Seeds of the Pirate Rebels

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Seeds of the Pirate Rebels Page 9

by Gregory Johnson

  “Your incompetence ceases to amuse me, Commander Kregin. Now, you will no longer rely on other shipyards for spare parts. You and Captain Hilberge will report to me alone if you need anything for the facility. I don't want those blasted Pirate Rebels to discover the Forge Observatory and Shipyard by any means necessary. Do you understand, Commander?” ordered Malsvir.

  Yes, Emperor Malsvir. Those Pirate Rebels will not find this base. Colonel Loarrd, is that understood? Kregin asked the Talyardian Officer.

  Yes, Sir. I understand, Emperor Malsvir. Loarrd bowed to his commanding officer, then to the image on the view screen. Loarrd left the room immediately.

  “Inform Captain Hilberge of the news and the orders that I gave you. Malsvir Out!” Malsvir cut the communications. Malsvir stood up walked toward entrance of the Admiral's Bridge and punched the door to relieve some anger that has been building up ever since Xanatos became captain of the Pale Dragon. Corvet`e must be aiding Xanatos or the Pirate Rebels in some way. Corvet`e will slip up and he does I will hang him for his crimes. Malsvir thought to himself. Malsvir looked at the view screen to check on the battle against the Chi- Koss. The Chi- Koss are retreating and their reinforcements were returning to their home worlds.

  Malsvir walked back to the Main Bridge to reward Corvet`e for his victory. Malsvir will be keeping a close eye on Corvet`e, just to be safe. I hope that Corvet`e isn't working for those Pirate Rebels. Malsvir positively thought to himself, as he walked into the Main Bridge to see half of the officers were dead and leaning on their stations. The other officers were floating in deep space. Corvet`e and War Spy 635 were nowhere on the Main Bridge or in deep space. The view screen was destroyed by a torpedo that hit the Main Bridge.

  “Master Malsvir, where is Master Corvet`e?” asked a voice from behind Malsvir. Malsvir turned around to see War Spy 635 kneeling behind him, head bowed so War Spy 635 would not make eye contact.

  “What happened to the Main Bridge, War Spy 635?” Malsvir asked with curiosity.

  “An Erif- Ki Phoenix plowed into the Main Bridge's view screen and disintegrated on contact. The vacuum of space sucked in most of the bridge crew. Those crewmen that weren't sucked into space were suffocated from the lack of oxygen. Corvet`e fled as the Erif- Ki Phoenix was flying toward the Main Bridge. I fled after I regained consciousness three minutes ago,” reported War Spy 635.

  “I see. He must have seen the Erif- Ki space fighter coming for a collision course for the Main Bridge. My question is, how did the Erif- Ki Phoenix blast past the shields? The Erif- Ki space fighter should have bounced off the shields. This looks more like grenade missile went off in the bridge. Besides, there is no debris from the rogue space fighter for starters and I would have felt the shock wave from the impact. So, you want to tell me the truth, War Spy 635,” Malsvir said noticeably, as he saw the shrapnel from grenade missile surrounding the remains of the view screen.

  War Spy 635 looked at Malsvir with Sphinx eyes and studied the War Master's expressions as he spoke to the Sphinx War Spy. War Spy 635 noticed undertones of anger the War Master's face when he first mentioned Corvet`e' name. War Spy 635 was angry at one of the officers on the Main Bridge, so after the battle was done he went to the hidden compartment underneath his command chair. There was a new missile launching wrist comm-unit prototype in the hidden compartment. The missiles, when fired, would leave behind a shrapnel pattern that matched a grenade launcher's signature in the area it was fired.

  “Lord Corvet`e, he went mad. He saw I was trying report his actions and loyalists actions of mutiny to you. So, he grabbed the grenade launcher from his chambers and fired at me, while I was sitting in the captain's chair. The grenade missile missed me and hit the view screen. I tackled him in the corridor, as the grenade missile hit view screen. He fled after the door to the Main Bridge sealed the vacuum of space off from the rest of the ship,” War Spy 635 bluffed with his best poker face.

  Malsvir glanced at the War Spy with a serious look on his face. Malsvir grabbed War Spy 635 by his neck and slammed his back into the door of the Main Bridge. The War Spy growled in pain. He gazed at Malsvir's eyes and he knew he was caught in his lie.

