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Falling For His Badass

Page 2

by Jessika Klide

  I bend down to peek through the window to scope out the friend. If she’s not my type, small and very curvy, I’ll call Jeff and bail to the hotel. If she is, I’ll consider taking one for the team.

  John and a tall, skinny chick with short red hair, who must be Tara based on the way John is fawning over her, are standing at the bar mixing what looks like Margaritas. The other female is sitting across from them with her back to me. All I can see of her is her very thick, long brown hair with soft curls that sway as she talks with her hands. Her body is completely hidden by her mane, but the way she sits on the stool is intriguing.

  Not bad so far.

  A phone alarm goes off. The friend looks down at her lap to silence the notification. Then as she swings around on the barstool to face me, she kicks her tanned shapely legs and jumps off the stool, landing gracefully in a pair of 6” high wedge sandals. She’s wearing a barely buttoned shirt that’s tied in a knot at her small waist and a pair of short shorts that sit below her navel. The patch of skin exposed above shows off ample assets and the patch below shows off toned abs. She bends over, flipping her thick mane to secure in a bun. While she works on her hair, I watch her heavy rack trying to escape her shirt. When her hair is tied down, she stands up and I smile. She’s short even in the high heels.

  Not bad at all. She’s definitely doable.

  With her soft, bouncy brown curls on top of her head, I can see her clearly. Her heart shaped face has full brows that accentuate dark eyes. Her dainty nose sits above lips that are naturally pouty and completely kissable. She flashes a smile before turning to speak to Tara and John, and in that flash, I see her personality. She’s bubbly, sweet, kind, and good to her core.

  Staring at her very curvy, toned ass, I grin. Whew, Baby. That chick is something very right. I feel like a dog who’s discovered a bitch in heat. Then she and Tara walk out, and I watch her hair swing sexily from side to side in a hypnotic rhythm that matches the graceful gait of her rolling ass.

  I stride up to the patio door to turn the handle, but it’s locked. Damn. I cup my hands on the glass and peer into the room. John’s eyes are glued on the twitching asses too, so I tap the glass lightly. He looks up and when he sees me, he hurries over to the door and unlocks it.

  “Brody, Good. You made it back in time. Tara and her roomie Lizzy arrived right after you left.”

  I glare at him. “That hot chick is Tara’s roommate? How long have you known about her?”

  He smirks then, steps outside with me, pulling the door closed for privacy. “She was seeing someone.”

  “And now she’s not?” I grin.

  “Now, she’s available.” A smile spreads across his face. “I thought she was your type.”

  “Hell yeah, she’s totally my type.”

  John opens the door. “Come on. Let me introduce you two.”

  “Hang on. I’m sweaty.” I turn and run to the pool, pulling my shirt off on the way. At the edge, I shuck my shoes, and dive in. When I surface, he calls from the doorway. “She’s about to leave. Hurry up.”

  “Leave?” I swim to the edge and hoist myself out. “What the fuck? Where’s she going?” But John isn’t standing in the doorway any longer. He’s back inside. Dripping wet, I run after him. He isn’t in the kitchen, so I continue to the foyer. I can hear him in the bathroom. Wanting to watch Lizzy, I walk to the window, ease the curtain back, and stare at the two friends talking in front of the Honda.

  John calls from the bathroom. “I’m getting you a towel.”

  “Why is Lizzy leaving?” I ask as John comes out and throws the towel at me.

  “Drape that over your shoulders. Your massive chest makes me look wimpy.” He shakes his head. “Dude, you just keep getting bigger and bigger.”

  I towel dry my hair first and ask again. “Why is Lizzy leaving?”

  He answers while he walks over to the front door to wait for me. “Probably, the same reason you wouldn’t have hung around when Tara showed up. Three’s a crowd.” John pulls the door open enough to see the girls. “I told her she could hang with you, but she had already bought a ticket to see ‘The Lost Boys’ at Jeff’s place. Trust me. I tried to get her to change her mind. I told her what a great guy you are.” He looks back at me and I have the towel draped over my shoulders. He shakes his head. “Fuck…. You’re a damn beast. How much do you weigh now?”

