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Kisses Sweeter Than Wine: Tastes of Seduction, Book 3

Page 3

by Jess Dee

  Lube would have eased the friction, but Declan didn’t want lube. He wanted only what Noah gave him now. Basic gratification.

  The burn of Noah’s bare palm hurt so good. The squeeze of his fist became an erotic pressure, sending sensation skittering up Declan’s spine and down again. It pooled in his lower back and fanned out across every nerve ending.

  As much as Declan wanted to keep watching Noah’s face to see the naked lust in his gaze, his eyes closed of their own accord. Keeping them open, seeing anything while exposed to all this pleasure, was impossible.

  Declan could no longer cater to all his senses. Touch reigned supreme. He heard nothing but the harsh rasp of Noah’s breath and smelled nothing but his friend’s musky scent. His tongue tasted nothing but the leftover allure of Noah’s hot mouth.

  Declan panted. Although essential, oxygen had become a secondary need. Tension built at the base of his dick and his balls tightened, drawing closer to his groin. All conscious sensation focused squarely on the abrasive pleasure Noah’s hand delivered.

  Part of him wished this could go on forever. Wished Noah could hold him firmly in his grasp for the rest of time. But the combined intensity of Declan’s hunger and Noah’s fierce grip meant time couldn’t and wouldn’t stand still. The muscles in Declan’s back stiffened. He braced against the wall and locked his knees.

  Noah muttered something nonsensical, and then Declan was coming.

  Oh, Jesus. He was coming so hard.

  White heat pulsed through him as he released three years of pent-up desire. He came and he came, shooting endlessly into Noah’s closed fist.

  “God, Dec… Fuck.” Noah did not still his hand. Not for one second. He just continued pumping and pumping, demanding everything Declan had to give.

  Helpless beneath his touch, Declan gave it all. Nothing had felt this good in years. Nothing had felt this right.

  Noah pumped him until Declan could bear it no more. Until, spent and exhausted, he collapsed against the wall with a hoarse shout and jerked free of Noah’s torturous hold.

  When finally he was able to force one eye open, it was to see Noah staring at the creamy white come coating his palm and fingers.

  Noah turned his heavy-lidded, hazel gaze to Declan and held his hand up. “I’m what you want.” His voice was low and raspy. “Which is good. Really good. Because you’re what I want.”

  Chapter Three

  Still surprised that Noah would have chosen this hotel for a business meeting, Violet Harper crossed the lobby and headed up the staircase.

  Six months ago she’d witnessed the wedding of the year turn into an unmitigated nightmare at this very vineyard. Her best friend, Tori Worthing, had been left devastated when Declan called off their relationship two days before the big event.

  Violet couldn’t help but feel guilty for her part in the whole sorry affair.

  If not for Violet, Tori would never have met Declan. She’d never have fallen in love, and she’d never have agreed to marry him when Dec proposed. But as fate would have it, Violet was the very reason Declan and Tori had hooked up in the first place.

  Tori had been meeting Violet at her offices one windy autumn day. The same day, it so happened, as Violet had a meeting with Noah and Declan. The three had walked into the reception area together, but it was Declan who’d noticed Tori first. Violet knew because she’d been talking to him and watching his face. The instant he’d seen Tori, he’d come to a stop, his attention consumed by the woman sitting on one of the leather couches.

  Violet had watched as Tori waved hello to Violet before noticing Declan. She’d blushed prettily and smiled, but seemed confused by Declan’s rapt attention.

  But then who wouldn’t be confused when a beautiful man turned his beautiful gaze on you and stared, as though you were the answer to all his prayers?

  “Violet,” Declan had said softly, “I have no idea who that woman is, but I think I may very well marry her.”

  Noah had stilled then too. He’d watched Declan as intently as Declan had watched Tori.

  Violet’s hopes had crashed. For months she’d harbored a crush on Declan. Okay, not just a crush. A growing awareness of an intense sexual energy that bounced between him and her. Instinct had told her that should she and Declan ever climb into bed, they’d turn the sparks that flared between them into live wires. Probably set the bed on fire too.

