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Seeds of the Pirate Rebels

Page 6

by Gregory Johnson

  “Interesting, the War Lords have a way to freeze time itself at least around a person. A sonic stun ray. Technology that the Gemanites have had decades before they created me,” Supreme Atron smiled at a thought. He looked through Gemanite Technology Archives. He found the sonic stun ray beam and started workers at the Biomatrix Factory to work on a more powerful weapon to use against Valient's Knights.

  13 - In the Cetearan Sector, on the planet Layardia

  The Pale Dragon was almost fully fueled and repaired from the Battle over Tricetus. The Talyardians were still loyal to the PRA. The War Lord Empire will pay for their lies and deceit. The Grand Admiral of the PRA was helping aide in the repairs.

  Xanatos was talking to his First Mate and the Grand Admiral about the victory over the War Lord Empire and the planetary defenses only involving themselves after his victory. Valient was on the PRA's side until the planetary defenses of Tricetus came into play. The Talyardian Grand Admiral was difficult to read, as all Talyardians were.

  “So, the War Lord Empire only sent two other War Cruisers. The War Dragon and Shadow Draconic aided the War Dogma in the Battle of Tricetus, then only the Shadow Draconic retreated. The War Dragon was destroyed and you sent the War Dogma plummeting into the nearest star. Where was the War Shadow in all this?” asked H'Ackre-Limwin.

  “The War Shadow? The WLE Flagship was nowhere in the battle, Sir. Where was the War Shadow in all this?” asked Xanatos.

  “On Argon looking for you, Captain Xanatos. The War Shadow was investigating a disturbance in your home village of Santa Felinia. I presume you know what the disturbance was, Rudigger Hackman?” asked H'Ackre-Limwin.

  “I was that disturbance or Lt. Fyvre of the Plunder Trainer was. He recruited me in the streets of my home village. Your daughter Braskah jarred my sense of truth of the universe on the Plunder Trainer,” Xanatos stated.

  “Yeah, Braskah is noted for that. Lt. Fyvre was wise in recruiting you, Xanatos. My apologies for the rude debriefing,” H'Ackre-Limwin bowed in respect.

  “Grand Admiral H'Ackre-Limwin, we were protecting the planet's population at the end of the battle with the War Lord Empire. So, why did they attack us after we prevented the destruction of five or more populated buildings?” Xanatos asked curiously.

  “Did you really save lives, or are you assuming that the United Alliance would leave civilians above an active war zone? The United Alliance is like us in one way. They believe in preservation of life, but they do so by siding with the War Lord Empire,” H'Ackre-Limwin suggested.

  “So, I wasted time and energy on trying to save lives of the civilians, when there were no civilians to protect,” Xanatos snarled.

  “No, you did what you thought was right, and that was separates us from the War Lord Empire,” H'Ackre-Limwin pointed out. “Someday you will make a fine Admiral. Who knows? You might even replace me as the Leader of the PRA,”

  “I wouldn't go that far Grand Admiral. He still has a lot to learn about starship design and commanding away missions. He hasn't even plundered his first War Lord Empire starship, yet,” Kingsley finely spoke out.

  “Well all with due respect Commander, neither have you,” Xanatos stated boldly.

  “Well, you both get that chance. There is a War Lord Empire Supply Cruiser heading to Erif- Ki. The Pale Dragon will remain here, so you will be taking the Crimson Stingray on this mission in two hours. May Valient be on your side,” H'Ackre-Limwin ordered.

  “Yes, Sir,” Xanatos and Kingsley saluted and left the Pale Dragon behind. They headed for Hanger 5 where the Crimson Stingray was.

  14 - In the Elemental Sector, on the Shadow Hunter

  The bridge crew of the United Alliance vessel were feeling anxious at their stations. They all knew there would be risks when entering Pirate Rebel Space. They were supposed to deliver two ancient artifacts and some scrolls with ancient Argoni writing on them to Argon Archives on Argonox. These artifacts and scrolls were found on the planet Theonix by an Erif- Ki traveler in a cave.

  The route to Argon's capital city would take them in the heart of Pirate Rebel Space and into War Lord Space.

  “These Pirate Rebels have their hearts in the right place, but they are going about it the wrong way, Commander,” Captain Brad Horde boldly stated to his second in command.

  “Captain, we are with you. Though we will not rebel against the WLE, or Emperor Malsvir himself will rain fire on us,” Vault replied cautiously back.

