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Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music

Page 15

by Dory Lee Maske

  Chapter 15

  Castle at Fernland

  Dagon and Tandor crossed over the drawbridge to Fernland's castle late in the afternoon after a hard day's ride. The guards at the gate waved them through. Evidently the message he had sent with a trader informing King Geoffrey of his intended visit had been received. Dagon handed over his horse to Tandor and rushed up the steps to the castle.

  Dagon was ushered into King Geoffrey's throne room by a page who met him on the steps of the castle.

  "King Geoffrey is expecting you," the page informed him.

  Dagon thought that odd as he had not intended such a fast pace. He supposed lookouts along the way had signaled his progress.

  The page stepped inside the door of the throne room and announced his visitor.

  "Dagon of Helsop, Your Highness."

  Dagon thought he might at least have given him the title of Headman, but he let it go.

  "A pleasure to see you again, Your Majesty." Dagon made a slight bow.

  "Indeed," King Geoffrey responded. He waved Dagon to the round table at the base of his throne. Dagon was at least relieved to see that his audience with the King would not take place standing while King Geoffrey sat upon his throne.

  "I was told you rode here at an impressive pace. Were you and your man in some sort of competition?"

  "I have had news of a possible threat to Electra. I only stopped here first hoping she might be visiting. If she is not, I must make all possible speed to reach King's Lake."

  "Be at peace. She is here." King Geoffrey's voice wavered. "What sort of threat?"

  "One of the Gypsies stayed behind at King's Lake. He believes Electra knows the whereabouts of his daughter and means to get the information from her even at the cost of disobeying your order to leave Fernland. He is of a belligerent character, he drinks excessively and is not to be trusted."

  "I see. We will keep Electra here until this man is located."

  "I intend to search the lake area and find him myself. It is he who will be warned in no uncertain terms."

  "I assure you, that will not be necessary. My guardsmen, being more numerous, will find him quickly and arrest him for disobeying my order to move on."

  King Geoffrey paused, wondering how to broach his next question. "These Gypsies have settled in Helsop, then?"

  "No. They are attempting to obtain sanctuary in Henge. We met one of them by chance this morning. He had been sent by Serafina to warn Electra of the threat."

  King Geoffrey stiffened a little at the mention of Serafina's name. "Did you know I have issued a warrant for Serafina's capture on a charge of murder?"

  Dagon's surprise showed in his face. "I did not. Who has she murdered?"

  "There must be a finding, of course, but it is possible she engineered the magic that resulted in General Pommell's death in Chase Bound."

  "I remember hearing stories of General Pommell's bravery. He must have been advanced in years."

  "Elderly, yes. But still in good health. He was overcome by heat and smoke during a forest fire."

  Dagon raised his eyebrows in obvious question. An elderly man succumbing to smoke during a forest fire did not sound like murder.

  "It was raining a downpour at the time of the forest fire." King Geoffrey's scowl stopped any argument Dagon might have put forward.

  "But that is all beside my foremost reason in wishing to speak with you," King Geoffrey continued. He looked away briefly, as though composing his thoughts.

  "Electra has been exhibiting a thirst for independence of late that her mother and I find quite worrisome. She seems to have no qualms about putting herself at risk for the smallest of whims. We are concerned for her safety and thought you might have more success than we have had at reining her in."

  Dagon could hardly suppress a smile at this confession on King Geoffrey's part. "That is unlikely, I fear. What is this latest whim?"

  "I am allowing Avor to sail to Taz at Bataar's request to witness some nonsense called the Nomadic Games. Electra has invited herself along as well, saying she plans to gather herbs there with her physician mentor. I see no reason for her to put herself at risk." King Geoffrey looked at Dagon hopefully. "Surely you agree. She has promised to request your permission before going."

  "I see." Dagon did see. He saw that forbidding such an adventure would not bode well for his and Electra's tenuous relationship. "I can not promise your desired outcome, but I will certainly discuss it and point out some of the dangers she may not have considered."

  King Geoffrey took a deep breath and blew it out quickly. "Come then, let us learn what activities Delphinia has prepared in your honor."

  Dagon and King Geoffrey entered the Banquet Hall where a large group of dignitaries had gathered. King Geoffrey introduced Dagon to a few of his ministers before Queen Delphinia entered the hall with Prince Avor and Princess Electra.

  Electra spotted Dagon in the crowd and excused herself to greet him. He lifted her from the floor with a hug and a smile.

  "I am so relieved to find you here safe and cared for." Dagon stood with his hands still curved tightly around her arms.

  Electra laughed in surprise. "But what state had you imagined me in?"

  "I was told a Gypsy called Shandor might have accosted you—wanting information on his daughter's whereabouts."

  "Shandor! Yes, he did question me in a rude manner. Luckily, an elderly Gypsy woman reminded him I was a guest and should not be treated is such a way."

  "When did this happen?"

  "The evening before they left Fernland."

  "My informant told me Shandor stayed behind after the others left for the same purpose—to force you to tell him what you know of his daughter. Even now your father has his guardsmen out looking for the man at King's Lake. He plans to arrest him when he is located."

  "I did not know Shandor had stayed behind. Your informant believes he may be dangerous?"

  "Serafina believes he may be. She sent one of the Gypsies back to warn you about him. That was the informant I met on my way here."

  Electra tried to change the subject. "So the Travelers have found a home in Henge?"

  "I believe those negotiations are not yet concluded. But my informant, El Grande, was hopeful." Dagon finally released Electra's arms, content that she was truly safe. A small furrow settled on his brow. "But why would this Shandor imagine that you could lead him to his daughter?"

  Electra had hoped to avoid this question. She had given her word to Angelica that she would keep the secret of her origins safe. It was a promise made too easily, she now realized.

  "I do not know," Electra replied. "Evidently she went missing at about the same time I left Chase Bound with Avor."

  Dagon ran his fingers through his hair in a gesture Electra recognized well. It meant he was reluctant to broach a subject he would rather avoid.

  "Your father tells me you are considering a voyage to Taz."

  "Actually I have quite decided to go."

  "Such a voyage seems a dangerous undertaking, given your recent involvement with Barburee."

  "We go on Bataar's invitation. It might prove more dangerous in the long view to ignore such an invitation from a professed ally."

  As Dagon appeared to ponder this, a small group of musicians, dressed as pirates, entered the Hall and began to play. Within a few notes, Electra was quite certain of the fiddle player's true identity. He might be dressed as a pirate but there was no doubt he was Shandor, the Gypsy. The pirate next to him played the flute. Even with the eye patch, Electra was sure it was Take the Thief. The short pirate was Bear and the big pirate next to him was certainly Smiles.

  Electra wondered what she should do. If she told anyone, Shandor would be taken captive in short order. Angelica's secret would soon be common knowledge and Shandor would likely be consigned to the dungeon. It was one thing for Shandor to delay leaving with the caravan and quite another to threaten a memb
er of the Royal Family. Her father would show him no mercy. Since no one else had recognized him, she had the luxury of time to think the matter through before deciding what to do.


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