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Angels and Magic

Page 27

by E. J. Bennett

  The price of our actions is too big for her to face. She does not know the rules or understand.

  Owen is the only supernatural that I know of that has the ability to rid one of certain memories. To ask him, I will be putting both of us on trial before the elders. A risk I am not willing to take.

  Never have I heard of anyone breaking through the darkness. But yet she pulled me back, her light and warmth guiding me.

  Chapter 20- Kayla

  "Kay, wake up," someone says while gently shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes slowly, to be met with dazzling sky blue iris. Sadness and regret quickly filter through them.

  "Here, drink this." Chris thrusts a bottle of water into my hand and turns away. He looks out of a dirty and dusty lone window, which is accompanied by old worn brown curtains.

  Slowly I sit up. The smell of rotten foods and sour milk drifts into my nose.

  "Where are we?" I ask, scrunching my nose up.

  "A motel," he answers.

  Great, we are back to being evasive.

  He turns towards me. "You need to drink." He turns his back on me again and proceeds in looking out of the window.

  He is right, I do need a drink. My throat is parched and my mouth dry. I drink the water greedily, within seconds. He tosses some items onto the bed.

  "Why don't you brush your teeth while I call James?"

  "They have toothpaste, in this wreck?" I ask sarcastically, but I cannot help the small smile that creeps onto my face.

  "No, I bought them while you were sleeping,"

  " could have picked a better place than this dump," I mutter.

  "Oh yeah, if I did we would have the police all over us like a rash. Look at the state of us." He points to the dried up blood covering his once blue t-shirt. I hate to admit it but he does have a point, both of us are covered in blood muck and god knows what else. Plus our clothes look like we've gone through the mills.

  I jump up, eagerly remembering about the toothpaste. My mind feels a little foggy, not surprising after the blood I have lost. Blood rushes to my brain, sending me into a dizzy spell. The room begins to spin rapidly. My legs give way. I grab the closest thing to me, the curtains, which come loose as soon has my hand makes contact. My knees crash to the floor. Chris grips my forearms and pulls me up, steadying my wobbly legs.

  My mind quickly becomes fuzzy. A tingling sensation spreads from my brain to my scalp. My head feels like bugs are crawling all over me, tickling and itching. Terror takes center stage as I thrash around. My mind screams at me to rid myself of any creepy crawlies. My hands pull at my hair frantically, while high pitch screams erupt from my lungs.

  I hate spiders, how they scuttle in random directions. I hate their cobwebs that always hang from rafters and disturb forgotten dust. They are called creepy crawlies for a reason.

  My back hits a soft musty surface, dust rains down on me, causing me to sneeze repeatedly. Immediately a heavy weight pins me in place.

  The weird sensation suddenly disappears. Chris holds my hands firmly above my head while a heavy weight straddles my waist. Worry flashes through baby blue eyes. I shove him off with the remaining strength my battered body has and scramble from under him. For a second I thought I saw hurt flash in his eyes.

  "You need to check my hair," I say through gritted teeth as I throw my legs over the edge of the bed, letting my feet hang freely.

  "What?" he asks, looking at me like I have gone mad. Well I have just had a hysterical breakdown, who can fault him. I had a perfectly good reason for my break down. I blame the spiders.

  "Just do, it, I have spiders in my hair!" I near enough yell. I am seriously not in the mood for his smart ass attitude.

  "I can ensure you the dark ones do not have nits," he laughs.

  I shoot daggers at him with my eyes. Who said anything about nits? I am talking big spiders.

  He kneels beside me and gently begins to part my hair, tugging at the knots which have formed.

  "There is nothing there, if you don't count the twigs, leaves and mud."

  "I felt them." I sulk. I am sure there were spiders in my hair. I could feel their feet on my head. The feel of a spider crawling over you is an unforgettable feeling.

  He laughs a deep laugh that explodes from his belly.

  "I would not like to see you come into contact with a real spider," he says through his laughter. His hand clutches his stomach. He pulls his hand away and mimics a spider then begins to tickle my side. Laughter escapes my lungs as strong currents run through me.

  "Stop!" I yell through fits of giggles. He pushes me back and holds me firmly in place while his other hand tickles my side and ribs. I kick my legs frantically. The motion sends me flying off the bed. I crash to the floor with a bang. Pain runs through my back.

  Chris breaks out in more laughter, tears fill his eyes. I glare. I have never seen him act so carefree before.

  I throw a pillow at him that has escaped off the bed. He quickly moves to the side. His phone comes hurtling towards me. I roll to the side just before it can hit me in the head. I pick it up. The screen is shattered. Water swims behind the broken glass. I hold the phone up for him to see.

  "Great, now what?"

  "We don't need the phone, go get cleaned up before James arrives. I would avoid the shower if I were you, there's a nest of spiders waiting for you," he calls after me.

  I slam the door leading to the bathroom. James' faint voice drifts through just as I reach the sink.

  "What's up with her?"

  Everything begins to fade as my head starts to spin. Black creeps over me, plunging me into darkness.


  "The girl must die. She should never have been born!" A small chubby man, in his late forties with a bald head and brown beady eyes, yells as he slams his fist down on an old chipped table.