  “Don't lie to me you sniveling creature. You were the one who grabbed the missile wrist comm-unit prototype under the Command Chair. You tried to assassinate one of the officers that you had an argument with a month earlier. Now I see it was mistake to put you in charge of the Main Bridge, Kild Nano,” said Malsvir, as he snapped the Sphinx' neck in his hand. The dead Sphinx' body was limp in Malsvir's grip, as he threw the corpse down the corridor. He keyed for Corvet'e on his wrist comm-unit. “Corvet'e, this is Emperor Malsvir. Do you read me?”

  I read you, my Emperor. Corvet`e replied on the comm-unit.

  “Lord Cheveal's War Spy is dead. He tried to blame you for the deaths of the bridge crew and destruction of the view screen. I will inform Lord Cheveal of his War Spy's deceit and how he died at my hand with cowardice and fear in his eyes,” Malsvir stated on the comm-unit.

  What! That is outrageous! Lord Cheveal should have trained his War Spy a little better. My War Spy has just reported in. She is on board the Crimson Stingray. She is only a Deck Officer in Main Engineering, but she is doing very well for herself. Corvet'e reported to back to Malsvir.

  “I guess Xanatos was a fluke to have been promoted to First Mate right on the spot. How do you explain Lieutenant Commander Karen Kingsley's sudden promotion with Xanatos as her commanding officer? I would say they have her under close watch, for now. Tell your War Spy to keep communications to a minimum. We don't want her cover blown, now do we?” asked Malsvir, as he waited for Corvet'e to respond.

  “Yes, Master Malsvir. I will tell her that in her next report to me. May the Basilisk turn our enemies to stone.” Corvet'e recited the War Lord Empire motto, as his voice cut off of the wrist comm-unit.

  23 - Aboard the Pale Dragon

  "Captain Xanatos, Grand Admiral is trying to reach you in your chambers via view screen,” reported Kingsley, as she looked at the message. Kingsley's brightened when she saw her name on the summons, as well.

  I am on my way back, Commander. What does she want now? Xanatos' voice asked curiously.

  “It's a summons back to Layardia. You are to be replace with me. You are to be a Commander in the Crimson Squadron,” Kingsley reported to her captain.

  “That's absurd. She can't demote me. What is her reasoning for this outrage? Sqiidas trusted me with the Pale Dragon, and now she is in your hands, Commander Kingsley,” Xanatos enraged, as he walked through the Main Bridge's door.

  “That's what her message stated, Captain,” reported Kingsley.

  “Helmsman, set a course for Layardia. We will see what this all about,” ordered Xanatos, as the Pale Dragon detached from the Shadow Hunter and headed for Layardia. Xanatos left the Main Bridge and headed for his chambers to read the Grand Admiral's message.

  “Well, that was interesting. Helmsman, fire up the Ghost-drive and head for Layardia. You have the bridge Lt. Milton,” ordered Kingsley, as she left the bridge and headed in Xanatos' direction.

  “Captain, wait for just a minute. I need to talk with you,” said Kingsley, as she chased after him.

  “I am not your captain anymore, as Grand Admiral H'Ackre-Limwin would have it. She would rather have me as a Flight Commander of Space Forces then your captain,” Xanatos stated boldly, as they continued walking down the corridor toward his chambers.

  “You will always be my captain, Xanatos. The way you handled those Valient Knights' symbionts was the way I would want my true captain handle this ship. That was what Sqiidas saw in you, the rare gift to take charge of his surroundings and dominate his emotions when the situation calls for it. You must understand that Grand Admiral H'Ackre-Limwin does not see that potential in you the way I do. She sees an inexperienced child who was forced into the captain's chair, with fear of losing his high position. You must show her that Captain Kinwan was right in promoting to the commander of o
ur cadets' group. If two captains saw that spark that I still see in you. The Grand Admiral is wrong in giving me a position because I was rebelling against my family to join the PRA,” Kingsley protested in Xanatos defense.

  “So, you would rather have me fight this court martial hearing, then surrender to defeat?” asked Xanatos, as the Pale Dragon went into Phantom Space.

  “Yes, you should fight for this position. It was destiny that gave you the captain's chair of the Pale Dragon. Now, fate wants take it away through Grand Admiral H'Ackre-Limwin. Isn't that what you Argoni do? Accept destiny and fight fate,” stated Kingsley.

  “I am not Argoni. My father is Argoni, but I am my mother's son. She is a were-tiger, like me. We are from Argon, but that does not mean all were-tigers are Argoni,” Xanatos snared at Kingsley's comment.