  Violet had seen something in Declan she recognized. An untamed side. A need for something more than mundane, vanilla lovemaking. Violet had lived with the need since the first time she’d kissed a boy. Sweet and simple would never be enough. She wanted more. She wanted complicated. Declan’s hooded gaze and piercing looks had told her he was someone who could give that to her.

  Him, and his sexy partner with the massive chest and shoulders, Noah.

  She’d found them equally attractive, equally devastating, and given the opportunity, she’d have jumped into bed with both of them. In a heartbeat. Which presented Violet with a perplexing situation she’d never confronted before. Until the moment she’d met Declan and Noah, she’d never wanted more than one man at a time.

  But one look at Noah, and Violet had melted into an aroused puddle at his feet. Something about the man with the massive muscles and commanding presence had called to her as strongly as Declan had called to her. It wasn’t just his looks—although Noah was hot, with his wavy brown hair, strong nose and full lips. He demanded attention just by walking into a room. And Violet had no problem giving it to him. Just like she’d had no problem giving it to Declan.

  Perhaps it was Declan’s blatant sensuality, or the way he’d worn his sexuality as easily as a second skin. Declan had been aware of the charged undercurrents that had zapped between them. He’d played them fully to his own advantage, using physical proximity to take Violet’s breath away and smiling knowingly when her nipples tightened or her pussy clenched in response.

  The unspoken possibilities between her and him and Noah had seemed endless. After months of getting to know the men, those possibilities had spurred Violet to do something she’d never have dreamed of doing—she’d fallen for both of them. Hard.

  And she would have continued falling and losing her heart, had Declan not spotted Tori.

  The moment he’d laid eyes on her, the Declan Violet had known and lusted after vanished. In his place emerged “the good boy”. The man who’d seen his future reflected in Violet’s best friend’s eyes. The man lost his edge and appeal. Declan had toed the line and changed his ways for a lovely, sweet schoolteacher.

  The Declan Tori met and fell in love with was not the Declan Violet had found herself falling for. Violet hadn’t seen that man again. Not since the fateful day in her reception area. She missed that Declan. But the change had made working with him a whole lot easier. The sexual tension that had pounded the air between them dimmed, which in turn had made it easier to put her secret feelings aside and let Tori have him.

  It had also made it easier to hide her longing for Noah. Violet’s feelings for Noah had been completely entwined with her feelings for Declan. So when Declan met Tori, and all the dynamics changed between Violet and him, they’d changed with Noah too.

  Although Noah hadn’t turned off his appeal.

  While Declan had changed from a seductive rogue to the perfect boyfriend and then to a brooding recluse, Noah had remained constantly alluring. His magnetic personality still had her heart pumping faster whenever she saw him, and his knowing, sexy hazel gaze still made her knees weak. The warm, confident smile made her ache for a deeper emotional connection, and his brute strength and size unfailingly woke the sexual being inside her.

  But Violet had never acted on their attraction. If anything, she’d buried her feelings for Noah as deep as the ones she’d buried for Declan. Being with Noah without Declan just hadn’t felt right.

  Lost to her memories and regrets, Violet had no way of preparing herself for what she witnessed when she opened the door to the suite and let he
rself in, rolling her overnight suitcase behind her.

  Her first glance was innocent enough, taking in the luxury of the suite. The two cream couches were set around a matching cream rug and glass coffee table. An unlit fireplace graced the corner of the room, and a massive flat-screen telly covered one wall. Glass sliding doors, covered by wisps of net, led to what Violet could only assume was a balcony.

  Two tog bags and two computer bags littered the floor and couches.

  It was the second glance that rendered her speechless. To the right of the lounge was a rectangular, wooden dining table, but more than that Violet failed to comprehend. Because sitting on one of the dining chairs, his face tilted down to stare at his lap, was Noah. His cheeks were flushed, his mouth open and his eyes hooded. His broad shoulders heaved in time with his harsh panting.

  The look on his face was so intensely sexual it knocked the breath from Violet’s lungs.

