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Reaper's Run - Plague Wars Series Book 1

Page 30

by David VanDyke


  Tunjo, Colombia

  Jill curiously examined the unmarked compound and compared it to the address on the piece of paper the Mexican civil servant had given her. It appeared to be the right place, and she saw several gringo faces behind the fence, along with people of other races. She walked up to the gate and pushed the button on the intercom, and waited.

  The Mexican Federales had put her in a holding camp not much different from the one in Iowa, except that in this one, people also got to leave. Buses rolled up every day, names were called, and off they went to some form of resettlement. In her case, they'd sent her here, with a plastic bag of basic supplies and this address.

  A man in khakis walked out of a nearby steel-framed building and let her in when she showed him the paper. He read it carefully before handing it back. “Military experience?” he asked as he shut the gate behind her.

  “Semper Fi,” she responded, baring her left shoulder.

  “Excellent. We need women.” With that cryptic comment he led her into the battered windowless warehouse. Inside, makeshift walls had been erected, reminding her of a temporary barracks on a deployment. People came and went, mostly men, all with the look of warriors.

  “What did you do?” the man asked as they threaded their way toward the back.

  “3RT. Tactical police and training.”

  He grunted, a sound that might have held pleasure. “Doubly excellent. I’m going to make an executive decision and take you straight to The Man.” She could hear the capitals.

  He knocked on a nondescript door, and then stuck his head inside. “Sir, I think I got a Class One for you. Jill Repeth. Marine Corps.”

  From inside she heard a male voice say, “Excellent.” Apparently that was a buzzword around here. Her escort shoved the door wide open and motioned her to enter the room, and then closed it behind her, leaving her alone with its occupant.

  Bright black eyes in a sharp face greeted her, beneath a severe buzz cut on a man shorter than she by at least two inches. His height seemed immaterial, for he filled the room with a presence, a force that told her this was someone to be reckoned with.

  He held out his hand with a smile. “Hello, Miss Repeth. I’m Tran Pham Nguyen. You may call me Spooky. I’m putting together a special unit for covert operations within the United States. Interested?”

  A slow smile filled Jill’s face. “Oh, yes sir. Yes sir; you bet your ass I am.”

  End of Reaper’s Run.

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  If this is your first Plague Wars book please continue with the FREE prequel, Book 0, The Eden Plague.

  READ ON for an excerpt from the next book in the

  Plague Wars series, Skull’s Shadows.


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