  “There is nothing to fear, but fear itself, Commander. Besides Emperor Malsvir won't know a thing on this ship. We are a merchant vessel, not a war vessel like the War Shadow. They shouldn't be watching us on our bridge, and if there are War Spies on this vessel the WLE would have told us,” Horde replied.

  “Why are they called War Spies and not War Protege’s, if they were not spying on their friends and foes?” Vault replied.

  “You might have a point, Commander,” Horde bowed his head. Suddenly, the light on the friend or foe glowed red. “Commander, we have incoming Pirate Rebels. They are preparing board us. Raise shields, now,” Horde barked. The Shadow Hunter rocked from the impact three squadrons of Erif- Ki Phoenix, four squadrons of Nogra Terrains, and a squadron of Dragonling War-Wings firing upon the shields. “Commander, what kind of defenses does this heap of metal have?” Horde angrily asked.

  “We have a flight of Personal Space fighters in the cargo bay and fifteen ABX-215s in the emergency pods,” Vault replied.

  “ I could arm the ABX-215s with zoton charges and one zotium missile each,” the chief engineer requested.

  “Do it, now!” Horde ordered, as the chief engineer left the bridge and headed out to the task at hand. “Wait, what vessel is that in the moon's shadow?” Horde asked the Commander. He saw what looked to be a Shadow Hound- Class Freighter where the PRA Vessel came from. The Shadow Hound Freighters were only rumors that the WLE started. The Shadow Hound Freighters were supposed to stop all ships from entering Phantom Space and at the same time they create a zoton net to capture vessels that are in Phantom Space. They were supposed to be the PRA best tool for plundering vessels.

  “Sir, the Pirate Rebels have us, that is a Shadow Hound Freighter. They set a trap for us,” Vault panicked, as he saw the Pirate Rebel Space fighters attack the Shadow Hunter.

  “Are the ABX-215s ready?” Horde asked his chief engineer.

  “No, the Personal Space Fighters are armed and ready. I will have the ABX-215s ready by the time the last Personal Space Fighter is launched out of the cargo bay,” the chief engineer reported.

  “Launch the Personal Space fighters,” Horde ordered on the wall comm-unit to the cargo bay.

  The five Personal Space fighters flew out of the cargo bay single file. It took five minutes to launch the entire flight of Personal Space fighters from the cargo bay doors. The chief engineer was ready for the now armed ABX-215s to be launched from each of the emergency pods, as the enemy space fighters began hailing torpedoes and zoton blasts.

  “Sir, the Pirate Rebels are hailing us,” Vault reported, as the Space fighters of both sides started firing on one another. The Commander was shocked to hear himself report that. The Pirate Rebels were supposed to be bad people.

  “Patch them through, Commander,” Horde ordered as he saw the Dragonling War-Wings attacking the Erif- Ki Phoenix Space fighters.

  This is the Crimson Stingray. If you have your Shadow Hound disable its zoton well projectors, I will not consider you an enemy, but an ally. I am already ordering my Space fighters to aid you against the WLE Shadow Hound- Class Vessel.

  “With whom am I speaking to on the Crimson Stingray?” Horde requested for there was no visual of a person on view screen. Suddenly, an Argoni man with fire red and a clean-shaven face appeared on the view screen with the Crimson Stingray's Battle Bridge in the background. “So, the rumors are true. You were captured by the Pirate Rebels. The War Lord Empire reported that the Pirate Rebels killed you and left your body on some planet. I didn't believe i
t for one minute, Rudigger,”

  It's Xanatos now, Uncle Brad. I am the temporary Captain of the Crimson Stingray until they finish refitting my ship. The WLE has trapped us both here with their Shadow Hound- Class Vessels. My sensors don't show any vessels, other than yours on them. I was in route to Erif- Ki for some training, I was pulled out of Phantom Space. Now, you and I both know that the Shadow Hound-Class Vessels are the only logical ship to do that kind of damage to our ships.

  “My sensors show only one Shadow Hound- Class Vessel on the opposite side of the moon you are in the shadow of. The Shadow Hound- Class Vessels work in groups of three to create a Anti-Phantom Space Web. The other two vessels must be cloaked somewhere in the area,” Horde stated.

  How the blazes do you know that? The PRA records show that the WLE used only one of their Shadow Hound's to trap the Crimson Hand in the Cetearan Sector five days ago. What aren't you telling me, Captain Horde?