  Or maybe it was Declan who knocked the breath from her lungs.

  The man that had intended to marry Violet’s best friend knelt between Noah’s bare legs, a hand on one of Noah’s thighs and his face buried in Noah’s lap. The blatant sensuality he’d once radiated and then quelled now pulsed off him in electric waves, slamming into Violet.

  There he was again. The Declan she’d lusted after—on his knees, before another man. The other man Violet had lusted after.

  Unable to comprehend everything she saw, Violet blinked several times, trying to clear her vision. It worked. After every blink she saw the scene in much finer detail.

  First she noticed Noah’s hands on Declan’s head. His fingers were tunneled through Declan’s hair, and he clasped Declan around his ears, slowly guiding his mouth up and down Noah’s cock.

  Next she noticed Noah’s knees, spread wide to make space for Declan. His jeans were bunched around his ankles. Declan was fully clothed.

  One blink later she saw Noah wasn’t quite sitting on the chair. He was slouched in it, as though he didn’t have the strength to hold himself up.

  After blinking the fourth time, she stopped trying to clear her vision. In fact, she stopped blinking altogether. All she could do was stare, fascinated, at the sight of Declan’s lips around Noah’s impressive erection.

  Declan’s eyes were closed and his lips were stretched wide open. One hand was wrapped around the base of Noah’s shaft. Watching him swallow Noah’s cock told Violet two things. Declan had done this before, and he was loving every minute of it. The man was an expert, twisting his head this way and that to ensure he took Noah in as deep as he could get him, then releasing him with slow, deliberate moves before sucking him in all over again.

  The entire time, Noah’s hoarse breath filtered through the air.

  Declan paused his suction to lick the head of Noah’s cock. His flattened tongue swept repeatedly over the tip, removing drops of precome, then swirled down, around the long, hard shaft.

  His actions were so carnal, so erotic, Violet could almost feel his warm, moist tongue moving on her core, licking her pussy. Wet heat pooled between her thighs.

  Convinced her heart might stop from shock, she slapped her hand against her chest.

  Lost in the apparent pleasure of his feast, Declan remained oblivious to her presence.

  She got that. Should she ever have the opportunity to feast on Noah’s cock—something she’d fantasized about more than once—she suspected she’d also lose herself to the pleasure. Besides, Noah’s hands covered Declan’s ears, so he probably hadn’t heard the door unlocking as she’d opened it or the click of her heels as she’d stepped inside.

  Was Noah as lost to the pleasure as Declan?

  She tore her gaze from Declan’s mouth to look once again at Noah’s face.

  His lips were still parted, his cheeks still flushed and he still panted. But he no longer stared at Declan’s head. Instead he stared directly at Violet. His hooded eyes were glazed, but there was that hot, knowing sexy look in them. Now it was even hotter than usual. Sexier. And one side of his mouth curved up into a hot, knowing, sexy smile.

  Noah made no attempt to stop Declan. If anything, he slouched lower in the chair, more immersed than ever in the blowjob.

  He mouthed something at Violet, then flickered his gaze behind her.


  Violet realized she stood just inside the suite, with the door wide open. Anyone who walked past could see what she saw.

  Gently as she could, so as not to disturb Declan, she pressed the door closed. As she leaned against it, grateful for the support since her legs wobbled unsteadily, it occurred to her that leaving would be both the tactful and correct thing to do. But tactful and correct did not heat her blood. Declan and Noah did. And Declan going down on Noah? Well, that just shot her blood all the way up to the boiling point.

  Somewhere in the back of her mind she thought of Tori. Wondered if this was the reason Declan had called off their wedding. And then a strangled groan escaped Noah, and Violet forgot all about her friend. She forgot all about everything except the fact that Noah’s cock was free. It stuck up thick, hard, shiny and wet from Declan’s mouth. Declan’s head was buried deeper in Noah’s lap, and Violet almost cried out in frustration.

  She couldn’t see what he did.

  A jolt passed through Noah, his body jerking. “Oh, Jesus, Dec. Christ, yeah. Suck ’em. Suck my balls.”

