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Thantose: Book Two in the Galaxy Pirates Alien Abduction Romance Series

Page 7

by Alana Khan

  Birdcage lady points me to one of the chambers. I catch Thantose’s eye and he joins me there.

  After I close the green velvet curtain, he whispers, “This is insanity. Let’s leave, Brin.”

  “Is it? Is it insanity, T? I want to do this.”

  “I . . . I thought we established that because of your past you don’t know what you want.” His eyes are so compassionate. What a good male.

  “I’ve known I’ve wanted this since shortly after I met you. At first, it was because you were handsome and the captain and you rescued me, but that changed. Now it’s because I know you and I like you. Let’s do this. You can pretend it’s for your ahma. I don’t need to pretend. I’m doing it because I want to.

  “But the best thing is that tomorrow we can blame it all on the Meris society and never speak of it again.” I look him square in the eye. “I only want this if you do.”


  It was obvious since we walked into the room this evening what was on the agenda. The ten rooms, each sumptuously outfitted for sex were a giveaway. The ladies of the society can pretty this up with religious pretense all they want, but no matter what name you call it, an orgy is an orgy.

  I doubted Brin would stay long enough to step into a cubicle, but here we are. And she wants to partake.

  She’s right, let’s not make this about anything other than what it is—Thantose and Brin. This has nothing to do with my ahma or the Meris, although she’s correct that tomorrow we can put the blame on those things for what we do tonight.

  I don’t want to hurt her, though. That’s the only important thing. Do I want to do this? What a ridiculous question. Of course I do. My cock’s been hard since I saw the beds lining the walls.

  “Do you, T? Do you want to do this?” she prompts.

  “Gods help me, yes. But Brin, there need to be rules.” I surprise myself. I’ve never put a limit on bed-play in my life.

  “Go on.”

  “This will be a one-time thing. What happens here can’t happen again. Perhaps this will satisfy our mutual curiosity and extinguish the desires we shouldn’t have in the first place.

  “I will pleasure you, it will not be mutual. And no intercourse.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth I realize they make sense. If we’re never sexual with each other again, this will be a good place to stop. And if we are, I want our first time to be truly private.

  “But I want—”

  “I’ll make you very happy, Brin. Not the other way around.” I show her my serious face. I don’t wear it often.


  I know he’s just trying to protect me. Maybe he’s trying to protect us both.


  He’s been nude since before the ‘prayers’. I’m wearing a luscious pale pink kimono with swirls of turquoise, lavender, and rose. We’re standing in the scant space between the foot of the round bed and the thick emerald velvet drapes.

  The musicians are playing the most primitive, erotic, driving music I’ve ever heard. The lights are dim, and the sweet floral scent of hundreds of candles drifts in through the curtains.

  It’s just Thantose and me. I shut everything out and allow my senses to bathe in the smells and sounds around me. And then my eyes feast on T. Handsome T. Strong T. T., who’s caramel brown eyes are raking me up and down and up again as if he wants to pounce.

  He’s standing still, waiting for me to make the first move. I wrap my arms around his neck and simply hug him. We sway in each other’s arms, moving to the sensuous beat. We’re in no hurry; I like that.

  The faint smell of cinnamon exudes from his pores. I rub my cheek against the exquisitely soft skin on his chest, reveling in the hard muscles underneath.

  My fingertips slide from behind his neck, over his sinewy shoulders to explore his pecs. It seems I’ve waited a lifetime to trace the white and magenta swirls on his chest. I allow one fingertip to follow every whorl and graceful line.

  “Handsome,” I breathe, finally gathering my nerve to glance into his eyes. There’s an expression there I don’t even know how to describe. Wait. Yes, I do. Fondness. Indulgence. It’s as if I could do anything I want right now and he’d allow it. Permission given. I allow myself to luxuriate in this feeling.

  I step closer, inhale the heady scent of his gorgeous body, and trace his markings with my closed lips. His skin is hot, inviting. There’s something about the slow slide of my sensitive mouth along his ebony flesh that feels as if I’m claiming ownership of the territory. I reassure myself that although this feeling might not last forever, it’s working its magic now.

  My fingers itch to move lower, to follow his primitive markings below his waistline, to explore the thick, pulsing staff making a loudly silent statement of desire as it bobs between us. But he said I shouldn’t pleasure him, and I’m pretty sure putting my hands on that beautiful, beckoning cock would break his rule.

  I stand straighter and rest my hands at my sides. ‘Your turn’, is the message.

  The slightest smile tilts the corners of his lips. When I gather my courage to look into his eyes, I don’t see the feral look of a panther waiting to pounce, which is what I expected. I see calm desire. He turns me away from him, toward the front curtain.

  Reaching around me, his arms span my waist, and he tugs me closer. He sways with me like this. I shut out everything in my awareness but my body and his, and the pulsing music that envelops us.

  His turgid cock rides my back, and I feel desire spark along every nerve and synapse of my body. It isn’t lust. It’s a softer, sweeter, far more sensual emotion. There’s nothing urgent. It’s a slow, delightful swell.