  “Captain, the Shadow Repulsive is contacting you in your chambers,” Vault reported. Horde signaled the comm-unit officer to cut communications with the Crimson Stingray. The officer did as instructed by his captain.

  15 - Aboard the Crimson Stingray

  The crewmen of the bridge were nervous when the view screen went blank. Xanatos was angered by the sudden cut in communications with the Shadow Hunter. Xanatos thought his uncle was very trustworthy, but never trust an employee of the WLE. The War-Wings were doing great in their dogfight against the WLE space fighters.

  “Captain, the report from the captain of the Crimson Hand says that the Shadow Repulsive is a Shadow Hound- Class Vessel. She was at the center of the Anti-Phantom Web, as a visible decoy ship. The captain of the Shadow Repulsive even tried to force the Crimson Hand to surrender,” Ensign Gerak reported from the tactical officer station.

  “Thank you, Ensign Gerak,” Xanatos replied to the science officer. “What was the name of the United Alliance Vessel we were ordered to plunder, Commander Kingsley?” He requested.

  “The Shadow Hunter, Sir,” Kingsley reported.

  “What is the name of that traitorous vessel on our sensors?” Xanatos asked his crewmen.

  “The Shadow Hunter,” Kingsley reported as she smiled wickedly.

  “Excellent, prepare the plundering clamps at once. You will be in command of the Crimson Stingray until I return with the boarding party. Ensign Gerak, Commander Jurj come with me,” Xanatos ordered, as he pointed to the two officers. The three bridge officers left their stations and headed for the starboard plundering section.

  The Crimson Stingray flew toward the Shadow Hunter at high speed. The Crimson Stingray flew parallel to the Shadow Hunter's bow. The plundering clamps locked onto the Shadow Hunter, as the Shadow Hunter lost power to its engines.

  “Prepare to board,” Xanatos ordered his fellow pirates. They all shouted in excitement as the plundering clamp's hatch opened.

  16 - Aboard the War Shadow

  Corvet`e was crawling through the air duct system of the War Shadow. He knew the blueprints of this vessel like the back of his hand. After all, he was the captain of the War Shadow. He knew that five yards from his current position was an intersection were the charging tunnels crossed with the air duct in this section of his ship.

  Corvet`e saw a shadow in the charging tunnel ahead. The charging tunnel was large enough to walk in, so he crawled inside its entrance. Corvet`e walked through the charging tunnels for several yards until he saw a three-way split in the charging tunnel. There was ladder to go upwards and tunnels that went left or right. Corvet`e took the ladder wrung and climbed up toward his personal quarters.

  Corvet`e saw a humanoid shadow in the distance. He heard a voice in that direction. He noticed the humanoid was right near his quarters in the charging tunnels. He saw a key panel on the ceiling of the charging tunnel. Corvet`e punched in the code for the key panel and another panel opened to reveal an Argoni saber and wrist comm-unit with a missile gauntlet within it. He grabbed the Argoni saber and placed the wrist comm-unit on his left wrist. He closed the secret weapons locker with the key panel.

  Corvet`e walked toward the humanoid's voice. He saw a Gemanite speaking into a collar and recording everything it saw. The Atron Ascendancy was still on board his ship. They have a scout on board in the charging tunnels. The War Spies and crew didn't destroy them all. Corvet`e listened to the Atron scout to get information about their Ascendancy.

  “Supreme Atron, this is vessel is not very useful to the Ascendancy, but the Argoni will be great prey and slaves to farther the Ascendancy's borders. The technology is useless to the Ascendancy. They have large tunnels to supply oxygen for their entire crew. Atron Scout: AAS-21/369 is in one of tunnels and is only sentient being left from AASS- Dargonix One. AAS- 21/369 will have success in returning the Atron Ascendancy with several hundred Argoni slaves and prey for the rest of the Ascendancy to hunt,” the Atron Scout reported into his collar.

  Corvet`e swung out of the charging tunnel and fired a missile from his wrist comm-unit. The Atron blew apart in the charging tunnel. Corvet`e walked toward the remains of the Atron and saw the entrance to his quarters. He punched in the code to enter his quarters and a latch opened to revealed a handle. Corvet`e twisted the handle clockwise to allow the door slide open. Corvet`e entered the door to reveal his darkened quarters which was only lit by the portal.

  Corvet`e ordered his lights to turn on and room was illuminated with a silver light. He noticed the family photograph was moved from his nightstand to the desk. Corvet`e knew that Emperor Malsvir was in his personal chambers. Corvet`e knew that he must defy his Emperor or overthrow him.

