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His Conquered Bride

Page 8

by Sassa Daniels

Alexander wondered if, given time, he would come to feel for Ailis as Adam did for Mary. He doubted it. They might be brothers, but he and Adam were cut from very different cloth and Alexander had needs he doubted one woman could quench. Still, for now he supposed he could refrain from fucking other women out of respect for his new bride. He just hoped she would make the sacrifice worthwhile.

  * * *

  “You know what to expect?” Margaret asked as she ran a comb through Ailis’ hair, tugging hard to untangle a stubborn knot.

  “Aye,” Ailis replied. Then she thought about what was going to happen when Alexander got here and realized she had no clue. She amended her response. “No.”

  Margaret moved around and dropped to a low crouch in front of Ailis. She took her hands and smiled sympathetically at her.

  “You understand that a man and a woman are made differently?”

  Ailis rolled her eyes. She was a little naïve when it came to relations between men and women, but she was not completely stupid, and she had seen things that gave her some idea of what to expect.

  “Well,” Margaret continued, “a man, that is to say, your husband, will enter your body with his… he will…”

  Ailis put her hand on top of Margaret’s. “Yes, I understand that part.”

  “That is good,” the other woman said with obvious relief. “Now, it may hurt a little this first time, but the pain will soon pass. If your husband is kind to you, there may even be some pleasure in the act.”

  “Pleasure?” Edane scoffed. “He will care naught for your pleasure. You are simply a vessel to carry his bairns, and he will not trouble over the pain he causes you.”

  “You speak from personal experience, Edane?” Ailis asked.

  “No, my Gregor is as gentle as a lamb.”

  Ailis doubted the truth of that.

  “But your new lord and master,” Edane continued, “he is a different kind of man. He will leave you raw and bloodied and not think twice about your tears.”

  “Edane!” Margaret scolded as she rose to her feet to face off against the other woman. “There is no need to frighten her.”

  “But she should be frightened.” A cruel sneer curled Edane’s thin lips. “Who knows what will happen with a man like that. He will likely split her in two.”

  Her words, delivered with such venom, made Ailis flinch. It was not the first time she had heard that said, after all. Gregor, too, had suggested that Alexander would tear her apart.

  “Edane,” Ailis said pleadingly. She really didn’t want to hear such things.

  “In fact,” Edane carried on, obviously reveling in the distress she was causing Ailis, “I imagine an animal like that will take great pleasure in making it hurt as much as possible.”

  “That is enough, Edane.” Margaret’s tone was forceful. “If you’ve nothing useful to say, you can leave.”

  Edane drew herself up to her full height as though about to warn Margaret that she couldn’t speak to the lady of the house in that manner and then seemed to recall that she no longer held that position. Instead, she tossed back her hair and flounced from the room, slamming the door none too quietly behind her.

  “I fear she has the right of it, Maggie,” Ailis said once her sister-in-law was gone. “He won’t be gentle with me after all the trouble I put him through.”

  “Try to please him and he will be kinder with you,” Margaret advised. “He will not wish to start this marriage off on the wrong foot any more than you do.”

  Ailis wished she could believe that. She knew Margaret was doing her best to reassure her, so she offered no argument. She got to her feet and allowed the other woman to lead her over to the bed. Margaret pulled back the white linen sheet and Ailis got into the bed. As her bottom hit the mattress, she received an instant, unwelcome reminder of the spanking she’d received. The look of empathy on Margaret’s face only served to highlight the humiliation she felt as she recalled the punishment. She shifted around a little and finally got comfortable on the bed.

  “Would you like me to remain here until he arrives?” Margaret asked.

  Now that she was in the bed, feeling even more like a virgin sacrifice than she had before, Ailis found that she could no longer form words, so she simply shook her head in response. Margaret placed a kiss on her forehead and wished her a good night. As she turned to leave, Ailis would have sworn she saw the glistening of tears in the other woman’s eyes. Her stomach lurched as fear gripped her. Just what was this man about to do to her?

