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Page 8

by Betty McLain

  Dody glanced at smear of blood on the stone. "He's not dead, is he?" she whispered.

  "No," said Sue. "He's just stunned. We need to move him out of this rain, though."

  "Well, you take hold of his legs and I'll take his shoulders. We'll put him under those trees." said Dody.

  So the girls carefully lifted Rod and carried him to the nearby trees. Dody wasn't even conscious of the shooting pain in her arm in her grave concern for her brother. They made him as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.

  "Hey, Dody," came a call from below.

  "Here we are," she called in return.

  It was only a few minutes before Greg and Ron reached them. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you!" exclaimed Dody as she rushed forward and took Greg's outstretched hands.

  "Are you alright?" asked Greg, wondering at such an enthusiastic welcome.

  "I'm fine, but Rod's been hurt. Please hurry. He needs a doctor." She caught Greg's arm and pulled him forward impatiently.

  "Ron and I can carry him if you girls think you can manage on your own." said Greg, after looking Rod over.

  "We'll manage," Dody replied, "but, what about the water?"

  "If we keep to this side, we'll miss most of the water," said Ron, pointing to the right side of the hill.

  "Well, let's go," said Sue, impatiently.

  Greg and Ron lifted, the still unconscious, Rod and started on their way. The girls followed close behind. They found the way down surprisingly easier than the way up had been, so the ten minute trek to Greg's car caused no further mishap.

  They placed Rod on the back seat and Dody crawled in beside him while the others piled into the front. For Dody, the swift trip to the hospital was rather hazy. Her head was not at all clear. She found herself waiting with the others in the hospital waiting room. She was not at all sure how she got there. She looked around at Sue and Ron, who sat nearby talking quietly. "Where's Greg?" she wondered. She realized she had spoken her thoughts aloud, when Sue glanced at her.

  "You asked him to call your family," explained Sue.

  "Oh, said Dody faintly. She turned as Greg entered, followed by the doctor. "How's Rod?" she asked anxiously.

  "He's fine," said Greg, smiling down at her as he gave the hands she extended a slight squeeze. Dody relaxed a little as she shifted her gaze to the doctor. She left her hands clasped in Greg's.

  The doctor met her gaze with a smile. "Your brother is going to be fine, Mrs. Dorchester. He has a concussion, but he has regained consciousness. Except for a headache, he feels fine. We'll keep him overnight for observation."

  "That's wonderful," she said faintly, as she swayed and would have fallen had not Greg caught her up in his strong arms.

  "Bring her over to the sofa," said the doctor, leading the way. Greg laid her gently on the sofa. As he did, her jacket fell open.

  "Her arm's bleeding!" exclaimed Sue.

  The doctor rolled back the sleeve and exposed an ugly red gash on her arm. The others were standing behind the sofa, out of Dody's line of vision, when she opened her eyes. The only person she could see was the doctor. He smiled at her reassuringly.

  "You seem to have cut your arm. It's not too bad, though. I'd say most of your trouble is shock."

  "It won't affect my baby, will it?" she asked, anxiously.

  "Ah, so there's a little chap involved, is there? I shouldn't think there'll be any trouble. I think we'll keep you here overnight, though, just to rest."

  "Good," said Dody, closing her eyes. "I'm very tired."

  "Well, we’ll see you and the little fellow get a nice rest."

  "Yes, you take good care of him for me," she said, her eyes still closed.

  "So, it's going to be a boy, is it?" The doctor returned, with a chuckle.

  "Yes, of course," she said faintly. "A boy, just like his father. Especially his eyes; he has the most wonderful eyes."

  The doctor grinned as he looked up at Greg, whose eyes were indeed glowing as he gazed down at the woman he loved.

  The doctor took care of Dody’s arm while she slept. He was very gentle with her. As soon as he finished he called an orderly and had her moved to a room. Greg never left her side. The doctor just shook his head, telling the nurse it was alright for Greg to stay. He told everyone else to go home until the morning.

  Chapter 14

  "Wake up, darling."

  Dody came groggily awake. She was aware of being slightly shaken and of Greg's face close to her own. She had been aware of Greg being near her during the night. It had made her feel very safe. "Greg," she said, and lifted her good arm until it was around his neck. "I love you."

