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Teased: The VIP Room, #1

Page 2

by Begley, Jamie

  Thankfully, Vida heard her music come to an end. Standing up and hating what she was about to do, she gave her breasts an extra jiggle before turning and exiting the stage.

  Sherri was up next, waiting behind the curtain in a silky pink robe. Her music started the second Vida disappeared behind the curtain.

  “King wants to see you before you get changed.”

  “Thanks.” Vida swallowed hard. She had hoped to get done on time today. She needed to get some lab time in before the grades were due otherwise, unless she had twenty hours logged lab time, she wouldn’t get a grade.

  Vida went outside to the bar area, making her way to the booth at the back of the room. She had noticed when she had come out to dance that he was sitting in his private booth. King sat there every night during the first few shows, judging the women’s routines, surveying the crowds and removing customers who didn’t obey the rules of his club.

  She was sick to her stomach to have to talk to him.

  He controlled everything within the city, moving between the spoiled world of the rich and entitled to the dregs of human society who had long ago lost their morals. He earned money legally through his clubs and illegally through gambling and prostitution.

  She had met him a couple of times when her mother was unable to find a sitter. He would hide her in a back room during her mother’s show. Even as a child she had recognized the fear everyone had in their eyes when he was near. However, he had been her only recourse when her friend, Sawyer, disappeared a month ago.

  Sawyer had been working as a waitress in a restaurant downtown when she met Rick Redman and began dating him. Vida still remembered her getting ready to go out for the evening in a new dress and freshly done nails. Vida, sharing an apartment with Sawyer, had been skeptical of the over-groomed businessman’s interest in Sawyer when he had picked her up that night. When she didn’t return, her skepticism turned to downright fear.

  Worried sick, Vida had gone to the police. They put out a missing persons report, but it had been of little help—Sawyer had no family or friends other than Vida. Vida, not receiving encouraging answers from the police, had turned to King for help. Within twenty-four hours, King discovered information that had terrified Vida.

  Rick Redman was not the concert promoter he had told Sawyer he was. The bastard was a pimp for high-class call girls. Vida had sunk to the floor when King had told her, envisioning Sawyer drugged, raped and held captive against her will.

  She had begged King for help and he had agreed to help, but for a price. Vida would move into his club where he could keep an eye on her while he would try to get Sawyer back. He had warned her it would take some time since he needed to find out who Redman worked for.

  Vida had wanted to refuse, yet she had known King was her only chance after she had gone to the police and they couldn’t find a trace of Redman. Vida’s options were few; either go to work for King or lose her childhood friend forever. Vida began stripping three nights later after King’s women had given her a crash course in seductively taking her clothes off under the black lights.

  Her knees were trembling as she crossed the large dim room. As she came closer, she noticed King wasn’t alone. Vida hadn’t seen the man in the club before. His disconcerting gaze made her want to run back to the dressing room, however King’s frown pulled her forward.

  “Sherri said you wanted to talk to me?” She trained her gaze on King.

  “I want you to get your bags packed; you’re going with Colton. He’s a friend of mine that I trust will keep you safe. After your current two-week schedule is up, I’ll take you off permanently. Staying with Colton will provide a reasonable excuse of why you’re no longer stripping.

  “But how am I going to pay you back?” Vida protested.

  King shrugged. “You have already made me a nice chunk of change. Two more weeks of your dancing and six scheduled lap dances should cover my costs.”

  Vida swallowed. The dancing made her sick to her stomach, but the lap dances were the worst; she had to become physically close to the men. King charged the men twice the usual cost of his other girls, but they still chose Vida if she was there.

  “I’ll pack my bag.” Vida cast a look at the stone-faced man before turning away, happy to be leaving the club, yet reluctant to stay with King’s friend. She was unhappily aware she had no choice in the matter, though.

  * * *

  “Make sure you have her here for her shifts.” King took a drink of his whiskey. “You sure you don’t want one of the girls to give you some relief before you leave?”

  Colton shook his head, almost instantly regretting his decision. He was going to be living with a beautiful woman that was off limits and he hadn’t had one in three years.

  It was a mindfuck that he didn’t need or want.

  Chapter Two

  Vida watched as Colton unlocked the door to his apartment. She was still trembling from the ride from King’s club. She had never ridden on a motorcycle before and his snapped, “Hold on tight”, had startled her when she had gingerly put her arms around his waist.

  Colton put her bag down by the door. He then moved through the apartment, opening and shutting doors before coming back and picking up her bag.

  “There’s only one bedroom and since I’ve only slept on a twin bed for the last three years, you can take the couch.”

  “I can sleep on the couch.” Vida would sleep on the floor as long as it was outside of the Purple Pussycat. The club had four bedrooms and each one was shared by three women. If one of the women she was sharing a room with decided to have company and there were no private rooms available, she would bring her guest back to the shared bedroom. Vida had walked into several situations that had been too embarrassing for words before she could tactfully leave the room.