  Chapter Eight

  As soon as he came into the room, Alexander was struck by how young and innocent his new bride was. She looked so lost, so afraid, in that enormous bed. Her sparkling green eyes were wide, and her teeth scraped over her bottom lip in an outward show of anxiety. Gone was the defiant glare he’d been subjected to earlier in the evening. In its place was an expression that spoke of fear and he didn’t like it one bit. He might want his wife’s submission, require her obedience, but he had no desire to see her terrified. Aware that she was watching his every move, expecting him to suddenly pounce on her, Alexander moved with deliberate caution as he unfastened his plaid and placed it over the back of a chair. Leaving his tunic and hose on, hoping that he would seem less threatening if he was still clothed, he took a step toward her. A look of terror passed across her face and she lurched backwards, coming up against the ornately carved headboard as she tried to get as far from him as possible.

  Alexander stopped in his tracks. There was nothing to prevent him from seizing her and simply taking what was his by right. After all, she was legally his property now, just as much as this castle and its lands were, but he didn’t want to force himself on her. A woman of her slight build would never be able to fight him off and he could do as he wished with her but the thought of using violence was repugnant to him.

  Trying to decide how best to approach her, he looked around the room. He spotted a pitcher and two gilded goblets lying on a small table close to the fire. He went to pour himself some of the wine that had been placed there.

  “Will you join me, my lady?” he asked, turning to Ailis who was regarding him warily.

  He could practically see the thoughts racing through her mind as she tried, no doubt, to work out whether he was trying to trick her in some way. Perhaps she feared that if she came too close, he would throw her down on the floor and swive her right there on the cold stone slabs like some common whore.

  He waited patiently, standing as still and quiet as a hunter observing its prey. Seeming to make her mind up that he was not about to attack her, Ailis gave a little nod and climbed out of the bed. As she padded across the floor to him, her feet bare, he couldn’t help but feel a little awed by her.

  Despite her obvious fear, she held her head high. Her shoulders were pulled back as she walked toward him with an impressively regal bearing. Her long, dark tresses flowed down over her shoulders and her emerald green eyes shone with determination. She really was the most beautiful specimen of femininity he had ever seen. Through the thin fabric of her linen nightgown, he could see the outline of her body, the thatch of dark hair at the apex of her thighs. She either didn’t know, or didn’t care, that her nightgown was transparent.

  Reluctantly tearing his eyes from her, he poured a goblet of wine and passed it to Ailis. As she took the ornate drinking cup from him, their hands touched, and he realized she was freezing cold.

  “Will you sit by the fire with me?” he asked.

  He waited until Ailis settled herself on one of the low wooden chairs and then took a seat on the opposite side of the fireplace. It was a strain to hold his natural instincts in check. He wanted nothing more than to push her face down on the bed and fuck her until she knew in no uncertain terms who she belonged to. She deserved better than that, though, and so he promised himself he would take things at a slower pace.

  “So, how do you like our new chambers, my lady?” Alexander asked when it became clear that he would have to be the one to start a

  “Our new chambers?”

  “Aye, I expect you to share them with me.”

  Her eyes went wide at that. Alexander knew it did not always happen, but he believed that a husband and wife should occupy the same bedchamber. His own parents had done so, and his brother, Adam had slept blissfully alongside his wife each night for almost ten years now and it seemed to work for them. He liked the idea of keeping Ailis close, if only so he could be sure she was not up to any mischief.

  “I see.” There was neither excitement nor unhappiness in her voice to give her thoughts on the matter away. “They are very fine chambers. My father knew how to see to his own comfort.”

  That statement held a wealth of meaning, but Alexander chose not to ask her more about her father who, he already suspected, had neglected his only daughter woefully.

  “Indeed,” Alexander agreed, but he had to admit that while these were probably the finest private rooms in the castle, they were not close to the standards he was accustomed to. He would see to it that they were refurbished with the highest quality materials once he was more firmly established as laird. “So, you have no objections to sharing them with me?”