  "Oh, Dody!" Greg groaned and placed his lips hungrily to hers.

  Dody smiled mistily at him when, finally, he raised his head. "I didn't think you wanted me anymore."

  "Not want you! I felt as if my very life had been drained away when I lost you. Then when I found you, you didn't seem to want to be with me. I had to try and make you love me again. I knew my life would mean nothing without you." He gathered her close into his arms again.

  “I never stopped loving you, even when I didn't know we were married. I thought about you all of the time."

  "I love you, but you'll never get ready to go in time if we don't get started." He moved back away from her slightly.

  "Go? Go where?" asked Dody.

  "I'm taking you home with me, and I don't want any arguments. I refuse to let you out of my sight." Greg said firmly.

  Dody looked up into the face she loved. Even though he sounded firm and sure, he was looking at her anxiously, as though he wasn't sure what she would say.

  "There's something you should know," Dody began uncertainly.

  Greg smiled down at her tenderly. "What is that, my love?"

  "You're going to be a father."

  Greg pulled her close and kissed her. "I know. Isn't it wonderful?"

  Dody pulled back where she could see his face. "You know!" she exclaimed. "Oh Sue told you."

  "No, Sue didn't tell me. You did."

  "I did not!"

  "Yes, you did. I was there when you told the doctor last night.”

  "Oh," she answered, and then blushed as she remembered what she said to the doctor.

  Greg chuckled. "It's heaven to have you in my arms again, but you do have to get up if we ever expect to get back to town in time for me to keep my appointment. I had to promise the doctor I would make you take it easy for a few days before he would release you."

  "We'll have to stop and get me some clothes," she said, making no move to get out of bed. She had noticed the hospital gown she was wearing.

  Your mother and Sue were packing some for you. Then Ron and Sue are coming by for us." He looked at her teasingly. "I seem to remember a night a few months ago in Reno when you told me you didn't need any clothes." He chuckled as color stole over her again.

  "That may be, but if you expect to get started any time soon you had better get out of here and let me get up." She turned her face away from him as she spoke.

  He turned her gently back to face him and kissed her tenderly. "It's all right. I know you don't remember and I won't rush you. I've also called the minister, of the church I have been attending. He will come over to my apartment this evening and go through the marriage ceremony for us again. I want you to be able to remember every word of it, just like I do."

  "Oh, Greg!" Dody exclaimed. She threw her arms around him and clung to him for a long passionate kiss.

  “Hey, break it up,” Sue laughed as she came into the room followed by Ron and Mrs. Lansing. “We have clothes and orders to get you on the road.”

  Mrs. Lansing hurried over to Dody’s side. “How are you feeling, Dody?” she asked.

  “Wonderful,” Dody smiled up at Greg. “I have never felt better.”

  Greg smiled back at her.

  “Well,” said Ron to Greg, “We’ll never make it home in time for your appointment if we don’t get a move on.”

; “Well, if you guys are in such a hurry, wait in the hall while Mrs. Lansing and I help Dody get dressed,” said Sue. She made shooing sounds as she hurried Ron and Greg toward the door.

  The guys left. Greg gave Dody a loving glance before following Ron through the door.

  “Now,” said Mrs. Lansing, as she opened a bag of clothes and began to sort them out so Dody could get dressed. “Are you sure you want to go with Greg?”

  Dody gave her a big smile. “I have never been surer of anything in my life. I love him, Mom, and he loves me. He arranged for his preacher to come to his apartment and remarry us. He said he wants me to be able to remember getting married.”

  “That is so romantic,” Sue said.

  “Yes, it is. I am glad the two of you are working out your problems.” Mrs. Lansing gave Dody a hug, and led her out into the hall.

  Mrs. Lansing gave Greg a hug when they entered the hall. Greg looked surprised, but returned the hug. Mrs. Lansing gave Greg a look, and began to question him. “Dody told me that your preacher is going to remarry the two of you. What time is he going to meet you at your apartment?”

  Greg gave her a surprised look, but answered simply. “Four o’clock.”