  Colton threw her a thoughtful look before putting her bag on the chair. “There is a hall closet; you can stash your stuff there. You hungry?”

  “No, I already ate.”

  “I have to go out. If you get hungry, there’s supposed to be food in the cabinets and fridge.”

  “Okay.” Vida went to the chair, picked up her backpack and began pulling out her schoolbook and laptop. Going to the small kitchen table, she organized everything she would need before sitting down.

  Vida felt Colton’s sharp gaze touch on her briefly before leaving the room. She took a deep breath once he’d left.

  His presence was overwhelming. His height alone was intimidating without his fierce expression. He didn’t come out and say she was an inconvenience to him, but from his abrupt voice and mannerisms, she could tell he was pissed. Vida had little doubt that he was as much under King’s thumb as she was herself.

  He was uptight about something and Vida could tell by his vibes he was anxious to be away from her. The sound of the shower running put Vida’s mind to imagining him without his clothes. She could picture his hard body with water sliding over his flesh.

  Determined to change the direction of her thoughts, Vida opened her book and then powered up her laptop, focusing on doing her homework. If she wasn’t careful, she could easily get behind. She didn’t have much longer; only another month and she would have the diploma she had worked so hard for.

  Vida looked up from her book when Colton emerged from the bedroom. His hair was still wet and he was wearing a faded pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. He moved quietly, even while wearing heavy motorcycle boots. She swallowed nervously, her eyes dropping back to her book.

  “I have to go out for a couple of hours. Lock the door behind me and don’t answer it for anyone. Have you got a cell phone?”

  Vida picked up her cell phone lying beside the computer.

  “Let me have it.” She was becoming aware Colton had issues with politeness.

  Vida handed him her cell phone, watching as he looked it over, then with a series of movements he handed it back to her.

  “I programmed my number into it. Call me immediately if there’s a problem.” His face
was expressionless as Vida nodded her head, not knowing what else to say. She was a nervous wreck being in the same room with him.

  She had, until lately, been with young men her own age and had never considered herself shy, yet the last two weeks working at the strip club where men thought she was readily available for their amusement, had changed her. She had quickly learned to become cautious around men.

  Colton was different; she’d seen it in his eyes. He had seen her naked and wasn’t interested. Feelings of shame almost overwhelmed her, but she quickly squashed them and reached for her pencil, making notes on her assignment page.

  She felt him hesitate before leaving and then the door closed softly behind him. Vida got up; making sure the door was locked then went back to her homework while refusing to allow her thoughts to wander to where Colton was going at this time of night.

  * * *

  A knock sounded on the door just as Colton was about to reach for Rae again.

  “You expecting someone?” Colton asked, reaching for his pants instead.

  “No. Don’t get dressed. I’ll see who it is and get rid of them,” Rae protested as she watched him cover his taut ass with his jeans before zipping them closed.

  “Answer the door.” Colton didn’t stop getting dressed, pulling his t-shirt over his head as Rae shrugged on a bathrobe. He had just finished putting on his boots when she returned.

  “He says he has a message from King.” Rae had fear in her eyes. Colton got to his feet and went into Rae’s living room where one of King’s men stood by the door waiting. His impassive face watched as Rae leaned against him as if seeking protection.

  “King wants a talk. He’s outside.” Giving the message, he remained still, waiting for Colton’s reply.

  “I’m on my way.” A sharp nod and the man left, leaving the door open. Colton took the hint that King meant now.

  “I have to go, Rae. It was good seeing you again.” Colton pulled the woman he had known for several years close, giving her a quick kiss before turning towards the door.

  “You’re not coming back?” Colton could hear the disappointment in her voice.

  “Not tonight. I’ll give you a call.”

  Without giving her a chance to reply, he left, closing the door behind him. He would call, just not too soon. He had no intention of giving her a reason to believe he wanted anything except a fuck. He had finally got out of prison and he was going to make damn sure that this time he remained emotionally free from a woman. He wasn’t about to let another one get a hold over him, ever again.

  Taking his time, he spotted King’s ride in the parking lot and walked toward the car. The back door opened as he approached. Sliding in, he was met by an angry King glaring at him through the hazy smoke of his lit cigarette.

  “Tell me why, when I gave you the job of watching Vida, you’re here fucking? Leaving her alone is not protecting her,” King said sarcastically.

  “Because I have been locked up for three years and I needed to fuck before I lost my mind holed up with her,” Colton replied just as sarcastically.

  “I offered one of the women before you left,” King snapped.

  “I didn’t want paid-for pussy. I wanted a woman who wanted a fuck, not someone who was only in it because she works for you.”

  King stiffened. “All the women who work for me want to work. I don’t force any of them to do what they don’t want.”

  “Did Vida want to take off her clothes?” Colton returned his sarcasm.

  King threw his cigarette out the window. “I gave her the choice. She was smart enough to know it was actually safer for her to blend in with the rest of the women.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m finished here.”