  Her mouth filled with saliva. She wanted to watch Declan suck his balls. God help her, she wanted to suck Noah’s balls too. At the same time as Declan.

  The walls of her pussy clenched.

  Any normal woman would have turned tail and run out of the room. But not Violet. No, Violet was completely aroused by it all. She wanted to join in. And if she couldn’t join in, she wanted to slip her hands into her panties and ease the ache that throbbed in her core.

  More than anything, she ached to be included in their intimacy—both physically and emotionally. She longed to experience the closeness Noah and Dec so obviously felt for each other.

  As he sucked Noah’s balls, Declan wrapped his hand around Noah’s cock and jerked him off.

  Violet could have done that for him. Wanted to do it for him. But she couldn’t speak. Or move. So entranced was she by watching the two men, she could only stand there, her palm still pressed to her chest. Her heart pounding loud enough she feared the men could hear it.

  And then Noah was redirecting Declan’s head, placing his mouth at the tip of his cock. Declan sucked him in slowly, inch by inch.

  “Feels so good, Dec. So fucking good. Always feels good in your mouth.”

  Always? So this wasn’t the first time Declan had given Noah head.

  She wondered if it was the first time Declan had given Noah head in front of an audience.

  Noah stilled Declan, holding him just so, and pumped his hips up and down, repeatedly pushing deep into Declan’s mouth before withdrawing.

  Violet thought she might pass out. She thought she might cry out. Moisture saturated her panties. She wanted Noah to fuck her like that. In her mouth, her pussy and her ass.

  No, she just wanted to watch, wanted to soak up every exhilarating second of the show.

  Uh-uh. She wanted to do both.

  Declan moaned around Noah’s cock, and Noah thrust harder. Suckling sounds filled the air.

  Noah massaged Declan’s head. “Gonna come, baby.”

  Something in his tone made Violet look at Noah’s face again.

  His gaze trapped hers. “Gonna come so hard.” He spoke to her, not to Declan. “Are…are you ready?”

  He was asking her?

  A lump filled her throat. Noah had just included her in his and Declan’s intimacy.

  Was she ready?

  God, yes. Her mouth watered at the thought. If she so much as touched herself now she’d come right alongside Noah.

  She nodded just as Declan murmured something nonsensical around Noah’s dick.

  Noah’s eyes slid shut, almost reluctantly, as though he’d
tried to hold them open but couldn’t. His head fell back and a violent shudder shook his body.


  Violet wasn’t sure where to look first. At Noah’s face, contorted in a mixture of agony and ecstasy, or at his body, which was tilted, with his shoulders pressed against the back of the chair and his ass lifted off it. His dick was almost fully encased in Declan’s mouth.

  Or should she look at Declan, at the triumph that flashed across his face as Noah came?

  Again the electric waves of his sensuality swamped her, making the air feel thick. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed once, twice, a third time. His lips and cheeks were stretched taut around Noah’s shaft, droplets of semen spilling from the corners.

  She looked everywhere, visually absorbing as much as she could. Her nipples were hard buds, and she had to squeeze her thighs together to relieve the constant ache. Perspiration trickled between her breasts.

  She wanted to be the one coming in Declan’s mouth.

  She wanted to be the one blowing Noah.

  She wanted to stand right where she was, watching the two men participate in this incredibly intimate, sensual, sexual moment.

  Long seconds passed as Noah spent himself in Declan’s mouth. Long seconds where Violet’s heartbeat deafened her.

  And then Noah sagged back in the seat. His head dropped forward, and he slowly pulled Declan’s mouth off his cock. Another long, silent moment passed before Noah sat upright and Declan straightened his back. Noah didn’t release Declan. He just kept his hands there, caressing the other man’s head.

  When Noah finally looked up, it was to stare Violet dead in the eye.

  “Welcome, Vi,” he said, his voice still hoarse. “It’s good to see you again.” Before Declan could swivel around to look at her, Noah swooped down and claimed his lips, silencing Declan’s protest with a fiery kiss that very nearly brought Violet to her knees.


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