  “Okay,” said Mrs. Lansing. “I will have to hurry. I will let your family know and get my family and we will meet you at your apartment by then. Don’t start without us.”

  Greg laughed. “I wouldn’t dream of starting without all of you. I wasn’t thinking or I would have invited everyone.”

  “I know you both have had a lot to deal with. I am glad everything is working out. I’m glad you are a member of my family.”

  “So am I,” agreed Greg.

  Greg reached for Dody’s hand and pulled her close to his side. The nurse interrupted them by coming by with a wheelchair for Dody. It was hospital rules that departing patients had to leave in a wheelchair. Dody sat in the chair. Greg was walking along beside her, holding her hand as they went out to Greg’s car. Dody was helped into the back seat and Greg crawled in beside her. Ron got into the driver’s seat and Sue sat on the passenger side. Mrs. Lansing waved and hurried off to round up both families. Greg drew Dody close. They hardly noticed when Ron started the car and began the trip.

  Just before they arrived at Greg’s apartment, Dody turned her attention to Sue.

  “Do you want to stay on at the farm for a while longer, Sue?”

  “I don’t think so. Ron and I have been talking about joining some of our friends at some art shows, now that you and Greg have worked out your problems.” Sue grinned at Dody.

  “I am glad you came home with me. It really helped having a friend around. You will keep in touch. I don’t want to lose touch with you, since I won’t be teaching in the fall.”

  “I will. Don’t worry. I have to be around to check on my Godchild.” Sue gave Dody a smile.

  “You are not teaching in the fall?” Greg inquired, with a surprised look.

  “No,” Dody replied. “I am going to be busy with a husband and son.”

  Greg gave her a loving look and kissed the top of her head, then her lips. Dody cooperated fully. She had never been so happy.

  “We are here.” Ron said. He pulled the car close to Greg’s front door so Dody would not have far to get inside.

  “Thanks, Ron.” Greg said as he exited the car then helped Dody out and swung her up in his arms to carry her inside.

  Ron hurried ahead to open the door. He grinned at Greg and Dody. “Sue and I will go and pick up some lunch. It will give you a chance to settle in.” Greg and Dody smiled at him. “Thanks,” Greg answered.

  Greg carried Dody to a nearby chair and sat down with her still in his arms. She snuggled close. Greg proceeded to kiss her passionately. The telephone sounded loud in the apartment.

  “I had better get that,” Greg reluctantly shifted Dody to the chair and went to answer the phone.

  “Hello. Yes, sir. I hope everything is alright.” Greg listened for a minute. “Yes. 10:30 will be fine. I will see you then.” He hung up the phone and started back to Dody. He had only taken two steps when the phone rang again. Greg turned back to answer it. “Hello. Yes, Mrs. Lansing, she’s right here,” He held the phone out for Dody. Dody was already on the way, after hearing her mother’s name.

  “Hi, Mom, what’s up?” Dody listened as her mom talked. “That’s fine. I hadn’t really thought about what I would be wearing. Whatever you bring will be fine. I’ll see you when you get here.” Dody hung up the phone and turned to Greg. He was right behind her with his arms around her. Dody put her arms around his neck and snuggled close. “Mom was wondering what I was planning to wear to be married in. She said she was bringing me something.”

  “Good.” Greg said, absently. He was a little distracted at the moment. “I don’t have to meet my client tonight. He had a family emergency. I have to meet him at 10:30 in the morning for a breakfast meeting. So, I don’t have to leave you tonight.” He proceeded to show Dody how much that idea appealed to him. They were both breathless when the doorbell sounded.

  “This is worse than Grand Central Station,” Greg said, as he reluctantly pulled Dody along with him to answer the door. He couldn’t seem to bear being separated from her. Dody didn’t mind. She wanted to be close to Greg, too.

  Ron and Sue were at the door. Their arms were loaded with food.

  “My, goodness!” Dody exclaimed, “We’ll never be able to eat all of that.”

  “That’s okay.” Sue said, cheerfully. “We thought Rod might be hungry when he gets here.” Dody and Sue both laughed.

  “You can count on it.” Dody agreed.