  “240.” I step forward ignoring him and ease the window curtain back again. Lizzy snatches the keys from Tara and darts away. Something about the way she moves stirs something inside me. I watch as she playfully dangles the keys at Tara from a safe distance, then backs her way to the driver’s door and opens it. I drop the curtain and look at my brother.

  “What’s wrong?” He asks, closing the door softly.

  “Nothing’s wrong.” I smirk. “Someone is very right.” I shove the towel back in his arms, then sprint up the steps.

  He calls after me. “Where are you going?”

  At the top, I stop, and look at him. “With her.”

  Grabbing my ruck sack, I quickly pack it for the weekend, then take it with me into the bathroom. I turn the water on, as I load my toiletries, then strip, step in the shower, quickly soap my body, rinse, dry, dress, and in a matter of 10 minutes, I’m heading back down the stairs. I can hear Tara and John in the kitchen. Leaving without saying goodbye, I trot to my corvette as I text John. *What’s Lizzy’s last name?*


  *See ya Sunday.*

  *Have fun.*

  I toss my bag in the passenger seat, crank my car, then take off after her. Keeping my eyes focused for the black Honda, I speed down the highway as I have the car call Jeff. Jeff’s an old friend and retired operator. I spent a lot of time with him before enlisting. It was his influence that steered me to become a S.E.A.L. When he answers, “Crocket, here,” I tell him I need to grab a room for the weekend.

  “No problem, man. You can stay as long as you like.”

  “Thanks, brother. I need you to do me a favor too. A couple of them, actually.”

  “Just ask. You know I’ll do whatever I can.”

  “I need you to put me in a room as close to Lizzy Mayer’s as possible, and I need a ticket to the dinner show.”

  He chuckles. “Does Miss Mayer, or is it Mrs., have a ticket to the dinner show too?”

  I laugh out loud. “It’s Miss, and yes, she does.”

  “Standby.” He tells me. I spot the Honda and match her pace, keeping several cars between us, so she doesn’t know she’s being tailed. When Jeff comes back on the phone, he tells me. “All set. You’re in the room next to hers and sitting at her table for the show. The show starts in an hour. How far out are you?”

  “Fifteen, if I don’t get stuck in traffic.”

  “We’ll catch up on the unit later then. Your ticket will be waiting for you at the door, and a VIP pass for Suds. Drinks are on me.”

  “You’re too good to me,” I tell him. “Thanks.”

  “Looking forward to your mission recap. I want all the sick details! Crocket, out here.”

  The call disconnects. I’m seven cars behind Lizzy when she exits the interstate. At the bottom of the off ramp, she flows through the green light, but I get caught when it changes red. As I watch her disappear out of sight, my gut has an involuntary reaction. My thumbs start to tap the steering wheel.

  When it’s my turn at the light, I follow her path, keeping a moderate pace.

  When I arrive at the hotel, I grab my backpack and waltz into the hotel lobby. The woman behind the counter takes my information, gives me my room key, #230, and my ticket to the dinner show, then she invites me to take advantage of the bar on the top floor called Suds. “We have a DJ tonight and the place will be hopping. Just use your keycard to gain elevator access.”

  Thanking her, I head to the elevator to wait. Suddenly, the sound of multiple doors opening, and voices flood the silence. A small crowd of people laughing, talking louder than necessary, rounds the corner.
Most of them pass by, but a tight group of ten men in their thirties joins me. When the elevator arrives, I enter, completely ignoring them avoiding eye contact. While sharing the ride up, I learn that they are lawyers at a conference, and intend to skip the dinner show. Opting instead, to go straight to the bar to begin drinking. When the elevator stops on my floor, I’m the only one getting off, so I push my way through. The conversation inside halts and just before the doors touch, I hear someone say, “I call dibs,” and the others laugh, making me smile. Tonight, is going to be fun.

  Walking down two long halls to my room, I wonder if I have enough time to dress for the evening. I use my keycard, and enter a big spacious room, complete with a small sitting area with a table and two chairs. The bed is king size.

  “Sweet!” Tossing my backpack on it, I spin around and fall backwards. It feels good to be free from Jack. I lay there for a minute or so, then check the time. If I hurry, I can go ahead and get jazzed up for the bar. Then after the dinner show, I can go straight up.