  Strange shadows dance on the walls of the dimly lit room. Six men all neatly dressed in business suits sit around a large circle table.

  "She is just a child, Henry," a younger man with soft brown eyes responds.

  "Nonsense, Simon. In two years time she will be an adult. Her powers are already great and they are just beginning to show themselves. She will become the most powerful supernatural we have ever seen. She will be dangerous. That much power in one being can send her mad, a disaster waiting to happen. The king of the underworld is already looking for her, and if he finds her, then what? We will all die. The life of one for the lives of many," Henry cries.

  "The walls of Enchanted will keep her hidden. Our people will teach her, help her tame her powers, they will guide her. Show her our way," Simon responds. Taking the life of a child is not something he will take lightly and will avoid at all costs.

  "I believe she is the girl from the prophecy. The child from light and earth," Henry's voice booms around the small room. "I have seen the power she wields with my own eyes, she is the one," he adds.

  The room erupts into chaos. All six men shout at once. Their voices rise to be heard through the mass of noise.

  Chapter 21- Kayla

  Two days have passed since leaving the land of the dark ones. Two days I have been cooped-up in my room, slowly going mad. Fuzzy images and voices have been flashing in my mind. The feeling that I have lost something nags at my brain. The familiar headache plagues me when I focus on the ever present feeling.

  Misty has stayed with me most of the two days, bringing me fashion magazines. She left when I got an unexpected visitor, Justin, and at first I felt uncomfortable with him sat on my bed. But the feeling gradually faded. We talked for hours. I found myself liking him more. Then he asked me to the upcoming dance. I eagerly accepted.

  I bounce down the stairs, determined to get back to life. No more sitting in my room and reliving the dreadful events that have been plaguing my thoughts, turning into nightmares as I sleep.

  I skip into the dining room. The salty smell of bacon and eggs awakens my stomach.

  "Good morning," I sing as I take my place
at the table. My Grandmother smiles, a smile that reaches her eyes, which is rare for her. Being true to my words, I am trying to make an effort, to give her a chance.

  "You are a ray of sunshine this morning, dear." She grins. I tuck into the breakfast that Mary-Anne places before me. White flecks cover her hair.

  "Has it been snowing?" I ask excitedly. I love the snow and being in November. I can't wait for the first snow drops to fall.

  "No love." She shakes her head while studying me.

  Pushing my plate away of half eaten breakfast, I jump to my feet. "I better get going before I am late." I head for the door a spring in my step. I want to learn all I can to protect myself; I never want to feel helpless again. School is a good start.

  "And where do you think you're going, young lady." Her voice is stern, her hands placed on her hips.

  I gulp. "To school." I shrug, heading for the door again. I take a couple of steps down the marble hallway before she speaks again.

  "Don't you think you should rest more? You have had quite the adventure." Concern laces her words. I have done nothing for the past two days; resting more is the last thing I want. I want to learn to fight learn to control my powers.

  "I can't stay in bed forever. No time like the present to get back on the horse." I walk down the hall again.

  "Wait, I would like you to have this." She pulls a black velvet pouch out of her red suit jacket, placing it in the palm of my hand.

  Opening the bag, a cold object falls out. On a closer inspection I gasp at the sheer beauty. A glittering teal blue teardrop shape pendent lies in my hand, reflecting the artificial light. At the top, a sliver rose laces over the pendent as it descends into a shiny silver chain.

  "Thank you." My voice is weak. The magnificent gift renders me speechless.

  "Here, let me help you." Her warm hands clasp the chain. The necklace is cool against my skin. It drops to my chest, causing a burning sensation that quickly dies away.

  "The pendent will glow whenever danger is near." Hugging her, I say my goodbyes, promising that I will take it easy. Upon opening the door I stumble back as Justin tumbles through.

  "I was just about to knock." His cheeks flush with a tint of pink. "Can I walk you to school?"

  Before I can answer or utter any words my Grandmother speaks for me. "What a lovely offer."

  The walk to school is peaceful, only talking about everyday things. He tells me jokes and makes me laugh. He fills me in on some of the events that have happened. I find myself smiling.

  My first class goes by uneventful. My second, well I guess some things never change.

  "Your stance is wrong. You need to pull your shoulders back. Place your feet apart, you hit like a girl."

  Chris has been shouting and barking at me for over an hour and it is the last straw. I have never met anyone who can push my buttons so easily. I am usually quite reserved and calm. Normally it takes a lot for me to get angry or frustrated, I can be pretty patient.

  One look at his arrogant face is all that I need for my frustrated anger to come out. When he opens his mouth to yell or insult me it takes a lot of inner strength not to slap him

  "If you haven't noticed, I am a girl and I can't concentrate when you're constantly yelling at me," I shoot back, placing my hands firmly on my hips.

  "If you did as I have shown you and actually put some effort in I would have no reason to."

  "Whatever." I storm off to get a drink of water. I have an urge to knock the smug look off his face, my anger rising. I am fed up with being pushed around and feeling helpless. I am not going to allow myself to be the victim again.

  "What's the matter, scared of breaking a nail?" he asks, picking up his own water bottle. I decide to ignore his comment. Chris is supposedly an angel. He is nothing like an angel I imagined.