  Ron and Sue carried the food into the kitchen. Dody started to follow, but Greg pulled her to a stop.

  “Do you suppose we will ever get a chance to be alone?” He asked.

  Dody smiled up at him. “Just be a little patient. Everyone has to leave sometime. Then, we can get to know each other better. We are married and the only thing I know about you is I love you very much.”

  Greg groaned as he smothered her with kisses on her face and neck. He landed back on her lips, but was interrupted by Sue.

  “You two are going to have to put that on hold for the time being. You can get back to it later. Right now Dody needs to eat. Remember, you’re feeding two, now.” Sue informed Dody.

  Dody went into the kitchen, where Ron was laying out food. She made sure she kept a tight hold on Greg’s hand. She had no reason to worry. Greg had no intention of letting go.

  Chapter 15

  The four friends talked and laughed while they ate. When they had eaten all they wanted, they continued to sit around the table and talk. Dody and Sue told funny stories about the school and Greg and Ron contributed stories about Greg’s law practice and Ron had many tales about different art shows he had been to. Sue was also able to talk about the art shows. She had been to quite a few, too. It was a good time and the four of them began to learn more about each other.

  Finally, Ron and Sue started to clear the table. Dody and Greg headed back to the living room. They didn’t make it. As they were passing the door, the doorbell rang. Greg opened the door to discover Mrs. Lansing, Rod, Dody’s brother James, James’ wife Sandra and his daughter, Karen. Karen was being carried in her father’s arms.

  “Hi, Mom,” Dody said. She smiled and greeted everyone else, while she eyed the package in her mother’s arms.

  “Dody, do you have anything to eat? Mom was in such a hurry to get here, she wouldn’t let us stop for food.” Rod said, with a hopeful look.

  Dody laughed. “Yes, there is plenty of food in the kitchen. Help yourself.”

  “Would everyone like to come in and have a seat?” Greg asked the group.

  Mrs. Lansing waved everyone else into the room, but took Dody by the arm to stop her from leaving.“Dody has to get ready for the wedding. Where’s the bedroom?” Dody looked at Greg. She had no idea where anything was. She had only been in the living room and the kitchen.

; Greg smiled at her. “It’s the first door on the right, just past the bathroom.”

  “Come on, Dody.” Mrs. Lansing said as she led the way down the hall. Dody followed along. She was very curious about the dress package her mother was carrying.

  Sue and Sandra followed them into the bedroom, leaving James and the guys to entertain Karen. Dody watched as her mother opened the dress bag. Dody caught her breath in surprise.

  “Mom, that’s your wedding dress. Are you sure you want me to wear this?” She tenderly rubbed her hand over the beautiful gown.

  “Of course, I want you to wear it. You are my only daughter. I want to see it used. The only other chance would be to wait for Karen to grow up and use it. You will wear it, won’t you?” She looked at Dody enquiringly.

  “I would be honored to wear such a lovely gown. I can’t believe how beautiful it is.”

  “Well, come on we have a lot to do and very little time. Sandra, you work on Dody’s hair. Sue, you get out the undergarments needed for this dress. I’ll see what shoes I can find to go with the dress.” Mrs. Lansing gave orders like a drill sergeant. She soon had everyone organized and getting ready.

  When Sandra finished Dody’s hair she fixed Sue’s and Mrs. Lansing’s. Sue helped Sandra to get her hair done.

  After Dody put on the delicate underwear, Mrs. Lansing helped her to step into the dress and pull it up. It was a perfect fit. They all stood looking at Dody in awe. Mrs. Lansing wiped a tear away.

  “Dody, you are so beautiful,” She choked out. Dody gave her mom a hug, and tearfully thanked her for loan of the dress.

  “I’ll take good care of it. It will be in good shape for Karen when she has need of it.”

  “Sue, go check and see if the guys are ready for us.” Mrs. Lansing was back to assigning jobs, again.

  Sue went out to see what was going on. She found Rod, James and Karen entertaining the preacher. Ron and Greg were in Greg’s office getting ready. Sue knocked on the office door. Ron opened the door and looked out.

  “Mrs. Lansing sent me to see if you all were about ready.”


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