  In the shower, I give myself a pep talk Tara would be proud to hear. “Ok, Liza. There is going to be a bar full of good guys with good jobs. But you are only going to dance the night away and have fun.” Drying off, I tell my reflection, “You are not going to do anything but dance with those lawyers.” I stop applying mascara. “You’re looking for the dude that your heart reacts to. Not the dude your mind wants to choose, so your heart responds. If you want an all-consuming love like Tara has, you’re going to have to find the man that makes your heart go nuts.” I slip the dress over my head and wiggle into it. “And let’s be honest. The odds are against you.”

  Deciding I want my vibe to be sophisticated and not too fun, I run a flat iron through my hair. I twirl around and my hair fans out nicely. I step into my platform black pumps and walk out to examine myself in the full-length mirror. The dress hugs my figure like a glove and the red push up bra has set my tits up on a shelf for maximum enjoyment, but it’s a tad tight. Twisting around to view the back, I frown. “Panty lines. Killing the rear view.” I make a command decision to go commando. Checking the view again, I smile, feeling beautiful.

  I shove my keycard, credit card, and identification into my cleavage, open the door, and saunter down the hall toward the elevator. The sound of the heavy door echoes down the corridor and I feel the shift in my attitude. My luck is about to change.

  Once I reach the hotel, I circle the block and enter the rear parking lot from the service entrance. I laugh at the sign that points the way to the new club. It reads, ‘Leave Hell Behind, This Way to Suds After BUDS.’ The reference to SEAL training is a good one.

  As soon as I step out, I hear the music from the club. The place is already popping. Grabbing my rucksack, I head inside.


  Looking up, I wave at Jeff. “Yo, J.C!”

  Jeff is leaning over the patio railing. “I’ll be waiting for your update.”

  “Looking forward to it. It was a good mission.”

  Entering the lobby with the crowd from the lawyer’s convention, I scan the area for Lizzy, and see her walking into the elevator with a group of men. Again, my gut tightens when the doors close and she’s out of my sight. Knowing she’s alone with them, only adds to my tension. Until I can secure a date, she’s at risk.

  As soon as I step up to the counter to check in, I’m greeted by the hotel manager. She asks, “Are you Brody Andrews?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  She smiles as she walks over to the computer and bends down to type in my name. “Jeff said to enjoy yourself. You’ve earned some R&R.” She gives me a room key and a VIP card. “Your ticket to the dinner show is waiting for you. Just tell the hostess your name, and she’ll show you to your seat.”

  “Thanks.” I tell her, then turn for the elevator. There’s a crowd of people waiting, so I hit the stairs taking them three at a time. When I enter the hallway, I catch a glimpse of Lizzy rounding the first corner. Taking long strides to catch up, hoping to meet her before she goes into her room. I want her mind fixated on the man in the room next door while she gets ready for the evening. When I round the corner, she steps through the door. The heavy sound of the door closing echoes down the empty corridor.

  Damn. Nothing to do now but wait for her to go down to the show. I check the time. There is only 30 minutes left. Going into my room, I toss my rucksack on the bed, then stretch out to nap.


  The bang of a heavy door closing wakes me.

  Lizzy! She’s on the move.

  At the entrance to the restaurant, I confirm my reservation with the hostess, then follow her to the table in the middle of the club. There are two couples already seated, so I take one of the two empty seats and introduce myself.

  “Hi, I’m Lizzy.”

  “Hi Lizzy, I’m Karolina, this is my husband, Frank, my friend Debbie and her husband, Jay.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  The cocktail waitress stops by and I order a Sangria Margarita. When I turn my attention back, the four friends are talking about work and how the boss treats the women so unfairly. I listen politely for a few minutes, then decide to visit the ladies’ room before the show starts. As I stand, I ask for directions. “Excuse me, which way is the ladies’ room?”

  Debbie glances my way, points behind me, then the friends start to laugh at something Karolina was saying. When I turn to take a step in the direction Debbie indicated, I crash into a wall that utters "Oomph!" And I'm knocked off balance. Before I can take a step to keep from falling backwards onto the table, a pair of warm, strong hands grasps my arms and easily gains control of my whole body, gently guiding me down into my chair while a deep, beautiful tone apologizes. "Excuse me. I thought you were sitting down, not leaving."