  “Not if you wish it,” Ailis said quietly, before seeming to become a little more animated. “It will make Edane green with envy since she never got the chance to use them.”

  “She and your brother didn’t share a bedchamber?” Alexander asked.

  “No, and even if they had, it would not have been this one. My brother fled the castle before spending a single night under its roof as laird. He didn’t have a chance to act as laird, not that you would know it the way Edane tries to rule the roost.” Ailis clamped her lips together as though she’d said too much.

  “You do not like your brother’s wife?”

  Ailis shook her head. “I regret to say, I do not. She and my brother made life difficult for all those around them. I must confess I feared what would happen if Gregor became laird, especially to poor wee…”

  Her voice trailed off and it seemed she was afraid, once again, that she had let her mouth run away with her.

  “To poor wee Ruaridh?” Alexander guessed.

  “Aye,” Ailis confirmed.

  “And do you still fear what will happen to your younger brother,” he asked, “now that I am laird?”

  Ailis shrugged her shoulders. Alexander wished it was not the case, but he understood why she would have her doubts about him. They hardly knew one another, after all, and he had to admit the thought had crossed his mind that the boy might become a threat to be dealt with once he was older.

  “No harm will come to him while he is under my care,” Alexander pledged. “You have my word on that.”

  Ailis nodded quietly. Alexander rose to his feet and held his hand out to her. She was starting to look tired and the marriage had to be consummated tonight. The king was unhappy that Alexander had delayed so long in taking Ailis as his bride and had insisted that the union be made legal as soon as possible. Besides, Alexander was looking forward to exploring that delectable little body of hers.

  “It is time we went to bed now.”

  Ailis looked at his outstretched hand but did not take it.

  “What is the matter, my lady? Do you not find me attractive?” Alexander tried to sound lighthearted in the hopes that it would elicit a smile from her. “Would you rather the king had given you to another man?”

  “I would rather the king had realized I am not his to give.” A flash of irritation sparked in her eyes.

  “Ah.” Alexander understood a little better now. His new wife was railing against the fact that she didn’t have any control over her own life, a circumstance that all ladies of her station found to be true. “You would prefer to have done your own choosing?”

  “Of course I would.”

  “And what sort of man would you have chosen?”

  “Someone tall, handsome, brave, clever, kind, loyal.” She reeled off a list of attributes.

  “Like Niall MacDonnell?” Alexander asked, wondering whether she held more than familial affection for the man.

  “No, he has Margaret,” Ailis blurted out and once again looked as though she immediately regretted saying anything. She was quite the mass of contradictions. One moment she was saying whatever she thought without considering the consequences and the next she was expertly masking her emotions. Alexander wondered if he would ever truly be able to work out who his little bride really was. “Besides, I prefer a man with fairer hair.”

  “Ah, like my brother, Iain, perhaps?”

  “No.” Ailis looked appalled by the very suggestion. “Someone less menacing.”

  “Well, Adam, then? He would scarcely frighten a rabbit.”

  That was far from true but, of all the de Morays, Adam was the most thoughtful in his actions and the slowest to anger. Ailis seemed to consider for a moment and Alexander wondered, with a twinge of jealousy, whether she did prefer his brother.

  “No,” she said finally, “he is far too grand.”

  “So, someone like me, then?” Alexander said, with a touch more hope in his voice than he would have liked.

  Ailis snorted and her face broke into a smile.

  “Well, you do seem to be all I’m left with.”

  Alexander was pleased that her tone was slightly teasing. It suggested she was a little more at her ease with him.

  “Then I shall have to make do with that for now.”

  He offered Ailis his hand and this time she took it. He helped her to her feet and led her toward the bed.

  “You know what happens between a man and a woman?”

  “Aye, I’ve been told.”

