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Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music

Page 18

by Dory Lee Maske

  Chapter 18

  King's Lake

  The crew and passengers of the Spirit of Taz spent the night aboard ship to ensure a very early morning departure. All goodbyes had been said the night before. Electra awoke to the sounds of sailors rushing to and fro above deck. It took a moment for her to remember she had stayed on the ship last night to be ready for the early sailing. She felt around in the dark cabin to find her dress and shoes, dressed quickly and found her way to the ladder that led up to the deck. On deck she stayed near the ladder while she located all the pockets of activity. Groups of men worked the sails, pulled up the anchor and lashed down the shore boat. The sun was still below the horizon although the sky to the east was beginning to lighten. Huddled shadowy silhouettes of sailors pulled on ropes and chains and shouted words that she could not understand.

  She saw the anchor rise slowly from the mud of the lake's bottom. It hung dripping water and weeds at the side of the ship. One of the sails lifted up and billowed out in the breeze. She could see the shore line but could not make out any of the people on shore. Dagon and her parents had returned to Fernland's castle the night before after the show. Dagon planned to stay at the castle a few more days at King Geoffrey's request. This request puzzled Electra as much as it puzzled Dagon.

  Dagon had insisted that Tandor go along with her on the voyage and Electra did not object. Tandor kept watch over her at a distance, but was not intrusive. She rather liked the young man and his forthright manner. Rabar had tried to convince the Caliph to come with him, but the Caliph refused, insisting he would improve more quickly on dry land, and would likely be restored to health by the time Rabar returned. Electra suspected his refusal had more to do with keeping up good relations with the king and queen than the state of his health. In this the Caliph had probably decided correctly. Only he seemed able to quell her father's mounting concerns about allowing the Taz people a refuge in Fernland.

  A pink glow preceded the sun's emergence at the horizon. Shouts from the seamen increased in volume and suddenly the ship was underway. Electra felt the ladder shift and looked down below at Muller's face. He yawned as he looked up at her.

  "Good morrow. I believe we have set sail?" he asked.

  "Just now." She moved a little away from the ladder to allow him room to ascend.

  As Muller's head cleared the deck, he smiled. "I've always enjoyed travel by ship. Probably should have been a sailor."

  "I suppose now we have a port some of Fernland's citizens will take to the sea for their livelihood." Electra moved to the side of the ship facing Fernland. She saw people waving on shore. She waved back, though she could not make out their faces."

  "I understand you and Physician Rabar will be bringing back medicinal herbs," Muller said as he joined her at the ship's rail.

  "Yes. I doubt I will have much time for observing the Nomadic Games. We will likely be spending much of our time out gathering. Will you be taking part in any of the contests?"

  Muller stretched his arms over his head. "No, I'll probably be out and about in the countryside as well."

  Electra looked at Muller curiously and he jerked to attention. "That is, when I'm not needed to keep an eye on Prince Avor." Muller's voice trailed off and Electra smiled a knowing smile.

  "You'll be looking for the elusive white powder as well."

  "What? No! How...?" Muller paused to regain his composure. "What do you mean 'as well'?"

  Now it was Electra's turn to be flustered. "I mean nothing by it."

  Both were silent for a few moments.

  "King Geoffrey would not have sent you to locate a source of the white powder without telling me." Muller scowled at Electra. "You'd best tell me the meaning of your words."

  "I know everyone is trying to duplicate the exploding arrows, that's all. I have seen the mixture of powders, but I could not identify the white powder."

  "How could you have seen the mixture? Again, I say, King Geoffrey would have told me had he shown you the powders. I risked my life to bring back a sample."

  Electra's chin jutted out at a stubborn angle. "Others have risked much as well. The mixture is not so secret as you suppose. But I suspect the source of the white powder is the sticking point."

  Muller brooded over Electra's words for a few moments. "If we are both looking for it, we might as well go together."

  "I'm not looking for it—only for medicinal herbs." Electra stared at Muller as a new thought took hold. "Avor has not been sent for this purpose, has he?"

  "No. Of course not. He has no part in it. It is too dangerous. And you must not tell him about my part in it."

  "Agreed. I will not tell him and you will not question me further."

  Muller looked at Electra with narrow, suspicious eyes. "It is Tandor who has been sent to look, isn't it?"

  Electra turn away from Muller and looked out to shore, saying nothing.

  A chime rang below decks and Muller said, "That's the call to breakfast." He smiled at Electra and continued in a low voice. "We are on the same side, after all. No harm is done, but it is probably for the best if we speak no more on the subject."

  The ship's galley sat amidships below deck. Since they were still moving slowly along the newly deepened estuary, the ship's movement was not pronounced. Electra and Muller joined Tandor and Hilgard at the crew's table.

  "Mush or eggs," Hilgard stated. The cook says we may have either or both.

  "Eggs for me." Muller rolled up his sleeves and sat down taking a fork in one hand, a knife in the other.

  "Eggs for me as well." Electra sat down next to Tandor. "Did you sleep well?" she asked.

  Tandor swallowed a mouthful of eggs. "I did finally. It took a while to become accustomed to the ship's rocking and the constant creaking noises."

  Electra nodded. "With luck we will have fair weather all the way."

  Avor came into the warm dining room rubbing sleep from his eyes. "I can hardly believe I slept through our departure. He looked at everyone's plates. "I'm hungry as a bear. Eggs is it?"

  Hilgard gestured toward the kitchen galley. "Just let the cook know what you want. Eggs or mush or both."

  "Both." Avor yelled his order into the galley in the Taz language. He had already picked up quite a lot of their speech.

  Rabar entered the dining area as Avor took his seat.

  "Good morning to all. We are off at last." Rabar took in the excited faces around the table and sat next to Electra.

  "Next stop—Taz." Avor took the plate from the cook and began to eat with gusto.

  "Actually we will likely make a stop along the way," Rabar said in a relaxed voice.

  Surprise and questioning looks met his statement.

  Rabar returned their curious glances with a shrug. "We will need to take on provisions and supplies along the way."

  Electra said nothing, nor did the others, but she had seen the barrels and crates already loaded into the ship's hold. It seemed more than enough to take them to Taz and back. She wondered what the real reason for this unscheduled stop could be.


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