too.”

  “Oh, I bet you learn a metric fuckton, in not a whole lot of time. Ranches are like tiny cities. They have their own rhythm, their own heartbeat.”

  “A metric fuckton.” He arched his head back and grinned at Matt. “Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?”

  “In fact, I do. I could do a number of things to my boyfriend with this mouth.” Oh, that was a naughty grin.

  “Mmm. Promise?” He nuzzled Matt’s chin, the fuzzy beard tickling his nose. He’d never imagined himself with—well, with anyone, but especially not with someone so fuzzy. He loved it on Matt though. It was soft and warm and masculine.

  “I do.” Oh, he could listen to that deep, rich tone in Matt’s voice forever. It seemed like it was his—like it belonged to him and him alone. One of Matt’s hands slid over his back, dragging over his skin.

  Sitting like this he could understand the appeal of thinking far ahead; of holding on to someone that long. Building something that could carry them into the future. It made more sense. He sat up so he could see those gray eyes clearly. They looked darker in the evening. “This might not sound right, because I’ve never said it before. I’ve never felt what I’m feeling right now either. But I think—I’m really pretty sure I’m in love with you.”

  “Oh. Still? Even with the crazy bulls and family and everything?” Matthew kissed him, the kiss painfully soft.

  Still. Because of course Matthew knew before he did. He really shouldn’t be surprised. He’d have laughed but he was busy right now, trying to return Matt’s kiss, to understand it.

  “I know they say there’s no such thing as love at first sight, but they’re wrong. It’s not as often as the books say, but it’s real. I saw you, and my heart stopped for a second.” The whisper fell between them.

  He didn’t move, frozen by the truth in Matt’s words. “You smiled. That stupid cut in your hand had to hurt but you still smiled at me. You have the most amazing smile.”

  “It’s amazing to want to smile at someone again.” Matt stroked his cheek, the lines beside his eyes deepening.

  “I’d given up. I didn’t want to get close to anyone again.” He turned his head and kissed Matt’s fingers. “But you didn’t give up on me.”

  “No.” Nothing more. Just ‘no’. Matthew held his gaze, and Tyler swore he could feel the love there, the steady belief.

  “Okay,” he said, as if Matthew had asked him a question. “So, we’ll try really hard to be sitting right here fifty years from now, then.”

  “Fifty years works for me.” Matthew took another kiss, this one sharp with hunger. “Then I’ll work for another fifty.”

  Oh, he was so ready for some cowboy. “By then I’ll be more useful for sure. For now, I’ll stick to what I’m good at.” He put his coffee down on the little side table with Matt’s and climbed over to straddle Matt’s thighs. “Work for you?”

  Matt’s gaze dragged over him, sure as a touch. “Fuck yes.”

  He took Matt’s face in both hands, thumbs playing over stubbly cheeks, admiring. “Beautiful.” He kissed Matt with intent, looking for more of that heat. Matt had done so much for him, but he didn’t need help with this.

  Tyler wanted to take Matt away, get him out of his head, make him lose control.

  They were in an empty house. Hell, he wanted to make Matthew scream.

  He slid his fingers down to Matt’s shoulders, over strong biceps, across to that warm, bare chest. “No kids, no bulls, no parents, no cowboys…just me and you. And a long, perfect night.”

  “Oh.” That single gasped word was offered with a tightening of Matt’s belly, a tell-tale roll of those hips, proving how much Matt wanted him.

  “That’s right.” His fingers traveled down to Matt’s belt and worked it open. “I’m all yours. Any way you want me. Anything you want.” The top button of Matt’s worn jeans popped open easily, and he reached for the fly.

  “I want everything.” Matt’s prick pushed at his zipper, like it was attempting to get to Tyler’s hand.

  He stroked it through the denim and then set it free, catching the full, hard weight in his fingers and caressing it gently. “Oh, baby. That’s an inspiring sight.”

  “Jesus, you got this touch that I feel in my soul. Deep.”

  “Deep.” The rumble in Matt’s voice made him shiver and his breathing shallow and quick. Tyler pushed off Matt’s knees and stood to slip out of his jeans and boxers, then tossed them on the back of the couch. “I like the sound of that.”

  “I do too.” Matt licked his lips, then leaned down, rubbing his beard along Tyler’s shaft, making his eyes cross.

  He tangled his fingers in Matt’s hair. “That’s…whoa.” Prickly. A little painful. Worth it.