  “So, you are just going 'pussy-foot' around the court marshal's hearing,” Kingsley joked.

  “Cute, that was real cute, Kingsley,” Xanatos stated sarcastically.

  “You really think that you are ready for the court-martial hearing? You can't even stand up to your father. Let alone your mother,” Kingsley said truthfully.

  “Look, you don't know what it was like growing up with no siblings and only your mother and uncle raising you. My Uncle Brad was like the father that was never there. So, yes, I did stand up to my father and if you didn't notice, he approved of my decision to join. War Lord Corvet'e is not my father, he was never there for me before or after I was born,” Xanatos pointed out angrily.

  “So Captain Brad Horde raised you like one of his own. Is Captain Horde like you and your mother? Is Grand Admiral George Horde like you or is he like your, or should say, like Lord Corvet'e?” Kingsley asked curiously.

  “Captain Horde is Argoni like Lord Corvet'e, my mother was bitten by tiger while she was pregnant with me. My family is from the Ancient Order. We are the last of the people that came from this planet since before the Royal Family of Argon rule the lands. Some of the Royal Family used my people as bodyguards. When the Global War hit home we defended our king. The cost was great, in the end only two clans of the Ancient Order are still alive. The Horde Clan and the Star Clan are that remain of the Ancient Order,” Xanatos said sadly to his Dragonling Commander.

  “There is a infamous pilot named Felicia Star from the War Draconic,” Kingsley recalled for a moment aloud.

  “She is from the Star Clan, in fact her father is a teacher at the Argoni Royal Academy in Argonox. She has a twin sister that went missing for years,” Xanatos recalled back when he was a young child.

  “How did she go missing?” Kingsley asked curiously.

  “She was on an archaeological freighter headed for Draconia to check a dig where they found something. The ship was destroyed by the Pirate Rebel Allegiance, or so the Argoni News reported,” Xanatos explained to Kingsley.

  “So, you still won't reconsider the staying on as the Captain of the Pale Dragon. You know I could have you on as my First Mate, if I talk to Grand Admiral H'Ackre-Limwin on your behalf. Did you say: the Pirate Rebel Allegiance was responsible for the disappearance of a Science Vessel? You know better than that, now. You know that the Universal News Net on any planet is rigged by the United Alliance, which is controlled by the War Lord Empire,” Kingsley pointed out to Xanatos.

  “I'm aware of that, now. I know the War Lord Empire captured it and enslaved or killed the team and crew of the Science Vessel. The Argoni don't believe that the United Alliance is working for the War Lord Empire. The Argoni know that the War Lord Empire is evil, but they won't boldly cause disorder by dethroning their king. The King of Argon wants peace with the universe and his people. A revolt or another civil war on Argon will occur because the War Lord Empire started with an Argoni mad man named Jonathan Sjach. The people are still supportive of us, like myself. Others, like King Valker are supportive of the War Lord Empire,” explained Xanatos.

  “You're telling me that Argon is on brink of another Global War all thanks to this Jonathan Sjach and his pull with King Valker. They must be brothers to share that kind of bond. Who is this Jonathan Sjach? Why would he want another Argoni Global War?” Kingsley asked with concern.

  “They were brothers in arms from the Tribal Wars and the Argoni Global War. Jonathan Sjach was an agent of Royal Armed Services who was obsessed about the Great Schism of the gods. He believed that the gods left artifacts throughout the universe for only the true Argoni people to find. It was said that he found The Amulet of Basilisk the Great in a temple on Shadi,” stated Xanatos.

  “The Amulet of Basilisk the Great was said to have driven the Storm Elves mad with power to the point of pure darkness. The Shadians are all that remain of those Storm Elves that colonized the world of Shadi. They are the Shadow People of the Universe,” worried Kingsley.

  “The Amulet of Basilisk the Great made Jonathan Sjach crave more power. He became known as Emperor Malsvir of the War Lord Empire. I didn't want to believe the rumors myself. I needed proof and now have it,” Xanatos sighed in sadness.

  “The Grand Admiral of the Pirate Rebel Allegiance is not in league with Emperor Malsvir or the United Alliance. Grand Admiral is just a title. It isn't who she is. H'Ackre-Limwin is only thinking of the Pirate Rebel Allegiance, as a whole faction. She wasn't targeting you, as an individual or because of your heritage. She was only looking out for your best interests. She feels that you are not ready for the captain's chair. It is your maturity in question,” Kingsley returned to the main point.