  I stare up at the wall, dumbfounded, and the wall stares back, amused. Solid. Hard. Massive. Handsome as hell. Scary as fuck. My breath vanishes, my heart races, and my entire body begins to tingle.

  "Are you okay?" The beautiful deep tone asks.

  I close my eyes and nod unable to speak. He’s too hot to handle.

  ”Did I knock the breath out of you?" He asks concerned. His words caress my mind, while his hands softly, seductively, caress my shoulders.

  Physically unable to answer, I simply shake my head. He squats down in front of me to get a closer look. His musk is overwhelming, intoxicating, all man, and I feel lightheaded. His fingers firmly squeeze my shoulders, while his thumbs softly stroke my skin. The tingling created by his touch is electric. Then he asks so softly only I can hear him. “Are you sure, you’re okay?”

  I can feel his eyes searching my face, analyzing my response, and my eyes can’t resist. I look into his. They are a deep shade of green, framed by long dark lashes, and my mouth literally waters. I blush furiously under his scrutiny, but I manage to whisper, “I’m fine."

  The wall smiles and I melt completely.

  Christ. She’s more gorgeous than I thought. Her eyes, her smile, her shyness. Being a Navy SEAL, I’m trained to control my response in any situation, but it’s damn hard right now playing it cool with her. That dress is sexy as fuck and my cock is rock hard. But I saw fear flash in her eyes, and until I can identify why, I have to play it cool. I don’t want to ruin any chance I might have by being too aggressive.

  The lights dim as the show begins. A waitress arrives carrying a drink. As I rise, her eyes grow bigger and bigger until I’m towering over her. I see the familiar look of appreciation on her face, as I take the drink from her. “Bring me a Michelob and put this one on my tab.” She nods and walks away.

  I turn to Lizzy, lean down as I hand her the drink, and whisper, “Least I can do to apologize is buy your drink. I’m B.A. by the way.”

  She carefully takes the drink, and answers. “Thanks. I’m Lizzy."

  The emcee begins the story narrative of the Lost Boys, so I pull out the vacant chair and sit. The positioning of it is less than ideal. I’m too far forward to be able to conv
erse with Lizzy. When the first joke is cracked, the room laughs, and I cast a quick glance over my shoulder. Lizzy is watching me and blushes again when our eyes connect. She reaches for her drink and takes a long hit off of it. I look back at the stage and appreciate my position now, knowing I’m close enough to influence her, but not intimidate her.

  The cocktail waitress brings my beer, and I stretch my leg out to pull a tip from my pocket. When I lay it on the tray, I tell her. “Bring us another two drinks with our meal.” She nods and walks away.

  Lizzy opens her mouth to protest, but the whole transaction is over before she can speak. I give her a wink, tap my bottle on her glass, and raise it slowly waiting on her to accept the toast. When she takes her glass, she raises it in silent salute, then brings it to her perfect pouty mouth. My eyes are glued on those puckered lips, and my cock can’t wait to feel them suck him like she’s sucking that straw. When she finishes, she smiles, and I know my thoughts were busted. I grin, raise my bottle to my lips, and let her enjoy the vision too.

  The room explodes with laughter and we smile at each other before I turn my attention back to the stage.

  That smile. That wink. I stare blatantly at the profile of this wall of a man named, B.A. He is a fine specimen of manliness. Although he is huge and definitely intimidating, my first reaction was wrong. His eyes aren’t mean, they are just super serious. They bore into your soul asking if you have secrets. I bite my straw and take a sip of my free drink. I wonder what his secrets are.

  He laughs easily, enjoying the show. His eyes crinkle, and there’s a cute dimple in his cheek. Every time he flexes his arm to lift his beer to those sculpted lips, his muscles pop out. His Adam’s apple slides up and down as he swallows. I’ve never dated a man who had muscles this big or had a pronounced Adam’s apple like his. I smirk at that unusual thought and take another sip. I wonder what it would be like to have an alpha male make mad, passionate love to you. It would be sensory overload! I suck hard on my straw, draining my drink. The sound of sucking air gets his attention, and he glances back at me.


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