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Swept Away

Page 4

by Cassandra Cole

  Kayla threw her head back and said, “Yes!” before she could stop herself. Suddenly, Janelle had gained the upper hand, and the two stumbled back from the wall to topple onto her unmade bed.

  She removed her mouth from Kayla’s nipple and said, “God, you have such great tits,” before shoving her knee up under the taller woman’s skirt and pressing it against her slit. Kayla had also left off her underwear, so certain was she of her evening’s activities.

  Kayla wriggled against Janelle’s knee, trying to rub herself in spite of her awkward angle. Janelle was tiny, but she was obviously a top, and she was in complete control of the situation as she turned her attention back to Kayla’s breasts.

  “Hey,” Kayla breathed. “This isn’t fair.”

  Janelle gave one more long suck before she released the nipple she had been attending to. “What’s not?”

  “You’ve already got my shirt off, but you’re not showing anything.”

  “Fine,” Janelle said, rolling her eyes. She climbed off of Kayla and stood up, yanking her thin sundress off over her head and tossing it to the floor. She had apparently not been as certain about her evening as Kayla had, because she was wearing a bra and a thong beneath her dress.

  With no ceremony whatsoever, she peeled both undergarments off and tossed them aside too. “Better?” she asked.

  Kayla couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “That was the most un-sexy show I have ever seen,” she said.

  Janelle frowned, but dissolved into a laugh a moment later. “Yeah, I guess I haven’t done this in a while,” she admitted.

  “You’re doing great,” said Kayla. “And you better not stop now.”

  Still smiling, Janelle resumed her position on top of Kayla. She spread Kayla’s legs apart and slid her hand up underneath her skirt, searching for that sweet spot.

  In response, Kayla pulled Janelle close to her and returned the favor.

  The women rubbed each other roughly, their motions erratic, until Kayla couldn’t take it any longer.

  Her own pleasure, along with the look on Janelle’s face as she flushed and panted against the rubbing, sent her over the edge with a cry of delight. She came as waves of orgasm rushed over her body.

  “Don’t stop,” Janelle begged through gritted teeth, and Kayla shook herself out of her reverie just enough to rub the other woman’s clit harder and faster. In just a few moments, Janelle came as well, and Kayla felt a rush of warm liquid spread to the leg that Janelle had been straddling.

  “Sorry,” Janelle panted. “I’m a bit of a squirter.”

  “That’s so hot,” Kayla grinned. “Wish I could do that.”

  The two women laid together in the tousled bed, panting at first and then relaxing into a gentle slumber.

  They stayed that way until the sun rose, and Kayla slipped out the door to return to her own room and catch up on the sleep she had missed.


  Kayla and Janelle continued their tropical fling for the following week and a half. Neither woman wanted to think about what was going to happen when Kayla finally had to go back home again, but her departure loomed in front of them, and they both knew they had to figure it out.

  Every time they got together to try to talk about it, though, they ended up making out, and no serious discussion could be had.

  That was exactly what happened the night before Kayla’s departing flight. She was supposed to leave early the following morning, and the two women had met by the pool after hours, promising that they were sneaking in to the gated area to have a quiet discussion and nothing more.

  Of course, Kayla wore her orange bikini and Janelle wore a skimpy little dress with nothing underneath, and neither woman had much intention of talking at all.

  In only a few minutes after their meeting, Kayla’s bikini top was tossed to the ground, and the women were pushing their tongues into each other’s mouths.

  Kissing and biting at each other, they laid together in one of the lounge chairs as Janelle massaged Kayla’s breasts, pressed them together, and pinched her nipples. Kayla gasped softly and tried her best not to make too much noise. She loved fooling around like this in public. It was sexy, and secretly, it had been one of her fantasies for a long time. Even though she had never told Janelle that, somehow the other woman just knew.

  After a while of playing with Kayla’s breasts, Janelle said, “Let’s get in the pool.”

  Kayla raised an eyebrow. “You have something in mind?”

  Janelle didn’t say anything, but slipped her dress off and tossed it over the back of the lounge chair before stepping over to the edge of the pool.

  She stood there a moment, naked in the moonlight, and Kayla could feel herself getting wet just looking at the beautiful woman who was waiting for her company in the silent swimming pool.

  She didn’t have to be invited twice. She slipped off her bikini bottoms and joined Janelle, and both women dipped quietly into the pool, trying not to get caught.

  As soon as their bodies were somewhat hidden by the water, Janelle pinned Kayla between her own naked body and the tiled wall of the pool. She gripped the edge of the pool and ground her hips against Kayla’s, slow and hard, and Kayla moaned a little too loudly.

  “Shh,” Janelle cooed, and somehow the sound made Kayla want her even more. She squirmed between Janelle and the pool wall, thrusting her hips against the other woman’s wildly.

  Janelle responded by holding her hips still with one hand and reaching between her legs with the other, pushing three fingers deep into her. Kayla moaned again, quieter this time.

  “That’s better,” said Janelle, thrusting her fingers in and out of the other woman’s pussy.