  “Look, Captain Sqiidas thought I was ready why can't Grand Admiral H'Ackre-Limwin see that. She is being unreasonable and unfair to Captain Sqiidas' decision. I know that she thinks she is doing the right thing, but even our captain that trained us in saw potential in me. She is just playing things by the book. She has to learn to bend the rules a little,” replied Xanatos.

  “You're right, she should stop playing it safe and stretch the rules a little. She might end up assassinated by the War Lord Empire or the someone within the Pirate Rebel Allegiance who hates her. You need face her judgment, even if it is flawed in my opinion,” Kingsley respectfully said to her captain. Suddenly, the Pale Dragon was pulled out of Phantom Space by a trio of Shadow Hound-Class Freighters. The shock threw Xanatos and Kingsley off their feet and into each other.

  “I heard of being swept off your feet, but this is ridiculous,” Xanatos joked. Kingsley blushed when she heard what he said. “We have to get back to the Main Bridge,” ordered Xanatos, as he helped Kingsley to her feet. She nodded and they ran to their destination.

  Layardia, in the secret PRA Base

  H'Ackre-Limwin was looking at the star charts. She saw the transponder signals of three Shadow Hound-Class Freighters and five Argoni Battle Carriers stationed near the planet Mesoplodon. If the Pale Dragon was taking the shortest route they would be flying into a trap. H'Ackre-Limwin knew that wasn't apart of the plan that she had to punish Xanatos for recruiting Brad Horde and risking his crew for one newer vessel.

  “Captain Sleeshan, how did the War Lord Empire learn of the Pale Dragon's new destination? Where is your crewmen that were here five minutes ago?” H'Ackre-Limwin asked curiously.

  The Talyardian captain of the Crimson Stingray more was puzzled about the ambush on the Pale Dragon than the Grand Admiral was. “I ordered them back to the ship along with the crewmen of the Crimson Bloodhorn while you were sending the message to Captain Xanatos. You needed privacy to encode that message for Captain Xanatos, so I gave you some. I didn't think you needed fresh off the line cadets to hear or witness the codes you were transmitting,” Sleeshan replied truthfully.

  “Are you sure they left the room? The Pale Dragon is now caught in an ambush because someone informed the War Lord Empire of my orders to Captain Xanatos and his return to…” H'Ackre-Limwin paused when she realized to the truth her words. “Get back to Crimson Stingray. I will be up there in few minutes,” H'Ackre-Limwin ordered as the compound shook from an impact of a torpedo blast. Sleeshan stoo
d there for a few seconds staring out the window of the compound in despair. “Didn't you hear me, Captain Sleeshan? That's an order!” She barked at him.

  “We need get you to a transport, Grand Admiral,” worried Sleeshan, as the star charts revealed three Shadow Hound-Class Freighters, five Erif- Ki Inferno- Class Carriers, and three Argoni Warrior- Class Vessels in orbit of Layardia. “You see those ships on the star charts. They sent an ambush flotilla here to try and capture us. You must get to your transport,” Sleeshan warned H'Ackre-Limwin, as command center was hit hard enough to throw the two of them off their feet.

  “Get out of here! I'll cover your escape, Captain Sleeshan. Now, go and may Valient protect you,” ordered H'Ackre-Limwin, as they got to their feet and Sleeshan left the command center. H'Ackre-Limwin grabbed her sword and a wrist comm-unit with a laser beam disintegrator in it. She ran down the same corridor that Sleeshan took.

  The United Alliance's task forces were coming down the corridor and firing at anyone whoever tried to escape the base. The United Alliance's task force was in front of the Grand Admiral in the corridor. The United Alliance was not alone in capturing as many Pirate Rebels as possible. The War Lord Empire has sent five advanced commando units to assist the United Alliance.

  H'Ackre-Limwin saw the odds were stacked against her in escaping the compound alive. The Grand Admiral was a woman of her word and had honor. She aimed her wrist comm-unit at the United Alliance task force men and fired a large plasma burst in their direction. The task force that didn't take cover were disintegrated instantly. The remaining task force that took cover began firing at the Grand Admiral. H'Ackre-Limwin took cover behind a corner of a door, as the task force fired at her. The task force closed in on the Grand Admiral as she took cover.


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