  Dipping his head to my ear, his voice a breathy whisper, he says, “I’m going to build a fire for you, Brin. I’m going to start with embers and fan the flames until you’re desperate for what I can give you. And then I’m going to quench your fire.”

  That sexy promise, breathed so intimately into the shell of my ear, makes my knees weak, but he holds me steady.

  His hands leave their chaste hold of my waist and begin a slow slide from my belly, up my ribcage, then cup the fullness of my breasts. My nipples are hard, eager nubs, but they’re only caressed by the silken fabric of my kimono. He hasn’t even touched them yet and they’re begging for the slightest brush of his fingers.

  “But not for a while, Brin. You’ve waited a long time for this. I’m going to make you wait a bit more.” He nips my earlobe, then his palms move incrementally upward until my pebbled peaks spear the center of them.

  “Thantose,” I hiss in pleasure. He’s right. I’ve waited ten forevers to feel this touch.

  I lean my head against his chest and thrust my breasts out for better access, but he won’t be rushed. He takes his sweet time as his palms bestow just the whisper of a touch against my jutting peaks.

  I writhe against him, my back massaging his cock. It’s like a personal achievement when he sucks in an aroused breath. I’m not the only one who’s affected by our intimate dance.

  I’m mewling quietly, desperate for more, when he finally grasps my nipples between thumbs and forefingers and plucks. One perfect moment of pleasure that snatches a gasp from my mouth and a gush of liquid from my core at the same moment I feel it at the tips of my breasts.

  “T,” I say on a sigh. I silently order him to sweep the kimono off my shoulders and let it whisper to the floor, but I remain fully clothed.

  His head dips to nip the cords of my neck and his hands unleash a torrent of activity. No longer holding back, those fingers are plucking, strumming, rubbing, and pulling my nipples until my clit quivers in response.

  The words ‘yes’ and ‘please’ are screaming in my mind, but I don’t allow them to escape my lips. I’ll just dive deeper into this fog of pleasure. I’ll leave the decisions to T.

  His left hand leaves my left breast, slides under the fabric, and moves to the right, pulling me against him even tighter while his right hand slides between my legs. I widen my stanc
e to allow him free access. One finger slips under my wispy white panties, unerringly finds my core, and circles my entrance. It provides zero relief, it just amps me up higher.

  “You’re dripping, Brin. Drenched,” his hoarse voice rumbles into my ear.

  “For you,” I say.

  That lone finger keeps teasing me. It grants permission to arouse, but not to satisfy. Anger slices through me for a second. It’s not nice to keep a girl waiting. Then I slide deeper into the moment and embrace the slow burn.

  His hand moves away as he tells me, “Put your hand there. Don’t pleasure yourself,” his voice is firm. “See how wet you are.”

  I dip my hand between my legs, slide it under the fabric, and am surprised by how slippery I am down there. I’d wondered before how broken I was, wondered if my body’s sexual responses were irreparably damaged. My lips turn up in the hint of a smile. I’m fully functional. Thanks, Thantose.

  He nestles his chin onto my shoulder, grips my wrist, brings my hand to his mouth, and makes a show of licking every drop of my own cream off my fingers.

  “I wondered what you would taste like, beautiful Brin. Better than goozwell.” He forms his tongue into a hard point, starts at my wrist, and drags it across my palm to the tip of my middle finger.

  Without warning, he lifts me and stands me on the edge of the bed. He slips one foot between mine so that he’s standing on the floor with one leg, the other is at a ninety-degree angle. He swipes my kimono open at the waist and pulls me to sit on his thigh, placing exquisite pressure between my legs. It’s so unexpectedly erotic that my eyes quit drooping closed and fly open to find his.

  “That's right, Brin.” He presses me harder onto him, giving me unspoken permission to ride him. As I strike up a delicious rhythm, he dips that gorgeous head under my kimono and licks my breast.

  “T,” I praise.

  For long, glorious minutes he uses every method to lick, suck, and nip each breast in turn until I’m moaning wordlessly, and rubbing more desperately.

  His hands roam from the top of my ass to my shoulders and back. He’s pleasuring me and owning me at the same time. My fingertips bite into his shoulders as the words inside my head scream louder. ‘Please’!

  “Sorry to interrupt,” a female AI voice calls over the loudspeaker, “thirty minimas left.”

  “I guess that’s my cue to start quenching,” his words are light, but his tone is a deep, sexy growl.

  He lifts me off him, sets me on the bed, and gently presses me onto my back. Instead of following me onto the bed, though, he steps to the side and leans over. “Say the word, Brin, and we can stop.”

  “Go,” I tell him firmly without taking a moment to think—I don’t need one.

  He grins a full-on pirate grin full of swagger and passion and, yeah, lust. His hands are gentle as he rearranges my kimono. It was disheveled, but now I’m fully covered. I wish I was spread out naked in front of him like an edible banquet. But for some reason, keeping me covered is important to him.