  “Colton.” King’s voice stopped him before he could get out of the car. “Anything happens to that girl on your watch, I won’t be happy.” He left little doubt how unhappy he would be, so Colton simply nodded, getting out of the car.

  * * *

  Vida heard the keys in the door and pretended to be asleep on the couch. He fumbled with the latch on the door after closing it, his footsteps quiet as he crossed the room. The sound of the door to his room opening and closing allowed the tension to ease from her stiff body. Rolling to her side, Vida closed her eyes, feeling safe for the first time in a long time.

  Chapter Three

  The smell of frying bacon woke Colton. He hadn’t smelled the delicious aroma for the last three years. Stretching out in the comfortable bed, Colton felt a moment’s guilt for taking the bed and making Vida sleep on the couch. The memory of the short length of the couch squashed his remorse quickly, though.

  He momentarily thought about finding another apartment that would give them more room, but King had promised the girl wouldn’t be with him long. Rising from the bed, he walked naked to the shower, anxious to get to the tattoo shop. He had missed the shop more than he had any one person and he wanted to get there early enough to check everything out before everyone started arriving for the day.

  Vida fixed herself a plate of food then sat at the table, almost choking on the toast when Colton came out of his room. The man seriously made her nervous.

  “Did you save any for me?” Colton stared at the massive plate of food before her.

  “There’s plenty on the stove,” Vida answered when her mouth was empty.

  Colton fixed himself a plate and then sat at the table across from her. Vida watched him eat from underneath her lashes.

  “You don’t talk much, do you?”

  “It’s hard to talk to someone you don’t know very well,” Vida answered him as she fiddled with her food. She felt herself turning red at his direct question. She couldn’t understand how she’d managed to get on a stage and strip naked when a simple question from him embarrassed her.

  “I’m going into the shop this morning and, since I’m supposed to keep an eye on you, that means you’re going, too,” Colton informed her.

  “I can’t,” Vida answered, looking up from her plate. “I have class in an hour then a lab. I can come to the shop afterward.”

  “That won’t work. I’m not babysitting you while I have work to do.” Colton stared at Vida as her whole countenance changed. She went from a shy, young woman to boldly direct.

  “I don’t care. I only have two weeks of classes left. If I miss any more classes, I’ll flunk. I graduate this semester and I’m not going to flunk out.” Vida’s determined voice left Colton no doubt he would have to make other arrangements.

  “What did King do about your classes?”

  “He sent Henry with me. He would wait outside during my classes,” Vida answered his question.

  “I’m not blowing half my day sitting on my ass.” Taking out his cell phone, he called King. Vida hoped King had another option because she wasn’t missing class.

  Vida cleaned the dishes as she listened to him argue with King until Colton ended the phone call abruptly. “King is going to send Henry for you. He’ll stay with you until you’re done then bring you to my shop.”

  Vida smiled, relieved that she wouldn’t have to miss class.

  Colton’s eyes narrowed on the attractive woman, reminding himself that she was much younger than him and was also Goldie’s daughter. This situation isn’t going to last long, Colton kept reminding himself.

  Vida turned back to the sink, finishing the dishes as Colton continued to eat his breakfast. She had just finished when she heard a knock at the door. Quickly, she dried her hands and grabbed her backpack as Colton answered the door to Henry.

  “Hi, Henry, how’s it shaking?” Vida joked with the burly man.

  Henry smiled and Vida returned it with a smile of her own, both ignoring Colton as they turned to leave.

  “What time do you get finished? I have some errands that need to be taken care of today and I don’t want another visit from King for not keeping track of you.”

  Henry answered for her. “I’ll feed her lunch then drop her off at your shop around one

  Colton nodded, watching as they disappeared down the apartment staircase before getting his bike keys and leaving the apartment. They had already left the parking lot by the time he got there. As he climbed on his bike, he took a deep breath of air. He didn’t think he would ever again take his freedom for granted.

  Throttling his bike, Colton put Vida and King out of his mind as he headed to his shop.

  * * *

  As Vida came out of class, she saw Henry leaning on the door of the expensive car.

  “Ready?” Henry asked.

  “Yes, I’m finished for the day.” He held the car door open for her as she climbed inside the luxurious car.

  Vida sat quietly in the backseat as Henry drove through the city. It wasn’t long before he pulled up in front of a brightly painted tattoo shop with the name Green Dragon Tats. The dragon claws looked like needles.

  She sat, hesitating to get out of the car until Henry opened the door. “Come on, Vida; it’ll be fine.”

  Vida liked Henry. As King’s main bouncer, a lot of the women threw themselves at him to get closer to King. Henry found it amusing that Vida went the completely opposite route of using him to avoid contact with King. Both Henry and Sherri had become unexpected friends since she had begun stripping.

  “Can’t I just go back to the apartment and wait there? I promise not to go anywhere.” Vida really didn’t want to spend the rest of the day in Colton’s grumpy presence.

  “You know King won’t be happy with that, Vida.” Henry was her friend, but King’s orders would always come first.


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