  “Oh, God, Janelle,” Kayla said. “You’re going to make me come already.”

  “Good,” said Janelle, and she curled her fingers inside Kayla. “I want you to come for me. Fast, before we get caught.”

  “I hope we get caught. I want them all to see.” Kayla bit her lower lip hard to keep from crying out as Janelle curled and uncurled her fingers inside of her. In almost no time, she gasped, “I’m going to come, Janelle.”

  “Come on then,” Janelle whispered. Once more she curled her fingers, and Kayla let out a sharp little yell as she came harder than she ever had before.

  Her whole body seemed to pulse as she rode wave after wave of pleasure with Janelle’s fingers still pushing deep inside her body. Only when she was completely finished did Janelle withdraw her hand.

  Kayla immediately grabbed the other woman and hoisted her lithe body up out of the water and onto the very edge of the pool. “Your turn,” she said, and pushed Janelle’s legs far apart. With her own body still in the water, she gripped Janelle’s ass and buried her face in the other woman’s pussy.

  Janelle half-whispered, half-screamed, and bit her knuckle to keep herself quiet. Kayla licked her clit playfully, flicking it a few times, drawing away teasingly and then slowly dragging her tongue along the other woman’s slit.

  All the while, Janelle arched back with her weight on her palms and her breasts catching the gleam of the moonlight above. She was really a sight to behold.

  Kayla couldn’t help herself. Pleasing Janelle was so hot that she was ready to go again.

  Looking up at the other woman writhing from her own licking, Kayla had to reach between her own legs and rub her clit again.

  Janelle didn’t notice, and Kayla didn’t want her to. The secrecy made it even better.

  “I’m so close,” Janelle whispered, and almost before she could finish speaking, she tensed and then came. Her juices flowed onto Kayla’s face, and she came again, too, quietly rubbing herself below the surface of the water.


  The two women gazed at each other in the moonlight then, both trying to catch their breath. Neither wanted to speak.

  Somehow, they both knew that discussing their situation would taint the memory of the time they had spent together at the resort.

; And even though neither woman said so, they were both keenly aware that this would be the last time they would ever spend together.

  Somehow, as they both relished in the afterglow of their escapade, it didn’t seem to matter.


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  A Lesbian Romance


  Cassandra Cole


  Liz McKinney watched Sarah Greene sashay from the copier to her cubicle, swinging her hair and laughing with everyone along the way. Everyone loved Sarah Greene – especially the guys – and it was easy to see why.

  Liz sighed as Sarah passed by. Being a lesbian was easier when she was younger, Liz decided, before “growing up” and joining the straitlaced corporate world of Denny & Bradshaw, where ones sexuality was constantly on display, especially if you looked like Sarah Greene – which Liz obviously did not.

  Liz did her best to remain innocuous. She was attractive, but would never flaunt it. She wore stuffy humdrum business suits and kept her hair neat and the makeup to a minimum. She didn’t need the hassle of unfounded rumors or unrequited love.

  High school had been an emotional train wreck, but romance had been a breeze when she went to college. During that incarnation, she'd been full bore “Lizzy the Lezzy”, with requisite spiky black hair, dark eyeliner, short-shorts, fishnets, and heavy combat boots that caused her to drag her feet when she walked.

  One nice side effect of the heavy boots was that she now had toned legs that most women -- gay or straight -- would die for. The high heels she still struggled with every day made her calves look AWESOME!

  Spending most of her time with the LGBT student union, she'd had no trouble finding potential partners, since every female in the group would have been open to romantic overtures from other members.

  It wasn’t that they were all nymphomaniacs who would screw just anyone that came along. As her close friend Ginny once said: “It’s all about willingness and opportunity.” It was the perfect dating club for its members.

  However, one must put away childish things, as her mother was fond of saying. Knowing that a different world awaited her after college, Lizzy slowly transformed herself into a more mature version of herself that she called “Liz”.

  During her senior year, she let her hair grow in a less severe style and started experimenting with make up and tasteful tops and skirts. Her GPA and mock-professionalism easily landed her the job as a financial analyst with the prestigious firm. Still, she felt like a total poser as she interviewed with people who would have probably been horrified had they known the truth about her.

  She was happy with her job and her little apartment that was only three subway rides away. Life in general was good. The only real thing missing was someone to share it with.

  She wasn’t surprised that so many girls in the office complained about how hard it was to find Mr. Right. You should be looking for Mrs. Right, she though with a smile. Not that is hard.

  Not that she was ashamed of being a lesbian; she just didn't feel like dealing with all the drama that came along with it. If someone outside of the office were to ask, she'd admit her sexuality without hesitation, but she didn't feel the need to advertise it the way she once did.

  Instead of identifying herself as a lesbian first, her focus had shifted. She was a woman who just happened to like other women.

  The other woman she liked best at the moment was Sarah. With her long honey blonde hair that swayed as she moved, Sarah garnered all manner of attention, mostly of the male variety. However, she was as friendly as she was beautiful, managing to avoid the backbiting women frequently dished out to other women.