  "Try again."

  "No." The stubbornness inside me decides to come out.

  He raises his eyebrows in amusement. "I said try again, we are not finished."

  "You might not be finished, but I certainly am." We stare each other down, both of us refusing to back down.

  "Try again now, Kayla!" He raises his voice. Annoyance flashes in his eyes. What has he got to be annoyed about? He is not the one who is being ordered about. He is the one giving out unreasonable orders and insults. Well if he thinks I am going to take any more of his insults he can think again.

  "You can't make me," I spit at him, making my way to the door. As far as I am concerned training is over. The good mood I was in this morning has now evaporated.

  "There is no such word as can't." His eyes burn into my back.

  My legs begin to move on their own accord, walking me straight back to the punch bag. I try digging my heels into the ground and fighting my limbs. But it is no use.

  My hands clench into fists. I put all my strength into stopping my hand from moving, causing it to tremble slightly with the internal struggle before it hits the bag several times.

  My legs tremble, giving way. Chris catches me before I hit the ground. The familiar tingling sensation starts in my palm. An electric current runs through me, causing me to shiver. I am too stunned to move or pull away. I have never seen him use his powers before, only his vanishing, act let alone use them on me.

  James had told me that a witch usually has up to three powers that all manifest at different stages. Witches' powers come from the earth. They revolve around the four elements. An angel can have a number of powers, which are mainly influences over people. I never thought control over someone's body could be one of them.

  I stare at him for a while, disbelief on my face, too stunned to be angry. He stares back; his eyes turn darker slightly as he holds my gaze. Regret and shame flicker through them, but only for a minute. The tiny specks of gold dance in his blue irises. I find I cannot look away.

  My disbelief turns into confusion as a look of longing filters across his eyes.

  Why is he looking at me like that?

  Hell, everyone knows that we can only just tolerate being in the same room as each other. But I can't deny the intensity of his eyes stir something deep within me.

  The bell rings, making me jump. Chris drops his hands from my hips like he has been burned.

  We walk towards the canteen together. We walk in uncomfortable silence, which is strange, as we never talk much or exchange many words outside of training. But yet the silence feels unsettling.

  "Hey Kayla."

  I hear my name being called and stop mid stride. Justin walks towards me. I feel Chris's body close behind me, the heat of his skin flowing through my back, his warm breath on my neck. I have to take in a deep breath to stop my legs from shaking.

  "Hey, would you like to have lunch with me today?" He grins, which causes my heart to flutter as a cute dimple appears on his left cheek.

  "No she doesn't, she already has dinner plans that don't include you," Chris butts in, his voice laced in venom.

  Who does he think he his telling me who I can or cannot sit with for lunch?

  Justin does not seem bothered by him and keeps his smile in place, his eyes on me.

  "That's fine, how about tomorrow? I am looking forward to the dance tomorrow night." He winks at me.

  My heart starts to beat faster. I am excited about the dance and I really like Justin. He also is the only one of the other students apart from the Michaels willing to be friends with me or even speak to me for that matter, the others keep their distance.

  "I would love to, thank you for the offer," I quickly answer before Chris can.

  Chris grabs my elbow and spins me around, pulling me down the hall with him. I yank my arm free, glaring at him. I am sick of being dragged and thrown around like a rag doll.

  "Misty will send out a search party for us if we are any longer," he says through gritted teeth. Justin seems to irritate him. I don't know why, Justin is such a nice guy. Then again most people get on Chris's nerves; he should have been a hermit.

  "Then why don't you go a
head and stop dragging me about. I am not your property."

  "And what kind of a gentleman would I be if I left you stranded in the corridor. Besides, when you are left alone you seem to get yourself into a hell of a lot of trouble." He is trying to be smart.

  I grab a pasta salad as we reach the counter, the line is now empty. I give him one of my best glares.

  "First, you are no gentleman, and secondly, I would not have been stranded, more like relieved, and I never asked them to kidnap me."

  The corners of his mouth try to turn up into a smile but he holds it back. "Why would you want to waste your time with him," he asks, a hint of what I think is jealousy lines is voice.

  "He's a nice guy."

  "Yeah, for a dog," he responds.

  I punch his arm for his remark, like I have seen Misty do.

  "If you want to touch me all you have to do is ask."

  I roll my eyes and turn away, ready to take my seat at the table before things escalate. Sarah gives me a look of pure hatred as we pass by. She places her hand on his arm, stopping him, fluttering her long lashes and twirling the ends of her long blond hair with her finger.

  "Rory, you are gross," Misty squeals as I approach.

  Rory has two chunky chips stuck in both of his ears. I sit beside Misty. James gives me a warm smile. Rory says, "Maybe I don't want to hear my sister drone on about her date for the dance."

  "You know, Rory, one day you will think some girl is pretty and want to date." Misty waves a chip at him.

  "You're right, Misty. When I see someone that is pretty, I stare, I smile, and then I get bored and put the mirror down."

  A small giggle escapes my mouth. Misty gives me a look to say don't you dare encourage him.

  "Just because you got a date, don't mean I want one."


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