  Corvet`e felt the War Shadow come to an emergency stop out of Phantom Space. The motion threw Corvet`e off his feet and onto floor. Corvet`e scrambled to his feet and ran to the Main Bridge to investigate the sudden pull from Phantom Space. Corvet`e noticed the crew he past by completely ignored him, as if they didn't care he was once a prisoner. Corvet`e began to think the whole time in the brig was Emperor Malsvir's way of saying 'You need some time to clear your head.' My son has gone traitor, and I must stop him. Corvet`e knew in his heart it was wrong, but in his mind it was the right thing to do. Corvet`e knew the only way to regain Emperor Malsvir's trust was to kill his only son that his wife loved.

  Malsvir learned of Corvet`e and his mysterious escape from the brig. Malsvir was waiting for Corvet`e to return to the Main Bridge to compliment on his excellent escape from the brig. The War Shadow was heading for the Cetearan Quadrant to locate the Pale Dragon or the Firenox. Suddenly, there was a warm shiver that ran down Malsvir's spine. Something in this star system was calling him. He ordered the War Shadow to stop. Sjach pulled the emergency brake, and the War Shadow stopped dead in front of a red planet. The planet was entirely consistent of molten lava and active volcanoes.

  “War Spy 623, what star system are we in?” Malsvir asked the Xana Anti officer.

  “Angenera System, we are staring at the first planet of that system,” War Spy 623 reported to Malsvir.

  “Why did we stop here, in the middle of two hot orbital bodies, Master?” Sjach asked curiously.

  “Forge, that is the planet's name. That is what the Generals call it. It was inhabited at one time by a race of savage lava dwelling humanoids called the Shokiners. The Shokiners were great warriors, but they were wiped out by the Gemanites long before we could pilot hover crafts on Argon. I heard the Shokiners had the power to trap the gods themselves,” Malsvir stated aloud to his crew.

  “If they were so powerful, why are they so dead?” said a voice from the elevator to the Main Bridge. Malsvir saw that Lord Corvet`e was back at his station. This surprised Malsvir.

  “Lord Corvet`e, you're well I see. You escaped from the brig in record time. To answer your question, the rumor in the universe is the Gemanites captured them and used them as slaves,” Malsvir replied as the War Shadow began to orbit Forge.

  Malsvir saw something on the scanners that there was something Argoni in
design with Demonic or some sort of Ancient Draconic message on it. Malsvir ordered engines to a full stop directly atop of the Argoni device that was buried 2,000 feet below the lava bed.

  “What is that thing beneath the surface of the planet? It has Ancient Argoni origins and the message coming from the device is a form a dead language. The computer can't even translate it, but it sounds like a warning with its tone,” War Spy 325 reported to his Master.

  “Are you afraid of a little warning call, War Spy 325?” Malsvir replied as he listened a little closer at the transmission in an attempt to translate it.

  “No, Master Malsvir. I was just reporting what I know,” War Spy 325 stated in response.

  “Valient and the former inhabitants of this planet have imprisoned someone or something on this planet 8,000 years ago. I think we should find out who, or what it is?” Malsvir partially translated.

  “Well, if Valient is warning us not to release this thing or person, maybe we should listen to it,” Corvet`e warned as Malsvir ordered the tactical officer to target the tractor beam at the Argoni device in the lava bed. “What are you doing? Valient himself has even warned us not release this thing!” Corvet`e stated.

  “Do you fear death or do you fear the unknown from that casket down below us?” Malsvir asked with great curiosity.

  “I fear Valient's wrath and my Emperor's death for defying Valient,” Corvet`e replied as he left the Main Bridge and the door closed behind him.

  “Finally, some peace. Now, Lord Halstark, you will come with me to the Main Fighter Bay to find out what Valient is hiding in that casket,” Malsvir said, as he and Halstark left the Main Bridge. “You have the bridge, Commander Sjach,” Malsvir ordered as the doors closed in front of him.

  Malsvir and Halstark ran from the doors that led to the Main Bridge down the corridor that led to the Main Fighter Bay's elevator. On the way, they almost ran into Corvet`e. Corvet`e looked like he was punching a code in a keypad in the wall that wasn't there before. Malsvir stopped for a moment, curiously staring at Corvet`e' actions. Malsvir raised his arm at Halstark and he stopped too.


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