  He moves to the foot of the bed and prowls between my legs. He settles his knees outside my thighs and kisses me hard until I open to him. His tongue is soft, coaxing, as he sucks me unto his mouth.

  Then as quickly as he arrived, he leaves to kiss and lick and nibble his way down, my robe open a few scant inches down the middle of my body. He moves farther, arrowing directly toward the juncture of my thighs.

  His large hands spread me wide and he dives in, but not to the territory of my desperation. No, he nips me mid-thigh, then moves upward, kissing and biting until he’s so close I can feel his warm, humid breath as he hovers over my quivering clit.

  “Go,” I repeat, wondering if he’s just making certain I’m ready.

  Maybe that was it, or maybe he just realized he couldn’t keep me waiting forever. He dips his long, firm tongue inside me as far as it will go and I groan in ecstasy. I’ve waited so long for this.

  I feel his groan reverberate from inside me. I guess this is the moment of reward for him, too.

  Now all the soft and slow and waiting and building from embers is a dim memory. He’s fucking me with his tongue, teasing my clit with his nose, pressing me closer with his meaty hands lifting my ass from below.

  He’s morphed from tender to wild and is a man on a mission. Moving his tongue to my little button, he slips one finger into me and I release a long, low moan as my hips thrust up and my hands press his head against me even harder.

  He’s developed just the right rhythm and just the right pressure, and two fingers are pounding into me in time to the frenzied music. My orgasm slams into and through me. It’s intense and focused in my pelvis. Every muscle in my body clenches in a spectacular release.

  I try to pull him up to lie with me, but he just shakes his beautiful head and begins again.

  He’s not as wild now, his actions are more deliberate and he finds perfect places on my clit and in my deepest spaces that respond to him. He quickly wrenches another release from me. This one isn’t frenetic, it’s slow and deep and rolling and seems to go on endlessly as my moan ramps louder and louder and then breaks away as I pant and hold onto his shoulders as if they’re a lifeline.

  “Ten minimas,” the AI voice announces.

  Surely he’ll come up and cuddle me now, but no. He gets back to work. I’m so sensitized all he has to do is suck me into his warm mouth and toy with my entrance and I reward him with a release so intense, so full of passion, that my eyes roll into the back of my head and I lose all thought for a moment.

  At last, he crawls up, lies on his back, and pulls me on top of him, then holds me sweet and tight and long as if I’m the most precious artifact he’s ever stolen.

  And he has. Stolen me, that is. How do you live through that and keep all of your heart? Somewhere in the last ninety minutes, I gave my heart away. To Thantose.

  “I’m sorry females, we must end our worship service. Please reconvene in your chairs in ten minimas. We will then proceed with the auction,” says Mistress Han.

  As I wash up in the elegant bathroom furnished in white and every shade of green, I try to quiet my thoughts about what just happened. To say our connection was deep and magical is an understatement.

  The last thing I want to do is go back in that room and struggle to keep my eyes off my naked ‘slave’. I can’t wait to get back to the Jewel and finish what we started.

  But what if this was a one-time thing? He warned me. I know I said I could handle it, but honestly, after the explosive bliss I just experienced from his touch, I don’t know if I can.

  I splash my face with water and return to my seat. Hopefully there’s no more senseless pomp and circumstance and we can either win or lose the auction and be on our way.


  All the males are lined up against the wall across from the females. We’re here for their viewing pleasure. I’m taking some pleasure in my view as well.

  Beautiful Brin’s fair coloring is still flushed, a testament to what just happened in our little private space. We shouldn’t have done it. We both know that. Even though my cock is painfully stiff and unfulfilled, I’m glad we shared that. Giving her pleasure just now was one of the best houras of my life.

  “As you’ve known from the beginning, the minimum bid is one million credits,” announces Mistress Han. “Who wants to begin?”

  The auction progresses quickly. Brin hasn’t bid yet, and the price is up to two and a half million credits. The room is now silent. It appears two of the three other females have hit their max.

  “Two point five million once, two point five—”

  “Two point six,” Brin says calmly.

  “Two point seven,” the remaining bidder shouts. She’s a beautiful four-armed Mordite who’s on the edge of her seat.

  “Two point eight,” Brin replies, still tranquil.

  “Two point nine,” says the Mordite.

  “Three million credits,” Brin’s voice is loud and clear.

Silence. The Mordite is struggling with this number, her face squeezed in anguish.

  “Three million credits going once, three million going twice.” Mistress Han pauses a long moment, then, “Sold to Brin from Kalamazoo for three million credits. Congratulations. May your life be filled with the pleasure you receive from this book.

  “I express my sadness to the three of you who lost the bid. It’s hard to get so close and walk away without it. I hope you’ll still enjoy the party which will be much different than the religious ceremony we all just performed. You may share your slaves if you wish, and there are many novelties to titillate you. Brin, let’s finish the paperwork before the festivities begin.”


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