  “Yeah? You want more?” Matt stroked again, this time nudging his balls with the fuzzy chin.

  He braced one foot up on the edge of the sofa to give Matt more room, laughing softly at himself even as Matt made him moan, blushing. He was embarrassed that it felt so good; it seemed silly, but it wasn’t. It was a crazy, amazing turn-on that he never would have expected. Matt hadn’t touched him with anything other than that wonderful beard, and just that little tease was making him ache.

  The soft brushes continued for a few long minutes, and then they began to be interspersed with hot touches of tongue and barely-there kisses.

  “Jesus… Matt.” He scrabbled at Matt’s shoulder for balance, fingers gripping the big muscle there as well as he could.

  “Right here, honey. Loving on you.” Matt dragged his tongue over the tip of his cock, pushing in hard.

  Loving on him. So sweet. “Right here,” Tyler whispered, as if he couldn’t believe it. He slid a hand as far as he could reach over Matt’s back, curling over him. The motion made it easy it seemed for Matt to suck him in, tongue sliding over his cock, the pressure around him perfect.

  “Oh fuck.” He lowered his foot back to the floor so he wouldn’t fall over. The wet heat, the careful friction felt so damn good. “Yes, babe. God.”

  Matt gave and gave, sucking him, head bobbing over him and pulling him in. Somewhere was a voice suggesting he slow Matt down, hold off longer. He was supposed to be seducing Matt, wasn’t that the plan?

  Fuck it. He tuned that voice out and focused on Matt’s amazing mouth and the sweet need building in his balls.

  He could do it after. This first.

  Matt’s hands found his ass, pulling him in and then easing him back, over and over.

  It snuck up on him. Tyler straightened up, fingers tangling in Matt’s hair as his balls drew up, and every muscle went tense. “B…babe. I…” He gasped, sucking in air, trembling on the edge of the cliff for what felt like forever, every nerve on fire. One of those hot, heavy hands cupped his balls and rolled them, pushing like Matt was demanding his orgasm.

  He bucked and shot with a cry that stuck in his throat even though his mouth was wide open to let it out. He braced an arm on Matt’s shoulder lightheaded from the
rush and just trying to breathe.

  Matt groaned, forehead resting on his belly. “D-damn, honey.”

  Tyler huffed, panting between words. “That’s supposed to be my line, isn’t it?”

  “Mmhmm.” Matt chuckled softly. “Been a while since I did that.”

  Tyler pushed Matt back and collapsed in his lap. “Could have fooled me. That was stunning. Thank you.” He reached a hand between them to find Matt’s prick again.

  Matt wore a pleased, shocked, needy expression, and Tyler would have been impressed if he hadn’t been so surprised Matt could show that much at once.

  “You look a little like you forgot how much you like men.” Tyler grinned, fingers curling around Matt’s hungry cock and giving it a light squeeze. “Oh, this is very nice.”

  “I have the faithful gene. I admit it.” Matt bared his teeth. “Wh-when I’m with a person, I’m all in.”

  “Good. I’m taking all your chips, and I’m not giving them back.” He stroked Matt’s length, watching his cowboy’s face.

  “Your hands.” Matt spread and set his feet, beginning to move into his touch.

  “My hands.” He shifted to kneel beside Matt on the couch and tasted a hard nipple with his tongue, still pumping Matt’s heavy prick evenly. “My mouth, my ass. Anything you want, babe.”

  “Everything. I want you, lock, stock, and barrel.” Matt blinked at him, eyes dazed, unfocused. “My beautiful man.”

  He shifted off the couch and stood. “Hold that thought, lover. Don’t… I’ll be right back.” He gave Matt a quick kiss and took off into the bedroom. Rubbers…lube…he dug what he needed out of the nightstand in a hurry because he didn’t want Matt to lose that hot little high.

  Matt was sprawled out, looking debauched and needy, hand working his cock in an almost lazy rhythm.

  How the hell did he land…that? That gorgeous, sweet, wild, shameless cowboy. “Keeping it warm for me?” He tore the foil packer open and waved the condom in front of Matt’s eyes.

  “I was. I was rubbing and thinking about you.”

  “I like that.” He gently brushed Matt’s hand away and carefully rolled the rubber on without hesitation, making his intentions clear. “I do know how to ride, you know.” He liked how flirty that sounded, even if it was cliche.


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