  Sarah had been working in the insurance claims processing center for nearly five years, starting around the same time as Liz. While exchanging pleasantries in the hallway, they'd never really made friends outside of work. While Liz had many straight female friends, she thought being close with Sarah without being close in a romantic sense might kill her.

  With a sigh, Liz turned back to the coffee cabinet in the break room. Someone had taken the last bit of coffee without starting a new pot. Again.

  “Did Steve kill the pot again?”

  Liz nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the object of her musings behind her. She turned around to see Sarah's brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “I can't be sure without a fingerprint kit and DNA swab, but were I to guess, I'd have to say yes. I can call Inspector Jarvis if you like!”

  Sarah threw her head back and laughed, her husky contralto ringing in mirth. Liz's heart caught in her chest at the sound. She'd always been a sucker for a woman who could laugh with abandon.

  “Are you a fan of Unlawful Intent, too?” Sarah asked, as her laughter subsided, her breath in sexy little gasps. The popular crime drama was one of Liz's favorites, and she said as much.

  “You know,” Sarah said, “They are having a marathon of reruns tomorrow. Why don't you come over? We'll pig out on pizza and junk food. I've got some of those foot soak thingies and facial masks.”

  In spite of her vow to keep her distance, Liz found herself looking into those earnest brown eyes and unable to decline. Sarah promised to email directions to her apartment and swept out of the break room.

  Liz watched her go, her slender hips swaying as though to an internal music. One of the many things Liz had admired about Sarah was the effortless grace with which she moved. Sarah stopped at Steve's cubicle, ostensibly scolding him over the short gray wall. Muted laughter floated over to Liz, suggesting that Sarah's scolding was less than severe.

  Liz just shook her head and poured herself a cup of coffee. She brought the cup to her mouth, inhaling the rich scent. Since it was Friday, the customary box of donuts beckoned from the table. She leaned over and peeked inside, the smell of sinful carbs wafting up to tempt her. Thinking of all the junk food that Sarah promised for tomorrow's festivities, Liz used her willpower to propel her out of the break room, before she could change her mind.

  Carrying the cup of coffee back to her cubicle, she saw there was a notification on her email. Clicking the message open, she found the directions to Sarah's apartment. Despite knowing better, Liz took pleasure in noting how quickly Sarah had sent the email. Don't get too excited, Liz told herself. She must really be lonely or a huge fan of Unlawful Intent.

  Still, she flushed at the idea of being alone with Sarah, even if it wasn't for the reasons Liz would have preferred. Pizza, junk food, and her favorite television show nothing could be better. Except for maybe pizza, junk food, her favorite television show, AND making out with Sarah.

  That would be better.

  Before she followed that train of thought into the imaginary bedroom, Liz shook her head, physically wresting her attention back to her computer. It was going to be a long day.


  Liz managed to slog through the day on Friday, anticipation for Saturday afternoon making the time crawl along. In an attempt to keep herself busy, she made a batch of chocolate cupcakes to take with her. Satisfied with the icing piled high with the aid of a piping bag, she placed the lid on the cupcake carrier.

  After a glance at the clock, Liz decided to jump in the shower before going. If they were going to be helping each other with facials, she would rather not smell like the residue of her morning run.

  She shucked off her clothes, depositing them in the hamper the bedroom. One of the benefits of living alone was being able to walk naked from the bedroom to the bathroom.

though the apartment was warm, the tile was cold under her bare feet while she waited for the water to heat up. A shudder of relief went through her as the warm spray of water hit her back.

  She tilted her head back, the water hitting her scalp and cascading down through her thick black hair. Rinsing the conditioner from her hair felt absolutely decadent. She closed her eyes, enjoying the water sluicing down her back and rear. As her mind wandered, she imagined soft hands stroking her as the water did.

  Sarah's hands.

  That's enough of that. Liz switched off the water with a vengeance. She needed to quit thinking about Sarah that way. This was not a date. It was just television and junk food. No matter how much she wished otherwise.

  * * *

  A scant half hour later, Liz stood at the door to Sarah's small apartment building, trying to figure out how to push the call button on the speaker while balancing the cupcake container. Luck was with her, as an elderly woman with a tiny dog came through the door.

  “Where you heading, honey?” the little woman's high voice warbled.

  “I'm going to 4C.”

  “Oh, to visit Sarah? She's my neighbor. Such a sweetheart, isn't she, Snookums?” The woman cooed into the furry little face of the white Maltese in her arms. “With as pretty as she is, you'd think she'd have a bunch of boyfriends, but I've never seen her bring a man up. Not that I'm a busybody, mind you. It's just so important to look out for our neighbors in this big city. It can be dangerous for a single girl living alone. Not that we're scared, are we Snookums?”

  With that, she put the little dog down on the floor. Its tiny nails clicked on the floor as it walked out the door, presumably towards the park across the street.

  Liz looked at the wrought iron banister on the stair case, debating whether to walk the four flights or take the ancient elevator.


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