  Alexander nodded and quietly hoped that she hadn’t been instructed in the art of pleasing a man by that sour-faced harridan Edane. He’d be lucky if he survived the night with his cock intact if she’d given Ailis any tips.

  “Right then, lass, remove your nightgown.”

  She hesitated for a moment and Alexander wondered whether she was going to need a lesson in obedience. It seemed there was no need. She took a step back and whipped the flimsy garment off over her head in one swift movement. Alexander’s breath caught at the back of his throat as she tossed her nightgown aside and stood before him, naked. Her posture was surprisingly confident. She held her shoulders back, so her breasts were thrust out in front of her. He wondered if she understood the power she had over him in that moment.

  He was utterly transfixed, unable to speak or move. She was utterly exquisite, and he felt a sudden desire to dress her up in the finest silks just so he could unwrap her like the magnificent gift she was. He made a little circle with his finger, instructing her to turn around for him. She bit her lip shyly and slowly rotated on the balls of her feet. Her movements held an undeniable grace he hadn’t realized she possessed.

  “Stop,” he instructed as she turned her back to him. “Stay just like that.”

  He took a moment to inspect her bottom, admiring the bright red stripes on her pale skin where his belt had marked her. He couldn’t resist reaching out to run his fingertips over her soft flesh. Ailis stiffened and then relaxed into his touch.

  “Your poor wee arse,” he remarked. “Does it hurt?”

  “Aye,” Ailis confirmed.

  “But you learned your lesson well?” Alexander asked.

  “I did,” Ailis replied. “I learned I need to hide your belt from you.”

  Alexander laughed at her sass and her naivety. If he wanted to punish her there were a thousand implements he might use. He was sure with her impetuous nature, he would be introducing her to a few of those in the future.

  Taking her by the shoulders, he spun her around to face him. He bent down to kiss her, softly, on the lips and was pleased when she raised herself up on her tiptoes, trying to pull him closer. As her soft body pressed against the hard wall of his chest, he felt his cock twitch impatiently.

  “Get into the bed, lass,” he said as he began to unlace
his leggings. “It’s time I made you mine.”

  * * *

  Ailis did as she was told and got into the bed. Feeling a little nervous, she pulled the sheet up to cover herself. She’d been naked in front of Alexander earlier, but that had only been for the briefest of moments. This time he’d seemed to study every inch of her body and the intense scrutiny he subjected her to left her feeling as though her very soul had been laid bare.

  Her heart raced as she watched Alexander stripping off his clothing to reveal a broad, muscular torso and long, lean legs. There was a light dusting of hair on his chest and she noted several scars on his body won, no doubt, in the many battles he’d fought. Perhaps, one day, he would tell her how he had acquired them. It surprised her to realize that she wanted to hear his tales of combat, to learn what sort of man he truly was.

  She tried to keep her focus on the upper half of his body, but her eyes chose to overrule her mind and wandered down to fix on his massive, proudly erect cock. It was no surprise to her that he was well-endowed, given that he had the physique of an ancient pagan god.

  As he slipped into the bed and immediately reached for her, Ailis gasped. There was a thrilling roughness, an urgency in his movements as he pulled her against him. His mouth fell on hers in a kiss that was much more insistent than the first they had shared. His tongue ran along the seam of her lips, demanding and gaining entry. She was caught off guard by the power of the kiss. There was no affection in it. This was a declaration of ownership, a signal that he intended to possess her, body and soul, and she had no will to fight it. In fact, in that moment, she welcomed him making his claim on her.

  Alexander’s tongue stroked masterfully over hers and she groaned into his mouth. His right hand trailed tantalizingly down the length of her body, to that secret part of her. Instinctively responding to his unspoken demands, her thighs opened to him. As his fingers slipped into her feminine folds, his mouth left hers and moved to her breast. She was forced to endure a sensual onslaught as his lips teased one nipple and then the other, his tongue lapping over them until they formed stiff little peaks. All the while, his fingers explored her pussy until she was wet and ready for him, begging to be taken.


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